Category:Our Duty (Disciples of SP)
- pages where Prahhupada uses the word "duty" in relationship with his disciples
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Pages in category "Our Duty (Disciples of SP)"
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- All of you become spiritual masters. Your duty is simply to talk to whomever you meet of Krsna, or of the instructions given by Krsna
- As each and every ISKCON Center is my life and soul for preaching this movement, I hope you are doing your best to conduct the regular routine duties of the Temple
- We are preachers on behalf of Lord Krsna, that is our occupational duty
- Actually that mentality is sannyasa. It doesn't matter whether we have changed the dress or not, but if we decide it, that "I am eternal servant of Krsna; my only duty is to serve Krsna," that is sannyasa
- After the class and breakfast everyone should go to their respective duties, deity worship, sankirtana, clean-up and so throughout the day this atmosphere of constant engagement will produce the truly happy result of transcendental life
- All our students must carry out these daily duties of regular chanting without offense of ten kinds, following the regulations, and studying our literatures
- All the good ideas we are manufacturing, they will be manifested in God consciousness automatically. Therefore our duty should be, if we want to make all human being well-behaved, then we must try to make every one of them God conscious
- All the members should be very careful to execute their spiritual duties so that whoever comes will automatically become a devotee and will be able to return back to Godhead in this very life
- Although parents (of the devotees) may be angry at us, we must perform our duty without hesitation because we are in the disciplic succession from Narada Muni
- Amongst all our duties surely we must not forget to complete our sixteen rounds. We should not be carried away simply by the Krishna duties which is also regarded as good as chanting, but in all circumstances we shall not forget this duty
- Any householder devotee who is working full-time (with his wife) as a sankirtana book distributer, of temple managerial duties, artist, cook, etc. shall be provided food, shelter, and other bare minimum necessities by the temple itself
- As a Sannyasi and GBC your first duty is to read my books
- As we come by parampara system, it is our duty to go through the right channel; namely, first the Spiritual Master, then Lord Caitanya, and then Krishna
- As you are an important worker there and you have so many important duties, especially to take care of the cows, it may not be possible for you to stop your work for chanting 16 rounds. This is no great loss, and you should not feel badly about it
- As you say that his presence is required, therefore I say he may remain here. Otherwise, to remain here is not his duty as a sannyasi. That is actually your duty, to organize the local management and everything
- Be steady in Krsna Consciousness and do your duty so you may be blessed by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Krsna and make your life successful
- Being afraid of death, we should not deviate from our duties, real duty. That is Vedic civilization
- Bhakti minus respect, that is not bhakti. With love, with respect, with designated duties, if you be engaged in Krsna consciousness, then your life will be successful
- By the Grace of Lord Sri Krishna your one of the very important business magnet and I may inform you on the authority of great Acharyas and books of knowledge that it is our duty to make the best use of our money so long it is with us
- Do not think of changing the place. Stick to that place and chant Hare Krishna. Krsna will send more men, rest assured. Devotees may come or not come, but you do your duty
- Don't take books that "I am member. It is my duty to take books and keep it in the almirah." No. Read it thoroughly. Nityam bhagavata-sevaya. By regular reading of Srimad-Bhagavatam, then this material contamination becomes vanquished. Nasta-prayesu
- Don't think that you will starve in God consciousness. You will never starve. You go on with your duty, loving God and preaching love of God. You will always be opulent, be sure
- Duty of my senior disciples
- Duty of our students who are married men
- Enthusiasm and patience, these things required. If under changing conditions, I lose my enthusiasm, if I cannot endure the difficulties of my duty, therefore I go away. Then how I can be leader?
- Envious we don't care for. We don't mind. Never care for them. I didn't care anyone, any time, even my Godbrothers. Neither I care just now. I'll go on with my... Why? We are doing our duty, that's all, under higher authoritative order. Have no fear
- Even there is some difficulty or hardship, or even my godbrothers may not cooperate or there may be fighting, still, I must perform my duty to my spiritual master and not become discouraged and go away, that is my weakness
- Every parent wants to see that their children are taken care of very nicely. That is the first duty. If they are not healthy then how they can prosecute their education? If they are undernourished it is not good for their future activities
- For Krsna's sake, we can forsake our obligatory duties. For Krsna's sake. In the sastra it is said that one who has fully surrendered to Krsna, he has no more any material duty
- For you, child-worship is more important than deity-worship. If you cannot spend time with him, then stop the duties of pujari
- Hamsaduta is maintaining his position of service, so why, even if a little fighting, you should go away? We should never give up our duty
- He is honestly carrying that money and delivering you. That is the post peon's business. Similarly, our duty to receive perfect knowledge from Krsna and distribute it. Then it is perfect
- I am also glad to hear that you are improving your position. So do your duty nicely, taking it as Krishna's mercy, and try to serve Krishna as far as possible
- I am confident that you are all trying your best so there is no question of doing things hastily. You can execute your respective duties peacefully and I am confident that you will be successful
- I am glad that you are typing the remaining portion of KRSNA, and then I shall send the second part of KRSNA also for editing. Your husband wanted from me a specific duty, and I think the best part of his valor can be utilized in editorial work
- I am glad that you have admitted about the GBC members not very appropriately discharging their duty. I do not mind this discrepancy but you should be alert; you and all GBC members
- I am glad to learn that things are improving. You just maintain Vrindaban, and your duty is finished
- I am glad to see that you are now conscientiously executing your duty
- I am simply counting upon you to faithfully execute your duties in Krsna's service & follow the regulative principles strictly. Then you shall be able to help spread this mission to the suffering persons of your country & that will be the greatest service
- I am very glad that you are taking so seriously your duty as president of our D.C. center, so certainly Krsna will give you all assistance in your preaching mission
- I am very glad to learn that both you and your good wife, Krsnadevi, and your daughter, Visnu Arati, are together in Boston. Your all engagements sound to be very suitable, so please execute your duties in Krsna Consciousness and be happy
- I have tried to give you all Krsna Consciousness, now it is your duty to develop it. If you remain strong on the spiritual platform then your progress will not be checked or blocked
- I hope everything is going on well in your center. As each and every ISKCON Center is my life and soul for preaching this movement, I hope you are doing your best to conduct the regular routine duties of the Temple
- I hope that you are trying to follow the regulative principles and that both you and your husband are chanting your beads regularly daily. These two duties are essential for advancement in Krsna Consciousness
- I hope you are doing your best to conduct the regular routine duties of the Temple-chanting regularly the beads, observing the restrictive regulations, taking Samkirtan Party to the streets, and selling our magazines and books
- I hope your wife may be taking interest in your chanting Sankirtana and reading Srimad-Bhagavatam. As she has become your life's companion, it is your duty to induce her, peacefully, in the matter of spiritual advancement of life
- I know you are always experiencing difficulties in living with devotees, but we must be tolerant and endure the personal differences, being humbler than a blade of grass, and stick to our duties to the spiritual master
- I shall be glad to hear from you. May Krishna give you all protection in the discharge of your transcendental duties
- I shall not expect to find some perfect circumstances of occupational duty which will cause me to be automatically Krishna conscious
- I think his father has got a special duty to protect this child in his K.C.; The mother has also similar responsibility, so either your wife or yourself must take care of the good child
- If I have understood the order of my Spiritual Master rightly, then I must perform my duty under any circumstances and never once think of going away under disgust
- If one man is appointed as leader, all must follow him and be obedient. "Obedience is the first law of discipline.'' They are pointing out irregularities, but they themselves are not doing their duty
- If simply we understand that "Krsna is the Supreme Person. He is great, and we are all subordinate. So our duty is to serve Krsna," these two lines, if we understand, then our life is perfect
- If we are given chance, I am sure we will enact a new chapter in the history of the Western world. Please therefore always pray to Krsna to give you strength and protection, and go on with your duty straight forward
- If we do not follow even the liberal instructions of Lord Caitanya, how can we expect to discharge our regular duties in devotional service? It is not possible in this age to follow Dhruva Maharaja in his austerity, but the principles must be followed
- If we remain in that position, that our only protector is Krsna and our only duty is to serve Krsna, then our life is successful
- If you perform the spiritual duties rightly, then you are saved. Otherwise, even acarya gives you instruction, if you don't follow, so how he can save you?
- In Los Angeles, they regularly assemble during arati and class. If this regulative principle is lost, then you are karmis. They must come back by six o'clock, suspending all other duties, and assemble by seven o'clock
- In our Krsna consciousness society, unless one is twice initiated - first by chanting Hare Krsna and second by the Gayatri mantra - he is not allowed to enter the kitchen or Deity room to execute duties
- It comes as a shock to me that you have stepped down from your duties as president of our Hong Kong center. Your move is not satisfactory to me, but what can I do
- It does not mean that because occupation duty is not the real consideration, that I should give it up and do something else, thinking that devotional service may be carried on under whatever circumstances which I may whimsically decide
- It doesn't look well if you change from one center to another for some convenience. Everywhere service to Krishna is the same, but if you are feeling some inconvenience, then you may inform Brahmananda, and get some relaxation by change of duty
- It is my duty to deliver you the right thing in right earnestness and it is the duty of the receiver to act in the standard spiritual regulation
- It is not that because all these are temporary arrangement, we should be unfaithful to our family members, to our children, to our wife. As duty, we should take care, but we should not be simply absorbed in such thoughts
- It is our duty to awaken. If he does not awake, that is his misfortune, but our duty is, "Please, get up, get up, get up, get up." So do it very nicely here (in Hawaii). You have got very nice place
- It is our duty to follow in the footsteps of Dhruva Maharaja, for he was very determined. We should also be determined to finish our duties in executing devotional service in this life; we should not wait for another life to finish our job
- It is our duty to make all these misfortunate, unfortunate creatures fortunate. That is our mission. We therefore go in the street and chant
- It is our duty to remember always that in comparison to Dhruva Maharaja we are insignificant. We cannot do anything like what Dhruva Maharaja did for self-realization because we are absolutely incompetent to execute such service
- It is the duty of all parents to make every child Krishna Conscious, so that the fortunate child born of Krishna Conscious parents may not have any more to take birth in this material world
- It is the duty of every disciple to carry out the order of the bona fide spiritual master and spread Lord Caitanya's message all over the world
- It is the duty of husband to protect wife in every way from the onslaught of material nature, and he must act always as her spiritual guide by being perfect example of devotee
- It is the duty of our students who are married men to train both their wife and children in devotional service to the Supreme Lord
- It is the duty of the disciple to accept the spiritual master as Superhuman Man
- It is the duty of the father and mother to train children in such a way that they will be interested in guru and Krsna. Why? By the mercy of guru and Krsna, he'll get bhakti-lata-bija. And that is real life
- It is the duty of the GBC to maintain the devotees, keep them in the highest standard of Krishna Consciousness, and give them all good instruction, and let them go out and preach for making more devotees
- It is the duty of the parents to see that the children are growing luxuriantly not only materially, but spiritually also. So spiritual training should be given from the very beginning
- Jesus Christ was crucified. He didn't mind. So if you are unnecessarily prosecuting us, we don't mind. We must go on with our duty. We cannot give it up
- Just try to give shape to the instructions of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. "My name will be spread in every nook and corner of every town and village of the world." That is your duty, and you are one of the foremost workers
- Karyam means "It is my duty." That is real sannyasa. "Krsna wants that this Krsna consciousness movement must be spread. So this is my karyam. This is my duty. And the direction is my spiritual master. So I must do it." This is sannyasa
- Kindly do not quarrel but go on with your duties progressively
- Kirtana is our first duty. The Deity worship should be simple and the eating should be as meager as possible
- Krsna Consciousness is factually the only solution to all the suffering which is besetting fellow humanity and all living entities. So we have great responsibilities in discharging our duties in devotional service
- Krsna consciousness movement is trying little bit. Success or no success does not matter. As we are servant of Krsna, it is our duty to present the real thing. Now you accept, not accept. That is not my business
- Krsna is service and Maya is sense gratification, so every moment we are prone to be subjugated by either of them. Our duty is therefore to be very, very careful. The poison is personal ambition
- Make them surrender. That is your duty. I am talking to you, and you talk to them. That is parampara system. Alone, I cannot go everywhere. Now you learn and you speak
- My idea is that the leaders must agree to stick at one place, even they may have to remain their life-long, that is the ideal leader, one who is conscious of his duty
- Never mind even it is imperfectly done, we must execute the orders of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. I may not be so very expert in delivering the message of Krsna, but my duty is to try to my best capacity how to distribute this knowledge to the suffering humanity
- Never mind some temporary inconveniences, we must remain steady in our duty to Krsna
- Now it is your duty that you always must keep yourselves fit in Krishna's service. The formula is very simple and if you will follow undeviatingly then your rapid advancement in Krishna Consciousness is certain
- Now you are raising your third child. So more and more you are becoming responsible for these living entities who are your dependents. You must see that they do not take birth again in this material world. That is your duty
- Now your duty is to organize Delhi center and if possible hold a meeting there like in Bombay and Calcutta at the Gandhi maidan
- Occupational duty means to stick with one type of occupation which is just suitable for me, considering that it is my duty, therefore I am throughout my life obligated to perform it to the best of my ability
- On behalf of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, it is our duty to save these living entities who are parts and parcel of Krsna from misguided illusion by the influence of maya
- One may sell books or enlist life members or render some other service, but these duties are not ordinary duties. These duties serve as an impetus for remembering Krsna
- One must be enthusiastic, patient, confident, one must execute the duties, associate with devotees, and one must be very honest in dealing. Six things. If these six things are there, sure success
- One person may be or may not be inclined to accept Krishna Consciousness, but that doesn't matter, but if we try our best to make one person Krishna Conscious, then our duty is carried nicely. That is recognized by Krishna
- One who is not a Krsna conscious person, he's not a good man. But our duty is preach. Because the world is full of no-good men, therefore we have to preach. Otherwise what is the use of preaching? Therefore we should not be envious
- One who is worshiping the Deity must be always attentive and mindful of his occupation at all times. He must never for one moment forget his duty of serving the Deity at every moment and strive always to please the Lord
- Our duty and religious obligation is to go out into the streets where the people in general can hear the chanting and see the dancing
- Our duty is heavy, to induce persons to come to this platform of consciousness; and if we can save even a single soul from the clutches of Maya, the value of such act is millions of times better than fruitive actions
- Our duty is only to become Krsna conscious. Other things will be supplied by Krsna
- Our duty is tandera carana sevi, bhakta-sane vas. We should live with the devotees and be engaged in the service of the acaryas
- Our duty is that we shall arrange the external affairs all so nicely that one day they will come to the spiritual platform very easily, paving the way. And Caitanya Mahaprabhu, personality like that
- Our duty is to follow the instructions of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and preach the Krsna consciousness movement all over the world very sincerely. This is the best welfare activity for the peace and prosperity of human society
- Our duty is to know Krsna. Janma karma. Krsna comes, Krsna appears, Krsna disappears. Why Krsna comes? Why Krsna is not seen? Janma karma. Why He acts? Why He takes birth in the battlefield of Kuruksetra? Why He teaches Arjuna?
- Our immediate duty is that all our society members are strictly following the rules and regulations and chanting routine. That will make them steady and strong in their positions respectively
- Our only duty is how to achieve full Krsna consciousness. Other things, there is no need of trying
- Our religious principles or natural occupational duty is to learn how to love Krishna
- Our sinful activities are so strong that even coming to the point of Krsna consciousness we are falling down, again falling down. So be careful, be cautious, and execute your duty as Krsna conscious people. You will be happy
- Patience is required for the successful discharges of Krsna conscious duties. Krsna is pleased to award benediction upon the aspiring devotee engaged in His service with patience determination and regularity
- Please don't feel lonely. Krishna is always with you and I shall pray for you and to Krishna also that you may make progress more and more in this faithful discharge of duties in Krishna Consciousness
- Please preach this Krsna Consciousness very strongly so that we may give people real light for seeing the way out of the darkness of Kali Yuga. The modern scientists are confusing everyone with their false propaganda and it is our duty to expose them
- Please take nice care of him because there are so many good souls who we must inform of this most important philosophy, and when another man is sent by Krishna to help us it is our duty to help him understand Krishna Consciousness as far as possible
- Prahlada Maharaja and every Vaisnava who is actually following the parampara system of Vaisnava duty, they are anxious
- Preaching is our life. But in order to preach one must become firmly fixed in the spiritual practices otherwise his words will not act. It is the duty of every initiated disciple to try and please the spiritual master
- Preaching is our most important business. People are suffering for want of this Krsna consciousness, so as representative of Krsna, it is our duty to enlighten them, and we should accept all kinds of . . . but there is no difficulty
- Regarding Sriman Hayagriva Dasa; it is our duty to rectify him. To create a devotee takes much labor and to reject him in a minute is not to our credit so please try to do the needful in this regard
- Regarding the recent upheavals in our Society, that business is finished, now we must all concentrate very carefully on the simple execution of our duty following the principles of regulation very strictly in our daily life
- Regarding your writing, you must know that it is the duty of sannyasa to write always to save the cripple minded man and women. In fact sannyasa must do everything
- Simply if you are engaged in Krsna's business... Priti-purvakam, with love. Not as hackneyed: "Oh here is the duty, chanting of Hare Krsna. All right, Harekrsnaharekrsnaharekrsna..."
- Since a long time I have not heard from you, but I am glad to learn that you are doing your duties nicely
- So far as your duty is concerned, you are doing your best. That is your spiritual qualification. The best qualification for a Vaisnava is to act sincerely, and to his best capacity, for the service of Krishna
- So now your first duty should be to see your children develop nicely. There is no doubt they are advanced souls
- So you are all good souls, please do not be agitated in trivial things. Do your duty nicely, develop the center as nicely as possible. If you think that your personality has been minimized, you can tolerate it
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu teaches us that those whom preachers meet are almost all offenders who are opposed to Krsna consciousness, but it is a preacher's duty to convince them of the KC movement and then induce them to chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- Suppose we are worshiping Deity. That is the duty of brahmana; but somebody is called that "You cleanse this floor." So he should not think that "I am cleansing the floor; therefore I am lower than the person directly worshiping the Deity." No
- Take care of them so that they may become pure devotees. That is your duty. We are respected everywhere on our purity platform. This should be maintained
- That is our duty - to advise him, to convince him, to give him all facilities. Still, if he does not take, then we are not going to see how long he will suffer, how he will stop. Let them do their own business
- That is our duty. We have to disturb these envious persons, "Hare Krsna!" That is our duty, to disturb them. And that is the greatest service
- That is our real concern, the spiritual progress of life. That is duty of GBC
- That is the duty (to be nice devotees), those who are managing this temple. By his character, by his behavior, he will be influenced
- That is your duty as sannyasa, to keep yourself always above suspicion in Krishna Consciousness programme, and to teach others to become like you, that's all. That is our perfect programme
- The author of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, however, has tried to explain this divyonmada (transcendental madness of Caitanya) as far as possible, and it is our duty simply to appreciate it as far as possible
- The duties of the GBC men are now to be just like the duties of the Sannyasis
- The duty must be done. Even it is little suffering. That is called tapasya. Tapasya means we must proceed with our Krsna consciousness business in spite of all dangerous and calamitous condition of this world. This is called tapasya
- The duty of publishing our Back to Godhead in Hindi is a most important service to all of your countrymen
- The formula of sannyasa is given - karyam: "Bas this is my only duty. That's all. Krsna consciousness movement should be pushed. This is my only duty"
- The Governing Body Commission's duty is to see that every member is following the rules and regulations and chanting sixteen round regularly on the beads
- The husband's duty is to give the wife all protection, even from the material maya, and the wife's duty is to see to the personal comforts of the husband
- The modern scientists are confusing everyone with their false propaganda and it is our duty to expose them and kill the demoniac tendency to forget Krsna
- The more one understands that Krishna is my friend and my duty is to serve my Dearest Friend, the more one can know that his is advancing in Krishna Consciousness
- The opportunity is always there, just as we are offering so many ways to become Krsna Conscious, but if you don't take the opportunity what can I do. That is purposeful negligence of duty
- The process of Krishna consciousness is very simple. Everything belongs to Krishna, so our only duty is to give everything for Krishna's service, and chant Hare Krishna. So you chant regularly and make advancement
- The so-called institution of free love marriage is ruining the human society and it is our duty to reestablish the correct procedure of human life by encouraging our disciples who wish to marry to enter into a contract of spiritual wedlock
- The society must be divided - brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra - and they must execute their proper duty. In this way there will be nice management
- The world is mad after such temporary benefit and partial service and it is our duty to change the face altogether by an authorized spiritual movement
- There is great need of this Krsna consciousness movement. People are so fallen, they are reluctant to even to hear about this Bhagavad-gita, where everything is explained. They are living like animals. So it is our duty to awaken them
- There is no need of replying Parvat Maharaja's letter. He did not reply my letter & why he would expect a reply from you. Do your duty nicely & go Back to Godhead
- There is not question of a devotee becoming ostracized because he has become ill, nor do I think this is being widely practiced. One of the symptoms of a devotee is that he is kind, so if our Godbrother becomes ill it is our duty to help him
- These are the most important duties for the brahmacarinis - namely cleansing. By nicely cleansing one can get promotion in the spiritual kingdom in some of the Vaikuntha planets
- They should stop speculation. That is their first duty. Devotional life means stop speculation
- This is our duty, anyone who has rendered a little service to Krsna should be given all facilities to take it up seriously
- This is the duty of a sannyasi, to travel amongst all of our centres for elevating the standard of devotional service
- This is the duty of all my initiated disciples, whether they are big or they are small
- This is the duty of father and mother to enlighten children in Krishna Consciousness and thus save them from the clutches of impending death
- This is the duty of GBC, to see that all of our members are becoming fixed in Krishna's service
- To raise one soul to Krishna Consciousness is counted by Krishna as a very great service, so you do this duty carefully and Krishna will surely bestow His blessings upon you
- We are doing our duty. That's all. Under higher authoritative order. Have no fear. It is not personal gratification
- We are preachers on behalf of Lord Krsna, that is our occupational duty, we haven't got to search any further some new challenge or change our engagement. No, that has been already settled up. Best thing will be to develop more & more what we have begun
- We can stop this epidemic with this information of Krishna Consciousness, and it is our duty to do it
- We can understand how we have to be very cautious in executing our spiritual duties by observing the rules and regulations and regularly chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. If we neglect doing this, we will eventually fall down
- We can't impose anything from so early age, because when he is grown up he may not like the idea. So all this contemplation is premature. For the present your duty is to make him healthy and strong, physically and spiritually
- We do not calculate the so-called success or failure; we are simply to discharge our duties in Krishna Consciousness and chant HARE KRISHNA loudly
- We do not mind whether he is Englishman or Indian or any man; our duty is to impress Krishna Consciousness as far as possible
- We don't bother whether one is converted or not in Krsna consciousness. Our duty is to flatter, That's all. "My dear sir, please come here, see Krsna's Deity, offer namaskara, take prasada, and go home."
- We have got everything in writing, in books, in instructions. Our duty is to take them rightly and utilize it properly, advance in Krsna consciousness
- We have got in our institution specified duties for each and every member, and they are doing, and if they take it seriously, every one of them, that it is the order and duty. "My Guru Maharaja has specified this duty upon me. So it is my duty"
- We have got so many duties to do. Don't waste time, a single moment. And don't eat more and don't sleep more. Then you'll be able to work
- We have to give the medicine just like horse is given medicine. Three men required to induce medicine to the mouth of the horse. So this is our duty, to inject Hare Krsna medicine
- We have to learn from Arjuna that when we are perplexed, when we forget our real duty, and therefore we are puzzled, then our duty is to approach Krsna, as Arjuna is doing
- We must be so careful to train the devotees nicely. Now they have come from the realm of maya to Krsna's place, so it is our duty to keep them there
- We must learn all of us, to defeat these nonsense rascals, and curtail this epidemic of Impersonalism, which is fatal to the innocent people. We can stop this epidemic with this information of Krishna Consciousness, and it is our duty to do it
- We should make a sincere effort to implement the will of Krsna, or Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and we should not be concerned with victory and defeat. Our only duty is to work sincerely, so that our activities may be recognized by Krsna
- Whatever allocation of duty there may be, if we try to execute such specific duty sincerely, that alone can make us much more advanced in Krishna Consciousness
- Whatever status of life we may accept, this principle of working for Krsna as a matter of our duty, without being attracted by the result - should be followed by us
- When a thing is offered to the Spiritual Master, he immediately offers to the Lord. That is the system & as we come by parampara system, it is our duty to go through the right channel - namely, first the Spiritual Master, then Lord Caitanya & then Krishna
- When I was in Nairobi I took away from Cyavana all managerial duties. There were so many complaints against him from our men and from outsiders. He could not manage nor could he collect
- When we are put into difficulties while discharging Krishna Conscious duties, it is to be understood that Krishna puts us in a field of austerities and penances which help us making progress towards realization of our goal of life
- Whether your husband likes to take responsibility as your spiritual guide or not, that does not matter. He must do it. It is his duty because he has taken you as his wife. Therefore he must take full responsibility for you the rest of his life
- Wife's duty is not to disturb the husband. That is Vedic principle
- Women must be protected, and it is the duty of the leaders of our society to see that this is carried out
- You are my elder disciple, you are one of the leaders of our Society; therefore, it is your duty to feel always this responsibility for seeing that the things go on properly
- You are taking this pledge for serving (as a sannyasi) in front of Krsna, Vaisnava, guru and fire. So you shall be very much cautious not to forget your duty
- You are very dutiful. Do your duty nicely, but see by executing your duty whether you are developing your love for Krsna. That is the criterion
- You cannot expect that wherever you are going you'll find favorable situation to talk. That you must understand. But you'll have to preach; you have to create favorable situation. That is your duty
- You cannot expect that your audience should be all highly brain. No. Preaching is required because they have no brain. Therefore your duty is to tolerate all difficulties and bring them to the sense of brain
- You may go there again and take some responsible post for correcting the situation, that will be your real duty, not that there is some disagreement and I go away disgusted, no. That is not Vaisnava standard
- You may note that when these regulative duties are performed, and the devotee becomes fully absorbed in Krsna activities, Krsna as Supersoul will dictate from within the answers to all questions and will give the needed intelligence to progress
- You must execute the duties. Just like we have asked our students to finish sixteen rounds chanting minimum. Sixteen rounds is nothing. In Vrndavana there are many devotees, they chant 120 rounds. Like that. So sixteen rounds is the minimum
- You must know the particular work you are advised to act by the superintendent or the director, not that you can manufacture your duty. If you execute that duty, then you are dutiful. Otherwise, you are simply creating trouble, just like a monkey
- You must try to utilize the whole thing for the purpose of Krsna because everything belongs to Krsna. That is your duty
- You report that Bhagaji is tired of dealing with the politics of ISKCON. Of course as soon as there are a number of men dealing, there are politics, but we still have to execute our duty
- You were originally entrusted with the responsibility of that branch, as you helped start it, and so it is your duty now to help maintain it, even you are not present there
- Your description of Copenhagen is very encouraging, and I am also glad that you are realizing that actual help does come from Krishna. Our duty is to render service unto Him sincerely, and immediately Krishna arranges for all facilities
- Your duty as you are doing, even nobody is coming in morning, Lord Jagannatha will hear your kirtana, because we are always in company with the Lord of the Universe
- Your duty is to carry out my orders. There cannot be any question of resignation. If anyone surrenders to Krishna wholeheartedly and engages in His service he cannot say later on I resign. It is not something like material service
- Your first duty now as a householder is to provide nicely for your wife and child
- Your foremost duty is to abide by the will of your husband. Your husband is not an ordinary boy-he is educated, intelligent, sober, and a devotee of Lord Krsna. Therefore, whatever he plans, you should follow
- Your going away, I did not take very seriously. I am very glad that you have come back. You should remain with Dayananda. That is your duty
- Your husband is one of my most foremost disciples. His life is very important, so take care of him nicely; that is your duty. He should live healthfully and peacefully, so see to it. That is my request
- Your only business is how to become pure devotee of Lord Krishna. Then everything is all right. Please remember this truth always, and do your duty for strongly pushing on this Krishna Consciousness movement in Germany
- Your program for training your Godsisters is very nice, so do it nicely as you have got experience in arcana. There is no matter if there is a little change here and there - the real duty is love and devotion
- Your specific duty is to chant and hear the transcendental Name of the Lord, read some passages from my English version of the Srimad-Bhagavatam and Srimad Bhagavad-gita and explain them as far as possible you have heard from me