Category:This is Illusion
"this is illusion"|"that is illusion"|"This is all illusion"|"This is actually illusion"|"this is an illusion"|"this is the illusion"|"this is an illusion"|"this is the illusion"|"This is our illusion"|"This is also illusion"|"This is another illusion"|"This is moha, illusion"|"this is the illusion"|"This is their illusion"|"This is Maya's illusion"|"that is an illusion"|"that is the illusion"|"that is an illusion"|"that is the illusion"|"that is our illusion"|"that is also illusion"|"That is another illusion"|"that is the illusion"|"that is their illusion"|"That is Maya's illusion"
Pages in category "This is Illusion"
The following 26 pages are in this category, out of 26 total.
- If I ask you what you are, you will say, "I am Mr. John; I am a rich man; I am this; I am that." All these are bodily identifications. But you are not this body. This is illusion
- Isavasyam idam sarvam (ISO 1). Sarvam, whatever you see, that property belongs to God. We are falsely claiming, "It is my property." And that is maya, illusion
- The householder, the laborer, the merchant, the thief, the dacoit, the rogue - everyone is after money. This is illusion. One loses himself in the midst of this entanglement
- The individual exists in darkness when he thinks that he is the material body and that everything in relationship with the material body belongs to him. This is called aham mama (janasya moho 'yam aham mameti (SB 5.5.8)). This is illusion
- The scientist, the philosophers, they are thinking, "This is all. There is nothing beyond this." This is illusion. This is only reflection of the reality
- The so-called rascal scientists, they'll never accept that within this body there is the soul, because they're always thinking there is no such thing as soul; only the material, that's all. This is illusion
- There are two kinds of servants: the maya's servant and Krsna's servant. Nobody is master. That is illusion. Everyone is servant. Every living entity is a servant
- They (the rascals) think that to surrender to Krsna, this is slave mentality. "I shall remain free." But where is your freedom, sir? That is illusion
- This place is recommended by Krsna, duhkhalayam asasvatam (BG 8.15): it is a place of miseries. How you can become happy here? This is illusion
- We are in this apartment; we go to another apartment. Tatha dehantara-praptih (BG 2.13). Similarly, nobody dies. It is change of body, from this body to another body. So we have no death. This is illusion
- We require a place to live together, "Home, sweet home." Yes, very sweet. The whole day and night, work. And this is moha. He is working hard day and night. There is not a single moment leisure, and still, he's: "Sweet home." This is illusion
- When one surrenders to Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, it is to be understood that he has actually attained knowledge. Otherwise it is ignorance. To think of Krsna and ordinary person as equal is not knowledge; it is illusion
- When the mind wanders to thoughts of sense gratification, one should at once understand - This is illusion