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The mass media can become such an important instrument in spreading our Krishna Consciousness movement and I am glad to see that you are endeavoring to explore how this can be done

Expressions researched:
"The mass media can become such an important instrument in spreading our Krishna Consciousness movement and I am glad to see that you are endeavoring to explore how this can be done"


1971 Correspondence

That your "TV sermonette" was so successful is also very good news. This also goes to show how much people will be attracted to our books such as KRSNA book if they are properly displayed, and so propoganda should be made in this way. The mass media can become such an important instrument in spreading our Krishna Consciousness movement and I am glad to see that you are endeavoring to explore how this can be done.
Letter to Nayanabhirama -- Allahabad 9 January, 1971:

I am glad to hear that Philadelphia is such a good place for pushing on our Sankirtana movement and it is also very encouraging to hear that BTG distribution is increasing. Also, now that you've moved into your new temple, you should also enthusiastically resume the placing of our literatures in the schools and libraries. Then so many people will be given the opportunity of being exposed to our Krishna Consciousness philosophy, and I am very eager for this. So far as meeting with the college professors mentioned by you, I shall be very glad to do so when I visit your temple.

That your "TV sermonette" was so successful is also very good news. This also goes to show how much people will be attracted to our books such as KRSNA book if they are properly displayed, and so propoganda should be made in this way. The mass media can become such an important instrument in spreading our Krishna Consciousness movement and I am glad to see that you are endeavoring to explore how this can be done.

Yes, I have received your contribution of $15.00 (by money order) for my maintenance fund and I thank you very much for this. Please offer my blessings to the others there.

Page Title:The mass media can become such an important instrument in spreading our Krishna Consciousness movement and I am glad to see that you are endeavoring to explore how this can be done
Compiler:Visnu Murti
Created:24 of Oct, 2010
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=1
No. of Quotes:1