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Even the pig will not agree, that "Come on to the heavenly kingdom. You were the king." "No, no, I don’t like to go. This is very nice place, with stool and dirty water and these pigs. It is very nice life." This is maya. This is maya: Difference between revisions

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Expressions researched:
"Even the pig will not agree, that "Come on to the heavenly kingdom. You were the king" |"No, no, I don’t like to go. This is very nice place, with stool and dirty water and these pigs. It is very nice life" |"This is maya. This is maya"

Conversations and Morning Walks

1975 Conversations and Morning Walks

Even the pig will not agree, that "Come on to the heavenly kingdom. You were the king." "No, no, I don’t like to go. This is very nice place, with stool and dirty water and these pigs. It is very nice life." This is maya. This is maya. Everyone will think, "I am very well situated. I am very happy. Why shall I chant Hare Krsna?".

Devotee: In Kali-yuga people think suffering is enjoyable. They glorify it.

Prabhupāda: Unless he thinks like that, how he’ll suffer? He has to suffer. That is the law of nature. And if he's not insane, then how he’ll suffer? Just like the hippies—they suffer, and they take it as enjoyment. But by nature's law, he has to suffer. And if he does not take in that way—"It is enjoyment"—how he’ll suffer? That is nature's mercy, that this man has to suffer, and if he does not become insane, how he’ll suffer? He is punished.

Ātreya Ṛṣi: That is part of nature's arrangement…

Prabhupāda: Yes.

Ātreya Ṛṣi: …for him to suffer.

Prabhupāda: Suffer. And He gives this facility, that "You suffer, and you take it as pleasure." That is nature's arrangement. That is nature's mercy. Just like we forget all our past life. If I do not forget… Suppose I was very big man, but again I have become ordinary man, just like Bharata Mahārāja, you know. That is possible. So how you can stay? He will become mad. There are instances when Indra became a pig, and he forgot. When Brahmā came to take him again to the…, "Oh, my dear pig, you were Indra. Now you have suffered, and you come with me. You come to your place, to your kingdom." "What is that? I was Indra? I don’t mind. (laughter) I cannot go leaving my family, these pigs, so many." (laughter) So these are there. So Brahmā purposefully killed him and then take him. He would not agree. Even the pig will not agree, that "Come on to the heavenly kingdom. You were the king." "No, no, I don’t like to go. This is very nice place, with stool and dirty water and these pigs. It is very nice life." This is māyā. This is māyā. Everyone will think, "I am very well situated. I am very happy. Why shall I chant Hare Kṛṣṇa?" That is the pleasure. Your question? What was the question?

Devotee: I was just saying how people take this suffering and they glorify it. All the writers, the big poets and the writers.

Prabhupāda: Because this is the same māyā, illusion. Therefore it is called illusion. Māyā means "what is not." That is māyā. They do not know. Just see. Nowadays the hippies, they are lying down on the street. There is no, I mean to say, surety where they will get food, and they don’t take bath even… (break) (end)