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Pages in category "Unnecessary"
The following 159 pages are in this category, out of 159 total.
- A devotee should live in a secluded place. Generally a common man is interested in pounds, shillings and pence, or materialistic advancement in life, which is unnecessary for a devotee
- A person desiring to advance in spiritual understanding should be extremely careful to avoid reading ordinary literature. The world is full of ordinary literature that creates unnecessary agitation in the mind
- About our tenants; most of them are employed. So, there is good chance of their vacating when they are transferred. You should be very vigilant to see that they do not transfer occupancy to someone else and cause unnecessary harassment
- An aristocratic birth, an advanced education, beautiful bodily features, wealth and similar results of pious activities are all unnecessary for advancement in spiritual life, for one can very easily advance simply by chanting the holy name
- Any religion committing unnecessary violence to the animals, (it is) third-class. It is not religion, it is cheating. Simply cheating
- Anyabhilasita-sunyam (Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.1.11) Materialistic activities are unnecessary for the soul, and therefore the devotees are freed from such activities
- Apaisunam means that one should not find fault with others or correct them unnecessarily. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna did not know whether he should fight and risk unnecessary violence, although fighting is the duty of the ksatriyas, or whether he should refrain and live by begging. BG 1972 purports
- As far as sleeping is concerned, a Krsna conscious person is always alert in the discharge of his duties in Krsna consciousness, and therefore any unnecessary time spent sleeping is considered a great loss. BG 1972 purports
- As in the paddy field the unnecessary plants are taken out, so it is expected from the very beginning of these topics unwanted plants like Dhrtarastra's son Duryodhana and others would be wiped out. BG 1972 purports
- As long as there is a demand for sense satisfaction, there is no chance for pacification; on the contrary, by unnecessary dry speculative arguments, the whole matter becomes distorted, and thus the Lord moves still further away from our understanding
- As the king of a country thinks of diplomatic ways to achieve his object, Rukmini, being the daughter of a king, was diplomatic in suggesting how this unnecessary and undesirable killing could be avoided
- Atonement is certainly unnecessary when one has achieved spontaneous love and, above that, attachment with love, which are signs of increasing advancement in kadacitki. Even in the stage of abhasa-rupa bhakti, all the reactions of sinful life are uprooted
- Balarama said, "I do not think we should disturb our good relationship; we should continue our friendship without any unnecessary fighting. Please, therefore, immediately release Samba and bring him, along with his wife, Laksmana, before Me"
- Balarama said, "Under the circumstances, there is very little chance that one of you will be defeated by the other. Therefore I request you not to waste your time fighting in this way. I wish you to stop this unnecessary fight"
- By shaving head means it cleanses. The head is not overburdened with unnecessary . . . We want clear brain, and that is the Vedic system
- Collecting and eating more than necessary also causes prayasa, or unnecessary endeavor. By God's arrangement, anyone in any part of the world can live very peacefully if he has some land and a milk cow
- Conquering over sleeping, conquering over sex life and conquering over eating, these things are required. Pious life means gradually decreasing the unnecessarily bodily demands. That is pious life
- Consider where you have come from, where you are going after giving up this body, and why you are under the control of material lamentation. Try to understand your real position in this way, & then you will be able to give up your unnecessary attachment
- Dhrtarastra could realize two opposing factors acting before him. He could understand that Krsna was there to remove all the unnecessary burdens of the world. His sons were an unnecessary burden, and so he expected that they would be killed
- Dhruva was informed that since every living entity is a residence of the Supreme Lord and can be considered a temple of the Lord, the unnecessary killing of any living entity is not permitted
- Don't waste time for unnecessary questions and answers. But we have to do something sometimes. But that is not the way - unless one surrenders fully, pranipatena, and renders service
- Due to such conditions (of material world), Prahlada Maharaja says that these vimudhas, materialistic persons, have unnecessarily burdened themselves simply for temporary happiness
- Earning one's livelihood is not a problem. The real problem is how to get free from the bondage of birth, death and old age. Attaining this freedom, and not inventing unnecessary necessities, is the basic principle of Vedic civilization
- Either this department or that department, if you quarrel amongst yourselves it will be detrimental to my missionary ambition. Please therefore stop this unnecessary strain
- Every day, Vallabha Bhatta would come to the place of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to engage in unnecessary arguments with Advaita Acarya and other great personalities, such as Svarupa Damodara
- He (a wise man) concludes that in the human form of life he should not endeavor for unnecessary necessities, but should live a very simple life, just maintaining body and soul together
- He (the devotee) should be satisfied always with such income and should not endeavor to earn more and more simply to accumulate the unnecessary
- If one is not particularly careful, even by watering the plant of devotional service, unnecessary weeds will grow & hamper progress
- If we simply waste our time for increasing unnecessary necessities of life and do not try to understand the value of life, then we remain animal
- In a demoniac society, innocent animals are killed to satisfy the tongue, and women are tortured by unnecessary sexual indulgence
- In future through out the society, it is better so far as possible that we should rent. Big house means big responsibility. So unless there are many men, and very big propaganda, buying house is risky and unnecessary
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.2.8) it is also said: If one executes the occupational duties of varnasrama-dharma but does not cultivate his dormant Krsna consciousness, his activities are futile. His occupation simply becomes unnecessary labor
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam in the beginning of the transcendental literature, it is said, dharmah projjhita-kaitavo 'tra (SB 1.1.2). Dharma, artha, kama and moksa are kaitava - false and unnecessary
- In the temples and monasteries, gatherings of unnecessary, rejected, lazy fellows should be strictly disallowed. The temples and monasteries should be used exclusively by devotees who are serious about spiritual advancement in Krsna consciousness
- In the Vedic civilization, meat-eaters are advised to kill an animal for the goddess Kali or a similar demigod. This is in order not to give the animal unnecessary pain, as slaughterhouses do
- In this statement there are many confidential considerations. I do not write of them all, fearing an unnecessary increase in the volume of the book
- In this verse the word atirosena means "with unnecessary anger." When Dhruva Maharaja went beyond the limits of necessary anger, his grandfather, Svayambhuva Manu, immediately came to protect him from further sinful action
- In Western civilization, these three things (wine, women and gambling) are very prominent because of an unnecessary increase of wealth
- ISKCON is meant to establish a clear, practical common formulation of the common ideal of all theists, and to defeat the unnecessary dogmatic wranglings that now divide & invalidate the theistic camp. This common ideal of theism is to develop love of God
- Killing means he's being implicated in sinful activities. Anartha, unnecessary. So we restrict this
- Killing means that you have to eat something. Our philosophy is that we cannot stop killing, but there is no unnecessary killing
- Krsna addressed Balarama, "The two of Us have descended to this earth just to annihilate such unnecessary bellicose forces and give protection to the pious devotees. So we have the opportunity to fulfill Our mission. Please let Us execute it"
- Krsna does not approve the unnecessary worship of the demigods
- Krsna does not approve the unnecessary worship of the demigods. BG 1972 purports
- Kumbhipaka is meant for persons who are unnecessarily envious. Those who are envious of the activities of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu are punished in that hellish condition
- Madhvacarya says: There is no need to take shelter of unnecessary literature or concern oneself with many so-called philosophers & thinkers who are useless for spiritual advancement. Nor should one accept a disciple for the sake of fashion or popularity
- Many people unnecessarily talk of the daily happenings in the newspapers and pass the time without any profit. A devotee, however, does not indulge in unnecessary talks of politics or economics
- Many trees are useful because they produce fruits and flowers, but many other trees are unnecessary. They could be used as fuel and the land cleared and used for agriculture. When the government is negligent, less grain is produced
- Marriage is simply a license for having sex, so we are not very fond of sanctioning unnecessary sense gratification
- My appearance in this world is especially to explain the philosophy of Sankhya, which is highly esteemed for self-realization by those desiring freedom from the entanglement of unnecessary material desires
- My request is not to do injustice to us in any way by unnecessary anti propaganda, but to cooperate with us by joining our Krishna Consciousness movement so that it may spread more and more satisfactorily, and for this we shall be highly obliged
- Naturally a devotee has no taste for unnecessary sporting or cinema-going or enjoying some social function, because he understands that these are simply a waste of time. BG 1972 purports
- No one can know You, because You are unlimited. It is best not to try to know You by unnecessary mental speculation. Rather, kindly bless us so that we can worship You with causeless devotional service."
- Nobody learns to smoke from the beginning of life, but the child requires to eat something. That's a fact. But it doesn't require to smoke. So these are artificial things. So we have to minimize the non-necessary things
- Not knowing this (with the appearance of kala, death, one must take another body by the laws of nature), they (atheists) unnecessarily waste their time in their occupation as watchdogs and do not try to get the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Nowadays it appears that every state is busy manufacturing atomic weapons to prepare for a third world war. Such preparations are certainly unnecessary; they reflect the false pride of the heads of state
- O Kamsa, you fool, what will be the use of killing me (Durga)? The SPG Krsna, who has been your enemy from the very beginning & who will certainly kill you, has already taken His birth somewhere else. Do not unnecessarily kill other children - SB 10.4.12
- O King, controller of the entire universe, although you are very munificent and are able to give Me as much land as I want, I do not want anything from you that is unnecessary
- Once the world was overburdened by the unnecessary defense force of different kings, who were actually demons but were posing themselves as the royal order
- One can produce many nice preparations to offer Krsna - grain, fruit, flowers and milk. Why should one indulge in unnecessary meat-eating and maintain horrible slaughterhouses? What is the use of smoking and drinking tea and coffee?
- One should accept the superior quality of occupation in the form of the devotional service of the Lord without any tinge of unnecessary desire, fruitive action and philosophical speculation. This alone can lead one to perpetual solace in His service
- One should not be eager to gather more and more material goods by unnecessary activity. One should be satisfied with whatever is obtained by the grace of the Supreme Lord; that is called satisfaction. BG 1972 purports
- One should not endeavor for ugra-karma, or unnecessary work for sense gratification. Nunam pramattah kurute vikarma yad indriya-pritaya aprnoti. Simply for sense gratification, people make plans for material happiness
- One thing is that I have asked Jayapataka Swami to make you treasurer so that you can look after things and see to it that such unnecessary expenditure is not made in the future
- One who (a human being) is sober, who knows the laws of nature, and who is not influenced by unnecessary attachment or aversion is sure to be recognized by the Lord and thus become eligible to go back to Godhead, back to the eternal home
- One’s spiritual vision develops proportionately to one’s giving up the debased mentality of unnecessarily enjoying matter
- Our mission is to protect our devotees from unnecessary heavy work to save time for advancing in Krsna consciousness. This is our mission
- Real detachment means that everything belongs to Krsna. So you have no proprietorship. That is detachment. If you falsely claim, "It is mine," that is attachment, unnecessary. It is not yours
- Realization of the science of Godhead and relief from the unnecessary, useless struggle for existence are not at all difficult for the willing candidate. But they are for persons who are not surrendered souls but only simple, profitless speculators
- Regarding the land purchase, these soil tests are unnecessary. All the land in that area needs fertilizers, that we know. Anyway, you can give up this. If there is doubt, then there is no need for purchasing this land
- Seekers of the Absolute Truth are never allured by unnecessary engagements in sense gratification because the serious students seeking the Absolute Truth are always overwhelmed with the work of researching the Truth
- Self-control means that the senses should not be used for unnecessary personal enjoyment. BG 1972 purports
- Since every living entity is a residence of the Supreme Lord and can be considered a temple of the Lord, the unnecessary killing of any living entity is not permitted
- Since everyone's body is the residence of the Supreme Lord, one should not destroy the body because of unnecessary envy. That will dissatisfy the Supersoul
- Since the basic principles of criminality are sense gratification, anger and unnecessary lust, persons conducted by these three enemies of the living entity are never promoted to Vaikunthaloka
- So anartha-nivrttih syat. If every house engages in this arcana-vidhi, so many unwanted things will vanish. You'll have no more interest for seeing cinema or going to the restaurant or smoking bidi and wasting time by unnecessary talks
- Sridhara Swami said in his verse, "Let the mystic yogis engage in their meditational service, and let the different sects engage in unnecessary arguing as to which is the best"
- Srila Narottama dasa Thakura says: karma-kanda jnana-kanda kevala visera bhanda. For a Vaisnava, the karma-kanda and jnana-kanda sections of the Vedas are unnecessary. Indeed, a real Vaisnava takes these sections as a poison pot - visera bhanda
- Stay away from this ". . . striyah suna" and unnecessary animal slaughtering; eating meat, fish, eggs etc. This human being becomes a heavy weight to mother earth
- Stri-sangi means those who are unnecessary addicted to women
- That I want, that I live happily and chant Hare Krsna. That's all. We don't want unnecessary luxury. Anartha should be reduced, nil, bare necessities
- The child then became very angry and demanded that his mother immediately tell the truth. "You unchaste woman," he said, "what is the use of your unnecessary shame? Why do you not admit your fault? Immediately tell me about your faulty behavior"
- The cycle of birth and death does not support unnecessary murder, slaughter and war. But at the same time, violence and war are inevitable factors in human society for keeping law and order. BG 1972 purports
- The devotee must be clean, inside and outside, both. Outside cleaning by taking bath, washing the body with oil or soap or soda, and inside, materially, there will be no unclean things, stool, unnecessary stool
- The difficulty is that due to forgetfulness the living entities create unnecessary demands and entangle themselves in material activities. The result is that there is no end to material activities, life after life
- The fourth fault (in CC Adi 16.41) is punar-ukti, or redundancy, which occurs when the verb vibhavati - flourishes, which should have ended the composition, is further qualified by the unnecessary adjective adbhuta-guna - endowed with wonderful qualities
- The fourth restriction is that you cannot take part in gambling or some unnecessary sporting because you have to utilize your time
- The inner member shall not indulge in unnecessary indoor or outdoor games, sporting or gambling habit
- The living entity travels on his chariot day and night during a year consisting of 360 (or more) days and nights. Life's progress is taken for the unnecessary labor required to cover these 360 days and nights of life
- The managers of the Krsna consciousness movement should be extremely cautious in regard to this point. Otherwise money will be the cause of lamentation, illusion, fear, anger, material attachment, material poverty, and unnecessary hard work
- The material scientists - the modern quasi priests who invoke such material activities - invent many objects to gratify the material senses such as the eye, ear, nose, and tongue and ultimately the mind, & there results a field of unnecessary competition
- The material scientists invent many objects to gratify the material senses, and there results a field of unnecessary competition for enhancement of such material happiness, which leads the whole world into the whirlpool of uncalled-for clashes
- The mind should not indulge in unnecessary thoughts; that is called samah, or calmness. Nor should one spend one's time pondering over earning money. That is a misuse of the thinking power. BG 1972 purports
- The modern civilization is simply meant for creating unnecessary necessities of life. That's all. So we are becoming deviated from God. The more we are advancing in so-called material civilization, we are more becoming far away from God
- The path of goodness traversed by your father, grandfather and great-grandfathers is that of maintaining the subjects (prajas), including the men, animals and trees. That is the path you should follow. Unnecessary anger is contrary to your duty
- The queens continued, "Dear black cloud, we must admit frankly that to establish an intimate relationship with Syamasundara means to purchase unnecessary anxieties while we are otherwise comfortable at home"
- The result of the greedy capitalist's unnecessary accumulation of wealth is that he must suffer from a blazing fire of anxiety and always be concerned with how to save his money and invest it properly to get more and more
- The same mentality is involved in trying to blow-up a slaughterhouse as is there in meat-eating. Such things will not stop people from unnecessary animal slaughter
- The state citizens were completely satisfied with all necessities of life and therefore not inclined to accept unnecessary productive enterprises for sense gratification
- The teachings of Lord Caitanya can help human society stop such unnecessary and temporary material activities. By these teachings, humanity can be elevated to the topmost platform of spiritual activity
- The teachings of Lord Caitanya can help the members of human society stop such unnecessary and temporary activities and be elevated to the topmost platform of spiritual activities, which begin after liberation from material bondage - CC Preface
- The Vedic civilization teaches that: Be satisfied with the minimum necessities of life. Don't increase unnecessary necessities of life
- The whole thing is instructed in the Bhagavad-gita and if we accept the teachings of Bhagavad-gita, as it is without unnecessary commentary on it, then our spiritual movement will be successful
- The whole world is engaged in unnecessary hard labor with their factories. It is a brain killing civilization. Let them come to free life. Spend time chanting Hare Krsna, reading books and making their lives successful
- The whole world is full of violence, and a devotee's first business is to stop this violence, including the unnecessary slaughter of animals
- There are eighteen qualifications mentioned in Bhagavad-gita, among which is simplicity. One should be without pride; one should not demand unnecessary respect from others, and one should be nonviolent. Amanitvam adambhitvam ahimsa - BG 13.8
- These are the general principles to be followed by all human beings: gradually taking leave of unnecessary engagements, observing the futility of the unnecessary activities of human society, remaining silent and grave and avoiding unnecessary talk
- These persons who are indulging unnecessary sex life in Vrndavana, they'll have to take birth as monkeys in Vrndavana, and then next life they'll be liberated. So otherwise, why in Vrndavana the monkeys? They are also devotees, but they could not proceed
- They (naisthika-brahmacaris) accept the order of sannyasa, or the renounced order of life, knowing well that combination with women is an unnecessary burden that checks self-realization
- They (the sudras) should not be puffed up with unnecessary prestige or honor and should remain in their own status. It is the duty of the sudras to offer respect to the higher class for the upkeep of the social order. BG 1972 purports
- They simply see television. Idol worship. And learning vicious things. Some unnecessary picture is produced there. They like to see it. Two train are coming and they are smashed
- This (CC Adi 14.29) is an explanation of the Mayavada philosophy, which takes everything to be one. The necessities of the body, namely eating, sleeping, mating and defending, are all unnecessary in spiritual life
- This is an authoritative statement given by the greatest authority, Narada Muni. If one gives another living entity unnecessary pain, one will certainly be punished by the laws of nature with a similar pain
- Those in human society who are intelligent should give up the original cause of lamentation, illusion, fear, anger, attachment, poverty and unnecessary labor. The original cause of all of these is the desire for unnecessary prestige and money
- Those who are in the lower grades of society prefer to perform sacrifices by killing animals, but one who is advanced in knowledge must avoid such unnecessary violence
- Those who kill animals and give them unnecessary pain - as people do in slaughterhouses - will be killed in a similar way in the next life and in many lives to come. One can never be excused from such an offense
- To avoid the unnecessary killing of her relatives, Rukmini suggested that it would be easiest for Him (Krsna) to kidnap her while she was either going from the palace to the temple or else returning home
- To avoid unnecessary turmoil these great personalities (Srila Haridasa Thakura, Srila Rupa Gosvami and Srila Sanatana Gosvami) would not enter the Jagannatha temple
- Uddhava said, "The best thing would be for Bhimasena to fight alone with him (Jarasandha). Then there would be no unnecessary killing of many soldiers"
- Unnecessary association with women, even with one's mother, sister or daughter, is strictly prohibited. This is human civilization
- Unnecessary competition for enhancement of material happiness, which leads the whole world into the whirlpool of uncalled - for clashes
- Unnecessary vairagya, there is no need. We don't approve that. Yuktahara-viharas ca. What you require for keeping health, but not to eat too much. But what is absolutely required must be done
- We are creating unnecessary necessities of life and becoming entangled. This is material life. But if one becomes Krsna conscious, interested in Krsna, then he becomes detestful: "What is the use?"
- We are world-wide organization, and we must have the cooperation of the government authorities, so we shall not create any unnecessary misunderstandings by avoiding government requirements
- We can actually see, especially in this age, that those who have unnecessary riches simply try to enjoy these three things (wine, women & wealth). In Western civilization, these three things are very prominent because of an unnecessary increase of wealth
- We do not know what is the aim of life. We are taking to so many unnecessary engagements. The human life is so valuable that not a single moment you cannot spare for any other business than Krsna consciousness
- We don't follow this nonsense philosophy, unnecessary vairagya. Suska-vairagya, dry knowledge
- We have created unnecessary problems simply by forgetting Krsna. This is the material nature. Bhave 'smin klisyamananam. Therefore you have to work so hard
- We have developed certain unnecessary qualities by material association, and by following the above process (hearing of the name, quality, form of God) we become free from that contamination
- We practice Bhakti-yoga strictly and since Bhakti includes all other results obtained from practicing other yogas as it is declared in the Bhagavad-gita to be the culmination of all yogas it becomes unnecessary for us to apply any other techniques
- We should not create unnecessary demands due to the bodily conception. When one is self-realized, he is sufficiently satisfied due to being situated in his original spiritual position
- What is the use of using sex life unnecessarily? Therefore only for begetting nice child one should have sex life. This is ideal life. Not that you use sex life, contraceptive method. This is all demonism
- Whatever he has, the Lord protects, and whatever he needs, the Lord supplies. Therefore why should one bother the Lord for something material? Such prayers are unnecessary
- When all the higher and lower planets became too hot to live on, the demigods, being disturbed, left their abodes in the higher planets and went to see Lord Brahma, praying to him that he curtail this unnecessary heat
- When Arjuna understood that it was Krsna's plan to reduce the unnecessary increase of population, he agreed to fight according to Krsna's desire. He again took up his weapons-his arrows and bow-to fight under the order of the SP of Godhead. BG 1972 pur
- When it is nice, why you are changing it? Unnecessary spending is not...
- When Maharaja Dasaratha, the father of Lord Ramacandra, used to fight with his enemies, it was said that he approached them just like a farmer uprooting unnecessary plants and trees
- When the government neglects agriculture, which is necessary for the production of food, the land becomes covered with unnecessary trees
- When the modes of passion and ignorance increase in human society, giving rise to unnecessary economic development, the result is that people become involved with wine, women and gambling
- When the world is overburdened by unnecessary military arrangements and when various demoniac kings are the executive heads of state, this burden causes the appearance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Why do you want to change the wheels? This is unnecessary. Don’t do this. Keep the old system strong and if necessary, repair it
- Why have you brought Me here, causing Me unnecessary pain? I had a chance to see Krsna's pastimes, but I could not see them
- Why you create unnecessary necessities of life and become complicated and forget Krsna? What is this civilization? Rascal civilization. Instead of giving protection to the cows, you are cutting the throat. Is that civilization?
- You are the witness of everything, from within and without. Nothing is unknown to You, and therefore it is unnecessary to inform You again of anything
- You must give up the rotten politics immediately and rise up for the preaching work of the philosophy and religion of "Bhagwat Geeta" without offering unnecessary and dogmatic interpretations on them
- You should all spend more time reading my books very carefully and stop all this unnecessary manufacturing