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Pages in category "Reward"
The following 91 pages are in this category, out of 91 total.
- A brahmana may receive much opulence from his disciples, he should not utilize the rewards of his priesthood for his personal benefit; he must use them for the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A first-class brahmana does not accept any rewards from his disciples or yajamanas. Practicing austerities and penances, he instead goes to the agricultural field and collects food grains left by the agriculturalists to be collected by brahmanas
- A great man, if you give him little service, he rewards you more than you expect. And what to speak of Krsna? He is the greatest of all. If you give Him little service, He gives you more than you expect. That is a fact
- A student, after finishing his education, gives up his relationship with the teacher and the school. A priest, after taking his reward from the worshiper, gives him up. When the fruit season is over, birds are no longer interested in the tree
- According to our experience in the material world, a person punished in one court may appeal to another. Thus the same man may be either punished or rewarded according to different judgments
- According to political science, a king sometimes tries to pacify his subordinates, sometimes chastises them, sometimes derides them and sometimes rewards them. In this way the king rules his subordinates
- According to these philosophers (the Mimamsaka philosophers), there is no need to become a devotee of God. If one strictly follows moral principles, one will be recognized by the Lord, who will give the desired reward
- Advaita Acarya, greatly pleased, began to dance, saying - Just see how My desire has now been fulfilled! Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to treat Me honorably for so long, but now He is treating Me neglectfully. This is My reward
- After fighting and defeating Lord Siva in the dress of a hunter, Arjuna pleased the Lord and received as a reward a weapon called pasupata-astra. Everyone knew that he was a great warrior. BG 1972 purports
- After Sisupala died by the mercy of Krsna & merged into the spiritual existence, & after the end of the Rajasuya-yajna, when all the friends, guests & well-wishers had been sufficiently honored and rewarded, King Yudhisthira went to bathe in the Ganges
- After the salvation of Sisupala, King Yudhisthira rewarded all the members present in the sacrificial assembly
- All such acts of the Lord were mentioned (like when Pariksit was saved in the womb of his mother and the Pandavas had to fight in Kuruksetra) in the addresses of welcome, and Maharaja Pariksit, satisfied, rewarded those who presented such addresses
- Arjuna saved Dronacarya from the attack of a crocodile, and the Acarya, being pleased with him, rewarded him with a weapon of the name brahmasira
- As a king sometimes punishes or rewards to maintain law & order, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, although having nothing to do with the activities of this material world, sometimes appears as various incarnations according to the time, place & object
- As dogs are negligible animals and serve the master faithfully for bits of bread, a man serves a master faithfully without sufficient rewards
- As long as the living entity is in material existence, actions performed by him are rewarded in the next life, or even in the present life. Similarly, in his spiritual life also actions are rewarded by the Lord by the five kinds of liberation
- At the end of ten thousand years of severe austerities performed by the Pracetas, the SPG, to reward their austerities, appeared before them in His very pleasing form. This appealed to the Pracetas and satisfied the labor of their austerities
- Bhagavad-Gita says, "In whatever way one surrenders unto Me, I reward him accordingly"
- Brahma and Siva, who can satisfy all materially ambitious men by giving them the rewards they desire, then manifested their own identities before King Rantideva, for it was they who had presented themselves as the brahmana, sudra, candala and so on
- By the will of the Lord, King Pariksit, while going away, found a dead snake in front of him, and he thought that the sage, who had coldly received him, thus might be coldly rewarded by being offered a garland of a dead snake
- Even if the devotee were offered such rewards (such as live on the same planet with the Supreme Lord, having the same form or opulence as the Lord, to live with Him side by side or to merge into His existence) by the Lord, he would reject them
- Everyone must go to learn the Vedas from an authorized teacher and must satisfy the teacher by service and reward
- For all our activities there are witnesses; therefore it is said in the scriptures that the living entities are under superior supervision and that they are rewarded and punished according to their work
- Formerly a king used to punish a criminal by dunking him in the river, raising him up again for breath and then again dunking him in the water. Material nature punishes and rewards the individual entity in just the same way
- Generally karmis take advantage of bathing there (in Prayaga) during the month of Magha, thinking that they will be rewarded in the future. Those who are situated in devotional service do not very strictly follow this karma-kandiya process
- Good work is rewarded with good benefit and bad work is punished. This is the law of karma
- He simply has to act, then he is a real soldier. He acts in that way and he gets his reward. He gets title and honor. He doesn't care
- How a man is going to heaven or hell, one can understand from the direction of the scriptures, just like you can understand how a man is going to be punished or rewarded within this material world
- If in this universe there are many rulers and justices who disagree about punishment and reward, their contradictory actions will neutralize each other, and no one will be punished or rewarded
- If one accepts punishment as a reward dealt by the master, he becomes intelligent enough not to commit the same mistake again
- If there were many authorities who gave different judgments, which could be contradictory, a person might be wrongly punished or wrongly rewarded, or he might be neither punished nor rewarded
- If you become religious, then you are rewarded, and if you are irreligious, then you are punished
- In India especially, there is now a class of professional Bhagavatam readers whose means of livelihood is to go from village to village, town to town, reading Bhagavatam & collecting daksina, or rewards, in the form of money or goods, like cloth & fruit
- In India especially, there is now a class of professional Bhagavatam readers whose means of livelihood is to go from village to village, town to town, reading Bhagavatam and collecting daksina, or rewards, in the form of money or goods
- In India there is a class, they are professional Bhagavata reciters. They make contract that he shall recite Srimad-Bhagavatam, finish within a week, and he should be rewarded. These things are not recommended in the authoritative scriptures
- In the material world the conditioned spirit soul is subjected to various rewards and punishments
- In the present days the welcome addresses are presented not always with factual statements but to please the postholder, and often they are full of flattering lies. And rarely are those who present such welcome addresses rewarded by the poor receiver
- It is described that after the appearance of the Lord, when Dhruva Maharaja thought and compared his determination to his final reward, he realized that he had wanted a few particles of broken glass but instead had received many diamonds
- It is sometimes seen that demigods like Indra & Candra are worshiped & offered sacrificial awards, yet the rewards of all such sacrifices are awarded to the worshiper by the Supreme Lord, & it is the Lord only who can offer all welfare to the worshiper
- It is the duty of a faithful and chaste wife to help her husband in every respect, especially when the husband is engaged in Krsna consciousness. In this case, the husband also amply rewarded the wife
- Karma means you have to enjoy the result, fruitive result. That is called karma. And vikarma means punishable, papa. And akarma means you do something, but you are neither punishable nor rewardable
- King Yudhisthira sufficiently rewarded all the demigods who participated in the yajna, and, being greatly satisfied, all of them left, praising the King's activities and glorifying Lord Krsna
- Krsna clearly says that only those who have lost their sense worship the demigods for paltry rewards (7.20, 23)
- Maharaja Pariksit, after having selected Krpacarya for guidance as his spiritual master, performed three horse sacrifices on the banks of the Ganges. These were executed with sufficient rewards for the attendants
- Material nature awards and punishes the living entity. When the living entity is materially opulent, material nature is rewarding him. When he is materially embarrassed, material nature is punishing him
- My dear gentle wife, because you have worshiped me with great devotion, considering me a representative of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, I shall reward you by fulfilling your desires, which are unobtainable for an unchaste wife
- My dear sir, - the youth said, "you are an old man just like my father. It is my duty to serve you. I don't require any reward." "No, I'm obliged to you, and I must reward you," the old man insisted
- Of sacrifices, that sacrifice performed according to duty and to scriptural rules, and with no expectation of reward, is of the nature of goodness. BG 17.11 - 1972
- On request from many influential demigods and sages, he (Janamejaya) had to change his decision to kill the race of snakes, but despite stopping the sacrifice, he satisfied everyone concerned in the sacrifice by rewarding them properly
- People who develop this conception of religiosity perform sacrifices, give in charity, and undergo different types of austerity and penance, all with a view toward being rewarded with material prosperity
- Philosophers like Jaimini and his followers establish that He or they (some superhuman powerful God or gods) are also under the influence of fruitive activity because they reward result according to one's action
- Salva, one of the kings Krsna defeated when He kidnapped Rukmini, decided to rid the entire world of the Yadavas. To defeat the Yadavas, Salva worshiped Lord Siva, who rewarded him with an aerial car named Saubha
- Sometimes he (Arjuna) underwent severe types of penances, and later on he was rewarded by Indradeva. Lord Siva also wanted to try the strength of Arjuna, and in the form of an aborigine, Lord Siva met him
- Srimati Radharani continued, "You foolish bumblebee, you are trying to satisfy Me and get a reward by singing the glories of Krsna, but it is a useless attempt. We gopis are bereft of all our possessions. We are away from our homes and families"
- Sukadeva Gosvami clearly states that by worshiping Lord Siva one achieves one reward whereas by worshiping Lord Visnu one achieves a different reward
- That supreme controller is observing every bit of one's activity, and He rewards or punishes everyone by giving one a suitable body made by material nature (bhramayan sarva-bhutani yantrarudhani mayaya - BG 18.61
- The all-knowing astrologer concluded, "Whatever You may be or whoever You may be, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You!" By His causeless mercy, the Lord then gave him love of Godhead, thus rewarding him for his service
- The commander says, Just go and kill the enemy, and he is rewarded. Do you think that by killing one gets reward? No - it is for the duty discharged
- The devotees know this truth (God knows past,present & future) and therefore they discharge their duties sincerely, without being overly anxious for rewards. Besides that, one cannot estimate the Lord's reactions, either by speculation or by scholarship
- The fruitive worker wants reward for his work, the mystic wants some perfection of life, and the empiric philosopher wants to merge in the existence of the Lord
- The Lord (Krsna) is constitutionally well versed in all the Vedas, and yet to teach by example that everyone must go to learn the Vedas from an authorized teacher and must satisfy the teacher by service and reward, He Himself adopted this system
- The messenger said, "We have now come to the real conclusion of our lives. Our kingly positions were nothing but the reward of our past pious activities, just as our suffering imprisonment by Jarasandha is the result of our past impious activities"
- The person who is attached to Krsna and works for Him only is certainly a liberated person, and he is not anxious for fruitive rewards. BG 1972 purports
- The rendering of service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead in expectation of a good reward is deprecated by Prahlada Maharaja as mercantile business
- The same example, that the same state, the same man, when he was fighting in the battlefield, he was being elevated to higher position, rewarded. But same man coming back from the battlefield, he has killed somebody, some of his neighbor, he's hanged
- The she-demon was known as Jara, and being compassionate on the childless King, she went to the King and presented him with the nice child, The King was very pleased with the she-demon and wanted to reward her according to her desire
- The Vedas say, svadharma-nisthah sata janmabhih puman virincatam eti: "One who strictly follows the principles of varnasrama-dharma for at least one hundred births will be rewarded with the post of Lord Brahma
- The welcome addresses were full of facts and figures, and those who presented such addresses were sufficiently rewarded
- The worker with a desire to enjoy the fruits of his work is hankering after transient material happiness, and such a worker is rewarded with worldly or heavenly happiness within the material worlds
- The world is full of Jagais and Madhais; namely drunkards, women-hunters, meat eaters and gamblers, and we will have to approach them at the risk of insult, injury and similar other rewards
- These all (austerities, pious duties, and mystic yoga) reward different results to their performer. The rewards of these practices, however, appear to be very glittering as long as one is not elevated to the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- These singers and dancers had no means of subsistence other than the rewards of valuable garments and ornaments left by the queens and kings on such occasions
- They (materialistic persons) offer obeisances to saintly persons or the Supreme Lord and give something in charity for preaching work with a view that they will be rewarded with further economic development
- This (to be rewarded by her husband) is not to be expected by a woman who is the wife of an ordinary person
- This is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita: "Those who worship the different demigods achieve the desired results the respective demigods can reward"
- This poetry was found in the India House Library at London by Gurudasa. I was searching after it and my master has rewarded me of this after so long a time (34 years). Please publish it in BTG
- Those who worship the material energy receive the suitable reward for such activities, and those who worship the pitrs receive similar results
- What one has to attain after many, many births, we are simply saying is surrender to Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness. That's all. This is the greatest boon or, what is called, greatest reward or contribution to the human society
- When he (the conditioned spirit soul) is rewarded for his righteous activities, he is elevated to the higher planets where he becomes one of the many demigods
- When he is punished, he (the individual entity) is dunked in the water of material miseries, and when he is rewarded, he is taken out of it for some time
- With great respect, the original king, Prthu, offered all kinds of rewards to the brahmanas present at the sacrifice. Since all these brahmanas were very much satisfied, they gave their heartfelt blessings to the King