Category:Yoga Process
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Pages in category "Yoga Process"
The following 125 pages are in this category, out of 125 total.
- A great personality, Arjuna, belonged to the royal family & was a great warrior & an intimate friend of Krsna's, constantly living with Him, after hearing this process of yoga from Krsna face-to-face, said, - My dear Krsna, it is not possible to follow
- All of these (yogas) processes are recommended for controlling the senses and for advancement in spiritual realization. This practice involves controlling the air within the body to enable simultaneous passage in opposite directions. BG 1972 purports
- Any advanced soul who has realized himself by the yogic process, who knows the relationship between matter and spirit, can leave the gross dress of the soul in perfect order and as he desires
- As explained in the yoga process, dhyanavasthita-tad-gatena manasa pasyanti yam yoginah - SB 12.13.1
- At present it has become a fashion to reject the standard system and present something bogus in the name of a newly invented process of yoga
- At that time the meditational yoga process was possible to execute. Visvamitra Muni meditated so intently that Indra, the King of heaven, noticed him and thought, - This man is trying to occupy my post
- Because in material conditions the mind and senses are always agitated, by the yogic procedures like dharana, asana and dhyana one must quiet the mind and concentrate it upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Being thus qualified, he heard from Jada Bharata that philosophical presentation which is approved by all scriptures on the mystic yoga process and which slackens the knot in the heart. His material conception of himself as a king was thus destroyed
- By seeing the Lord during arati, by offering bhoga and by constantly thinking of the form of the Deity, one becomes a first-class yogi. This is the best process of yoga
- By the mystic yoga process, ultimately vibrating the sacred syllable Om, one attains to His Supreme Spiritual Planet
- By the yogic process, when his pure identity is realized in self-realization, one has to revert to the original position by amalgamating the five gross elements and the subtle elements, mind and intelligence, into the mahat-tattva again
- Daily if he stops breathing for three hours, that means daily he saves three hours time. So in hundred years so much time. So in this way, the yogi can live for three hundred years, four hundred years, six hundred years. This is called yogic success
- Daksa was Sati's father, so instead of killing Daksa she decided that it would be better to destroy the part of his body which was hers. Thus she decided to give up the body of Daksa by the yogic process
- Digging on the northern side, or searching for the treasure by means of the meditational yoga process. By this process a person thinks of becoming one with the Supreme Lord, but this merging into the Supreme is like being swallowed by a large serpent
- Five thousand years ago, when the social status of human society was in perfect Vedic order, the yoga process mentioned herein was a common affair for everyone
- For those always agitated by material conditions, the yogic process is recommended so that one may concentrate his mind upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead within the heart
- For those who are very materialistic and cannot understand the situation of the spiritual world, the abode of Krsna, great sages have recommended the yogic process whereby one gradually rises from meditation on the abdomen
- Generally people think that religion and piety come at the end of life, and at this time one generally becomes meditative and takes to some so-called yogic process to relax in the name of meditation
- God decorated as described in this chapter (SB 3.15) as He appeared before the four sages (Kumaras). This Narayana form is Krsna's expansion; therefore the Krsna consciousness movement which is now spreading is the real, topmost process of yoga practice
- If a person engaged in the mystic yoga process is not very advanced in spiritual life, he can be affected by the modes of nature and thus will be agitated by the sex impulse
- If one is fortunate enough to get the association of a pure devotee, he can easily surpass all the practices for controlling the mind by the mystic yoga process simply by following the regulative principles of Krsna consciousness
- If one wants to artificially stop the activities of the senses, his attempt will be a failure. Even the great yogi Visvamitra, who was trying to control his senses by the yoga process, fell victim to the beauty of Menaka
- If the existence of the Supersoul and the individual is admitted, then the impersonalist theory of monism is nullified. Therefore some impersonalists and void philosophers twist the Patanjali system in their own way and pollute the whole yoga process
- If we do not disturb a pond, the mud will settle to the bottom. This yoga process is the means to quiet the mind and allow all these thoughts (memories of events that happened ten, twenty, thirty or forty years ago) to settle
- In other yogic processes, or in empiric philosophical speculation, one is never certain whether or not he is at the perfectional stage
- In the BG it is said, isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese 'rjuna tisthati: (BG 18.61) God is there in everyone's heart. Paramanu-cayantara-stham: God is also within every atom. This is the first information. Then, by the yogic process, you have to realize it
- In the Bhagavad-gita itself there are different processes of yoga systems, karma yoga, jnana yoga, dhayana yoga, hatha yoga, bhakti yoga and so many patterns of yoga
- In the first process of sankhya, one has to become detached from matter, and in the devotional yoga process one has to attach himself to the work of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- In the modern age a yoga process has been manufactured which aims at something void and impersonal
- In the previous verse Kapiladeva instructed: yoga adhyatmikah pumsam mato nihsreyasaya. The soul is entrapped in the body, and the process of perfect yoga is the process of saving the soul from bodily confinement and the four miseries that plague the body
- In the yoga process, after following the strict regulative principles controlling sleeping, eating and mating, one is allowed to practice the different sitting postures
- In Vedic history, Saubhari Rsi, a sage, expanded himself into eight forms by the yoga process, but Saubhari Rsi remained one. As far as Krsna is concerned, when He manifested Himself in different forms, each & every one of them was a separate individual
- Instead of being absorbed in so-called material lordship, one engages in Krsna consciousness; that is control of consciousness. The yoga process necessitates controlling the senses. Yoga indriya-samyamah
- It (chanting Hare Krsna) is also a yogic process. There are many different yogic Processes, but for this age this process is very nice. You'll understand everything of God - how God is inside and outside, how God is working. Everything will be revealed
- It appears that even if a yogi does not drink a drop of water, he can live for many, many years by the yogic process, though his outer body be eaten by ants and moths
- It is not that BG rejects the meditational yoga process; it recognizes it as a bona fide method, but it further indicates that it is not possible in this age. Thus the subject in the Sixth Chapter of BG is quickly dropped by Sri Krsna and Arjuna
- It is said here (in SB 3.29.35) that one can approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead by either yoga process or bhakti-yoga process. This indicates that factually there is no difference between yoga and bhakti-yoga because the target of both is Visnu
- It is the process of yoga to concentrate the mind on Visnu
- Jnana-yoga process means to search out the Absolute Truth or to understand the nature of the Absolute Truth by philosophical way
- Just like these Mayavadis, they want to imitate Krsna. They want to become Krsna. Nobody can become Krsna. These rascals, they think that by mystic yoga process one can become God. Simply rascaldom
- Krsna had no chance to practice the mystic yoga process, yet He manifested Himself as the Supreme Personality of Godhead at every step, from infancy to childhood, from childhood to boyhood, and from boyhood to young manhood
- Krsna said, bhaktya mam abhijanati. Never said that "I can be understood by yogic process or by karma, by jnana." The modern politicians, they stress on karma because they want to work hard like hogs and dogs
- Maybe you go by the yoga process, maybe you go by the philosophical process, maybe you go by the ritualistic process, maybe you go by penances & by study. But unless you reach to this point of KC, your attempt not failure, but there are different degrees
- Meditation upon voidness is a modern invention of the fertile brain of some speculator. Actually the process of yoga meditation, as prescribed in this verse (SB 3.26.28), should be fixed upon the form of Aniruddha
- Meditators who are very fortunate can see the Visnu form of the Lord within their hearts by following the yogic process. But to see Him face to face is a different matter. This is only possible for pure devotees
- My (Manu) dear Dhruva, at the age of only five years you were very grievously afflicted by the words of your mother's co-wife, and you very boldly gave up the protection of your mother and went to the forest to engage in the yogic process
- O my Lord, master of all mystic yoga, this is the explanation of the yogic process spoken of by Lord Brahma (Hiranyagarbha), who is self-realized
- On the whole, the mind is the cause of conditioned life; therefore the entire yogic process is meant to control the mind and the senses
- One has to drive out the sense objects such as sound, touch, form, taste and smell by the pratyahara process in yoga, & then keep the vision of the eyes between the 2 eyebrows & concentrate on the tip of the nose with half closed lids. BG 1972 purports
- One may take to the system of understanding the Absolute Truth by one's own imperfect sensory speculation, or one may try to realize the self by the mystic yoga process
- One must become dhira, or undisturbed by the modes of material nature. The process of yoga may be practiced by one who is free from the agitation of these modes
- One who cannot execute this yoga process completely cent per cent, he is given next birth a chance to take birth in a rich family or to get birth in a very pure family
- One who is devoted to the Supreme Personality can attain all the benefits derived from other yogic processes, speculation, rituals, sacrifices, charities, etc. That is the specific benediction of devotional service. BG 1972 purports
- Other processes, such as karma, jnana and yoga, cannot cleanse the heart absolutely
- Our position is, we learn from Bhagavad-gita that we have to increase our attachment for God, Krsna, mayy asakta. This is the perfect process of yoga system
- Participation in kirtana, in the public chanting of the names and glories of God, is very possible and is actually easy in this age; but as far as the meditational process of yoga is concerned, that is very difficult
- Persons who regulate eating, sleeping and other necessities of the body in the proper proportion become very successful in the yoga process
- Please tell me why you are wandering around like a dullard. O great, saintly person, you have spoken words approved by the yogic process, but it is not possible for us to understand what you have said. Therefore kindly explain it
- Prthu Maharaja, by the grace of Krsna, could understand that the end of his life was near, and thus he became very jubilant and proceeded to completely give up his body on the brahma-bhuta (SB 4.30.20) stage by practicing the yogic process
- Sati was the wife of Lord Siva, who is known as Yogesvara, the best among all yogis, because he knows all the mystic processes of yoga, so it appeared that Sati also knew them
- Saubhari Muni he used to perform yoga practice within water
- Semen is so important that if, by the yogic process, one can lift the semen up to the brain, he can perform wonderful work
- So any process take Vedic process. Either you take yoga process or bhakti process or jnana process, in no process sex indulgence is allowed, no. Sex indulgence is only allowed, family life, just to beget very nice children. That's all
- That is the yogic principle, to think of the Supreme within the heart. He is there within the heart. Both the individual living entity, and God is sitting within this heart. That's a fact. We have to search it out, catch Him by yogic process
- The artificial means of the yogic processes to make the senses inactive has proved to be abject failure, even in the case of great yogis like Visvamitra Muni
- The form of the Lord, which was brilliant like lightning and in which Dhruva Maharaja, in his mature yogic process, was fully absorbed in meditation, all of a sudden disappeared. Thus Dhruva was perturbed, and his meditation broke
- The general yoga process entails observing the rules and regulations, practicing the different sitting postures, concentrating the mind on the vital circulation of the air and then thinking of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His Vaikuntha pastimes
- The highest yoga-marga process is to concentrate the mind twenty-four hours a day on Krsna. This is called Krsna consciousness
- The largest number of Indians follow this yoga process (of chanting the holy name of Krsna), and in the United States it is gradually spreading in many cities
- The mystic yoga process is compared to a black snake that devours the living entity and injects him with poison
- The preliminary processes of yoga system is to control the senses, and practice some bodily position by which the mind can be made fixed up on the point of Visnu Murti
- The process of yoga is very clearly described in this verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 3.19.28). It is said here that the ultimate end of the yogis and mystics who perform meditation is to get rid of this material body
- The purpose of knowledge and of restraining the senses, as prescribed in the jnana and yoga processes, is automatically served in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- The real yoga process accepts the transmigration of the soul from one planet to another or one body to another; and it appears from this incident that Sati wanted to transfer her soul to another body or sphere
- The real yoga-marga process is to control the senses, sit in a solitary and sanctified place and meditate on the four-handed form of Narayana
- The success of the yoga process is very nicely described here
- The transcendental position is attained by three processes, 2) the process of yoga, or factual realization of trance by manipulation of the physiological and psychological functions of the body
- The whole process is to concentrate upon the visnu-murti, Visnu form, within the heart. And unless there is pleasure, there is no enjoyment, what is the use of controlling the senses and focusing the mind on the Supreme Supersoul within the heart?
- The whole process of the yoga system is to purify oneself. And what is this purification? Purification ensues upon the realization of one's actual identity
- The yoga process explained by Lord Kapiladeva in this chapter (SB 3.28) is authorized and standard, and therefore these instructions should be followed very carefully
- The yoga process is practiced in order to discover and see this localized form of Visnu, and not for any other purpose. BG 1972 purports
- The yoga process which is very much advertised in your country, that is more or less bodily exercise. Yoga process is very difficult for the modern age. I have several times discussed this point
- The yoga process, as described in the Kesava-sruti, prescribes how one can control his living force according to his desire and transmigrate from one body to another or from one place to another
- The yoga process, by breathing exercise, by that dhokhi process, by sitting posture, so many things - the whole thing is that keep the body very fit, brain clear, so that one can think of higher subject matter very nicely
- The yoga processes are simply ways to elevate oneself to enter into that abode. Actually we belong to that abode, but, being forgetful, we are put in this material world. Just as a madman becomes crazy and is put into a lunatic asylum
- The yoga system, as described in Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita or as recommended in the Patanjali yoga process, is different from the nowadays practiced hatha-yoga as it is generally understood in the Western countries
- The yogic process is a material attempt to realize God, whereas bhakti, devotional service, is the spiritual process by which to realize Him. Maharaja Khatvanga accepted the spiritual path, and therefore he was no longer interested in anything material
- The yogic process is to control the air passing within the body in different places called sat-cakra, the six circles of air circulation
- The yogic process of negating all material thoughts will not help. To try to create a vacuum in the mind is artificial. The vacuum will not remain. However, if one always thinks of Krsna and how to serve Krsna best, one's mind will naturally be controlled
- The yogic process practiced by Prthu Maharaja at the time of death accelerates the giving up of this body while one is in sound health physically and mentally. Every devotee desires to give up the body while it is sound physically and mentally
- The yogic process. It is called kumbhaka. Samadhi. You stop your breathing, and you can keep yourself for thousands of years. That is the kumbhaka. But this art is known by the frogs also
- There are some instances of great mystics' also expanding their bodily features in different ways, but Krsna did not expand Himself by any yoga process. Each expansion of Krsna was a separate individual
- There is every chance of failure on the yogic path when a great sage like Visvamitra Muni falls down due to material allurement. Although the muni fell for the time being, he again resolved to go on with the yoga process, and this should be our resolve
- There is the story of Visvamitra Muni, a great king, a ksatriya, who renounced his kingdom and took to the yoga process in order to become more spiritually advanced
- This is the form of the Lord which is meditated upon by the followers of the yoga process, and it is pleasing to the yogis in meditation. It is not imaginary but factual, as proved by great yogis
- This same concentration (on God) can be achieved by other recommended processes (other than the yoga process), and therefore anyais ca, other methods, also can be applied
- This yoga process (Krsna consciousness) helps one become free from all kinds of fear and anger and thus feel the presence of the Supersoul in the transcendental situation. BG 1972 purports
- This yoga system recognizes the soul, and thus it is distinct from the so-called yoga process for controlling the cells of the body, which has been discovered in the modern age
- Those who are advanced in yoga practice can willfully transfer the soul to whatever planet they like by the yoga process, and others take the opportunity in various ways. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are truly interested in the perfection of the yoga process should immediately take to Krsna consciousness by chanting Hare Krsna, understanding Bhagavad-gita
- Those who are truly interested in the perfection of the yoga process should render service to Krsna through this Society for Krsna Consciousness and thereby surpass all other systems and attain the ultimate goal of all yoga - love of Krsna
- To attain such (mystic) perfection, one must undergo a certain process - hatha-yoga - and through this yoga system the practitioner achieves some uncommon mystic power
- To contact the Supreme, the Supersoul, the Supreme Lord. That is the aim and object of yoga process
- To satisfy Krsna is the easiest thing. Is the easiest thing of all yogic process. You haven't got to show your gymnastic power. No. Simply prepare your good foodstuff, offer to Krsna, chant Hare Krsna and enjoy life
- Ultimate yoga process is to be situated in samadhi. Samadhi means forgetting everything external, simply concentrating on the form of Visnu
- Unless a devotee actually develops transcendental love for the Lord, it is not possible for him to think always of the Lord within his heart. Such constant thought of the Lord is the sublime perfection of the yogic process
- We are entangled in this material world due to uncontrolled senses. The yoga process is meant to control these senses. If somehow we can manage to control the senses, we can turn our face to actual spiritual happiness and make our lives successful
- With great faith they worship the Supreme Personality as the Supersoul according to ritualistic ceremonies handed down in the three Vedas, such as agnihotra and similar higher and lower fruitive acts, and according to the process of mystic yoga
- Yoga is a very nice process by which you can make your mind very peaceful, and then you can make progress towards spiritual life, sat-pathe
- Yoga process is authorized, but Arjuna says that it is too difficult. So-called yogis are simply making farce. They do not reach to the perfectional point of yoga. Therefore Krsna said, anyone who is thinking of Him within his heart is first class yogi
- Yoga process is to keep the mind in peaceful condition, tranquility, and then you can concentrate your mind towards the Supreme Absolute. Not a gymnastic asana: yama, niyama, astanga-yoga
- Yoga process means to come to the point of Krsna consciousness. But one who directly goes to Krsna consciousness, he hasn't got to practice this. But still, the practice is recommended
- Yoga system means to save time. The whole process, mechanical process, of yoga, mystic power, means to save time. We have got a limited duration of life
- You have to adopt this yogic process (transfer that attachment to Krsna), meditation. Unless you have got love for somebody, attachment for somebody, how you can think of him always? That is not possible