So this supplying, God is supplying. Eko bahūnāṁ vidadhāti kāmān (Kaṭha Upaniṣad 2.2.13).
That one . . . there are two living entities, one Supreme and others; one singular number, other plural number. We are amongst the plural number, nityo nityānām. Nityānām, this is plural number, "Amongst many eternals." So we are amongst the many eternals. We are also eternal. We have got that qualitative, I mean to say, thing. Eternity is the same quality as of God, as of ours. We are eternal, God is eternal. That's all. But we are amongst the plural number. Nityo nityānām. And He is the singular number. And it is particularly stated that eko, that singular number, eternal eternal puruṣa, He is supplying everyone's necessities.
So God is supplying everyone's necessity. Either you are cat or dog or demigod or President Johnson or anyone, everyone is dependent on God's supply. We cannot be independent. Unless . . . if God stops supplying, you cannot manufacture. If there is food grains, there is no food grain, you cannot chew your dollar notes. (chuckles) What you will do (with) your hundred dollar notes? So He is the supplier. Eko bahūnāṁ vidadhāti kāmān.
So we should be . . . this is knowledge of God. We should be in love of God means, "Oh, God has supplied us so many things. Why not?" Therefore pure devotees, they like to supply God. They want to become order-supplier of God, not to make God as order-supplier. What God wants? God wants that make everyone God conscious, Kṛṣṇa conscious. He sends His son. He sends His books. He comes Himself. That is His mission. He wants that all these suffering living entities, they should become Kṛṣṇa conscious and be happy. God wants it. In the Bhagavad-gītā it is clearly stated.
So if you wants to supply the want of God, God wants it. If you become yourself Kṛṣṇa conscious and try to serve God by spreading this mission all over the world, that is the best service. That is the best service to Lord, to become yourself a fieldworker. Fieldworker. God is very much anxious to get back His this, I mean to say, mad sons. In this material world everyone is mad, crazy. It is a difference of degrees only. I may be more crazy than yourself, but we are all crazies. And as soon as we are fixed up in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, our craziness is vanished. Yes. That is our constitutional position. The part is to serve the whole. We are part and parcel.
So this is a chance. This manifestation of this material world is a chance to have that opportunity. And especially this human form of life is a . . . the boon for understanding this Kṛṣṇa consciousness. If we miss this opportunity, then we are unfortunate. Unfortunate.