I am very much pleased to see your good handwriting. I shall therefore request you to utilize your talent in the service of Krishna. I think if you write Hare Krishna Hare Krishna in the same style as you have sent me one specimen, on bigger type on canvas, say 30 inches by 20 inches in color or black and white, it would be a very good engagement for you and at the same time we can utilize those sign boards hanging in nice places. So if you have got time you can prepare immediately such signboards Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare, as you have sent me the specimen, on canvas. Make the canvas colored bluish Krishna color and write Hare Krishna in white. It will be very nice. I have very good appreciation for both of you, Guru das and Yamuna, you are 2 good souls, now you have combined. Live peacefully, chant Hare Krishna and be happy in your life.
Inch (Letters)
1967 Correspondence
1968 Correspondence
Yes, Sanskrit is spoken not only on Krishna Loka but also in higher planets, of the demigods. It is called the language of God and the demigods. It was spoken also on this planet, when people were all godly, they used to speak in Sanskrit. Sanskrit is the origin of all languages of the civilized peoples. It is most perfect, not only descriptive; the word "Sanskrit" means "the most perfect". Because not a single word you can pronounce without having a bona fide principle. It is not like the English language, "but, put" with irrational difference in pronunciation, no principles. Sanskrit isn't like that. Therefore it is perfect. It isn't whimsical. English poetry has one line one inch long, next line 600 inches long. Sanskrit is not like that. There are strict principles, and it is so beautiful. Therefore in Sanskrit language not an ordinary man can become a poet. No other language of the world can be compared with it. No other language of the world is so perfect as Sanskrit. Any language near to Sanskrit language (like Bengali) is nearer to perfection. Sanskrit is pronounced same way here or there, it is standard.
Please accept my blessings. I am receiving your twigs for washing my teeth very regularly and I thank you very much. What about Krishna's flute you attempted to prepare? I think you can prepare one silver flute and I am inserting measurement. It should be with golden relief work—raised embroidery-like designs—on the body of the flute. The length of the flute may be 5 inches, and it should be 1/4" thick. Now I shall be glad to know what is your credit balance in the bank. It may be that I may call you to go with me to India at any moment.
I do not know where from you secured these nice Murtis, but I would like to have such Murtis at least 20 pairs, with height of not less than 24 inches. So if you kindly give me the quotation for such Murtis from the manufacturer where from you secured these Murtis, I shall arrange to send you the required money, either directly or by negotiation through some friends in India. It is my ambition that Indian Vaisnavas may contribute at least one pair of Murtis, following your nice example, and we can establish them in each and every center of our Society. If we do not find such persons to contribute such Murtis, then the Society can arrange to send you the required money.
It is not that the Society cannot pay for the Murtis, but it is my desire that Indian Vaisnavas should be energetic in cooperating with this Krishna Consciousness movement in the Western countries. I am already in correspondence with some friends in India, and they may be agreeable to contribute one pair, each of them, so in the meantime, if you kindly give me the exact price for similar Murtis (only with greater height, of at least 24 inches), I will appreciate this very much.
The drawings for the certificate are enclosed herewith, and you can place them in proper position, as they look best. These recommendations may also help you: "Best use a 15x20 or similar proportion paper (hopefully you probably already have used similar size) Be sure that after pasting in each corner, that the edges are kept clean, so that they do not show when photographed. For printing they can be reduced some, to about an inch or two larger than a piece of typewriting paper (with whatever exact proportions are convenient to use in the reduction)." Muralidhara das has drawn these pictures, and they are very nicely done.
The present dress of the deity is a little shorter than usual. There is no need of sending any measurements, neither the present dresses are rejectable, but in the future you can make the dresses one-half inch longer than the present ones. The small dresses you sent will give an opportunity to look upon the Lotus Feet of the Lord and His Most Beautiful Consort, Srimati Radharani.
1969 Correspondence
Regarding your question, the deity shall be put to rest in time, and if people are still eating prasadam, the arati cannot be performed. It is better if after offering prasadam to the deity you perform arati, close the curtains and then distribute prasadam to the devotees. Please do not accept from Gopala Krishna 6 inch murti. He has promised to donate one pair of 24 inch murtis. Besides that, when you are engaged in the worshipment of the temple deities, you may not install separately deities at your home.
Regarding your questions, generally tulsi beads are required for initiation, but if it is not available, ordinary beads can be used. Sometimes the shopkeepers give ordinary beads and say it is tulsi, so it is very difficult to get tulsi beads without personal attendance. So far as your getting a Kartamasi Murti, you may take information from Govinda Dasi in Hawaii. Radha-Krishna Murtis may be purchased from Vrindaban. The cost is about $200.00, but they are very nice, 24 inches high. I shall speak with Nara Narayana to inform him that he should also go there to help you with constructing the items you have mentioned.
Regarding your judgment in court, it appears that the judge is a learned man, and he has given the right judgment, being graced by Krishna. We have to work sincerely, and because Krishna is in everyone's heart, there will be no difficulty to have the necessary facilities. I hope by this time you have received the three Krishna tapes that were sent to you from Germany, and there will be more coming soon. I am enclosing a picture of the Los Angeles throne which Murari may hold as the standard for constructing the throne there. The throne should be 40 x 40 inches square, and 45 inches up to the canopy. Above that, up to the dome, it is another 12 inches. There should be three pillars as shown on the photograph, and they should be silver colored or silver-plated.
1970 Correspondence
By the by, I may inform you that we require many pairs of Deities, but the Vrindaban manufacturer, Ramnath murtikar, is very slow. Under the circumstances, I would prefer ready made marble Murtis from Jaipur. One gentleman, Mr. Goyl, donated our London Deities—42 inches high Krsna and Radharani proportionately shorter. The photograph of London Murti is sent herewith. Will you kindly take the trouble to find out someone in Jaipur who can supply us such Murtis regularly.
I am also enclosing herewith a picture of the Deities in our London Temple. These Deities were donated by one London Devotee, Mr. Goyal, and they were purchased from Jaipur. The Deities contributed by Dalmia Jayan Trust and Birla Trust (5 Pairs) are made in Vrindaban, 24 inches high brass Deities, but these London Deities are made of first-class marble from Jaipur, and they are 42 inches high.
I understand that four pairs of Murtis have already been donated by your Trust through correspondence with the Secretary of the Dalmia Jayan Trust. But I want many hundreds of pairs of such Murtis. Generally in our Temples we install 24 inches high brass Murtis or 42 inches high marble Murtis. A picture of our London Deities is sent herewith for your inspection.
I have received information from the Scindia Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. that the pair of Deities, 24 inches high, weighing about 50 kilograms the pair, will be arriving in Montreal sometimes by the end of May 1970. They will be delivered by the Montreal Agents of the company. The Deities will be carried by the vessel "Jaladhan." So you may note this, and you have to prepare a bigger throne for accommodating the larger Deities.
I have received information from the Scindia Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. that the pair of Deities, 24 inches high, weighing about 50 kilograms the pair, will be arriving in Boston sometimes by the end of May 1970. They will be delivered by the New York Agents of the company. The Deities will be carried by the vessel "Jalapalaka." So you may note this, and you have to prepare a bigger throne for accommodating the larger Deities.
Please take care of the Tulasi plants in the following way. This is the best season for growing Tulasi plants. From 15th April to 15th June is the best season for growing this plant. Now I understand that the seedlings are coming out, so the whole spot if possible may be covered by some net because the seedling stage creepers being very delicate are sometimes eaten up by the sparrows, so we have to give a little protection from attack of the sparrows. All the devotees should pour water at least once in the morning before taking prasadam. The watering should not be very much large in quantity, but it should be poured just to keep the ground soft and moist. Sunlight also should be allowed. When the creepers are grown at least 7 inches high, then you can take them out from the planting soil and transplant them in a row in a different place. Then go on watering and they will grow like anything. I think this plant cannot grow in cold countries, but if the plants are dispatched from your place and if the devotees take care of the plant with a little care in a flower pot, then it may grow.
I think the scheme of publishing Srimad-Bhagavatam chapter-wise decently is good, so that it will keep all of you engaged and the press going on. When all the chapters of the canto are printed, they can be assorted in one book form for hard bound publication. The size of the book must be symmetrical of my present Bhagavat editions—that is to say 6 1/2 inches by 9 1/2 inches. I think the present composition of the NOD is not to my standard; so whatever is done is done, but the Srimad-Bhagavatam must be to the standard size. If the books are printed in standard size (6 1/2 x 9 1/2), then the chapter pamphlets may be easily bound into a hard cover when all the chapters of the canto have been printed.
In this connection, I may inform you that I have some correspondence with a Jaipur marble dealer, and they have agreed to supply the murtis less 20% off their catalog price. Their catalog price for 40 inches high marble murtis is Rs. 2300 per pair, and they have agreed to give us 20% discount, so I am sending a copy of the letter. If you think it is favorable, you can do the needful.
1971 Correspondence
Yes, it will be easier for me to answer your questions if I can see a sketch of the painting. So far as the sacrificial fire at Naimisaranya, it was a big pit, say four feet square surrounded by raised walls 8 inches high and within the pit was the fire. That is the system. Our sacrificial fire arenas are temporary only. Yes, it was near Suta Goswami's vyasasana.
Try to interest these students in our books. If you simply stick to the textbook teaching becomes very easy. Philosophy is the highest, but even higher than philosophy is practice of philosophy. So when your students apply Krishna philosophy to their lives, they will feel the beneficial result, and this will make your teaching work very easy. Just like you add hydrogen and oxygen and get water. So let them chant and learn Bhagavad-gita and they will get Krishna's mercy. I am successful in my teaching work because I have not deviated one inch from my Spiritual Master's instruction, this is my only qualification. So if you simply remain pure, your preaching will have effect.
1972 Correspondence
n.b. So far the house is concerned, don't worry. Stay where you are and continue to send him rent money. If he refuses to accept it, then lodge the money with the rent court. Even if he tries to take us to court it will take years, so there is no immediate danger. If you pay rent regularly on or before the 15th of succeeding month, then there is no law in the world which can move you an inch forever. So unless we have our own place in Calcutta we cannot vacate the house.
In Bombay there are many charitable institutions and Trusts, so if you approach them and they are convinced about our activities, enough money can be collected intelligently. I never suggested for a round building. Every inch of the available land should be utilized for a skyscraper. I do not know if Saurabha has made any designs. If so, let him send them to me, along with site plan, so I may make suggestions and give him direction how to do it.
Now I want to print some of my books in Hindi and English there in India. The size of the books is about 9-1/2 inches x 6-1/2 inches on the average. So kindly let me know the composition and printing prices per page for such booklets and then we shall send you the matter and do the needful. We have got already our office in Vrndavana and my representative from Vrndavana, Gurudasa Adhikari, my American disciple, whenever he goes to Delhi I will ask him to see you.
If Tusta Krsna is so much anxious to acquire a press for New Zealand, there is no harm. I have written to him to use his better judgement in the matter. If you wish to take the small 12-inch Radha Krsna Deities in the parade, that is all right.
Hoping this will meet you in good health.
1973 Correspondence
I am in due receipt of your letter dated January 20th. and February first along with your enclosed plans of the Radha Govindaji Temple in New Vrindaban. From these plans everything seems to be in order except the domes are making the temple look like a mosque. Therefore you please eliminate these domes and consult the Mayapur plan which can be obtained by writing Calcutta for design of the domes. The Deities should be facing East. If you are laying the foundation stone to this temple there is a ceremony which you can observe. First you may have one fire ceremony with four Brahmins surrounding the fire, reading from Bhagavad-gita, Nectar of Devotion, Srimad-Bhagavatam and Teachings of Lord Caitanya. This reading should go on during the entire ceremony. You may also dig one pit about 15 feet deep and have one golden Ananta form prepared, about two inches, put at the bottom of the pit. All during this, Kirtana should be going on. And then five types of various items should be placed in the pit, 5 types of jewels, 5 types of metals, 5 types of fruit, 5 types of grains, 5 types of amrta, like this different panca. These all should be carried down the ladder by the various Brahmins, and as they put each one at the bottom of the pit, the various fruits, flowers, etc. all of the Brahmins should one by one climb to the bottom of the pit and make their offering and chant the first verse of Gayatri Mantra. After this, you may lay some bricks down on top of everything and then begin to fill up the pit with dirt again. When the pit is filled up with dirt again you may put one foundation stone on top of the pit and this pit should be located at the exact corner of the Temple building. The idea of this is that the entire building will be resting on the hoods of the Ananta snake, and this is very auspicious. After this program you may have several days of Kirtana and feasting.
Please accept my blessings. With regard to the Mayapur house I may suggest that you make one roof garden. On the top of the house you can put soil of six inches and then plant so many tulsi plants and nice bushes. I like garden very much. Just like here in Los Angeles Temple they have made one very nice garden for me and I sit there every evening. So you please also make a first class Mayapur garden.
1974 Correspondence
We will present our program at Bhaktivedanta Manor exactly in the line of Lord Caitanya, by kirtana, prasadam distribution and speaking from Bhagavad-gita. We cannot deviate even an inch in order to attract the followers of the ecology philosophy or any other materialistic, utopian movement. You say you know a number of influential leaders of this group, but what is the use of knowing them, since you yourself found them deficient and left them? Our ideal Vedic community will attract everyone on its own merit, and we shall be glad to welcome and accept everyone who comes without our compromising in order to attract them.
Since you have gone we have not gone an inch forward. They have gone and made application for the police commissioner to give sanction, but it is still lying there and they do not say yes or no. There is no sanction as yet. Our position is not clear. I require your help very much. Things are standing in the same position as when you left.
1975 Correspondence
You now have to make a program for building on all the vacant land. Every inch of available land will be built up. In the back side of my apartment the single story tenants should be induced to occupy temporarily the rooftop flats, and we shall construct a three or four story building where their houses are on their plot and shall then give them the same area to live in the new building. Now make this plan. Every drop of land must be filled with buildings. We cannot spare any land for any other purpose. Take sanction and make plans for these buildings. If the tenants become devotees and follow our principles, arising early like the others, then we can forgo their rent, but no nonsense concessions of sitting room. This is all rubbish things. So make plans for all vacant lands for buildings. We actually do not want anyone to live there who is not a devotee. Note this policy and do the needful.
Page Title: | Inch (Letters) |
Compiler: | Mayapur, Rishab |
Created: | 03 of Oct, 2011 |
Totals by Section: | BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=29 |
No. of Quotes: | 29 |