Category:What Kind Of
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- A devotee means, real devotee means, he has no purpose for material gain. That is real devotee. Now we have to see what kind of devotee he is. There are two kinds of devotees: with purpose and without purpose
- A dog or hog cannot understand what kind of miserable life he is passing. He actually thinks that he is enjoying life, and this is called the covering or illusive influence of material energy
- A living entity may be very careful in the matter of executing his duties, but it is still very difficult for him to know what type of body he is going to get in the next life
- A sinful person, never mind what kind of sinful man is he, is taken in subtle body to the place of Yamaraja, and there he is trained up in a particular type of suffering
- A teacher can be in the list of teacher if he does know: "Yes, I know." That is teacher. If he says, "I do not know," then what kind of teacher he is? He's a rascal, cheater
- According to one's mental composition, one can understand what the living entity was in his past life as well as what kind of body he will have in the future
- According to one's mental composition, one can understand what the living entity was in his past life as well as what kind of body he will have in the future. Thus the mind indicates the past and future bodies
- According to sastra, karmana daiva-netrena (SB 3.31.1), there is superior examination. Yamaraja is there. Now, this man is now dead, this soul is now changing body. What kind of body he'll get next? That is judged by the superior authority
- According to Vedic civilization, after the birth of the child, there was name-giving ceremony. So that was calculated astrologically, that what kind of name he should be given, because the name should carry some meaning of the activities of his life
- After giving up one body I enter another body. And there is no security what kind of body I shall get next. It may be human body, it may be animal, it may be trees or it may be better than human being, because there are three divisions
- After giving up this body I'll have to accept another body. Now the question is, "What kind of body I shall accept next?" This preparation is necessary
- After giving up this body, the soul is going to accept another body. Now the human civilization, is it not duty of the human society to know what kind of body I am going to accept?
- After the destruction of this body, you accept another body, tatha dehantara praptir. These are the versions in the BG, authoritative. And dehantara means another body. There is no guarantee what kind of body you will get. That will depend on your work
- All of a sudden He (Caitanya) took up a club, and people became greatly afraid, thinking - We do not know what kind of offense we have now committed! - But then Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu adjusted His thoughts and sat down on His seat - CC Adi 17.91
- All, every each and every planet: Janaloka, Tapoloka, Maharloka, what kind of men are living there, what they are doing - everything is there (in Bhagavata). Svargaloka
- Although the gross material body is left, the living entity and his desires, as well as the resultant reactions of his past activities, go on. It is Yamaraja who decides what kind of body one gets next in accordance with one's past actions
- Animal killing is prohibited. Every living being, of course, has to eat something. But one should be taught what kind of food one should take
- Any man who is going to purchase a new shirt and coat, he considers before going to the tailor's house what kind of shirt he will have, what kind of coat. Everyone thinks. That is natural. You cannot deny it
- Any person with little intelligence will never like to die and accept another body. And we do not know what kind of body we are going to get
- Anyone who has no religion, it doesn't matter what kind of religion he has got, but he must have some religion. Without religion he is animal
- As soon as the body is finished, everything is finished. Then again you have to take birth. There is no guarantee what kind of birth. Suppose you get birth again in human society. Then you have to take again education, again endeavor
- As we are existing now - we have accepted a type of material body and existing - similarly, after finishing this body, I'll accept another body and exist. Now, the question is that "In what kind of body I shall exist after finishing this body?"
- At the time of death it is decided what kind of body you are going to have next. That is decided by superior authority. You cannot dictate that "Give me this body," or "I don't want this body"
- At the time of death there are many troubles, and we become very fearful. Sometimes, when a person is dying, he falls into a coma and lies unconscious. We do not know what kind of fearful test this person is undergoing
- Because we are under the spell of maya, we are thinking that our position is very secure. We are thinking, "Let us enjoy life," but what kind of enjoyment is this
- By cultivation of this Krsna culture, devotional service, you can go back to home, back to Godhead, and you get exactly the same body as Krsna has got. And what kind of body Krsna has got? He has got a body, sac-cid-ananda-vigraha
- By the laws of nature, the living entity is forced to enter the semen of a father and be injected into the womb of the mother. He is not in control of selecting what kind of father he will accept
- Candravali said: "My dear friend the flute, you are actually full of many holes or faults. You are light, hard, juiceless and full of knots. But what kind of pious activities have engaged you in the service of being kissed by the Lord?"
- Control is there, but they do not know what kind of control should be there. The control should be, as we are prescribing, "You cannot take anything without Krsna's prasada." That is real control. Then you'll be happy
- Crude men say that one who adopts any of these methods achieves the Supreme Personality of Godhead’s favor. They claim that it doesn’t matter what kind of method one adopts
- Death is sure, and after death one must surely accept another body. We may not know what kind of body we shall get, but we can know from the sastra, the Vedic literature
- Death means change of the body. But what kind of body you are going to accept, that will depend on the superior arrangement. But you can arrange also
- Dog is worshiped and cow is sent to the slaughterhouse. What kind of civilization it is?
- Even the President Johnson, he's not a master. He's also a servant. Every one of us is a servant. But what kind of servant?
- Every living entity is responsible for his activities in this life, and after death he is taken to the court of Yamaraja, where it is decided what kind of body he will take next
- Exhausted by the labor of childbirth, Yasoda was overwhelmed with sleep and unable to understand what kind of child had been born to her - SB 10.3.53
- He (a devotee) doesn't regard danger as danger. Rather, he thinks, "It is Krsna's mercy." What kind of mercy
- He (Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura) said: "My dear mind, what kind of devotee are you? Simply for cheap adoration, you sit in a solitary place and pretend to chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, but this is all cheating"
- He (Yamaraja) has got a different planet, where the criminals are taken away after death, and he gives the judgment, what kind of body he will have. And not like the theosophists' thinking, "Now I have got human body. It is permanent settlement." No
- He could not imagine what kind of pious activities he had performed. This is a sign of humility on the part of King Prthu, whose life was so full of pious activities that even Lord Visnu came to see him and predicted that the Kumaras would also come
- He is always with you, so He understands what kind of knowledge you are in search after. So we must be sincere, that we want to know that Absolute Truth. Then you will find out; Krsna will help you
- He may be in the form of a man, but if he has not heard about Krsna, if he has not given aural reception to krsna-katha, then he is pasu, animal. And what kind of animal? Dog, hog, camel, asses
- Here is the indication that after death we have to accept another body. Is it not? Now, what kind of body you are going to accept? There are 8,400,000 varieties of bodies
- Here it is also said, bhaktya. What kind of bhakti? Bhaktya sruta-grhitaya. Sruta, by hearing sruti, or Vedas. Completely on the basis of Vedic knowledge, that bhakti; not sentimental
- How we shall exist - what kind of body, either demigod's body or dog's body or tree's body or fish's body - that will depend on my work. Or we go back to home, back to Godhead, Krsna, we get the spiritual body like Krsna. Everything is possible
- I cannot make my desires zero. That is not possible because I am living being. I may select what kind of desires I will have. That is intelligence. But desirelessness is not possible
- I do not think that place is very nice or suitable for our purpose, as it is outside the city I think, so far I know, and we want a place inside the city. Still if you let me know what kind of help you want from them, then I can advise you what to do
- I don't know what kind of photos you used, but they are looking especially nice. All of you are such fine looking Vaisnavas. So be blessed and go forward in Krishna Consciousness
- I want to know immediately what kind of monthly interest I would receive if I was to put this amount in a fixed deposit for five years
- If He again performs such an atrocious act, certainly we shall retaliate and strike Him in turn. What kind of important person is He, that He can check us in this way?
- If he has appreciation for pure devotee, then he must have appreciation for God. It is just like "Love me, love my dog." If he simply loves the dog and not the master, then what kind of love is that
- If I am not this body, then why should I act for this body? I should act for myself. Then, how can I work for myself? What is my position? I am consciousness. But what kind of? Subordinate consciousness - I am part of the supreme consciousness
- If I like, I can prepare my body to go to the abode of Krsna, Goloka Vrndavana. That is the function. Human body is meant for that intelligence, that what kind of body I shall have in my next life?
- If one is very expert, he can understand by seeing the face what kind of man he is
- If there is no pleasure, if there is no enjoyment, then what is the point of going to so much trouble to control the senses? What kind of pleasure are the yogis relishing if they are taking so much trouble? That pleasure is ananta - endless. How is this
- If we do not work according to the rules and regulation of nature, then we have to accept another body, and we do not know what kind of body you are going to accept. But it will be a gift by nature. Prakrteh kriyamanani
- If we have faith that a physician can cure us, and he tells us not to eat such and such, and we eat it anyway, what kind of faith do we have? If we have faith in our physician, we will follow his prescriptions for cure
- If we misuse this human form of life like animals, then we are punishable. Then you have to go to the Yamaraja, and he will judge what kind of body you'll get
- If we misuse this human form of life only like animals, eating, sleeping, sex and fearing, then we are spoiling our life. We must prepare next life. If we don't, then after death we have to go to the Yamaraja, and he will decide what kind of next body
- If you cannot lead others, what kind of leader? If you mislead them, then what is the use of taking leadership?
- If you go to a tailor's shop, so you have to pay for if you want a better garment. Similarly, what kind of body you will get, that will depend on your work
- If you keep yourself constantly engaged in Krsna consciousness, then you are not in this material world. There is no more fear of what kind of body you will get next. You will get next body go back to home, back to Godhead
- If you want to learn about that then you must find out a guru. What kind of guru? Just like Kapiladeva, Krsna, or His representative. Not a bogus guru. Then you will be cheated
- In a friendly way, the Lord said, "Sir, I have come to your house as your guest, but upon seeing Me you hid yourself in your room. What kind of etiquette is this?"
- In His small form, Krsna was kind enough to show His mother the virat-rupa, the universal form, so that she could enjoy seeing what kind of child she had on her lap
- In the Bhagavad Gita Krsna has definitely stated that "from the topmost planet down to the lowest, all are places of misery where repeated birth and death take place"--so what kind of paradise can they (communist) achieve
- In the Bhagavad-gita everything explained: four kinds of men begins God consciousness. And what kind of man he is? Sukrtina, one who has background of pious life, not the rogues and rascals. Little pious activities one who has done. Ajnata-sukrti
- In the evening, burn torchlights in every home. I shall give protection to everyone. Let us see what kind of Kazi comes to stop our kirtana
- Isvara, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is situated in everyone's heart. He is supervising what kind of yantra, or machine, this living entity requires for fulfilling his desires
- It doesn't matter what kind of religion you are following, but if the religious system teaches you how to become a devotee to Adhoksaja-adhoksaja means beyond our sense perception, the Supreme Lord - then your life is perfect. Then you will be happy
- It doesn't matter what kind of religion you are following. If your love for God has enhanced, if you understand what is God, what is your relationship with God, and what is the end of or the object of human life, then your life is successful
- It requires little intelligence that, "I am eternal. Why I am in this business, accepting one body and again giving up, giving it up? And there is no guarantee what kind of body I'm going to accept next." There is no guarantee
- King Prthu spoke: My dear great sages, auspiciousness personified, it's very difficult for even the mystic yogis to see you. Indeed, you are very rarely seen. I don't know what kind of pious activity I performed for you to grace me by appearing before me
- Ksatriyas are allowed to go in the forest and kill some animal. Because he has to practice. So what kind of animal? Not the cows or simple animal. He must kill one tiger, one lion, one jungle boar. Very ferocious animal. That was the Ksatriya's business
- Last life, I had some body, but I cannot say what kind of body I had. Of course, there is science, astronomy and other things. They can speak, but I don't believe it. Or even if I believe, what can I do with that?
- Lokasya ajanatah, they (people in general) do not know what kind of risky life they are conducting. So the Krsna consciousness movement is trying to make them awakened to the consciousness. That is the duty of a sane man or a gentleman
- Lord Krsna thought: "My friends climb on My shoulders in pure friendship, saying, ‘What kind of big man are You? You and I are equal'"
- Lord Visnu had to think twice about what kind of beautiful form would bewilder even Lord Siva. Consequently He was smiling gravely, as stated in the previous verse (prahasya bhava-gambhiram) - SB 8.12.14
- Maharaja Yudhisthira inquired: What kind of great curse could affect even liberated visnu-bhaktas, and what sort of person could curse even the Lord's associates? For unflinching devotees of the Lord to fall again to this material world is impossible
- Modern man does not understand his entanglement and how condemned he is, nor does he know what kind of body he is going to have in the next life
- My dear lord, what kind of mantra have you given Me? I have become mad simply by chanting this maha-mantra
- My dear mind, what kind of devotee are you? Simply for cheap adoration you sit in a solitary place and pretend to chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, but this is all cheating
- Nobody likes death, but death is there. Nobody likes to become old, but the old age is there. Why they set aside these big problems and he's proud of scientific advancement of knowledge? What kind of education this is?
- Nobody should approach a bona fide spiritual master just to argue with him and just to, with a desire that "I shall see what kind of spiritual master." No. This is useless
- On hearing this statement of the Lord, Devahuti inquired: What kind of devotional service is worth developing and practicing to help me easily and immediately attain the service of Your lotus feet?
- One doesn't have to aspire for his next body; one need only rest assured that it will be a different body. On the other hand, Krsna does not say what kind of body one will be awarded. That depends on qualification
- One girl said to another, "My dear friend, it is very difficult to guess what kind of pious activities these queens have performed, for they are always enjoying the smiling face and loving glances of Krsna"
- One has to be judged by the result. You have worked very hard and supposed to be very rich man, but if I see that you have no nice apartment, neither any car, neither any opulence, so what kind of businessman you have earned
- One should not think that he is freed from reaction because he has forgotten the actions of his past life. Reactions will take place, and what kind of reactions there will be is judged by the Supersoul, the witness
- One should not think, "Now I will see what kind of spiritual master he is. I will challenge him." Our inquiries (pariprasnena) should be on the subject of service - sevaya
- One should work only for Krsna. It does not matter in what kind of work one engages, but that work should be done only for Krsna. That is the standard of devotional service. BG 1972 purports
- One who is intelligent, he should try to understand that "What kind of body am I going to get next?" That is intelligence. So that is also explained in the Bhagavad-gita, what kind of body you can get
- One's present body will be finished, and then one will have to accept another body. What kind of body one will accept is stated in Bhagavad-gita - 14.18
- Pariksit Maharaja naturally inquired, What kind of pious activities did Nanda Maharaja and Yasoda perform in their past lives by which they achieved such a stage of perfection
- Prakrti, nature, will offer the body, and there are so many varieties of body. So one should know at least what kind of body I'm going to get next. That is intelligence. And if he becomes other than human being, that is not very good proposal
- Rama-rajya means responsible government. Even during the time of Ramacandra, one brahmin's son died. So he went to the king to challenge that, "What kind of king you are that in the presence of the father the son is dying?" This is responsible government
- Ramacandra thought Himself that He is unable to jump over. He had to construct a bridge. You see? But what kind of bridge? Bridge, a stone bridge that was floating on the sea. The law of gravitation did not work
- Ramananda Raya inquired, "What kind of drama are you (Rupa Gosvami) writing? We can understand that it is a mine of conclusive statements"
- Say for a hundred years the changing is going on. Then, after that, when he changes this body, then there is daiva-netrena, the judgment - What kind of body should be awarded this living entity
- Saying this, Sri Ramananda Raya took Pradyumna Misra to a secluded place and inquired from him, "What kind of krsna-katha do you want to hear from me"
- Simply open a factory in which to manufacture nuts and bolts and work very hard and drink, and eat meat? What kind of civilization is this? It is because of this so-called civilization that people are suffering
- Simply we are under false impression that, "I am this," "I am that," & lastly, "I am God" What kind of God you are? If you get immediately little toothache, you go to physician-god, the dentist-god & you're claiming that you are God. This is called maya
- Since the bull and cow are your father and mother, how can you kill and eat them? What kind of religious principle is this? On what strength are you so daring that you commit such sinful activities?
- Since the manifestations of Krsna are so great, we should know that His enjoyment is far greater than ours. We have to try to understand what kind of enjoyment Krsna likes
- So long we have got lusty desires, we have to change our body, and that we do not know, what kind of body we are going to get next birth. Therefore, without knowing this, if we become mad after material profit, then less intelligent
- So we must be very careful what kind of body I'm going to get. Now, this life I have got very nice, beautiful body and everything is all right, but if we act irresponsibly, the nature will give me a suitable body
- Somebody went to see one advanced devotee, and at nine o'clock he was sleeping. And he's advanced devotee. Is not that? What kind of devotee he is?
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu challenged the Muslim Kazi - What kind of religious principle do you follow by killing your father and mother (the bull and cow) to eat them
- Such men (who is engaged in pursuing material prosperity) do not know that after a hard struggle for life one must change his body, with no certainty of what kind of body he will receive next
- The living entity then (when the living entity and the life air are gone) goes to the court of judgment, and Yamaraja decides what kind of body he is going to get next. This process is unknown to modern scientists
- The Lord asked the Pracetas to pray for some benediction, and they said, "What kind of benediction should we pray for? The Lord is unlimited, and there are unlimited benedictions."
- The Lord inquired, "What kind of book are you writing?" He held up a palm leaf that was a page of the manuscript, and when He saw the fine handwriting, His mind was very pleased
- The Lord is like a desire tree. Anyone can have whatever he desires from the Lord, but people in general do not know what kind of benediction they should ask from Him
- The moon is full of highly elevated inhabitants who are counted amongst the demigods. We are therefore always in doubt about what kind of moon adventure the modern scientists of this planet earth have undertaken
- The only difference (between Devaki and Yasoda) is that Devaki was able to understand that the SP of Godhead had been born to her and had now changed into Krsna, whereas Yasoda was not able to understand what kind of child had been born to her
- The sages said, "We (the sages) do not, however, suggest what kind of act You (Balarama) should perform to atone for killing him; we simply suggest that You adopt some method of atonement so that others may follow Your action"
- The system of civilization who is encouraging them to do this without any information, what kind of condemned civilization is that? Pulling by force to the darkest region of hell. They do not know, although the hellish condition of life is in the front
- The test will be at the time of death, what kind of body you are going to get
- The whole movement of Krsna consciousness is to purify the consciousness. It doesn't matter what kind of brain one has because if he simply transfers his consciousness from matter to Krsna, his life becomes successful
- Then you'll not be effective (if you rubber stamp). You can cheat, but it will not be effective. Just see our Gaudiya Matha. Everyone wanted to become guru, and a small temple and "guru." What kind of guru? No publication, no preaching
- There are two kinds of activities, pravrtti. So if one does not know what kind of activities one can accept and what kind of activities one should reject, if he does not know, then he is a asura, demon
- There are two kinds of religious engagements: one is called inferior and the other is called superior. The superior religious system is that which teaches the followers how to love God. Now, what kind of love? That is also expressed there: ahaituki
- There is a story. A bridegroom was selected. So, the other party, bride's party, they inquired how the bridegroom was quite qualified. So they said, "He's a doctor." Then they inquired, "What kind of doctor? Doctor of philosophy, doctor of medicine or"
- There is no guarantee what kind of body I am going to get. I do not know. This foolish civilization is going. Save them by this Krsna consciousness. That is the best welfare activity
- There is no guarantee what kind of body you will get. That will depend on your work. You may get the body of a king or you may get the body of a hog, as you have done work in this life. This life is a preparation for the next life
- There must be bhakti. And what kind of bhakti? Not sentiment, but sruta-grhitaya, taking, accepting bhakti, the devotional path, after being completely aware of the spiritual science
- They are becoming leaders. So what kind of leader? Andha yathandhair upaniyamanah. One blind man is leading several other blind men. So what will be the result? The result must be disaster. That is being done
- They do not believe that there is an ultimate goal of life, there is life after death, and what kind of body he's going to get next. These things are not . . . neither in the university education curriculum, neither people are interested
- They do not inquire, "I do not want to die. Why is death enforced upon me?" Nor do they have any solution to this problem. But still they call themselves scientists. What kind of scientists are they
- This life will be finished, and you do not know what kind of body you are going to get next. The best guarantee is that you execute Krsna consciousness, chant Hare Krsna mantra constantly, remain pure by following the regulative principles
- This universe is fully described in the Fifth Canto of SB. You will see it, where, which planet, where it is situated, what is the dimension, what kind of people live there. Everything is there. Similarly, there are description of the hellish planet
- Those who are not dedicated or taken to Krsna consciousness, they are criminals. They will be taken to the Yamaraja's court, and Yamaraja will decide what kind of body
- Those who can understand analytically what kind of performances are in what modes of material nature are actually wise
- Those who can understand analytically what kind of performances are in what modes of material nature are actually wise; those who consider all kinds of sacrifice or foods or charity to be the same cannot discriminate, and they are foolish. BG 1972 pur
- Thus the curse (that Narada placed on the sons of Kuvera) was ultimately auspicious and brilliant. One has to judge what kind of curse Narada placed upon them
- We are preaching now. I came from India. If I would say: "I am sannyasi. I will not ride in a car or aeroplane; I must walk," then what kind of preaching would have been? You see? So therefore it depends on the acarya how to adjust things
- We are simply sitting down and inquiring about Krsna, and this is what one should do. This is life. Why should one work day and night like an ass? What kind of life is this? No. This is not life
- We are teaching them what kind of leaders should be selected. The king, the public leader, the brahmana, and . . . at least these three men, they should be free from the four kinds of sinful activities
- We cannot keep our position as unborn, but have to take birth and transmigrate from one body to another, with no guarantee of what kind of body we shall receive next. Even in this life, we are obliged to accept one body after another
- We do not know what kind of body we are going to get next life. We are blind. This is called ignorance
- We do not know what kind of meditation there is. But real meditation, recommended in the Vedas, dhyānāvasthita-tad-gatena manasā paśyanti yaṁ yoginaḥ (SB 12.13.1). Yogi. Yogis see the Supreme Personality of Godhead by meditation
- We do not want to see how . . . what kind of rituals and performances you are doing. Phalena pariciyate. We want to see the result, how much you have tried or how much you have developed your love of Godhead. That's all
- We have accepted already so many bodies. And natural conclusion is that I must accept another body. But what kind of body? Now you can select. There are 8,400,000 forms of body
- We have to accept the servitorship or underhand, to become underhand of some person. So the intelligence is that, "Whom we have to accept?" That, there lies intelligence: What kind of leader we shall accept
- We read Bhagavad-gita, but by reading Bhagavad-gita I become a politician. So what kind of reading Bhagavad-gita? Politician is there, of course, but the real purpose of reading Bhagavad-gita is to know Krsna
- What is that buddhi-yoga? Krsna says, tesam satata-yuktanam: "Persons who are twenty-four hours engaged," satata... Satata means always. Engaged. What kind of engagement? Bhajatam priti-purvakam
- What is the use of this human form of life? The cats and dogs, they have got body. They have also will meet death. And I have got body; I will also meet death. So am I meant for meeting death like cats and dogs? Then what kind of human being I am?
- What kind of body we are going to get, nobody knows. "This life is everything. This body is everything." Very risky. They do not inquire even wherefrom this body has come. They are also coming. They are also living. They are also eating
- What kind of dehanta, change of body, that depends on you. You are preparing your own body; I am preparing my body. So that is explained in the Bhagavad-gita
- What kind of guru? No publication, no preaching, simply bring some foodstuff. My Guru Maharaja used to say, "Joint mess," a place for eating and sleeping
- What kind of impression is it to the members that we always have to approach them to borrow their car? Please get it. But one thing is that I have heard that you are taking the money from the BBT to pay for it
- What kind of love is it? Love does not mean that you come once a week to my house. Love means you come to my house every day, give me some present, and take something from me. Srila Rupa Gosvami describes the symptoms of love in his Upadesamrta - 4
- What kind of management this is?
- What kind of philosophy? Philosophy begins when there is no more bodily conception. That is here. Sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam tat paratvena nirmalam
- What kind of surrender? Marobi rakhobi, jo iccha tohara. "Now I have surrendered. If you want, you can kill me. And if You want, You can keep me." This is surrender. This is trust. "If You like, you can kill me. And if You like, you can save me"
- What kind of Vaisnava, rascal, you are? Simply for cheap adoration you are living in a secluded place. Your chanting of so-called Hare Krsna mantra is simply cheating
- When higher authorities have decided what kind of gross body the living entity will have, he is forced to enter such a body, and thus he automatically gives up his previous body
- When I was in America first, I saw some little boys, not more than ten to twelve years, smoking cigarette. I was astonished that "What kind of education is there?" But they don't mind. Even in their classroom, the elderly young boys and girls, they smoke
- When quitting this body, there is examination what kind of body he (the soul) is going to get
- When you are initiated, you promise "No illicit sex, no intoxication, no meat-eating, no gambling." And if you do privately all these things, then what kind of man you are? Don't be cheater. Be plain
- Whether you follow the Christian mahajanas or the Vedic mahajanas, it doesn't matter. But you have to follow the mahajanas. If a Christian says, "I don't believe in St. Thomas," what kind of Christian is he
- Yamaraja is the superintendent or the judge for considering what kind of punishment should be given to a certain sinful person. After death, those who are sinful, they are taken to Yamaraja for judgment
- You are accepting every moment a different body. So after death, you will have to accept another body. Now, we should know, "What kind of body I am going to accept next?" That is intelligence. That is civilization
- You are eternal, suppose you have got this shirt and coat. When it is torn down, when it is old enough, you have to give it up. Then you have to purchase another shirt and coat. So are you not prepared for that, - What kind of shirt and coat I shall have?
- You are with us practically for the last four years and still if you think you cannot surrender to Krishna without any doubt, then what kind of progress you have made by this time?
- You can know that if you follow the sastric injunctions in the Bhagavad-gita. You do not know, "What kind of body I am going to get next life," but you can know from Bhagavad-gita. You cannot speculate, but you can know from Bhagavad-gita
- You have to accept another body after this. So what kind of body I am going to get? Is it not the point of consideration? But there is no education on this point
- You have to accept one chief. But intelligent is that which . . . what kind of leadership we shall accept. That is knowledge