Puṣṭa Kṛṣṇa: Na danam na janam na sundarim (CC Antya 20.29, Śikṣāṣṭaka 4). We are not simply looking for followers.
Prabhupāda: Neither we are after false followers. If you agree, then you come. If you agree—"No illicit sex, no . . . yes . . ." Why? There is no "Why?" You have to accept it— then you come to me. That's all. If you like, you come; if you don't like, go away. I don't care for you. This is our policy. There is no "Why?" You may say "dogmatic," but it is not dogmatic, but it is standard from Bhagavad-gītā, from Vedic literature. Striya-suna-pana-dyuta yatra papas catur-vidhāh (SB 1.17.38): "Wherever there are these four kinds of sinful activities, oh, that is very dangerous place." So we have taken it. (break) Now everyone, when there are so many cars . . . I saw one advertisement, Ford car—that "Bring all '79's and compare. Ours is the best." You cannot condemn him. It is advertisement. "Bring all '79 cars, others, and compare with our car." You can have your consent. That is not cheating. So we say like that, that "Bring all knowledge and compare with Bhagavad-gita's knowledge." Now it is up to you if you accept this or don't accept it. That is not cheating. But these rascals, they are simply placing some bogus theory without any authorized statement: "All of a sudden monkey once gave birth." And where is that authority?
Harikeśa: Monkey . . .?
Prabhupāda: "Monkey gave birth to man, all of a sudden, millions of years . . ." Now, what is the support of your statement? Then anyone can say anything and it becomes science. You have no support. You are the first man you are saying like this, nonsense. Where is your support? You are support of your statement? Then everyone will say: "I have got some statement, and I support. I am the support."
Harikeśa: That's what they do.
Prabhupāda: Eh? That's it.