Bhugarbha: He feels that the French public is very demanding in questions of editing and writing, and he feels that the French that's used in our translations should not, he said, smell of English. Sometimes French translations seem like English written in French. He said those should be in perfect French, and that in the French language there's a need to make things more compact and condensed. He's wondering if we can condense them more than in English.
Prabhupada: So one of us who knows French nicely, he can do that. But there is no difference. They are taking the ideas from English and translating.
Yogesvara: He says, Professor Chenique wishes to know, would it not be more valuable if our men spoke Sanskrit and could translate directly from the Sanskrit into French?
Prabhupada: There is no much difference. Sanskrit is there and the Sanskrit translation is there. Where is the difference? We are giving the Sanskrit and then word-to-word translation.
Bhugarbha: He says that when one translates from Sanskrit into English and from English into French, that it's not exactly the same thing in French that it was in Sanskrit, he feels...
Prabhupada: No, if from Sanskrit to French can be translated, I have no objection. But we have no such arrangement.
Yogesvara: We have no Sanskrit scholars in French yet, no.
Prabhupada: Not only scholar, not only scholar, he must be a realized soul. Simply scholars will not help, simply scholarship will not help. There are many Sanskrit scholars in India. There are many Sanskrit scholars, original Sanskrit scholars in India, they cannot understand Bhagavata.
Yogesvara: Professor Chenique's point is that we are seeking to introduce these books on a university level, and there's a certain standard that must be met.
Prabhupada: What is that standard?
Bhugarbha: He's just saying that the style of French, he feels that it's too many words.
Prabhupada: French, he must be French, expert in language, at the same time, a devotee. Then he can explain. Otherwise no. Caitanya Mahaprabhu's secretary, Svarupa Damodara, he asked that brahmana, bhagavata pada giya bhagavata sthane:(?) "Go and study Bhagavata from bhagavata." I have discussed this in the beginning of translation of Bhagavata. So Bhagavata, that is the limit of education. Vidya bhagavata vadhih.(?) One has to study and take education up to Bhagavatam. That is, if one understands Bhagavatam, he's finished his education.
Bhugarbha: He agrees. He's saying that he wishes-he's not criticizing in any way -- but he wants that your books have a better audience, then more people will accept them. And he feels that if the French, the way that the French has been written, is changed, we'll have a better audience, it will reach higher.
Prabhupada: But that is from scholarship point of view. But our point is this Bhagavata must be presented by bhagavata. And there is no much scholarship required. Just like Bhagavata begins with the words janmady asya yatah (SB 1.1.1). This Sanskrit word means the Absolute Truth is that from where everything emanates. Now that Absolute Truth further explained: anvayad itaratas ca abhijnah svarat. That Absolute Truth is aware of everything, directly and indirectly, of all this creation. In this way, if you step-by-step study, it is not very difficult so far the word meanings are concerned, but it is a question of realization. Unless one is realized, he cannot explain properly. That is the secret. Therefore we have given the life of Caitanya Mahaprabhu in our Bhagavatam because He's living Bhagavatam.
Janadradhi: :His point, Srila Prabhupada, is that your purports, you are repeating teachings, but this is wanted. His point is that in the French language, the French language cannot accept such repetitions. So he's asking if you could compact more your purports. But we want to translate your purports with the repetitions because we know they are wanted.
Yogesvara: The English purport that you give very often will repeat one point for a clear understanding to the reader. Stylistically, in French this is difficult. It is not the accepted standard. French is generally more compact, something is said only one time. So Professor Chenique is hoping that he will see in our future translations a better French style in the translation. And Janadradhi, who is the translator, one of our translators, explains that our point is that we wish to keep your intention by repeating the point so that the reader will understand, because it is being said several times.
Prabhupada: That is the system in Vedic ways. Just like you see Bhagavad-gita. In different way Krsna has explained the immortality of the soul. You take Bhagavad-gita, that portion. Find out that. What is that verse?
Bhugarbha: Na jayate mriyate va kadacit?
Hari-sauri: Before that. Describes negatively in different ways of understanding the soul.
Prabhupada: Yes, positively, negatively.
- avinasi tu tad viddhi
- yena sarvam idam tatam
- vinasam avyayasyasya
- na kascit kartum arhati
- (reads French translation)
- antavanta ime deha
- nityasyoktah saririnah
- anasino 'prameyasya
- tasmad yudhyasva bharata
- (BG 2.18)
(French translation)
Prabhupada: The same thing is being explained in a different way.
Bhugarbha: The question seems to be a very technical one of just French language. He's not objecting to the...
Prabhupada: I've no experience of the French language, I'm talking of the Sanskrit language. (laughter)
Bhugarbha: If we give him one purport and see how he would change it.
Prabhupada: There are so many purports you can. (professor reads one purport in French)
Bhugarbha: That one was all right. (laughter)
Professor Chenique: I was, up to recent time, I was commenting Bhagavad-gita in the camping. For eleven years every summer I am commenting the Gita in the camping. I commend very warmly this edition of the Bhagavad-gita. I think it's the best that you may find in France. But when I'm reading the commentary for my students, I find some sentences which are not good French. I think because it is not a very good style, and I hope it won't be that matter with... (French)
Bhugarbha: Perhaps Professor Chenique could go over our translations and make any suggestions.
Prabhupada: I have no objection.
Yogesvara: Professor Chenique is offering to re-read our publications. To read them and when he sees something he thinks can be corrected, he will make some indication.
Prabhupada: I have no objection. It is welcome.