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Pages in category "Inch"
The following 43 pages are in this category, out of 43 total.
- Advanced civilization means every man must have sufficient space to live. Why do you create this path? People will recreate, they will feel repressed, so space is required for refreshment. So what is this civilization? Three inches room
- After finishing his vituperation, he struck Krsna on the head with his club and made a roaring sound like a lion, but Krsna, although struck strongly by the club of Dantavakra, did not move even an inch
- Although He (Krsna) is beyond the reach of all senses, she (mother Yasoda) endeavored to bind Him to a wooden grinding mortar. But when she tried to bind Him, she found that the rope she was using was too short - by two inches
- As a pure devotee, Maharaja Ambarisa, although in such danger, did not move an inch from his position, nor did he request the Supreme Personality of Godhead to give him protection
- Each of His arms and legs had become three cubits long; only skin connected the separated joints. The Lord's body temperature, indicating life, was very low. All the joints in His arms, legs, neck and waist were separated by at least six inches
- Every day we see the sun to be just like a small disc, perhaps twelve inches in diameter, but in fact it is a hundred times larger than the earth. So what is the value of our direct perception through our eyes
- I am successful in my teaching work because I have not deviated one inch from my Spiritual Master's instruction; this is my only qualification. So if you simply remain pure, your preaching will have effect
- I may suggest that you make one roof garden. On the top of the house you can put soil of six inches and then plant so many tulsi plants and nice bushes. I like garden very much. Just like here in Los Angeles Temple they have made one very nice garden
- I think you can prepare one silver flute and I am inserting measurement. It should be with golden relief work - raised embroidery-like designs - on the body of the flute. The length of the flute may be 5 inches
- If we think seriously, "Suppose if I would have been put into that condition, that 'Stand up here for five hundred or five thousand years. You cannot move an inch, and you bear all the sufferings, scorching heat, storm,' would I agree to do that?" No
- In the morning they (the bridegroom's party who were sleeping in the boat) all got up early, but to their astonishment they saw that the boat had not moved an inch toward the destination, even though the boatmen had rowed vigorously all night long
- Krsna actually takes the knowledge away from atheistic, demoniac people like Hiranyakasipu. Atheists do not know that Krsna's intelligence is always at least two inches greater than anyone else's
- Krsna's friends told Him, "My thighs became almost completely stunned so that I could not move even an inch. Therefore, my dear friend, I must acknowledge the wonderful vibration of Your transcendental flute"
- Krsna's head was decorated with a silk turban covered with gold lace, and in His hand He carried a stick about fifty-six inches long
- She (Yasoda) gathered more ropes from the house and added to it, but still she found the same shortage. In this way, she connected all the ropes available at home, but when the final knot was added, she saw that the rope was still two inches too short
- Skyscraper buildings are no better than caves. They live here, and here is bathroom, here is kitchen, here is room, three inches. Is that advanced civilization?
- Some yogis think of the Lord within their hearts as measuring about six inches. The Lord has four hands, in which He holds a conchshell, club, disc and lotus flower. Those who worship this form of Visnu within the heart are called sagarbha-yogis
- Spiritual life begins with the association of a devotee, a sadhu. One cannot progress an inch without the mercy of a sadhu
- Srila Madhavendra Puri said: "The wealthy mammonites may point me out as mad, and the learned philosophers may assert that I am much too proud; still my mind does not budge an inch from the determination to serve the lotus feet of Govinda"
- Svarupa Damodara gave Raghunatha dasa two cloths, each about six inches long, a wooden platform and a jug in which to keep water
- The fact that the atomic soul is within the body of a gigantic animal, in the body of a gigantic banyan tree, and also in the microbic germs, millions and billions of which occupy only an inch of space, is certainly very amazing. BG 1972 purports
- The hill known as Meru is fixed in the universe as a universal pivot, and no one can move it an inch from its position; similarly, no one could ever dissuade Maharaja Prthu when he was determined
- The joints of His hands and legs would sometimes become separated by eight inches, and they remained connected only by the skin
- The measurement of the localized Personality of Godhead is estimated to expand from the ring finger to the end of the thumb, more or less eight inches. The form of the Lord described in this verse (2.2.8) with distribution of different symbols
- The strong elephants pulled with all their strength, but still the car remained at a standstill, not budging an inch
- The sun is identified with every inch of the sun rays and every molecular particle of the rays. Similarly, the Lord (Krsna) is distributed by His different energies
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, by His partial representation, measuring not more than nine inches as Supersoul, expands by His potential energy in the shape of the universal form, which includes everything manifested in different varieties
- The transcendentalist is specifically warned herewith to be fixed in mind, so that even if there is difficulty in plain living and high thinking he will not budge even an inch from his stark determination
- The vamsi flute is about fifteen inches long, with nine holes on its body. Krsna used to play on these three flutes occasionally when they were needed
- There is peace even if we are an inch out of the water. Tava pada-pankaja-sthita-dhuli sadrsam vicintaya (Siksastaka 5). If somehow or other we become one of the particles of dust at Krsna's lotus feet, we will be liberated
- We cannot deviate even an inch in order to attract the followers of the ecology philosophy or any other materialistic, utopian movement
- We simply say that, "God is great" & speculate like the frog philosopher, "He may be one inch greater than me. All right, ten inches greater than me. Or ten feet greater than." like that. Similarly, if God is so great, then what service we can offer Him?
- What is the use of such prolonged life, stand up in a place without any power to move an inch, and suffer all climatic disturbances? Is that very good life