Category:Wanting to Forget
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Pages in category "Wanting to Forget"
The following 28 pages are in this category, out of 28 total.
- According to the desires of the living entity, the Lord makes him remember or forget. If the living entity is demoniac & wants to forget the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Lord gives him the intelligence to be able to forget the Supreme Lord forever
- Actually, they are pessimistic of this material world, but they want to forget. Somebody is trying to forget it by liquor. Somebody is trying to forget by LSD, and somebody is marijuana, or ganja. But that forgetfulness will not save you
- Another one of the friends of Nanda Maharaja said, "My dear Nanda, we do not know why we are so attracted by your son Krsna. We want to forget Him, but this is impossible. Why are we so naturally affectionate toward Him"
- If anyone wants to forget Krsna, Krsna will give him such intelligence that he will never be able to understand Krsna. But if anyone tries to love Krsna, understand Krsna, He'll give full of intelligence, you can understand. That is Krsna
- If one wants to forget Krsna, if he wants to become happy without Krsna, the Lord will give so many chances to enable him to forget Him life after life
- If you want to forget God, challenge God, "There is no God. God is dead," then He'll give you such intelligence that you'll always think that there is no God, that God is dead, like that. He'll give some arguments
- If you want to forget Krsna or God, He will give you intelligence in such a way that you will forget forever. There will be no chance to come to the precincts of God
- If you want to forget Krsna, if you want to become happy without Krsna, He'll give you so many chances that you'll forget Krsna. Life after life
- If you want to know Krsna, then He will give you such intelligence you will know that, "Here is Supreme Personality of Godhead." This is Krsna's busin . . . if you want to forget Krsna, Krsna will give you chance to forget Him forever
- If you want to know Krsna, then Krsna will give you intelligence how to know Him. If you want to forget Krsna, then He will give you, mislead you in such a way that you will forever forget Krsna
- In the Gita, Sri Krsna says that for one who wants to remember Him, He gives remembrance, and for one who wants to forget Him, He allows him to forget
- Krsna is very strict. If anyone wants to forget Him, He will give him so many chances that he will never be able to understand what is Krsna. But Krsna's devotee are more compassionate than Krsna. Therefore they preach KC to the poor people
- Krsna's business is to make you forgetful because you want to forget. And when you are advanced, if you want know... If you want to establish, reestablish your relation, He will encourage you
- One who wants to continue to forget the Lord is helped by the Lord to forget Him birth after birth
- One who wants to continue to forget the Lord is helped by the Lord to forget Him birth after birth, but one who remembers Him, by dint of association with a devotee of the Lord, is helped to remember Him more and more
- So actually, as pure spirit soul, I want to forget, but because I do not accept the real path, how to get out of this material existence, therefore we have to accept something, concocted means. That will not save us
- Sometimes they want to forget the suffering by another suffering, drinking or LSD, to forget suffering. This is going on. And human life is the only opportunity to rectify these mistakes and come to his original position, constitutional position
- Sometimes we want to forget ourself by transferring ourself into that deep sleep, forgetting everything. Actually, that is our natural tendency. When we are too much afflicted with these material activities, anxieties
- The actual import of the verse is that one must see the form of Govinda if one at all wants to forget the nonsense of material friendship, love and society
- The atheists want to forget these miseries (birth, old age, disease and death), and therefore they like to think that there is no life after death. They are like ostriches, who stick their head in the ground when an enemy approaches
- The Lord is merciful; if anyone wants to forget Him and enjoy this material world, He gives him full facility, not directly but through the agency of His material potency
- There are sleeping pills also, so many things. So actually, as pure spirit soul, I want to forget, but because I do not accept the real path, how to get out of this material existence, therefore we have to accept something, concocted means