The Government of U.K. has passed a bill to hand over the redundant churches to other religious sects, but the Christian authorities want good amount of money for selling these properties. So none of the churches have we been able to acquire, on account of the exorbitant price, for which I have not got money to pay. But they are available. In London we saw a redundant church and also in Oxford. They are very nice for our purpose, but the negotiation is very slow. Some other churches are also available in other districts, but they can be purchased. The government has no such scheme to place these unused churches at our disposal.How can we expect the government to give us any financial help, while our Indian government does not allow any money to be brought from India for this purpose? How can we expect financial help from another government? Our financial budget is managed by Krishna's Grace only. Undoubtedly we have huge expenditures--for example in our Los Angeles Temple we spend near about Rs 30,000 in our Indian exchange per month. But the devotees, boys and girls, somehow or other collect this huge amount, and by the Grace of Krishna, we have no difficulty.In most of the centers our activities are in rented houses, only in Boston and Buffalo we have our own houses. In Boston we have got our own press, ISKCON Press, where our books and magazines are published partially. The major portion is printed outside our press especially in Japan, where we have our center, Tokyo.
The government is neither encouraging or discouraging. sometimes the police department prohibits our Samkirtan Party when they go out in the street. In the United States this hindrance by the police is not very much, but in London they have practically stopped us, and the case is pending. In Hamburg and Tokyo they are also not very strict. In the beginning we have difficulty everywhere. By now, as people in general are appreciating our movement--that we are devotees of the Lord, boys and girls of nice behavior and character—they give us as far as possible all concessions. The government draft board has accepted our Society as religious, so they are kind upon us. But, we do not get any direct financial help either from the government or big foundations. Neither have we been able to contact the richer section of the people.