Category:Our Discussions (Disciples of SP)
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Pages in category "Our Discussions (Disciples of SP)"
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- Always reading should be continually going on in our centers. These books, regularly should be discussed and preached: the ideal life of Krsna, ideal grhastha, householder, what He is doing
- As far as the farm being authorized, you discuss with Kuladri and Kirtanananda Maharaja. Whatever they say I agree. Kuladri is an experienced man so you may organize things there taking his advice. Please just work sincerely and Krsna will bless you
- As more students become involved in our philosophical discussions, you will be able to sell them our books. I want that my books and literatures should be very widely distributed, as many as possible
- Asuci means unclean. Peaceful life means purification. So if you purify and again become unclean, that we have discussed hasti-snana, the elephant
- Chanting 16 rounds without fail, performing Kirtana at least twice daily, morning and evening, discussion on Bhagavad-gita, and Srimad-Bhagavatam in the class, and work diligently and cooperatively amongst yourselves is my fervent request
- Concerning the printing of the Brahmasamhita, I have informed Ramesvara Maharaja that the BBT Trustees can discuss this, and if they approve it, then I have no objection. You have stated that you would also assist in the printing costs
- Concerning your request for babaji initiation, when I come to Nairobi we can discuss it further. I gave babaji initiation to one other devotee but now he is off somewhere restless
- I advise you to daily read our books as far as possible and try to understand the subject matter from different angles of vision by discussing frequently with the devotees at New York Temple
- I am awaiting your visit. We shall discuss further regarding the land you have described when you come
- I am going out of station for few days. I shall come back again very soon. In the meantime, you go on holding this class, morning, regularly, one sloka from Bhagavata; thoroughly discuss for one hour; kirtana
- I am so glad to hear that temple worship is going on nicely and that you have made program for discussing all our books. Such group discussion of transcendental topics is so much potent and all should participate
- I had some discussion with her that she will go to India and help in constructing our temple there. So now we are getting our land there and if she is able to help in this connection, then her going to India will be a great service to Krsna
- I have asked Kirtanananda Maharaj to work on the bahudaka stage for the present. I discussed this point with him when I was in New Vrindaban
- I recommend you to read books more and more and try to understand the subject matter from different angles of vision and be always discussing it with your godbrothers
- I shall be seeing Alfred Ford here soon so at that time, we can discuss further and we shall inform you if we can devise a plan to get the building with Alfred's help
- I thank you so much for having nicely appreciated the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. This book should be read by all of my students at least one chapter per day, and in kirtana class it should be discussed sloka after sloka
- I think you should not be disturbed by minor disagreement. If you think that you cannot agree with Umapati, you can stop discussing with him, and if there is any point of judgment, you can refer to me. I am always at your service
- I understand from Bhavananda Maharaja that you are invited here to plant a garden. So when you come your questions can be discussed
- I want that in every village and town there may be Temple. But how far this is possible now, that has to be discussed
- If anyone will read this Nectar of Devotion very carefully, he will have all guidance in Bhakti cult. So in the temple class some portions of this book must be regularly discussed
- If it is possible to get a place free of charge for holding kirtana and discussing on the Bhagavad-gita in some quarter where there are mostly English-speaking people, that will be very much convenient
- If sometimes devotees should like to come together and chant Hare Krsna and discuss, just as we instituted our Istagosthi program, then this of course I have no objection to
- If the GBC men are so flickering then what to speak of the others. Unless this problem is solved whatever we may resolve it will not be very useful. We shall discuss this at our meeting
- If we have to push on Krsna consciousness movement, then we have to discuss. But if they do not like, better chant Hare Krsna and don't discuss anything
- If you are actually reasonable, you'll understand that this Krsna consciousness movement is the sublime movement for the welfare of the whole human society. That's a fact. Anyone may come. We are prepared to discuss this subject matter
- If you are not interested in association, discussion, then you are finished
- If you can convince the television stations to carry our program on a regular basis and this equipment if it can be used for this purpose will be very useful. So discuss this matter with the GBC how it can be practically implemented
- In the Bhagavad-gita you'll find that if you want to go to the higher planets, there is ways and means. So we have discussed this point in our small book Easy Journey to Other Planets
- It is a very good idea to have a meeting at the Mayapur meeting time to thoroughly discuss the Bhaktivedanta Institute. So please do the needful. It will be a great service if you can organize such an Institute in the U.S.A
- It is better not to discuss in any detail about the Christian religion or any other religion
- It is good that you GBC members are meeting and conjointly discussing such things as life membership, book distribution, etc. The future hope of solid standing of our mission is on the proper management of our governing body
- It must be solidly discussed. We can consider at the GBC meeting. Things cannot be whimsically proposed and adopted
- Not the unfortunate. "It is the fortunate person who comes in contact with a bona fide spiritual master." This question we were just discussing before coming to the class, how to select a bona fide spiritual master
- Now let us discuss, question and answer, "How political situation can be improved by Krsna consciousness?" Can anyone answer?
- Of course, we are not discussing that (brain substance of man and woman) point. Our movement is a spiritual movement, Krsna consciousness. That is beyond brain. Indriyani parany ahur indriyebhyah param manah, manasas tu para buddhir - BG 3.42
- On the Disappearance Day of my Guru Maharaja, you may hold meeting to discuss His activities and offer respect to His Memory. Practically, this movement is His because it is under His order that I have come to your country
- Our policy is to satisfy Krishna and keeping this point in view you should consult the GBC members and discuss these points and do the needful
- Our program is very nice. Any gentleman come and discuss with us. We shall prove this is the nicest program at the present moment
- Our senses are so strong, we have discussed many times, that even the greatest learned man falls victim to sense enjoyment
- Read all our books and discuss them with your husband; go out for preaching regularly. In this way always keep engaged in Krishna's service with enthusiasm and faith in Krishna, and He will give you all facility for developing Trinidad center very nicely
- Read one sloka and discuss and then go on to the next sloka on the next day, and so on, and even you discuss one verse each day it will take you 50 years to finish Srimad-Bhagavatam in this way. So we have got ample stock for acquiring knowledge
- Regarding complaints by the sannyasis, these things shall be discussed in everyone's presence at the Mayapur meeting. There is no question of change but sometimes change is invigorating
- Simply by hearing, by attending lectures in the different centers of the Krsna consciousness movement, where topics of Krsna from Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam are discussed, they (mudha-dhi) will be purified of their sinful inclination
- So far as your relocating your temple from Tucson to Phoenix, that is a GBC matter and so it should be discussed with the GBC members
- So far as your relocating your temple from Tucson to Phoenix, that is a GBC matter and so it should be discussed with the GBC members and especially with Karandhar Prabhu
- So try to understand this philosophy of Krishna Consciousness by reading our books and literatures, discussing amongst the devotees and chanting Hare Krishna Mantra as much as possible
- So yesterday we discussed the different grades of life: first class, second class, third class, fourth class, fifth class, sixth class. So this kind of life, without any responsibility and carried away by the waves of time, is the tenth-class life
- Some days before we had a talk regarding the property of Kanthaltala (Maternal uncle's house). Please have a discussion for purchasing that land. We want to keep our remembrance with that land
- The GBC member means they will see that in every temple these books are very thoroughly being read and discussed and understood and applied in practical life
- The so-called foolish scientists don't care for God. They think by so-called scientific advancement all problems will be solved. One of my students, he is double M.A. in Chemistry and Ph.D. I asked him to discuss these things. He has written a small book
- The stomach will digest it (rasagullas), and the energy will be distributed - not only to this finger, but other fingers, other parts of parts of the body. This has to be learned. That is called yato bhaktir adhoksaje. We are discussing that point
- This human form of life is obtained after many, many millions and millions of births, evolutionary process. We have already discussed this point
- To make him competent in that way, that is management. So this policy should be followed, not that because he has done something not correctly he should be changed immediately. That will not help. Now discuss this point
- We are actually teaching in our classes how to go about this - installing Deities at home and, worshiping the Deity regularly, chanting the maha-mantra and discussing the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- We are discussing about spirit soul, not the Indian, American, Christian, Hindu. No. We have no business with this skin philosophy, that "Here is an American, white; and here is an African, black." No
- We are discussing about the characteristics of the demons. So they have lost their intelligence. Etam drstim avastabhya nastatmanah alpa-buddhayah (BG 16.9). Nastatmanah. Atmanah means spirit soul. So they have lost the sense of spirit soul
- We are discussing Bhagavad-gita very scrutinizingly, and trying to understand every verse with reference to the Vedic, I mean, reference and as far as our logic and argument goes. So this is called jnana-yajna
- We are discussing some subject matter from Reader's Digest about the next two hundred years, how things will happen. The scientist proposing that they'll control the laws of nature, and they will produce food from garbage - so many fantastic ideas
- We are discussing symptom of the person who is situated on the platform of pure consciousness. So we should remember that this is spoken as the basis of when we attain the stage of perfection, the symptom
- We are discussing this point, that this illusion is going on. But human form of life, a human being can get out of this illusion
- We are discussing this point. The real point is that narayana-paranmukham. Without thinking of Narayana or Krsna or Visnu, no other method will be able to purify you
- We discuss (in the daily classes on Srimad-Bhagavatam) the subject matter very minutely and inspect it from all angles of approach and savor the new understandings
- We discuss this Bhagavad-gita only for understanding that we are not blindly following a principle. It is a science. It is based on philosophy and science. But we have made the process easy, that's all, by following great stalwart personalities
- We discussed the different grades of life: first class, second class, third class, fourth class, fifth class, sixth class. So this kind of life, without any responsibility, and carried away by the waves of time, is the tenth-class life
- We discussed this (characteristics of avatara are there in the sastra) point yesterday and today also, because it is important point, and further we shall discuss tomorrow
- We have been discussing this point, that isvara-vacana, what is spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, there is no flaw
- We have discussed already that without Krsna there is no question of happiness. There is no question of happiness
- We have discussed the symptoms of Kali-yuga, this age called Kali-yuga. As there are seasonal changes, similarly, in the duration of this material existence, there are seasonal changes. That everyone has got experience
- We have discussed this point (matter comes out of life) very broadly and Swaroop Damodara is convinced that everything comes from life, Krsna - aham sarvasya prabhavo/ mattah sarvam pravartate. - BG 10.8
- We have discussed very elaborately. Anyone who has got intelligence, he can understand that, I am not this body. Within this body there is a living force, and without that living force the body is useless, lump of matter. That's all
- We have to discuss so many things, immense field. Go out . . . At least you have to accept that "I am blind." So how you can show others the path? You are blind
- We have to discuss whether God has form or no form. That will be philosophy
- We have to see through the sastra. Not by these blunt eyes. That is not possible. So all these things should be discussed, should be understood, so long we are young, strong, brain is in order. Then our life will be successful
- We should save time (in New Mayapura), as much for this purpose, for chanting, discussing grantha. Not for any personal so-called comforts
- We want to open a centre of magnificent proportions in Vrindaban City, as was discussed with Your Honor by my secretary, Sriman Ksirodakasayi das. I therefore request you to give us the one-acre piece of land near the Dak Bungalow for this purpose
- What is the difficulty? You must discuss. Otherwise how it can be resolved?
- When George Henderson shall be coming there, try to keep him there to associate with you. Try discussing and convincing him of the principles of Krishna Consciousness. He is a good soul
- When one comes to realize the Personality of Godhead, only then is his theistic knowledge complete. We have discussed this point very elaborately in the BG & your high intelligence will help you to present this idea before the learned scholars of France
- Whether you have approached such spiritual master, that you can discuss
- With all GBC and senior men present we should discuss how to make unity in diversity. But, if we fight on account of diversity, then it is simply the material platform
- Yesterday we were discussing about the Kali-yuga: the most fallen age. People are most degraded. So there is, by calculation, that seventy-five percent irreligion and twenty-five percent religion in comparison to other ages
- You wanted to come here to take further inspiration from the L.A. temple activities. So you may ask Muljibhai to come with you also, and we can discuss together our future plans for India. I will be very glad to see you both at that time
- Your (GBC) first job should be to make sure that every one of the devotees in your zone of management is reading regularly our literatures and discussing the subject matter seriously from different angles of seeing
- Your idea is very nice but regarding the practicality of it, you should discuss with either the temple president or the GBC man. You should work it out together with the leaders there
- Your questions certainly are not stupid. They are very intelligent questions and I am just pleased to discuss all these matters threadbare. I quite approve of your way of thinking