Category:To See
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- How to see God
- I am very much anxious to see the progress at Bombay Center, and I want that it shall become the first class preaching center in the world; please help me in this ambition
- It is said that Lord Jesus Christ, when twelve years old, was shocked to see the Jews sacrificing birds and animals in the synagogues and that he therefore rejected the Jewish system of religion
- A brahmacari is forbidden even to see the wife of his spiritual master if she happens to be young
- A devotee of the Lord naturally does not like to see anyone falling down from his real position
- A maha-bhagavata Vaisnava has the transcendental eyes to see who is sleeping under the spell of maya, and he engages himself in awakening sleeping conditioned beings by spreading the knowledge of Krsna consciousness
- A Vaisnava is truly a perfect person because he laments to see others unhappy and feels joy at seeing others happy
- After many births, mature yogis, by complete trance in yoga, endeavor in secluded places to see the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- After meeting for the first time that morning on the banks of the Godavari, Ramananda Raya and Lord Caitanya separated with the understanding that Ramananda Raya would come in the evening to see the Lord
- After two or three months he again comes home to see that his children are doing nicely and then again goes away. This is the beginning of detachment
- All the devotees here are very active in the service of Lord Krsna, and the results are obvious to see: happiness, good health, peace of mind, and the development of all good qualities. This is the nature of Vrndavana
- Although both eyes are constructed in one place, one is stronger than the other in the power to see
- Although in the beginning Narada Muni appeared very angry and cursed them, at the end the two demigods Nalakuvara and Manigriva were able to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, face to face
- Although the two eyes are situated in one place, they have no power to see without the sunlight. Vibhrajitam janapadam. If one wants to see something very clearly (vibhrajitam), he must see it with two eyes and the assistance of his friend the sunlight
- Arjuna promised all protection to one Mayasura, and the latter presented him one valuable conchshell celebrated as the Devadatta. Similarly, he received many other valuable weapons from Indradeva when he was satisfied to see his chivalry
- As a father is very happy to see the son's advancement in every respect, so the spiritual master is very happy to observe the ascendancy of his disciple
- As a medical practitioner, so why you take this disease as bad or that disease as good? Your business is to see that there should be no disease
- As described in the 7th Chapter (of BG), the manifestation of the living force in every body is due to the superior nature of the SG. Thus to see that one superior nature, that living force, in every body is to see in the mode of goodness. BG 1972 pur
- As followers of the Vedic principles, we accept the statements of Narada Muni in this regard. It is our duty to see that no one suffers due to sinful activities
- At a time when material science predominates all subjects - including the tenets of religion - it would be enlivening to see the principles of the eternal religion of man from the viewpoint of the modern scientist
- Back To Godhead and our books now can be printed in this press by our own men. I think you should now come back and see the printing work done nicely
- Because the body will change (tatha dehantara-praptir), we should be extremely careful. To see to the proper use of life is the purpose of Krsna consciousness
- Because the Lord (Caitanya) was in the ecstasy of going to Vrndavana, He was engladdened to see the Yamuna, although in actuality the river was the Ganges. In this way the Lord was brought to the house of Advaita Prabhu at Santipura
- Before King Vena was enthroned, all the great sages were very much anxious to see to the welfare of society. When they saw that King Vena was most irresponsible, cruel and atrocious, they again began to think of the welfare of the people
- Before taking his seat, however, Daksa was very much offended to see Lord Siva sitting and not showing him any respect. At that time, Daksa became greatly angry, and, his eyes glowing, he began to speak very strongly against Lord Siva
- Being overwhelmed with great pleasure, all the devotees hastily went to see the Lord (Caitanya). They met Him on the banks of the celebrated lake called Narendra-sarovara
- Bhagavad-gita is as clear as the sunlight. As you do not require to see the sun with another lamp, similarly, you do not require to study Bhagavad-gita with another commentation of a common man who has no knowledge
- Bhismadeva, while he was dying . . . he was grandfather of the Pandavas. So when the Pandavas came to see him on his deathbed, so he cried that, "These boys, my grandsons, they're all very pious
- By his example, Prthu Maharaja indicates that whenever there is a scarcity in food production, the head of the government should take steps to see why production is being held up and what should be done to rectify the situation
- By the grace of the Lord, Brahma was able to execute the tremendous task so perfectly that everyone is amazed to see the workmanship of the vidhata, or the regulator
- By your tiny effort you cannot see God. This is not possible. Just like in the midnight, darkness, it is not possible to see the sun. You can see sun when sun itself reveals to you
- Candrasekhara came out to see the man, but he saw no Vaisnava at the door. He saw only a man who appeared to be a mendicant. The Lord then asked to see the mendicant, and when Sanatana entered the courtyard, Caitanya hurriedly came to see and embrace him
- Compassionate Mahatma Vidura could not stand to see the Pandavas distressed at any time. Therefore he did not disclose this unpalatable and unbearable incident (the annihilation of the Yadu dynasty) because calamities come of their own accord
- Demons arrange many kinds of performances to see the glaring beauty of a beautiful woman
- Despite all endeavors for peace and prosperity, they must try to see the cows and the bulls happy in all respects. Foolish people do not know how one earns happiness by making the cows and bulls happy, but it is a fact by the law of nature
- Even if you are going to some place for Krsna's business, to see the police commissioner or going to the court for some degree or . . . because you are doing - you are concentrating your mind on Krsna - that is called yoga, bhakti-yoga
- Exhibiting his terrible teeth, fierce glance and frowning eyebrows, terrible to see, he took up his weapon, a trident, and thus began speaking to his associates, the assembled demons
- Eyes - the vulture goes seven miles up to see where there is food for the stomach. Is it not? Then the wings fly there, and the jaws catch the food
- For men in this age of Kali, when they have lost the perfect vision of life, this Srimad-Bhagavatam is the torchlight by which to see the real path
- For such a blind human society in the darkness of ignorance, SB is the torchlight to see things in proper perspective. Therefore it was necessary to describe the science of God from the very beginning, or from the very birth of the phenomenal world
- He (Kardama Muni) gives evidence that those who are actually elevated in yoga aspire in life after life to see this form of the Personality of Godhead
- He (Sahadeva) began to cry and call out, "Mother Madri! Where are you now? Father Pandu! Where are you now? I am very sorry that you are not here to see these footprints of Krsna!" This is another instance of devotional service in compassion
- Her (Gandhari's) eldest son, Duryodhana, was advised to see the mother naked. She advised, "My dear son, tomorrow morning when you come to offer your obeisances to me, you come naked. I shall see you and you will be solidified just like iron"
- His (The Lord) devotees were prevented from seeing His lotus feet, but the Lord Himself came to see them on the same lotus feet for which they aspired. It is also significant that He was accompanied by the goddess of fortune
- How now one can see? He has to see through the parampara, succession. You have not seen your great-grandfather. How do you know that he was? How do you know? Great-grandfather or his father, you have not seen. How do you believe?
- I am always glad to see when my disciples exhibit good sense
- I am coming soon to see that the Vrindaban construction is finished by Janmastami. I will take care of the necessary funds
- I am confident to see fulfillment of Lord Caitanya's mission in every corner of the world
- I am encouraged to see your report of books sold, because it proves that you consider it your responsibility to see that more and more people are reading our literature
- I am expecting to arrive in Calcutta some time this month and at that time I will be glad to see you and answer all of your questions
- I am going from Australia day after tomorrow. I simply came to see my disciples, how they are doing; to give them direction, further direction to improve. That's all
- I am so glad to receive your letter dated 15th March, 1971. I am so glad to learn that you are in Bombay and are eager to see me. I have therefore fixed up time on Tuesday at 9:00 A.M. It will be very pleasant to see you from 9:00 A.M. to 10 A.M
- I am so glad to see that you are understanding the distinction between Krsna Consciousness and materialistic frustrated consciousness by association with this Movement. Thank you for your nice appreciation of the Spiritual Master
- I am sorry I couldn't join you. Thank you for your invitation. I am expecting to go back to Vrndavana in the second week of March. I will be very pleased to see you there
- I am sorry to see that you have so many quarrels with my disciples. They are working very hard on my behalf trying to serve Krsna
- I am starting for Calcutta on the 29th August to see if the World Sankirtana Party could be organized and to see if our Mayapur Temple could be constructed
- I am surprised to see one item: withdrawal of $10.08 (ten dollars and eight cents) on the 16th December, 1969. I have not withdrawn anything, so how it so happens?
- I am taking the trouble of going ten miles to see a friend or thirty miles to see a medical practitioner, but I am very much proud of my car, that I have got a car
- I am very anxious to see our Bhagavad-gita in German so as soon as it is completed, kindly send me a copy
- I am very anxious to see this movement having centers in all the important cities of all the seven continents
- I am very glad that you are eager to see our foreign temples and that you wanted my advice in this connection
- I am very glad to see that you are all very enthusiastic, and you follow the other principles. Then be sure that you are advancing in Krsna consciousness
- I am very glad to see that you are not disappointed. This is a good sign. One should work with courage and patience, and certainly Krishna will be pleased
- I am very glad to see your enthusiasm in the matter of starting a Krishna Consciousness primary school in New Vrindaban and it will be just befitting that you become the head-mistress of the school
- I am very much anxious to see all my books published in my lifetime
- I am very much pleased to see the atmosphere here. Education means Krsna consciousness. That is education
- I am very pleased to see that you are distributing 40-60 books daily. Please go on doing this; it is very good
- I do not know if my secretaries in Bombay have seen the Chief Minister as directed by you, but I think that when the Governor is personally examining the case, it may not be necessary to see the Chief Minister
- I have already told you, your first business is to see about the publication of my books
- I have seen in Washington so many tourists came daily to see the many monuments & museums. So why not let one of the museums be about Krsna. Everything should be done first-class. I am sure that it will become the most popular place to visit in Washington
- I want them to travel vigorously throughout the world to lecture in all universities and other institutions. There is no lack of financial resources and we shall spare nothing to see to this party's success
- I was thinking that Kirtanananda Swami is angry upon me because I did not go to New Vrndavana, but what can I do? They are dragging me in so many places and it was arranged for me to see Indira Gandhi, the Prime Minister of India
- I was very pleased to note that you are willing to go to China as we have just printed a Chinese Bhagavad-gita. I am most eager to see this distributed throughout Southeast Asia to as many Chinese speaking people as possible
- If a person has written some theory, evolution of chemicals, and all rubbish things, it is very nice thing for the so-called dogs and camels, but those who have got eyes to see, one who has heard from Krsna, he'll understand this is nonsense
- If George simply spares that chapel to us it will be a great service to the neighboring people and visitors. We shall turn the chapel so nicely that everyone who comes to see will be Krishna conscious person
- If majority of the people are meat-eater, then meat is very good, full of vitamin. Therefore it is folly to be wise where ignorance is bliss. But we have to see what is the standard. Standard is given in the Bhagavad-gita
- If one is unhappy to see the distress of other living beings and happy to see their happiness, his religious principles are appreciated as imperishable by exalted persons who are considered pious and benevolent
- If we have any knowledge of Bhagavad-gita, we have to see how it tallies with the understanding of Arjuna
- If you are in the sunshine, sunlight, then you see the sun as well as yourself. Is it not? Therefore to see the self means first of all see the Supreme Self. The Supreme Self is Krsna
- If you want to select a guru, you have to see "Whether this person is fully surrendered to Krsna?" Then he is guru
- In Calcutta we are holding a huge "HK Festival" in which 35 to 40,000 people are attending daily for hearing discourses on SB & BG. We are distributing prasadam also. It is so much enlivening to see how the people are being so receptive to this message
- In great eagerness, Caitanya Mahaprabhu crossed the meeting hall and entered the room where food was offered, just to see the face of Lord Jagannatha
- In Maharaja Yudhisthira's time, you will find from SB that people were so happy that there was no excessive heat or excessive cold, and nobody was anxious; everyone was free. That is the first duty of the government, to see every citizen is happy
- In order to see his (Samba's) personal strength, however, they (the members of the Kuru dynasty) fought with him, and without respect for the regulations of fighting, they all arrested him
- In the dead of night the two brothers, Dabira Khasa and Sakara Mallika, went to see Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu incognito. First they met Nityananda Prabhu and Haridasa Thakura
- In the modern state the government has many rules and regulations for conducting the duties of the prajas, but the government neglects to see that the citizens advance in spiritual knowledge
- In the prison house sometimes the head of the country goes to visit, to see, to inspect how the prison life is going on or to give them some instruction, some good lesson, that "Why you are rotting in prison? You become good citizen"
- In the same way that Visvamitra Muni was attracted by the tinkling bangles of Menaka, Prince Agnidhra, upon hearing the tinkling bangles of Purvacitti, immediately opened his eyes to see her beautiful movements as she walked
- In this verse it is figuratively stated that the younger brother of desire suddenly appeared in person when the sages (the four Kumaras) were forbidden to see their most beloved Personality of Godhead
- Indeed, they (the brahmanas) were rather surprised to see such a great sannyasi touch a sudra, and they were also surprised to see Ramananda Raya, who was a great governor and practically king of that province, crying simply by touching a sannyasi
- Isvara, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, paramatma, He is situated in everyone's heart. You haven't got to search out. He is there within your heart. Simply you have to know the method how to see. That is wanted
- It (Salva's iron airplane) was a very big machine, almost like a big city, and it could fly so high and at such a great speed that it was almost impossible to see; so there was no question of attacking it
- It does not require any lamp-bearer to show the Bhagavad-gita or Krsna. It does not require. You try to see Bhagavad-gita as it is. Then you will be benefited. Otherwise, you'll be misled
- It is not possible for persons who depend on the strength of their mental speculations to see Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- It is our duty to see that not a moment of our life is wasted in topics which are not related with Lord Krsna. Any topic, however pleasant, is not worth hearing if it is devoid of its relation to Krsna
- It is said in the Hari-bhakti-sudhodaya (13.2): O devotee of the Lord, to see you is the perfection of the eyes, to touch your body is the perfection of bodily activities
- It is said that by proper understanding of the pure self, or by self-realization, one can be freed from material attachment. Knowledge leads one to attain the ultimate perfection of life and to see oneself as he is
- It is simply horrible for a pure-hearted soul to see organized animal-killing by the state in this age of Kali
- It is the duty of the brahmana, it is the duty of the father, it is the duty of the public leader, it is the duty of the government to see that everyone is engaged, everyone is employed
- It is the duty of the disciple that even the spiritual master, or senior acarya , they agree to be defeated, it is the duty of the disciple to see that his spiritual master and superior is not defeated
- It is the duty of the ksatriya to see that everyone is executing his proper professional or occupational duty. We have discussed this point yesterday, sva-dharmam api caveksya (BG 2.31). Sva-dharma
- It is the government's duty to see that nobody cheats. If a person without any medical qualification, if he writes "doctor" or "medical practitioner," he should be punished
- It is the Yamaraja's duty to see that these rascals who have forgotten Krsna, or God, and come here to enjoy material sense gratification, they must be punished. Because material sense gratification is always sinful
- It will be a great pleasure for me to see you personally and if possible we may talk about a program how you may be engaged in the service of Krishna Balarama. You are a very qualified person and can render many valuable services to the Lord
- It will be an international institute. To see the planetarium and how things are universally situated has nothing to do with sectarian ideas. It is a scientific presentation of spiritual life
- Janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi duhkha-dosanudarsanam. One should be intelligent to see the troubles of these four incidences of life: janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi. That is the whole Vedic system - how to get out of these clutches
- Jayadratha's father was surprised to see a severed head on his lap, and he at once threw it to the ground. The father immediately died, his forehead being cracked in seven pieces
- Just like a father is always anxious to see his children are well protected, similarly, Krsna is also always anxious to give protection to His subordinates
- Kardama Muni traveled in outer space in an airplane which was like a city, and he journeyed to see all the different heavenly planets
- King Saryati, who did not know the real facts of Cyavana Muni's transformation, was surprised to see the behavior of his daughter
- King Uttanapada, being very eager to see the face of his lost son (Dhruva), mounted a chariot drawn by excellent horses and bedecked with golden filigree
- Krsna has made your eyes to see Krsna, not a prostitute. That is your fault. Krsna has given you eyes to see Him, but you are utilizing to see a prostitute. So that is not Krsna's fault; that is your fault
- Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is a person, a person like you, like me. Just like we are facing each other, similarly, when you are spiritually perfect, you will be able to see Krsna exactly like face to face
- Last time (Feb. 9th 1963) when I met your Excellency to present my Srimad-Bhagavatam, you promised to read it to see what is there in it. As Srimad-Bhagwatam is combination of philosophy and religion it is a great need of the day
- Lord Jagannatha was astonished to see the transcendental dancing and chanting of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and He stopped His car just to see the dancing. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu then danced in such a mystical way that He pleased Lord Jagannatha
- Lord Siva's desiring to see Lord Visnu reveal the most attractive and beautiful form of a woman (Mohini-murti) was certainly a joking affair. Lord Siva knew that he could not be agitated by any so-called beautiful woman
- Neither you have got the eyes to see, neither God or His kingdom is visible in that way. It is to be realized, revelation. That is called revelation
- Not only Brahma but anyone who may be graced by the Lord to see such merciful direct internal energy can also realize the Personality of Godhead without any mental speculation
- Now this verse (of SB 10.1.62-63) informs us that all the family and friends of the Yadu dynasty, the Vrsni dynasty, Nanda Maharaja and the gopas descended from the heavenly planets to see the pastimes of the Lord
- On the way, Sanatana met his rich brother-in-law who was also in the government service and who offered him an excellent blanket, which he accepted at his special request. Then he parted from him and went on alone to see Caitanya Mahaprabhu at Benares
- One of the brothers, Jagai, was astonished to see this behavior of Nityananda Prabhu, and he at once fell down at His feet and asked Him to pardon his sinful brother
- One should be happy to see others happy, and one should be unhappy to see others unhappy. This is the principle to be followed
- One should not be astonished to see the activities of exalted, liberated Vaisnavas. As one should not be misled by the activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one should also not be misled by the activities of His devotees
- One who has eyes to see can understand how the body is being driven, influenced by the particular type of quality of material nature
- Our only ambition is that the birthsite of Bhaktivinode Thakura must be gorgeous and attractive so that people may come to see from all parts of the world
- Our tongue is never satisfied. But it is not unusual in India to see a yogitake only a small spoonful of rice a day and nothing more. Nor can one execute the meditational yoga system if one sleeps too much or does not sleep sufficiently
- People are very much accustomed to see rasa-lila in Vrndavana. Maybe they are advanced, but the test is whether he has given up his lusty desire. That is the test. If he has given up, then, after seeing rasa-lila, he should not have returned to home
- People must go there to (Mayapur) to see the American home and the American devotees. That is my idea. I shall be glad to know your opinion about this
- Please try to save temple of Jiva Goswami because in very near future many people all parts of the world will come to see the Temple and Samadhi of Jiva Goswami and Rupa Goswami
- Pleased to see their wives back home, the brahmanas sat together with them and executed the performances of sacrifices, as enjoined in the sastras. According to Vedic principle, religious rituals must be executed by the husband and wife together
- Presently I am out of Calcutta. So it is better if you are still interested in our Mayapur project to see the Mayapur committee and speak with them at our temple
- Puranjana admits that he is attracted by avidya. Now he wishes to see the complete feature of avidya and so requests the girl to raise her head so that he can see her face to face. He thus wishes to see the various features that make avidya attractive
- Sanjaya was relaying the fight in the battlefield, and Dhrtarastra was blind. Just like television. So he was seeing the fight from the heart. It means there is still more finer science, that you don't require machine to see it by television
- Sati said to Lord Siva: I think that all my sisters must have gone to this great sacrificial ceremony (of Daksa) with their husbands just to see their relatives
- Seeing things through the naked eye is not actually seeing. Seeing things through the authorized books or authorized teachers is the correct way to see
- Since such an experiment (to see the planets hovering in space) is not possible, naturally we have to accept the statement of SB as it is because it is so accepted by spiritual leaders like Sridhara Svami, Jiva Gosvami, Visvanatha Cakravarti and others
- Sometimes people are surprised to see young men and women take so seriously to the Krsna consciousness movement
- Sometimes the demoniac arrange for so-called sports, like tennis, with the opposite sex. The purpose of such sporting is to see the bodily construction of the beautiful girl and enjoy a subtle sex mentality
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted to see personally that the (Gundica) temple was thoroughly cleansed to the standard of clean marble. Clean marble gives a cooling effect
- That is our duty - to advise him, to convince him, to give him all facilities. Still, if he does not take, then we are not going to see how long he will suffer, how he will stop. Let them do their own business
- The animal propensity - he is seeing his wife daily naked, and still he is going to see naked dance, and paying some fees. Because they have no engagement except this animalism. Is it not?
- The brahmana was astonished to see that the sannyasi Prakasananda could not vibrate the sound Krsna even once, although he uttered the name Caitanya several times
- The calves, being disturbed, would immediately begin running here and there, and the children would be dragged over clay and cow dung. To see this fun, Yasoda and Rohini would call all their neighborhood friends, the gopis
- The city's superintendent of police, the serpent, saw that the citizens were being attacked by Kalakanya, and he became very aggrieved to see his own residence set ablaze after being attacked by the Yavanas
- The coming of the goddess of fortune to Gundica is celebrated as Hera-pancami. Sometimes this is misspelled as Hara-pancami among the ativadis. The word hera means "to see" and refers to the goddess of fortune going to see Lord Jagannatha
- The custom in Vedic society is to examine the horoscopes of a girl and boy being considered for marriage to see whether their combination is suitable
- The effulgence of his (the Mura demon's) body was so dazzling that he was difficult to see with open eyes
- The exalted perfection of seeing the Lord is not exaggerated by Kardama Muni. He gives evidence that those who are actually elevated in yoga aspire in life after life to see this form of the Personality of Godhead
- The father likes to see the son become more famous than himself. The Lord declares very emphatically that worship of His devotee is more valuable than the worship of the Lord Himself
- The four Kumaras came to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead Narayana. The word suhrttama, "best of all friends," is important. As Lord Krsna states in the Bhagavad-gita, He is the best friend of all living entities. Suhrdam sarva-bhutanam - BG 5.29
- The King (Dhrtarastra) is reminded of his precarious condition, influenced by cruel time, and by his past experience he should have been more intelligent to see what was going to happen to his own life
- The king is to see to the welfare of the citizens from all angles of social, political, economic and spiritual upliftment
- The king's real duty is to see that the citizens gradually become fully Krsna conscious. Krsna conscious means completely free from all sinful activities
- The king, or the living entity, uses these two gates to see things properly, but he cannot see unless accompanied by a friend whose name is Dyuman. This friend is the sun
- The mass media can become such an important instrument in spreading our Krishna Consciousness movement and I am glad to see that you are endeavoring to explore how this can be done
- The nature of love is this, that the lover wants every moment to see without any remuneration, without any return. That is real love
- The news of her (the sparrow's) activity spread, and at last Garuda, the gigantic bird carrier of Lord Visnu, heard it. He became compassionate toward his small sister bird, and so he came to see the sparrow. BG 1972 purports
- The pilgrimage site of Kedaranatha still exists near Kashmir. It is almost always covered by snow, but for part of the year, during the month of July, it is possible to see the deity, and devotees go there to offer their respects
- The predominated gopis were bound to Krsna in such pure love. For them there was no question of sexual love based on sense gratification. Their only engagement in life was to see Krsna happy in all respects, regardless of their own personal interests
- The real business of a chief executive is to see to the happiness of the mass of people by training them in Krsna consciousness in different divisions of life. Catur-varnyam maya srstam guna-karma-vibhagasah - BG 4.13
- The sage Maitreya said: Lord Siva was silent after speaking to Sati, seeing her between decisions. Sati was very much anxious to see her relatives at her father's house, but at the same time she was afraid of Lord Siva's warning
- The stage of perfection is called trance, or samadhi, when one's mind is completely restrained from material mental activities by practice of yoga. This is characterized by one's ability to see the self by the pure mind & to relish & rejoice in the self
- The tops of Visnu temples are marked with the symbol of the wheel so that people may have the chance to see the symbol from a very long distance and at once remember Lord Krsna
- The two brilliant earrings on Her (Mohini-murti's) ears decorated Her shining cheeks like bluish reflections, and the hair scattered on Her face made Her even more beautiful to see
- The two names Khadyota and Avirmukhi mean "glowworm" and "torchlight." This indicates that of the two eyes, the left eye is less powerful in its ability to see
- The ultimate purpose of sense gratification and the highest, topmost sense gratification is sex life. So we are trying, chewing, eschewing, you see, extracting. But that is not the process of happiness
- The woman made a date to see him, and before seeing him she took a purgative, and that whole day and night she simply passed stool, and she preserved that stool in a pot. The next night, when the man came to see her, she appeared very ugly and emaciated
- The younger generation is very pleased to see a beautiful form, to hear radio messages of material news & sense gratificatory songs, to smell nice scents, nice flowers & to touch the soft body or breasts of a young woman & gradually touch the sex organs
- There is no objection for the material comforts, but we have to see whether they are actually comforts or miserable condition
- These are the first duty of the government, to see everyone is nicely situated so far his physical necessities are concerned. But a sane man, when he sees this disturbance, or everything mismanaged, he becomes very unhappy & tries to set up by KC movement
- These poisonous girls (visa-kanya) were engaged to see an enemy and kill him with a kiss. Thus there are many instances in human history of heroes who have been curbed simply by women
- They (animals in Daksa's sacrificial arena) should not have been killed, as they were by Lord Siva to replace the head of Daksa with an animal's head . It was pleasing to see an animal sacrificed and rejuvenated, & that pleasing atmosphere had been lost
- They became still more overwhelmed with grief. While Balarama was smiling to see their lamentation, all the inhabitants of Vrajabhumi merged into the ocean of grief because they thought that Krsna was finished
- They come to see, visit the temple, offer their worshipful offerings, flowers, fruits, everything. Same thing
- This movement is to see everyone, every human being - not only human being, even the animals - everyone be happy. Sarve sukhino bhavantu. And the process is very simple. Chant Hare Krsna
- This perfection (trance, or samadhi) is characterized by one's ability to see the Self by the pure mind and to relish and rejoice in the Self
- This perfection (where one's mind is completely restrained from material mental activities by practice of yoga) is characterized by one's ability to see the Self by the pure mind and to relish and rejoice in the Self
- Those who are advanced in spiritual knowledge, they can see God in every moment. If you have love of God, then you are qualified to see God every moment
- Those who are followers of the Vedic rituals, as well as those who are followers of fruitive activities, are unable to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- To see a woman's face and appreciate its beauty or to hear a woman's voice and appreciate her singing as very nice is a subtle falldown for a brahmacari or sannyasi
- To see God everywhere and in every living entity is not the final word in self-realization; one needs to see Him in all events, in every activity, in every thought influencing everyone's life, including one's own
- To see one woman is not dangerous, but to think of enjoying, that is dangerous. Similarly, to see one man is not dangerous, you cannot avoid that; you are on the street here, but to see with the spirit of enjoyment, that is dangerous
- Touring and book distribution, side by side, this is the main business. The general public will not be very much interested to see the deity; it is our personal business
- Vidura advised Dhrtarastra to get rid of such an unworthy son as Duryodhana as soon as possible if he was at all anxious to see to the good of his family
- Vidura belonged to the royal family of the Kauravas, and although he knew that all the family members were destroyed at the Battle of Kuruksetra, he nonetheless wanted to see his elder brother, Dhrtarastra, to see if he could deliver him from maya
- Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura explains, "My only concern is to see whether I am factually, faithfully carrying out the order of my guru"
- Vrndavana-dhama is a transcendental place because of Krsna's walking on this land frequently. The inhabitants of Vrndavana were fortunate to see these marks (of sankha-cakra-gada-padma - conchshell, disc, club and lotus) here and there
- We are going to exhibit the Vedic culture throughout the whole world, and they'll come here (in Mayapur)… Just like they come to see the Taj Mahal...
- We are not interested to attract millions of men to see some show. Better we attract one sincere soul to join us in ecstatic chanting and hearing, that will be of real value. And distribute books, as many as possible
- We do not have to discriminate whether I am in the modes of ignorance or passion or goodness; we have simply to see whether I'm acting under the direction of the supreme consciousness
- We have got very good scheme so that people from the world will come to see the Vedic idea of planetary system. This is the ambition. So you kindly help us
- We have to check to see if a person is capable of giving instructions in Bhagavad-gita and other literatures of God realization
- We have to see through the sastra. Not by these blunt eyes. That is not possible. So all these things should be discussed, should be understood, so long we are young, strong, brain is in order. Then our life will be successful
- We want to distribute as many issues of BTG as possible, so the more you can print and distribute, the more my Guru Maharaja will be pleased to see His Great Dream being fulfilled
- When Angira Rsi came to see the King, the King requested the great sage to enable him to have at least one son. Because of the blessing of Angira Rsi, a child was sent by the grace of maya, but the child was not to live for long
- When he (Jayadratha) was going to marry in the Salyadesa, on the way to Kamyavana he happened to see Draupadi again and was too much attracted to her
- When I was at Kumbha Mehla, you came to see me with your family and you invited me at your house. But in the camp it was too cold. I was reluctant to leave the Mehla because it was going nicely, but my disciples asked me to come back to Bhubaneswara
- When Lord Nityananda Prabhu rebuked Sivananda Sena on the way to Puri, these two nephews (Srivallabha Sena and Srikanta Sena) of Sivananda left the company as a protest and went to see Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu at Jagannatha Puri
- When mother Yasoda saw that the child (Lord Damodara) was moving, ringing the bells on His waist, smiling at her with a pearl between His nostrils and with butter on His hands, she became wonderfully pleased to see her little child in that fashion
- When Narada came to see the activities of the Lord at Dvaraka and he saw that Krsna was present within every palace in the same body and was engaged in different activities, he was struck with wonder
- When perfect knowledge is expanded, one ceases to see the outward covering of the living entity. He sees, rather, the spirit soul within the body
- When perfect knowledge is expanded, one ceases to see the outward covering of the living entity. He sees, rather, the spirit soul within the body. Thus he does not make distinctions between a human being and an animal, a learned brahmana and a candala
- When she (Draupadi) was lost in a gambling game, she was forcibly dragged into the assembly hall, and an attempt was made by Duhsasana to see her naked beauty, even though there were elderly persons like Bhisma and Drona present
- When the gopis saw her (Putana), they thought that the beautiful goddess of fortune, holding a lotus flower in her hand, had come to see her husband, Krsna - SB 10.6.5-6
- When the Supreme Lord (Visnu) is laughing, one can see His small teeth, which resemble jasmine buds rendered rosy by the splendor of His lips. Once devoting his mind to this, the yogi should no longer desire to see anything else
- When the women saw that not all the characteristics of Lord Krsna were present in the personality of Pradyumna, out of curiosity they came back to see him and his wife, Mayavati
- When they (Samba, Pradyumna, Caru, Bhanu and Gada) approached a well, they found no water in it, but, on the contrary, within the well was a wonderful living entity. It was a large lizard, and all of them were astonished to see such a wonderful animal
- When Yasodamayi came to see the happenings, she thought that her child (Krsna) had been saved from the falling trees by the mercy of the Lord, without knowing that the Lord Himself, crawling in her yard, had wreaked the havoc
- Whether grhasthas, sannyasa or brahmacari everyone has to be completely engaged all the time in devotional service. That is the meaning of good management, to see that everyone is engaged 24 hours a day, and not sleeping unnecessarily or talking idly
- Whichever religion you may like, you can follow, but we want to see whether you are God conscious. If you are not God conscious, then we take it simply useless waste of time, these so-called religions
- While sometimes the movies that are demonstrated in the plane, I close my eyes. I do not like to see them because that impression carries. It is a very disturbing fact to me
- Who is writing good hand, that is a secondary question. The teacher's duty is to see that everyone is engaged in handwriting work
- With lusty desires to see Purvacitti, Agnidhra especially gazed upon the girl's attractive hips and waist
- Within this body everyone is a king because he uses his different gates according to his own will. Although he is very much proud of his power to see or hear, he is nonetheless dependent on the assistance of nature
- Women are inferior to men, and Vedic civilization is so perfect that men are given full charge of the women. It is therefore said: matuh priya-cikirsaya. The son is always ready to see that the mother is not unhappy
- Yet I am but a poor woman, and, as you know, I am not conversant with the truth. Therefore I wish to see my birthplace once more
- You are arranging for passport for going to the foreign countries and if you will get it, there will be no difficulty to see our temples in the foreign countries
- You are correct in your idea that leaflets which are destined to be thrown upon the ground should not contain pictures of Krishna, Jagannatha, etc. Such leaflets may only be hung up for people to see
- You are giving your forefather's hard-earned money, and I don't want to see it spoiled in any way
- You are not forbidden to do this thing or that thing, but you have to see only whether by your action the Supreme Lord is satisfied. That's all. That much knowledge you must have. Then your life will be successful
- You are one of the trusted managers of the New York temple, and I am very much glad to see that the standard of temple activities is so nice
- You can come to see me at Prayag. We are having our own camp there. It is proposed that my camp will be near the governor's camp. I'm going there by the 11th instant
- You cannot imagine of Krsna. If some rascal says that "I am imagining," that is rascaldom. You have to see Krsna through the Vedas. Vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyah. That is the purpose of studying Vedas. Therefore it is called Vedanta
- You have got your eyes, but if you want to see, "Where is God? Show me," that is not immediately possible. You have to prepare your eyes to see God. So therefore God's another name is Adhoksaja
- You have to go to guru to understand. You cannot understand personally. That is not possible. Therefore our system is to see through the guru and sastra, not by these naked eyes. That is misleading
- You know how much I am anxious to see this enlarged edition of Bhagavad-gita As It Is printed and also we are being requested for this book from all parts of the world, so everybody is also anxious
- You must always remain dressed like a Vaisnava. That is necessity. So preksaniya: "is very beautiful to see." Otherwise how they became impressed?
- You should not install the Deities until you have a complete program to see that regulated worship may go on nicely. Until then, simply worship Guru and Gauranga in pictures
- You would have been pleased to see the excellent building (in Mayapur) that we have constructed. People say it is a unique building in all of Nadia district. There is ample space for 300 gentlemen to come and visit
- Your proposal is very nice to make the atmosphere of the Deities very, very opulent, and the temple must be kept always very nice. That will be the attractive feature and people will come to see for that reason