Pages in category "Christianism"
The following 113 pages are in this category, out of 113 total.
- A religious person, it does not mean whether he is Hindu or Muslim or Christian or Buddhist. He must accept God and surrender unto Him. This is religion
- According to the capacity of understanding, in every civilized human society there is a system called religion. It may be Hindu, Christian or Buddha religion - these are major religious systems - but the aim is to make a solution of the problems of life
- Actually, there was only Vedic culture all over the world. As the things deteriorated, new system of religion came in either Sikh or Christian or Muslim religion. They are,deformed type of religion. Real religion is that sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam
- All other system, Christianism or Buddhism or Muhammadanism, they have got one book - Koran, Bible. And we have got so many, dealing with the same subject matter. So which is better? Higher mathematics, or two plus two?
- All these Christians, they are violating the First Commandment. That is their business. Simply engaged in killing, big, big slaughterhouse. And they give the example that, - Others are eating vegetable. That is also killing
- All these religious systems - Muhammadanism, Jewism, then Christianism, Buddhism - their history's not more than 2,000 years
- All these young boys, they were Christians and they are attracted, attached to Swami, and they are so nice. They can appreciate that their character and their behavior, everything is so godly. They are astonished
- Although the Christians and Muhammadans do not worship the Deity, they offer prayers to the Lord, and that is also bhakti. Arcanam vandanam
- Any religious sect, either Hindu or Muslim or Christian or anyone, they go to temple or church to pray to God for some solution of problems. People generally think that, - If I become religious person, then my economic condition must be very nice
- Any religious system - it doesn't matter whether it is Hindu religion or Christian religion or Muhammadan religion - it is the question of how the followers are covering the steps
- Anywhere the four prime religions of the world, namely Hinduism, Christianism, Mohammedanism or Buddhism, directly or indirectly, they are accepting God. And without accepting God there is no meaning of religion
- As you generally understand in the Western country, the word religion is used as "a kind of faith." Faith you can change. Today you are Christian; tomorrow you can become Hindu. But religion cannot be changed
- Because we are part and parcel of God, we may be called as sample God. Just like in Christian Bible also it is said that man is made after the form of the God
- Become religious. If you are really Christian, that is all right. But you are not Christian, because you are violating the orders of Lord Jesus Christ
- Dharma means which cannot be given up. The so-called dharma, or religion . . . suppose I am Hindu and somebody is Christian. This is called faith. The dictionary meaning is, "Religion is faith." So faith can be changed
- Different dharmas are created due to ignorance, which causes people to think in terms of Hindu dharma, Muslim dharma, Christian dharma, this dharma or that dharma
- Different types of religion has sprung up - the Buddhism, Christianism, Muhammadanism. They are not perfect understanding of religious principle
- Either this Christian or Muhammadan, Buddhist religion, Jain religion, this religion, that religion, this "ism," that "ism," they have got history. History, it is limited, within the limited time. But this Vedic religion has no beginning or end
- Either you take Christian religion or Hindu religion or Muslim religion, the idea is to understand God. Therefore, any religion you take, it doesn't matter. If you understand what is God and if you know what is your relationship with God, you are perfect
- Even the Christian, religious persons, they also open hospital to give relief to the patient. So that is not the program. The program is why he should fall sick and come to the hospital? Precaution is better than cure
- Every Indian home, especially the Hindus, never mind in whatever sect or division they belong, they observe Krsna's birthday. As here in the Christian world you observe the birthday of Lord Jesus Christ
- Faith can be changed. "I believe in Christian religion," so it can be changed next day - I accept Hindu religion or Muslim religion. But actually, dharma cannot be changed
- Father is the cause of the beginning of my body or your body, everyone. So therefore He (Krsna) has no beginning - that He has no father, but He is the supreme father. That is the Christian conception: God is the supreme father
- For example, your Christian religion. Lord Jesus Christ says: "Thou shall not kill." But I think cent percent of the Christian people, they are very much engaged in killing. So they are, disobeying the laws of God. Don't you think
- From this Kristo the word has got Christo, or Christ. So even in Christian world the God's name is there - Jesus the Christ, or Jesus the son of Kristo, or Krsna
- God is accepted as the original father. The Christian, they go to the original father: "O Father, O God, give us our daily bread." So we also accept. That is the godly conception. That is the beginning of religious conception
- Gold is gold. If a Christian possesses some gold, does it become Christian gold? Gold is gold whether possessed by a Hindu, a Muslim or a Christian
- I can accept the ritualistic process tomorrow of the Christian faith; or a Christian may take another ritual - but his business, to serve the superior, that does not change
- I have read one book, Lord Jesus Christ, when he was a young boy he was very much shocked when he saw that animal-killing is going on in the synagogue. Therefore he differentiated from the Jews and he started his own religion, Christian religion
- I said in many lectures that Christianism means Vaisnavism. Where is the Christian?
- I say that every, at least, religious sect. I don't say others, nonreligious or agnostic. There are Christian, Muhammadan, Hindu, Sikhs, or any religious system, they have accepted that there is God, Supreme Truth
- If the Hindus deal gold, that does not mean gold becomes Hindu gold. Or the Christian deals in gold, that does not become Christian or Muslim. Gold is gold. Similarly, God is God - the great
- If we take the root meaning, Christian means Krishnian or Krishtian. So that is a controversial point, but everyone can take to Krsna. Then everything will be settled up
- If we turn our attention to fit with the Christian people, or any other religious sect, I think it will not be very much fruitful because nobody will change his faith even though he is given scientific or archeological evidences
- If you say: "No. We are Christian. We have studied Bible, that is all. We do not touch," I don't think that is very nice conclusion
- In Boston one Christian priest issued literature that "These boys, they are our boys. They are so mad after God, but we could not do." Why they have become so? Simply by chanting Hare Krsna
- In every civilized country, in every civilized form of civiliza . . . of society, there is some kind of religious principles, either you accept Muhammadanism or Christianism or Jewism or Hinduism or Buddhism
- In every religion, and every scripture, there are many things, you do it and do not do it. So that is called following the religious principle. In every religion, either Hindu or Christian or Mohammedan, there are some rules and regulation
- In every scripture there is a process of atonement. Just like in Christian religion, at the time of death, if somebody admits that, "I have committed this kind of sin," it is supposed that he is forgiven
- In human society there is some sort of religious system. It does not matter what is that religion - may be Hinduism or Christianism or Muhammadanism or Buddhism - in the civilized human society there is some conception of religious principle
- In the Christian Bible also, Lord Jesus Christ was tortured, but he was not affected. This is the difference between ordinary man and the devotees, or transcendentalists
- In your Christian religion Lord Jesus Christ, he claimed to be the son of God and coming from the kingdom of God to reclaim you. So this claim of Lord Jesus Christ we admit. We, the followers of Bhagavad-gita, we admit this claim
- Isvarah paramah krsnah (Bs 5.1). These are the Vedic authorities accepted by the acaryas. Therefore it has become easy for me to convert so many boys and girls in the foreign countries. Not only Christian, Jews, but there are many Muhammadans, Africans
- It does not matter what is that religion. May be Hinduism or Christianism or Mohammedanism or Buddhism. In the civilized human society there is some conception of religious principle. Without religious principle, we are cats and dogs
- It does not matter whether he is a Christian or a Muslim or a Hindu or Buddhist. It does not matter. But if he strictly abides by the laws given in that religion, then he is a good man, religious man
- It does not matter you learn to love God through Christianism or Hinduism or Muslimism, any "ism," but the result should be how much you have advanced in the art of loving God
- It doesn't matter how we have learned to love God, either Christian religion or Hindu religion or Muhammadan, but if you have got that success, that you have learned how to love God, then your life is successful
- It doesn't matter whether it is Hinduism, Christianism or Buddhism or Muhammadanism, but there must be a religious system. Without this system, that human society is not considered as human society. That is animal society
- It doesn't matter whether one is Christian, one is Hindu or one is Muslim. Our simply request is that whatever you may be, you make cultivation of God consciousness. That is our program
- It doesn't matter whether you are Christian or Hindu. People must be raised to God consciousness scientifically. Otherwise it is doomed. It is not progress. It is already doom. They are simply inviting war after few years
- It doesn't matter whether you are following Christianism or Hinduism or Muhammadanism. Just try to understand how much you have developed your God consciousness to love God. Then in your any religion is nice, very nice
- On this earth we have created so many dharmas - Hindu dharma, Muslim dharma, Christian dharma. These are all manufactured dharmas, but real dharma is attained when we come to the conclusion that Sri Krsna is everything
- One priest was surprised in Boston that - These boys, they are our boys, Christian boys. They are American boys. So previously they were not coming to the church. They did not care for God or to understand what is God. But why they are mad after God now?
- One who does not follow Christian religion, they are called heathens. Is it not? Similarly, anyone who does not follow Vedic principle, he's called mleccha
- One who has got unflinching faith in God, he has got all the good qualification of the demigods. There are many examples. Just see. You are mostly Christian; you know Lord Jesus Christ
- Our definition of religion is to accept the orders of God. That's all. It doesn't matter what religion you are following. You may be Christian, I may be Hindu, that may be Muhammadan, but the test of religion is how one has developed his God consciousness
- Our religion is not faith. It is science. That is the fault. Fanaticism of Christianism, Muhammadanism, has created this godlessness. But Vedic knowledge is not that. It is really knowledge
- People become religious. Just like in your Christian religion they go to the church to get some material profit, "O God, give us our daily bread." This is material profit. Similarly, Hindus or Muslims, they become religious
- Perhaps some of you are acquainted with this Sikh community. They worship this Grantha. Similarly, the Moslems worship the Koran. Similarly, in the Christian world, the Bible is worshiped
- Probably we may also make a program for observing the birthday ceremony here. So you will find that just like in your country in Christmas day you all observe the birthday of Lord Christ, similarly, Krsna, the birthday of Krsna, will be observed in India
- Samah sarvesu bhutesu: he can see everyone on equal vision. Because he knows, - Here is also another living entity. He is not a Chinaman. He is a part and parcel of God. He is not a Christian. He is not a Hindu. He is simply thinking like that
- So far I know, Christian, there is consideration of hell and heaven. Somebody is going to hell, somebody's going to heaven. Is it not? After death
- Somebody commits some sinful activity, and according to different sastra, scripture, there are atonement. Just like in Christian religion, if they admit, then it is all right. No. Harinama should not be taken like that, to counteract my sinful activities
- Sometimes the Christians go to the church, make some atonement, and again does the same thing next week, and again goes to the church, again atonement. This is not good
- Suppose I am Hindu, I become Christian, but my habits are not changed. Then what is the use of becoming from Hindu or Christian to Christian or Hindu?
- Suppose you are Christian, I am Hindu. As soon as this body is finished, my Christianism or religion, everything is finished. But this love of God will not finish
- Take it for granted - Hinduism, Muslimism or Christianism or Buddhism - any "ism" you take - what is the purpose? The purpose is to bring the persons to the light
- That religious system is first class wherein God consciousness, or love of God, is taught. - It doesn't matter whether it is Christian religion or Hindu religion or Muhammadan religion
- That, I have already described it. It is not a sectarianism like Muslimism, Christianism or this-ism. Hinduism also now one of them. Actually, it is a way of life, varnasrama-dharma, how to become elevated to the spiritual platform
- The Christian people, they go to the church, confession, "Sir, I did this, all these sinful activities last week." "All right, pay me something." Again, from Monday, beginning sinful activities; come on Sunday. These are not allowed
- The Christians are supposed to go into the church and confess the sinful activities and pay some fine, and then he becomes free. But that free, that excuse can be done once, twice, thrice, not perpetually
- The Christians say, "God is great." The Muslim also say that allahu akbar. That is also same meaning. The Vedic literature also says Parabrahman. Brahman means the greatest
- The exchange between God and the living entity is called sanatana-dharma or Vaisnavism. So we are teaching that. We are not teaching Hinduism, Muslimism, Christianism. We are teaching how to love God
- The Government of U.K. has passed a bill to hand over the redundant churches to other religious sects, but the Christian authorities want good amount of money for selling these properties
- The Hindus, they have got Vedic scripture. The Muslim, they have got Koran. The Christians, they have got Bible, Old Testament, New Testament. Similarly, there are many other religious sects, they have got their own scripture
- The present religious system of the world, all of them originated from India. The principal religions of the world, namely the Christian religion, the Buddha religion, the Hindu religion, even Muhammadan religion, originally it came from India
- The principles, as they are stated in the Bhagavad-gita, it is not limited within Christian or Communist or capitalist
- The religious life you cannot find in animal society. In the human society, either he may be Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddha, Jews, anything, there is a kind of religious principles. So that is the beginning of human life - religion, dharma
- The whole Vedic civilization is based on this, that you must know what is your relationship with God. It doesn't matter whether you are Hindu, Muslim, Christian or Buddhist. A civilized man must have some religious process. That is all over the world
- There are many scriptures in the world. The Hindus have got the Vedas; the Christians have got the Bible; the Muslims, they have got Koran. Now, if you read all these scriptures, you will find something contradictory. Just like animal killing
- There is supreme religion. These are all temporary religion - Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianism and Muhammadanism. There are so many "isms." They are all temporary
- There may be angles of vision to approach God, but God is one. Therefore our attempt is that you become God conscious. Don't be limited by Christianism or Hinduism or Muhammadanism
- These are the Vedic information. God means na tasya karyam karanam ca vidyate. He has nothing to do; He has simply to desire. I think in Christian Bible also it is said, "God said, 'Let there be creation,' and there was creation." He has to simply desire
- They (Christians) want to support their killing process in so many ways. They'll never agree that, "Yes, Christ says not to kill. We should stop it." No. They want to support it by various interpretation
- They are calling themselves as Christian, but they're not following the example of Lord Jesus Christ. But they should follow, everyone
- They give some false argument, "Lord Christ says, 'Thou shall not kill' and if I kill, Christ has taken the contract that whatever sinful activities we do, he will excuse." This is Christian dogma
- This is a knowledge, that every living entity is imprisoned within this body. This knowledge is equally good for Hindus, Muslim, Christian or everyone. There is no question of Christianism or Hinduism
- This Krsna consciousness movement is incarnation. They are teaching love of Godhead. We are not teaching some ritualistic process that, "You become Hindu," "You become Christian," "You become Muhammadan." We are simply teaching, You try to love God
- Those who are burying the bodies of their forefathers, the body turns into dust, as the Christian Bible says, "Dust thou art." This body is dust and again turn into dust
- Those who are Christian, you pray in the church, "O Father." So God is actually the father. In the BG it is also it is said: "Father." Aham bija-pradah pita (BG 14.4). Pita means father. Actually, God supplies everything through the material agent
- Truth is truth. "Two plus two equal to four," it is accepted by the Hindus, Muslim, Christian and everyone. Science is science. So therefore we should be interested about inquiring. This is the confirmation in every scripture
- Vaisnava is meant for delivering all the fallen souls. Just like a very good example: Lord Jesus Christ. According to the Christian idea, he took all the sins of all people and he sacrificed his life. Very good example
- Vandanam, offering prayer. We also offer prayer. The other religious sect, just like the Christians, they offer prayer; the Muhammadans, they offer prayer. So prayer, offering prayer, is also one of the item of bhakti
- We are discussing about spirit soul, not the Indian, American, Christian, Hindu. No. We have no business with this skin philosophy, that "Here is an American, white; and here is an African, black." No
- We are Krsna conscious. Now take any religion and take their highest conclusion - it is there in Krsna consciousness. Take for example Buddhism. They say nonviolence. Oh, we are nonviolent. Christianism, love of God
- We are not against any "ism," either Muslimism or Christianism. This Krsna consciousness, we never preach against anyone
- We are propagating, teaching people how to love God. That is our mission. We don't say that you become Christian or Hindu or Muslim . . . No. You become a lover of God. So comparatively, the process which we are recommending, that is the easiest process
- We are recommending chanting of the holy name of God. If the Muslim or Japanese or the Christian, they have got the holy name of God, that is also as good
- We don't say that you follow Christianism or Muhammadanism or Jewism or Hinduism - we don't say. Whether you are developing your love of Godhead
- What did you go to take shelter of another? That means you condemned Vaisnavism that is not good of you. The same thing because one man is bad as soon as I condemned Christianism you're argument is bad
- Why you are sticking to Hinduism and Muslimism and Christianism? Why? That is rascaldom. You take to His (Krsna's) advice and you'll be happy
- You follow one acarya, like Christians, they follow Christ, acarya. The Muhammadans, they follow acarya, Muhammad. That is good. You must follow some acarya. But don't give your opinion. That is our process
- You know - most of you belong to Christian community - how Lord Jesus Christ, he said that for your sinful activities he has sacrificed himself. That is the determination of devotee of the Lord. They don't care for personal comforts
- You may become Hindu, Muslim, Christian, or brahmin, ksatriya . . . whatever you may be, it doesn't matter. But if you are a religious person, the test is how much you have developed love of Godhead. Then it is tested, - Yes, you are nice
- You may educate in any way - Christian way, Hindu way, Muslim - but educate all the people about God consciousness. Otherwise the civilization is doomed
- You may follow Christianism or Hinduism or Buddhism or Muhammadanism - it doesn't matter. The test is how far you have developed love of God. That is the test
- You may have faith in Hinduism; tomorrow you may have faith in Christianism. Or you may have faith in Christianism, tomorrow in Muhammadan . . . This kind of faith is not Krsna consciousness
- You remain Christian, but what is the harm to study other literatures where more informations are there? That is quite reasonable. We are not asking you to become Hindus