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When a child is five year, four years some months, he is old, his education begins. So Prahlada Maharaja says from the very beginning of education the bhagavata-dharma must be taught. This is kaumara acaret prajno: Difference between revisions

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Expressions researched:
"When a child is five year, four years some months, he is old, his education begins. So Prahlāda Mahārāja says from the very beginning of education the bhāgavata-dharma must be taught. This is kaumāra ācaret prājño"


Srimad-Bhagavatam Lectures

When a child is five year, four years some months, he is old, his education begins. So Prahlāda Mahārāja says from the very beginning of education the bhāgavata-dharma must be taught. This is kaumāra ācaret prājño, if one is intelligent.

Dharmārtha-kāma-mokṣa (SB 4.8.41). Dharmārtha. Dharma, the religious principles; artha means economic development; kāma means sense gratification; and mokṣa means liberation. So above mokṣa there is bhāgavata-dharma. When one has attained actually mokṣa. . . Mokṣa means mukti, liberation. What is that liberation? Mukti hitvā anyathā rūpaṁ svarūpena vyavasthitiḥ (SB 2.10.6). This is called mukti. Mukti does not mean that after mukti one is finished, one becomes nirākāra or another two hand grow. Not like that. It is a change of consciousness. That is called mukti. Real mukti means change of consciousness. Caitanya Mahāprabhu says, jīvera svarūpa haya nitya kṛṣṇa dāsa (CC Madhya 20.108-109). Actually, every living being is part and parcel of Kṛṣṇa. Mamaivāṁśo jīva-bhūtaḥ (BG 15.7). So when we forget this position—I do not become the servant of Kṛṣṇa, but I become the servant of my society, my family, my nation, my dog, my cat—this kind of dharma is not mukti. When one understands ahaṁ brahmāsmi, when one understands properly that "I am not this body. I do not belong to any particular nation, family or relationship," ahaṁ brahmāsmi, this is called brahma-bhūtaḥ.

So long we identify with particular society or nation or community, then we are not brahma-bhūtaḥ. This is called upādhi-bhūtaḥ, designation. "I am Hindu." This is designation. Just like gold. Gold cannot be designation. Gold is gold. Because gold is in the hand of a Hindu, it does not become Hindu gold. Or the gold is in the hand of a Muslim; therefore it is Muslim gold. No. Gold is gold. Similarly, dharma is dharma. There cannot be any Hindu religion or Muslim religion or Christian religion. There is no possibility. As soon as you designate, then it is not dharma; it is cheating. That is rejected in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. Dharmaḥ projjhita-kaitavo atra (SB 1.1.2): "All cheating type of religious system is rejected." That is required. So that bhāgavata-dharma, Prahlāda Mahārāja says that kaumāra ācaret prājño dharmān bhāgavatan iha (SB 7.6.1). From the very beginning, kaumāra. Kaumāra means from five year to fifteenth year, or five year to tenth year, then kiśora, kaiśora. That is division.

So anyway, just like we send our children to school at the age of five years, every country. . . In India also that is the system. When a child is five year, four years some months, he is old, his education begins. So Prahlāda Mahārāja says from the very beginning of education the bhāgavata-dharma must be taught. This is kaumāra ācaret prājño, if one is intelligent. If one is ass or cow or animal, he cannot understand. Prājña: "One who has known." One who knows the value of life, he is called prājña. Prakṛṣṭa-rūpena jñā. Jñā means one who has knowledge. So he says, Prahlāda Mahārāja, that kaumāra ācaret prājño dharmān bhāgavatān iha (SB 7.6.1). There are dharmas according to country, society, but real dharma is bhāgavata-dharma. That is instructed in the Bhagavad-gītā also: sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śaraṇaṁ vraja (BG 18.66). Who is mām? Kṛṣṇa, Bhagavān. You will see in the Bhagavad-gītā, śrī-bhagavān uvāca.

So Bhagavān says that "surrender unto Me." Opportunity. Kṛṣṇa comes to give the opportunity. He is canvassing. Not only in this universe, in every universe He is going. That is calculation is there. Out of four hundred crores of years, Kṛṣṇa appears in one universe. In this universe, when He comes, He appears in this land of Vṛndāvana. Therefore Vṛndāvana is so valuable. This is Kṛṣṇa's place. When He comes here. . . Just like when the governor goes to a city he has got his own resting house, similarly, when Kṛṣṇa comes to teach us dharma, dharmasya glānir bhava. . . Yadā yadā hi dharmasya glānir bhavati bhārata, tadātmānaṁ sṛjāmy aham (BG 4.7). So what is that dharma? This bhāgavata-dharma. When the rascals forget what is the relationship with Kṛṣṇa, what is the relationship with God, he becomes entangled in this material affair, māyā. He is harassed, harassed in this way, that he has to take birth one after another, beginning from Brahmā down to the small ant. There are so many varieties of life.

So according to karma, karmaṇā daiva-netreṇa (SB 3.31.1), by superior arrangement one has to accept a type of body. That we are forgetting. We are thinking that we shall remain free like this. That is not possible. Your every inch of activity is being recorded and at the end of life these things will be taken into account, karmaṇā. And by the superior arrangement you have to accept one type of body. Today you may become a prime minister, but your activities will be recorded, and tomorrow after your death you may have to accept the body of a dog. That is the law of nature.