Category:Seeing God Face to Face
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Pages in category "Seeing God Face to Face"
The following 104 pages are in this category, out of 104 total.
- A bhakta not only realizes Him (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) as He is but also associates with the Personality of Godhead face to face
- A pure devotee, whether able or unable to see the Lord, always engages in the Lord's devotional service, always hoping that at some time the Lord may be pleased to appear before him so that he can see the Lord face to face
- Actually, demons can never be equal to the pure devotees, but Uddhava was thinking in that way because of his feelings of separation. He was thinking that at the last stage of his life he might not be able to see the Lord face to face as did the demons
- Aditi stood silently with folded hands, unable to offer prayers to the Lord. Because of transcendental bliss, tears filled her eyes, & the hairs on her body stood on end. Because she could see the SPG face to face, she felt ecstasy, and her body trembled
- After achieving perfection by self-realization and seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face, Dhruva Maharaja was completely freed from all contamination of material desire
- All the incarnations described in the sastras act wonderfully. It is only by the personal sweet will of the Supreme Personality of Godhead that He appears and disappears, and only fortunate devotees can expect to see Him face to face
- All the soldiers and persons on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra attained their original spiritual form like the Lord after their death because by the causeless mercy of the Lord they were able to see Him face to face on that occasion
- All these features of Dhruva Maharaja's bodily expression (his agitation in awe and respect after seeing God) indicate that upon seeing the Lord face to face he developed the eight kinds of transcendental ecstasy in his body
- Although Brahma was directly born from You (God), he still has to perform many years of meditation, and even then he cannot see You directly, face to face
- Although Dhruva Maharaja was only a five-year-old boy, he underwent severe austerities by eating simply dry foliage, drinking only water and taking no food. In this way, after six months, he was able to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face
- An advanced devotee, who is known as a sat, or saint, can always see within his heart the Supreme Personality of Godhead, face to face. Krsna, Syamasundara, expands Himself by His plenary portion, and thus a devotee can always see Him within his heart
- An uncontaminated soul or living entity can get a chance to meet the Paramatma face to face. Just as one gets a chance to consult with the Paramatma within his heart, one also gets a chance to see Him actually situated before him
- As soon as Dhruva Maharaja saw the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face, he immediately became conscious of the unimportance of his demand from the Lord to have an exalted position better than Lord Brahma's
- As stated in the Brahma-samhita (BS 5.38): only those who have smeared their eyes with the ointment of love of Godhead can see everywhere the Supreme Lord face to face; it is not possible by imagination or so-called meditation
- Because he (the Gandharva) was cursed by Devala Rsi, he became a crocodile and in only one life was fortunate enough to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face and be promoted to the spiritual world to become one of the Lord's associates
- Because Narada Muni desired that Nalakuvara and Manigriva see Vasudeva face to face, the Supreme Personality of Godhead wanted to fulfill the words of His very dear devotee Narada Muni
- Bhakti means the process of purifying the senses. That's all. And as soon as your senses are purified, transcendentalized, you see God face to face
- Brahma is factually seeing face to face his predominator Lord, who exists in His transcendental eternal form, even after the annihilation of the material creation
- By elevating oneself to the highest platform of loving service, one can automatically be relieved from the bodily concept of life and see the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face
- By following these principles of devotional service strictly, chanting twenty-four hours a day the maha-mantra one makes positive progress in spiritual life and ultimately becomes completely fit to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face
- By meeting the Personality of Godhead Himself face to face, the devotee experiences the most auspicious feature of the Supreme
- By my (Narada's) special favor, after the expiry of one hundred years by the measurement of the demigods, they (Nalakuvara and Manigriva) will be able to see the SPG, Vasudeva, face to face, & thus revive their real position as devotees - SB 10.10.20-22
- By parama-bhakti-yoga, by elevating oneself to the highest platform of loving service, one can automatically be relieved from the bodily concept of life and see the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face
- By seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face and embracing Him, both the sinful brothers (Jagai and Madhai) were at once cleansed. Thus they received initiation into the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra from the Lord and were delivered
- By their spiritual powers they (the brahmanas engaged as priests in the sacrificial ceremony of Maharaja Nabhi) could call on the Supreme Personality of Godhead and enable their disciple, Maharaja Nabhi, to see the Lord face to face
- Dhruva Maharaja and Prahlada Maharaja and many other devotees were able to see the Personality of Godhead face to face apparently in the same body. This means that the quality of a devotee's body changes from material to transcendence
- Dhruva Maharaja attained this perfection not by acting hastily, but by patiently executing the order of his spiritual master, and therefore he became so successful that he saw the Lord face to face
- Dhruva Maharaja could understand very easily the difference between his condition before and after attaining spiritual realization and seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face
- Generally yogis look very skinny because of their not being comfortably situated, but Kardama Muni was not emaciated, for he had seen the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face
- Genuine self-realization consists not of perceiving the impersonal effulgence of the Lord, but seeing face to face the transcendental form of the Lord
- He (Durvasa Muni) was even able to go to the spiritual world, meet the Personality of Godhead and talk with Him face to face, yet he was unable to be rescued from the attack of the Sudarsana cakra
- Here (SB 6.9.25) is an explanation of why the conditioned soul cannot see the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face
- Here the word snigdhapangavalokanat means that he was fortunate enough to see the Supreme Lord face to face. He looked healthy because he had directly received the nectarean sound vibrations from the lotus lips of the Personality of Godhead
- If by chanting the holy name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead one becomes so swiftly cleared of all reactions to sinful activities, then what is to be said of those persons who see Him face to face
- If one takes to spiritual life under the direction of Narada Muni or his representative and thus engages himself in the service of the Lord, he qualifies himself to see the Lord face to face
- If simply by chanting the holy name of the Lord one becomes sanctified instantly, then what can be said of those persons who see the Supreme Lord face to face and who understand the descent of the Lord, as Devahuti understands Kapiladeva
- If someone is simply meditating on devotional activities, he has achieved the desired result and has seen face to face the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If you want to see God just face to face, not fiction, then you must follow the rules and regulation, you must chant, you must purify yourself. You must wait. The time will come. When you are purified, you'll see God
- Intelligent persons can see God in His personal form, but if one is very eager to see God immediately, face to face, he can see the Supreme Lord through this description, which portrays the various internal and external parts of His body
- It (seeing God face to face) is not such a mechanical process that the professional Bhagavatam reciters can do the job on behalf of the third-grade materialistic pseudo-devotee
- It is not that because one is very rich or learned or was born in an aristocratic family one will be able to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face. This is impossible
- It is said in the Brahma-samhita that devotees, being elevated in love of God, always see Syamasundara, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, within their hearts. But when they are mature, the same God is visible before them face to face
- Manu was very proud that Dhruva Maharaja was one of the descendants in his family because at the age of only five years Dhruva began meditating upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead and within six months he was able to see the Supreme Lord face to face
- Meditators who are very fortunate can see the Visnu form of the Lord within their hearts by following the yogic process. But to see Him face to face is a different matter. This is only possible for pure devotees
- Nalakuvara and Manigriva actually had nothing to do with devotional service or seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face, for this is not an ordinary opportunity
- Now I (Hiranyaksa) see You (the Lord) face to face, and I am not going to let You go. I shall kill You and save my kinsmen from Your mystic misdeeds
- Now you just apply yourself for becoming qualified to see Krishna face-to-face, then you will be able to actually write songs about Krishna
- O best of kings, one who is faithful, who is always hearing the glories of the SPG, who is always engaged in the culture of Krsna consciousness and in hearing of the Lord's activities, very soon becomes eligible to see the SPG face to face
- Of all kinds of liberation, liberation in loving service to the Lord is described (in the Priti-sandarbha) as the most exalted, and meeting the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face is shown to be the highest perfection of life
- Only by the practice of bhakti-yoga can one achieve the favor of the Lord & see Him face to face (premanjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena santah sadaiva hrdayesu vilokayanti (BS 5.38)). One cannot see the Lord by other methods, such as karma, jnana or yoga
- Only devotional service can help a devotee meet the Supreme Lord face to face
- Prahlada Maharaja said, "How can I give up the service of my spiritual master, who has favored me in such a way that I am now able to see You (Lord Nrimhadeva) face to face?"
- Pure devotional service is called ahaituki, unmotivated. Dhruva Maharaja knew that he had come to worship the Lord in devotional service with a motive - to get the kingdom of his father. Such an adulterated devotee can never see the SPG face to face
- Simply by rendering service to the spiritual master, one crosses the ocean of nescience and returns home, back to Godhead. Thus he gradually sees the Supreme Lord face to face and enjoys life in association with the Lord
- So far we are concerned, we cannot accept this philosophy, that God is dead. But we preach on the other hand, that God is not only not dead, but He can be approached finally face to face
- So long you are so much eager to serve Krsna, without any doubt you will very quickly meet Krsna face to face
- Sometimes these demigods can see the SP of Godhead face to face, but still not yet eligible to enter into the SK, the Vaikuntha planets. However, if the demigods continue to be devotees of the Lord, the next chance they get they will enter into Vaikuntha
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu teaches this lesson in His Siksastaka. The devotee is always eager to see the Lord face to face, but if he is brokenhearted because he cannot see the Lord, even life after life, he will never command the Lord to appear
- Such penance (by which one can see the Personality of Godhead face to face) is the internal potency of the Lord and is nondifferent from Him. Such acts of internal potency are exhibited by nonattachment for material enjoyment
- The asuras who fought against the Lord face to face got salvation due to their being killed by the Lord. This salvation of the demons is not due to their being devotees of the Lord; it is because of the Lord's causeless mercy
- The brahmanas engaged as priests in the sacrificial ceremony were not ordinary brahmanas. They were so powerful that they could bring forth the Supreme Personality of Godhead by their prayers. Thus Maharaja Nabhi was able to see the Lord face to face
- The demon Hiranyaksa, upon seeing the Lord face to face, wanted to make a permanent solution by killing the Personality of Godhead with his powerful mace
- The development of submissiveness is the cause of proportionate spiritual realization, by which one can ultimately meet the Supreme Lord in person, as a man meets another man face to face
- The devotee can see the Supreme Lord face to face, but the jnani, the empiric philosopher or yogi cannot. They cannot be elevated to the positions of associates of the Lord
- The devotee is allowed to see the Supreme Lord face to face, although the Lord is beyond the expression of our senses and beyond our direct perception
- The devotees of the Lord are always very eager to see the Supreme Lord face to face, but they do not demand that the Lord come before them, for a pure devotee considers such a demand to be contrary to devotional service
- The great sage Narada continued: My dear King, attentively receive from me a mantra, which is most auspicious. After accepting it from me, in seven nights you will be able to see the Lord face to face
- The Kumaras said: Our dear Lord, You are not manifested to rascals, even though You are seated within the heart of everyone. But as far as we are concerned, we see You face to face, although You are unlimited
- The Kumaras, therefore, upon seeing the Lord coming forward with His associates, who were holding an umbrella and a camara fan, were struck with wonder that they were seeing the Lord face to face
- The penance by which one can see the Personality of Godhead face to face is to be understood as devotional service to the Lord and nothing else because only by discharging devotional service in transcendental love can one approach the Lord
- The pradhana, the chief cause of all causes in the impersonal vision, is none other than the Supreme Lord, whom one can see face to face in the internal potency. He takes the material all-pervasive form by His inconceivable power
- The professional men are useless in this (helping one see God face to face) connection because they are neither self-realized nor interested in the liberation of the audience
- The pure devotee simply depends on the Lord's mercy, and when the Lord is pleased, he can see Him face to face. The Lord is unseen even by demigods like Lord Brahma and Lord Siva
- The sun overhead in the sky is full of light, but when the sun is not in the visible sky, all is in darkness. Similarly, when one is face to face with the Supreme Lord, he is freed from all illusions & one who is not so is in the darkness of illusory maya
- The ultimate realization of the Supreme Truth is knowing and seeing face to face the Personality of Godhead
- The vasudeva platform refers to the stage at which material contamination is conspicuous by absence only. Because on the vasudeva platform one can see God face to face, the Lord is also called Vasudeva
- The yogis, the real yogis, they, by meditation, they see visnu-murti within the heart. And those who are devotees, they meet the Supreme Person face to face just like we are meeting face to face, talk face to face, serve directly
- There are many yogis. They have got very exalted, extraordinary power. Just like Durvasa Muni. He once traveled all over the space. Not only within this universe - he traveled outside the universe in the spiritual world, and he saw the SPG face to face
- There must be enjoyment in connection with the Supreme Person (purusah sa parah), whom we can see face to face
- Third-grade devotees should know well that material attachment and seeing the Lord face to face cannot go together
- This direct order of the Lord (vidyat) is a manifestation of His internal energy, and this particular energy is the means of seeing the Lord face to face
- This illusory energy, or the curtain of maya, has to be removed, and when it is so done, the living entity can see the Lord face to face, and all his miseries are at once removed
- Those who are trying to find the Supreme Godhead by yoga practice may find Him as the localized Supersoul, but those who are directly trying to approach the Supreme Truth by practice of bhakti-yoga can see Him face to face as the Supreme Person
- To say nothing of the spiritual advancement of persons who see the Supreme Person face to face, even a person born in a family of dog-eaters becomes immediately eligible to perform Vedic sacrifices if he once utters the holy name of the S P of Godhead
- To say nothing of the spiritual advancement of persons who see the Supreme Person face to face, even a person born in a family of dog-eaters immediately becomes eligible to perform Vedic sacrifices if he once utters the holy name of the SPG
- We are all conditioned to various degrees, but we think that we are God. This is why we cannot understand who God is or see Him face to face
- When a devotee becomes mature in his prosecution of devotional service, he sees face to face the same Syamasundara he has thought of during the entire course of his devotional service
- When a living entity gives up this material embodiment and enters into the spiritual world, he revives his spiritual body, and in his spiritual body he can see the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face. BG 1972 purports
- When Dhruva Maharaja became situated on the vasudeva platform due to seeing the Lord face to face, all his material contamination was cleared. Thus he became ashamed of what his demands were and what he had achieved
- When Dhruva Maharaja personally saw the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face, he was very much agitated in awe and respect, and it appeared as if he were drinking the entire body of the Lord with his eyes
- When one is perfect in knowledge, he can develop his love of Godhead through the association of such perfect persons as Narada and Angira and the members of their disciplic succession. Then one is able to see the unlimited SP of Godhead face to face
- When one realizes God and sees the Lord face to face, one certainly thinks that he has gained the best of all things
- When the devotee sees the Supreme Personality of Godhead by his meditation, or when he sees the Lord personally, face to face, he becomes aware of everything within this universe. Indeed, nothing is unknown to him
- When we are liberated from material affection and are situated in our original spiritual form we can see both ourselves and the Lord face to face
- When you are completely purified, you see God face to face, eye to eye, talk with Him, play with Him, just like cowherds boys, they are playing, the gopis are dancing. You get that position
- When your loving spirit is developed fully like the full moon, then in the full moon night, as you can visualize the whole city, similarly, by raising yourself to the platform of loving service of Krsna, you will see God face to face
- Who can estimate the transcendental fortune of the residents of Vrndavana? They were personally seeing the S. P. of Godhead face to face, He whom many yogis cannot find even after undergoing severe austerities, although He is sitting within their hearts