Category:This is Called Illusion
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Pages in category "This is Called Illusion"
The following 49 pages are in this category, out of 49 total.
- A hog is eating stool, but he's thinking that "I am enjoying, very nice." He's becoming fat. This is called illusion
- A man is dying on the deathbed, and his friend comes, "How you are feeling?" "Yes, I am all right." (laughter) Now he's going to die, and he says, "I am all right." So this is called maya
- At night in the rainy season the moving clouds reflecting the moonlight make the moon appear to be moving. This is called illusion. The spirit soul, or the living being, is the root of all the activities of the material body
- Despite directly perceiving the symptoms of the Supreme Lord in the body of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, you cannot understand Him. This is commonly called illusion
- Due to ignorance only they think that the world is dissatisfied because there is not sufficient food, shelter, defense and objects of sense gratification. This is called illusion
- Each and everyone of us, we are thinking, "I am independent, and my wife, my children, my society, they are my soldiers. If I am in danger, they will help me." This is going on. This is called maya
- Either I become president or minister or head of the family, head of the community, society - whatever I may be, my position is servant, but I'm thinking that I have become master. This is called illusion
- Every one of us is born foolish because we identify with this temporary body as myself. Therefore we are foolish. Everyone knows that the body does not exist, and still, everyone identifies himself with this body. This is called ignorance, or illusion
- I get fifty thousand dollar in a check. So I think that "I have got fifty thousand dollars." But what is this fifty thousand dollar? It is a piece of paper. You see? This is called illusion. In this way you study your life, you will see
- If a man thinks that he is this body - he is American or Indian or Frenchman or German or Hindu or Muslim, with this bodily concept of life - so, according to Vedic understanding, this conception is animal conception. So this is called illusion
- If a swan is provided with all the necessities of life, why I shall not be? I am so much developed human being. Why I am so much busy in economic development? This is called illusion
- Illusioned means taking one thing for another. That is called illusion
- In illusion the living entity is serving in this material world. He is bound by his lust and desires, yet he thinks of himself as the master of the world. This is called illusion. BG 1972 purports
- In the desert or in very scorching heat, summer season, you can find before your car there is water, reflection. So this is called illusion
- In this material world the auspicious and inauspicious are simply mental concoctions because such things exist only due to association with the material world. This is called illusion, or atma-maya
- Irresponsible work is carried out in the light of one's personal experience. This is called illusion. And all such illusory work is a product of the mode of ignorance. BG 1972 purports
- It is fashionable for materialistic persons to compete with the power of God. When so-called scientists try to manufacture living entities in their laboratories, their only purpose is to defy the talent and ability of the SPG. This is called illusion
- On the whole there is no happiness in this material world, but an illusioned person works very hard for so-called happiness. Indeed, this process of working hard is actually taken for happiness. This is called illusion
- One in the mode of ignorance does not work by a regulative principle; he wants to act whimsically for no purpose. Even though he has the capacity to work, he makes no endeavor. This is called illusion. BG 1972 purports
- Take other's meal; he loses his own. This is called illusion, maya. You did not read this, Aesop's Fable story? It is very instructive story. This is dog's philosophy
- That reflection in the water, of the tree, is not real. Real tree is up. Similarly, real enjoyment, real varieties - everything is in the spiritual world. It is simply reflection. It is not fact. Therefore our enjoyment here is called maya, or illusion
- The living entities, that is also prakrti, but he also wants to enjoy. That is called illusion. So in his enjoying temperament he may be called purusa, illusory purusa. Real purusa is Bhagavan. Purusa means bhokta. The bhokta, real bhokta, enjoyer
- The living entity thinks that he is very happy in whatever body he gets. He may get the body of a dog or the body of a cat, but he is happy in his body, and he does not want to lose it. This is called illusion
- The material body is a gift of the material energy, technically called illusion
- The materialist wrongly thinks that there is no creator other than his own self. This is called maya, or illusion
- The real disease is, when we forget Krsna and want to lord it over the material nature, this is called maya
- The symptom of human life is that he should be very much pessimistic, not optimistic, of this material world. Then there is path of liberation. And if we think that we are very much happy here, that is called illusion, maya
- They (foolish prisoners) know that they do not want to suffer death or the pangs of disease and old age, but under the influence of the illusory energy, they are grossly negligent and therefore do nothing to solve the problems. This is called maya
- They are accepting something temporary as permanent settlement. This is called illusion
- This prakrti is material, but we are falsely identifying ourself as something made of this matter. The whole scientific world is going on under this misconception of life, that we belong to this material world. This is called illusion
- This rascal civilization do not admit this. They are so fool that they are conditioned in every step, and still they are thinking they are free. This is called illusion. Therefore, to get that freedom, you have to work for it
- We are all under authority, yet we say that we don't want authority. This is called maya, illusion. We do, however, have a certain independence - we can choose to be under the authority of our senses or the authority of Krsna
- We are dictated by different types of desires, which is dictated by maya, and we want to become master falsely. This is called illusion. This is called maya
- We are distributing that love in so many ways, up to the dog. This is called illusion. We do not know where to apply love. If you see, all these words is touched with the word kama, kama. Kama means lust. There is no question of love
- We can even go from New York to Boston in less than an hour by plane, but it takes even longer than that just to get to the airport. This situation is called maya-sukhaya. Maya means false, illusory
- We think, "We are quite all right. Why should we surrender unto Krsna and go back to His kingdom?" This is called illusion, or maya. Everyone is satisfied with his standard of living, however abominable it may be
- When we forget Krsna and want to lord it over the material nature, this is called maya. Maya means which has no factual existence