Category:Accepting Animal Bodies
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Pages in category "Accepting Animal Bodies"
The following 72 pages are in this category, out of 72 total.
- A female child - by evolution, means when she gets another body, youthful body, her consciousness is different. If you get the body of a pig, your consciousness is different from the consciousness of a man
- A learned person's vision enables him to see them all equally. How is this? He does not see the body but the soul, the spiritual spark (Brahman). He thinks: Here is a dog, but it is also a living entity, although by his past karma he has become a dog
- A person may be enjoying the body of a prime minister or a president, but when he understands that he will be forced to accept the body of a dog or hog, he chooses not to leave the present body. Therefore he lies in a coma many days before death
- According to the circumstances, we get different types of body. So from the aquatics, next promotion is trees, plants, then insects, then birds, then beasts
- According to the results of my fruitive activities, I transmigrate from one body to another, sometimes going to the species of the demigods, sometimes to the species of lower animals, sometimes among the vegetables, and sometimes to the human species
- Actually the mind of the King was absorbed in the body of the deer, and consequently - like those bereft of Krsna consciousness - he left the world, the deer, and his material body and acquired the body of a deer. However, there was one advantage
- After giving up this gross body, the living entity enters either an animal body or a demigod's body on this planet or on another planet. He thus enjoys the results of the actions of his past life
- After quitting his body as a king (Maharaja Bharata) , Maharaja Bharata was transferred to the body of a deer, but he retained the same consciousness
- After taking on such a body (of hog or a monkey in Vrndavana-dhama), the offender is liberated in the next life
- After understanding Krsna as He is, one can become eligible to enter Krsnaloka and associate with Him. The mind is the cause of such an exalted position. The mind can also get one a body like those of dogs and hogs
- Agastya Muni then spoke this curse against the King: This King Indradyumna is not at all gentle. Being low and uneducated, he has insulted a brahmana. May he therefore enter the region of darkness and receive the dull, dumb body of an elephant
- All of these bodies (tiger, hog and human being) are made according to the work done in past lives by the living entity. Our next bodies are being prepared according to the work which we are now doing
- Although Bharata received the body of a deer, by constant repentance he became completely detached from all material things. He did not disclose these things to anyone, but he left his mother deer in a place known as Kalanjara Mountain, where he was born
- Although he (Bharata) lost his human body and received the body of a deer, he did not forget the incidents of his past life
- Although in his next life he got the body of an elephant, because of devotional service he remembered how to worship and offer prayers to the Lord
- Anyone who has accepted this material body, even a small ant, and the demigods, Indra and Lord Brahma, by their pious activities they have got big, big post as demigods, long, prolonged life and many other facilities. But they are all living entities
- Because we wanted to enjoy. So enjoy, you enjoy with this body, particular body. Either human's body, or dog's body, or cat's body, or demigod's body, you get as you desire. You get a material body and enjoy. This is material life
- Because your mind is absorbed in the thought of dog, therefore you must take the dog's body. This is nature's law. Therefore we have to train up our mind. Instead of dog, you must train up your mind to think of God. Then you will be saved
- Between Brahma and ant, there are millions of other living entities, 8,000,000. They're all imperfect because they have accepted this material body, either Brahma or ant. But your perfection will come when you do not accept this material body
- Bharata Maharaja had to accept the body of a deer due to being overly compassionate for this infant deer
- Bharata Maharaja, at the time of death, would be forced to accept the body of a deer due to his attraction for the deer. In this regard, a question may be raised. How can a devotee be affected by his past misconduct and vicious activities
- By putting forward mundane logic one frequently comes to the wrong conclusion regarding the Absolute Truth, and as a result of such a conclusion one may fall down to accept a body like that of a jackal
- Each of us has a tongue, and suppose we want to eat stool. We may say, "Krsna, I want to taste stool," and Krsna will say, - Yes, take this body of a hog and eat stool
- Either you get a princely body or a dog's body, because you have accepted a material body, therefore you have to suffer. You have to suffer. There is no excuse
- Every living entity, by the all laws of nature, is imprisoned or allowed under certain apartment, either in the body of a tree or a human being or demigod or cat or dog. These are all ordained
- For a while, he (the living entity) is a child, but he has to become a boy. From a boy, he has to change into a youth, and from youth to manhood and old age. Finally, when the body is no longer workable, he has to accept a new body in a different species
- From the spiritual point of view the King (Bharata) was actually falling from his exalted spiritual position and unnecessarily becoming attached to an animal. Thus degrading himself, he would have to accept an animal body
- He (a foolish person) does not know that although in his present body he may be a very important man, he may next get the body of an animal or tree because of his ignorant activities in the modes of material nature
- He (Bharata Maharaja) was very anxious to get out of his deer body, and this indicates that his affection for devotional service was intensified, so much so that he was quickly to attain perfection in a brahmana body in the next life
- How the demigod had been obliged to accept the body of a lizard was not a secret to Lord Krsna, but still, for others' information, the Lord inquired
- How we shall exist - what kind of body, either demigod's body or dog's body or tree's body or fish's body - that will depend on my work. Or we go back to home, back to Godhead, Krsna, we get the spiritual body like Krsna. Everything is possible
- I can develop the body like an elephant, but the elephant is conducted under the direction of a man. You know? Such a big animal is controlled by a small boy of human being. So everyone is under control
- I was engaged in the service of the Lord, but due to my misfortune, I became very affectionate to a small deer, so much so that I neglected my spiritual duties. Due to my deep affection for the deer, in my next life I had to accept the body of a deer
- If an animal is staying in a particular body for so many days or so many years and is untimely killed, then he has to come back again in that form of life to complete the remaining days in order to be promoted to another species of life. BG 1972 purports
- If by karma he has to accept the body of a rat, it will not be excused by nature that "You have constructed skyscraper building; therefore you'll again come and live there." No, that is not possible
- If he associates with the mode of ignorance, he gets the body of an animal or an inferior man, but if he associates with the mode of goodness or passion, he gets a body accordingly
- If he gets a superior body, then that is also an entanglement, even if he goes to the heavenly planets. But if he becomes a cat or dog, then his life is lost. Or a tree - there is every chance of it
- If I continue my materialistic way of life, then I am causing another material body. This is called karanam. If I have got a doggish mentality, then I am causing myself to get a dog's body
- If one has maintained a dog mentality, then he'll get a dog's body. All this property he made in this life goes to hell. He becomes a dog if he has maintained a dog mentality. And if he has maintained a god's mentality, then he becomes a god also
- If the living entity adulterates his consciousness with the qualities of cats and dogs, in his next life he gets a cat or dog body and enjoys. BG 1972 purports
- If we neglecting the rules and regulation, if we have to accept the body of a dog, just imagine how much displeasing it will be
- If you are thinking of your pet dog, then you get the dog's body. And if you are thinking of Krsna, God, then you'll get the body like Krsna. That will be decided at the time of your death
- In this life one may have constructed a very tall skyscraper, but in the next life, because of one's mentality, one may have to accept a body like that of a cat, a dog, a tree or perhaps a demigod. Thus the body is offered by the laws of material nature
- Krsna gives order because we want it. Krsna does not force you to enter into the dog's body or hog's body or demigod's body or human being's body, but as we create situation by desire, Krsna gives us the facility to possess such body
- Krsna is noting down that "This soul is very much fond of fresh blood and raw meat. All right. You take the body of a tiger. Yes. This soul feels pleasure being naked. All right, you take the body of a tree. You stand up naked for ten thousand years"
- Material nature displays wonderful workmanship by creating varieties of bodies for the living beings according to their propensities for sense gratification. The living entity who wants to taste stool is given a body that is suitable for eating stool
- My mentality will create another gross body. If I am dog mentality, then I'll create another body, dog's body. And if I am God mentality, then I'll create another body like God. This is the process
- National - means those who are born in that particular land. So there are animals also. They are also national. But because they are imperfect, either the Communist or capitalist, they do not accept the animals as nationals
- No one knows whether he will receive a human body again; there is no guarantee, for according to one's work one may get any body, from that of a demigod to that of a dog
- Not only does the human being have a material body, but other living entities, such as cats and dogs, also have material bodies
- Suppose I am very comfortable at the present moment. My body may be comfortable, but there will be death, and then another birth. After giving up my present body, if I get the body of a cat or a dog, what is the meaning of my comfortable position
- Suppose you become very big businessman and you have got nice, very big balance and so on, so on, but by your activities you remain like a dog mentality is, then you are going to get the body of a dog
- That is explained in Bhagavad-gita and without knowing God he will have to transmigrate from different types of body sometimes like big tree, sometimes ant, sometimes dog, sometimes man, sometimes tiger this is required - fate
- The learned brahmana's description indicates different types of births, for one lies down according to one's body. Sometimes one takes birth as an animal and sometimes as a king
- The living entity receives different types of bodies according to karma. One living entity may receive a cat body, another a dog body, and so forth
- The living entity thinks that he is very happy in whatever body he gets. He may get the body of a dog or the body of a cat, but he is happy in his body, and he does not want to lose it. This is called illusion
- The Mayavadi philosopher's presentation is that the living entity enjoys his pastimes by accepting the body of a hog. This theory is not acceptable because the word "pastime" implies voluntary acceptance for enjoyment. This interpretation is misleading
- This (getting a cat's body, dog's body, tree's body) is going on perpetually. Not perpetually - at least for many, many millions of years. But because we are fool, especially in this age of Kali, we do not understand it
- This life, I am busy for constructing a skyscraper building, and next time, next life, if I get the body of a cat or dog, so I'll have to live in that house because I have got attraction as a cat and dog, and who will care for me? So these are the facts
- Those who are intelligent know that such a sacrifice (animal sacrifice) cannot be successful in this age because no one knows the proper mantras capable of giving an old animal the body of a new animal
- Those who are intelligent, they think that, "Why shall I neglect this point? I am not going to accept a body like a tree or a dog. If I accept a body, I must have a body very nice." One may not be interested in this fact, but others may be interested
- We are given the opportunity by nature to utilize our consciousness, to utilize our intelligence, to understand God. But if we do not utilize, if we live like cats and dog, then next life we have to accept, by nature's law, the body of cats and dogs
- We may change to an animal body or a demigod body depending on our activities. According to the Padma Purana there are at death. But Krsna promises that one who knows His birth and activities in truth is freed from this cycle of transmigration
- When one is not situated in Krsna consciousness, he does not necessarily get a human body again; he can get the body of a cat, dog, hog, demigod or one of many other forms, for there are 8,400,000 species. BG 1972 purports
- When the living entity gets the body of a demigod, he is certainly very jubilant, when he gets a human body he is always in lamentation, and when he gets the body of an animal, he is always afraid
- When we change our body, there is no guarantee that we get the same type of body. A male can get a female body. There are many instances like that. And a female can get the male body. A man can get animal body, like that