Category:Carry On
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Pages in category "Carry On"
The following 65 pages are in this category, out of 65 total.
- According to Vedic way, Krsna is the Absolute Truth. Krsna is Absolute Truth, accepted by the acaryas. Indian civilization is carried on the advice of the acarya-sampradaya. So all the acaryas they all accept Krsna as the Absolute Truth
- All these affairs (animal killing and flesh-eating) are ghastly, and a compassionate person, namely a devotee of the Lord, becomes very unhappy to see such a sight. The hunting process is also carried on in a different way, as we have already explained
- Although you are only two you should carry on all your programs as far as possible. In the beginning I was only one and I started everything, so you have twice as many men. Trust in Krsna and simply dedicate your life
- At the time of death, the consciousness he has created will carry the living entity on to the next type of body
- Devotees are simply determined to execute the order of the SP of Godhead (Krsna) or His representative, the spiritual master. In all circumstances, even amidst the greatest dangers, they undeviatingly carry on with the greatest determination
- Dharma means the laws of God. It is not a sentiment, faith, "I believe." You believe or not believe, what does it matter? You believe or not believe in the government laws - it must carry on
- Fierce fighting began between the two parties, exactly like that formerly carried on between the demigods and the demons. The fighting was severe, and whoever observed the fierce nature of the fight felt his bodily hairs stand on end
- Fruitive action is being carried on by the help of material science and to a little extent by gross material help, but the materialists await a still more subtle advancement in the process of vibrating sounds on which the Vedic hymns are established
- I am always thinking of Caracas temple. Although I went there once, it has given me some impression. Now I am an old man, and am depending on you to carry on our mission more enthusiastically. The seed is already there. Now water it
- I am depending on you all to carry on this great mission in my absence; chant and hear, and Krishna will bless you
- I am in receipt of your letter dated December 7, 1973 along with the wonderful photos of Denver Temple. Thank you very much. I am very pleased. Carry on as you are doing. When I return to the U.S. next summer I will certainly consider visiting there
- I can see that Lord Caitanya is giving you good intelligence to carry on in this way and infiltrate all facets of society with the sublime process of Krishna Consciousness
- I feel happy that even after my departure, things will go on. I am happy that I have got so many sincere devotees who will carry on
- I have become old, and you are also old, although not so old as I am. We may pass away, but my disciples will carry on this festival yearly, and so it will be remembered forever our eternal relationship with Jagannathaji and Radha-Govindaji
- I never wanted that any of my temples shall be dependent upon the other temples; rather, our main business is to train up men to be self-sufficient and competent in many ways to carry on the preaching work
- I want that all married couples should open new centers and carry on by dint of hard labor
- If someone wants to understand a little philosophy, he can purchase one of our books. We have got so many big, big books. So in this spirit carry on with great enthusiastic endeavor and this will please me very, very much
- In childhood I used to take my ratha with my little friends, about 60 years ago. Again I am reviving the same attempt with my young disciples. I have become old, and you are also old. We may pass away, but my disciples will carry on this festival yearly
- In His (Krsna's) pastimes as an empowered incarnation, He takes the form of King Prthu, and He also carries on His pastimes as the Supersoul in everyone's heart and as the impersonal Brahman as well
- In the name of religion so many sinful acts are being carried on that the people in general have neither peace of mind nor health of body
- Indian civilization is carried on the advice of the acarya-sampradaya. So all the acaryas like Sankaracarya, Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, they all accept Krsna as the Absolute Truth. So when we hear from Krsna, then we get absolute knowledge
- It brings about the end of the phenomenal world, it carries on the work of creation by bringing one individual into existence from another, and likewise it dissolves the universe by destroying even the lord of death, Yamaraja
- It does not mean that because occupation duty is not the real consideration, that I should give it up and do something else, thinking that devotional service may be carried on under whatever circumstances which I may whimsically decide
- It is my plan that in my old age I am handing over all matters of temple management to you and you may simply carry on and expand the programs which I have introduced, and in this way I will be free to translate
- It is understood that by his brain or his energetic expansion, the business is running without interruption. It is the brain and energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead that carry on the complete manifestation of the material and spiritual worlds
- Material activities are being carried on by His different potencies. The Lord is always neutral in the material activities of the created world. This neutrality is explained here (in BG 9.9). BG 1972 purports
- Meditation should be carried on with the chanting of a mantra. Chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra is the easiest process of meditation in this age
- My point is that here in this New Mayapura, if you simply carry on this man-mana bhava mad-bhaktah, then all your necessities will come automatically, don't bother
- My sannyasi disciples Yasodanandana Swami and Acyutananda Swami will carry on the program there. Please help them to make this program a success
- Not only did Dhruva Maharaja perform many sacrifices, but he carried on his transcendental occupation of engagement in the devotional service of the Lord
- Now I am an old man, and am depending on you to carry on our mission more enthusiastically. The seed is already there. Now water it and let it grow and fruit will come out, fruit of love of Godhead, and you will all enjoy, even in this material world
- Now I am getting old, so if you can do things without me, that will be a great pleasure for me. You are an experienced devotee and know how to manage things, and you have good men there to help you so I am sure that you can carry on things nicely
- Now let us discuss the offenses in Deity worship. The following are offenses: (a) to enter the temple with shoes or being carried on a palanquin, (b) not to observe the prescribed festivals, (c) to avoid offering obeisances in front of the Deity
- O respectable personalities present here, I beg the blessings of all of you that I may perpetually carry on my crown the dust of the lotus feet of such brahmanas and Vaisnavas until the end of my life
- Our children in Dallas school should be trained because I want that a new generation of devotees shall carry on this great mission successfully
- Our main business is to train up men to be self sufficient and competent in many ways to carry on the preaching work, not to make them into specialists or to minimize their responsibility by centralizing everything
- Sacrifices were conducted from the birth of Brahma, the first living creature, and were carried on till the reign of Maharaja Yudhisthira
- So long there is enough space for our devotees so they may be able to carry on their preaching work, but if you can get such building as you are describing in the midtown area costing between $1 - 1.6 million, that will be your greatest achievement in KC
- Sri Narada said: O pious King, do not lament for anyone, for everyone is under the control of the Supreme Lord. Therefore all living beings and their leaders carry on worship to be well protected. It is He only who brings them together and disperses them
- Take your (GBC) responsibility very, very seriously as being the representative of Chaitanya, Who is God Himself & always remember that you are one of the few men I have appointed to carry on my work throughout the world & your mission before you is huge
- The Deity worship, the kirtana, the street sankirtana, distribution of literature, books. You should carry on this program with great enthusiasm. That is my request
- The Nawab pleaded with Sanatana Gosvami: If you also retire from government service, how will the administration carry on?
- The rulers carry on the administration according to direction (given by intelligent class of men)
- The Supreme Lord's pastimes are more attractive to liberated souls than to mundane people. He is of necessity not impersonal because it is only possible to carry on transcendental rasa with a person
- There are many different pastimes of Krsna - such as His pastimes in the forms of Vasudeva and Sankarsana - and in the material sky His pastimes are carried on as the first purusa incarnation, the creator of the material world
- There will be no botheration for you of family life, provided it is carried on in full Krishna Consciousness. Follow this idea and you will be happy
- This transcendental sound vibration, immediately will carry you on the transcendental platform. You chant Hare Krsna and try to hear, so that your mind is absorbed in the sound vibration
- When the great sages were carrying on their discussion in this way, they saw a dust storm arising from all directions. This storm was caused by the running of thieves and rogues, who were engaged in plundering the citizens
- When we are in need of money to carry on Krishna's work, then we can resort to whatever means there is available. So long it is always for Krishna and never for personal sense gratification. So you can try to get some money in that way
- Within the abdomen of the mother, the nourishment of the child was being carried on by nature's own arrangement
- Work very nicely to encourage Abhirama and the others to very enthusiastically carry on our program there in Miami, even though there may be so many difficulties
- Yamaraja is in charge of ruling of the sinful persons. Dharmasya sasanam. Dharma means the laws of God. It is not a sentiment, faith. You believe or not believe, what does it matter? You believe or not believe in the government laws - it must carry on
- Yes (Krsna incarnated as a fish), when there was pralaya. This is the way how creation carries on
- You are carrying on the Street Sankirtana Party as we have instituted in the Western countries even though you have sometimes only one companion. This spirit is most satisfactory and this work is proven as the basis of our successful movement
- You are successfully carrying on the Sankirtana Movement and Krishna is giving you encouragement by mercifully giving some money also. So rest assured that Sankirtana Movement is specifically benedicted by Lord Caitanya for achieving all kinds of success
- You can have the band play there in the temple as you are in great need of money to carry on there
- You GBC men are my selected few for insuring that what I am doing will be carried on very nicely for the pleasure of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- You should be very serious for trying for it, as I think that you are one of my senior disciples and I am very much relying on you now to carry on this mission with full responsibility
- You should carry on your sankirtana movement; you are fit for that. Wherever you like you can make your Headquarters
- Your enthusiasm is very encouraging to me; there is great need for the spreading of Krishna Consciousness, and we need so many enthusiastic boys and girls for carrying on this great mission of Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Yudhisthira thought that although he was not actually involved in the administration of the kingdom, which was being carried on well by Duryodhana without harm to the citizens, he caused the killing of so many living beings only for his personal gain