Category:Ordinary Person
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Pages in category "Ordinary Person"
The following 174 pages are in this category, out of 174 total.
- A cobra is very fierce before ordinary persons, but before an enchanter who can play with him, he is a plaything. Similarly, a demon may be very powerful in his own domain, but before the Lord he is insignificant
- A foolish person may deride Him, but that is an ordinary person. Krsna is actually desired to be seen by demigods like Brahma and Siva in His two-armed form. BG 1972 purports
- A ordinary peon is also representative of the postal department. How he becomes representative of the whole postal system? He delivers your letter or money order without mishandling it, as it is
- A sannyasi may live alone in forest or in Himalaya or in a secluded place in Vrndavana or somewhere, but a grhastha, he has to deal with ordinary persons, so many others, businessmen or ordinary people
- A Vaisnava should always avoid the association of ordinary people. Common people are very much materially attached, especially to women. Vaisnavas should also avoid the company of those who are not devotees of Lord Krsna
- Actually, Lord Mahādeva (Śiva) is one of the great demigods within this material world. Generally his blessings bestowed on ordinary people mean material happiness
- All the cowherd boys used to play with Krsna, who is the source of the Brahman effulgence for jnanis desiring to merge into that effulgence, and who for ordinary persons is but another ordinary child - SB 10.12-7-11
- All the cowherd boys used to play with Krsna, who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead for devotees who have accepted eternal servitorship, and who for ordinary persons is but another ordinary child - SB 10.12.7-11
- Although an ordinary person may be a very advanced scholar, he does not possess perfect knowledge
- Although Krsna sometimes plays like an ordinary person, in fact He is not ordinary, and whenever necessary He displays the powers of God
- Although seeing Garga Muni with his eyes, Nanda Maharaja could appreciate that Garga Muni was adhoksaja; that is, he was not an ordinary person seen by material senses - SB 10.8.2
- Although the Arctic region is not visible to ordinary persons, the sun shines there without impediment
- An ordinary person cannot understand the transcendental ecstasies in the mode of Srimati Radharani. Unfit persons who try to understand them are perverted into the sahajiya, baula and other sampradayas. Thus the teachings are perverted
- An ordinary person engaged in his occupational duty, like Arjuna, should execute his duty for the satisfaction of Krsna; that is within his power. Arjuna was a fighter, and Krsna wanted him to fight for His satisfaction
- Antara means - money. If money is not used in Krsna’s service, it is also an impediment. Antara also means janata - people in general - The association of ordinary persons may destroy the principles of devotional service
- Anyone who takes to Krsna consciousness seriously is not an ordinary person; he must have taken to the same process in his previous life
- Arjuna agreed, although at first he was not willing to fight. Duties are required for ordinary persons. They should not jump up and try to imitate Krsna and indulge in rasa-lila and thus bring about their ruin
- Arjuna surrendered to Krsna and said: The questions which have arisen in my mind, it cannot be solved by ordinary person, therefore he selected. He told Him that, I can understand, without Your Lordship nobody can mitigate all the doubts in my mind
- Bali Mardana was punished by Krsna, he is not ordinary person; he is authority. So even a person punished by Krsna becomes authority. Krsna is so nice
- Because Krsna sometimes appears like an ordinary man, people sometimes cannot believe or understand His activities. They wonder, - How can God become an ordinary person like us
- Because the demons consider the Supreme Lord an ordinary living being, they think that they can kill Lord Visnu as one might kill an ordinary person
- Because they (fools and nondevotees) think that the Lord is an ordinary person like them, they are described as mudha - avajananti mam mudhah - BG 9.11
- By gradually associating with the members of the Krsna consciousness movement, simply by taking prasada and taking part in chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra, ordinary persons are being considerably elevated
- By the grace of Kapiladeva it was quite possible for Devahuti to understand the Absolute Truth, even though the subject matter is very difficult for ordinary persons, especially women
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu never discussed Radha-Krishna Lila with ordinary persons. We have so many other things to discuss; what is the soul, what is bhakti. To understand Radha-Krishna's Pastimes, that is our aim, but we should not indulge in this at present
- Certainly the chanting of 300,000 holy names of the Lord is wonderful. No ordinary person can chant so many names, nor should one artificially imitate Haridasa Thakura's behavior
- Even an ordinary person who goes to Vrndavana out of inquisitiveness and by chance sees the temple, especially that of Govindadeva, even if he is not elevated to the spiritual kingdom, is still assured promotion to the higher planetary systems
- Even if he (Siva) is an enemy or is sometimes angry, such a personality cannot be the object of envy, so Vidura, in astonishment, asked why he was taken as such, especially by Daksa. Daksa is also not an ordinary person
- Even though the Lord cannot be understood by ordinary persons, this principle (acintya-bhedabheda philosophy) should be understood from the statement of the sastras
- For ordinary person like us there are four defects: bhrama pramada vipralipsa kara-napatava. Vipralipsa, cheating
- For ordinary person who cannot appreciate Krsna, Krsna is giving instruction that "When you drink water, the taste which quench your thirst and you feel relief, that is Krsna." Raso 'ham apsu kaunteya
- For ordinary persons engaged in material activities there are many, many subject matters to understand because such persons do not understand self-realization
- For ordinary persons God is not visible; however, when one can understand the significance of His holy name and one engages himself in the devotional service, beginning with the tongue, by chanting and tasting prasada, then gradually God reveals Himself
- For ordinary persons it is obligatory to execute the prescribed duties mentioned in the Vedas, but although a pure devotee who is completely engaged in the service of the Lord may sometimes appear to go against the prescribed Vedic duties. BG 1972 pur
- For the ordinary person it is almost inconceivable how the huge material creation is resting in Him. But the Lord is giving an example which may help us to understand. BG 1972 purports
- Formerly the kings (rajas) were great saintly persons. They were not ordinary people engaged in drinking and dancing. They were all rsis (sages), up to the time of Maharaja Pariksit
- Formerly, even quite ordinary persons used to know how to fix the mind upon the remembrance of the Lord, and so the brahmana was doing this
- Generally a devotee in the intermediate stage becomes a preacher. A neophyte devotee or an ordinary person should worship the madhyama-bhagavata, who is a via medium
- Generally, ordinary persons are engaged simply in working hard in the material world, and they have no information that there is another kingdom or another sky, which is known as the spiritual sky, where life is eternal, blissful and full of knowledge
- Great personalities and Vaisnavas like the four Kumaras are also invisible to ordinary persons, although they are traveling all over the universe in different planetary systems
- He (Sanatana) presented his case before Caitanya as follows: Ordinary persons, those who have no knowledge of transcendence, address me as a great leader, a great scholar, a mahatma, a paramahamsa, and so on. But I am doubtful whether I am really so
- He (the Lord) is everywhere at every time and every condition, but because He is covered by the curtain of material energy, to an ordinary person there appears to be no God
- He should also make friendship with persons who are on an equal level with himself or who have the same understanding that he does. For a devotee, there is no point in making friendships with ordinary persons
- Here (in BG 11.51) the words manusam rupam clearly indicate the Supreme Personality of Godhead to be originally two-handed. Those who deride Krsna to be an ordinary person are shown here to be ignorant of His divine nature. BG 1972 purports
- His stepmother had insulted Dhruva, who was not an ordinary person, but a great Vaisnava. An offense at the lotus feet of a Vaisnava is the greatest offense in this world
- How I am eternal? - There is proof. And who is giving the proof? Krsna, bhagavan uvaca. The highest authority, not ordinary person or any living being - Krsna. Krsnas tu bhagavan svayam - SB 1.3.28
- If any ordinary person tries to imitate Lord Siva by drinking poison or smoking ganja, he is sure to be vanquished and will die within a very short time. Lord Sri Krsna's dealings with the gopis occurred under special circumstances
- If Brahma did not create the Vedas but he is acknowledged as the first created being, wherefrom did Vedic knowledge come to Brahma? Obviously the Vedas did not come from an ordinary person born in this material world
- If Lord Brahma can make a mistake in understanding Krsna, what to speak of ordinary persons, who either misunderstand Krsna or falsely present a so-called incarnation of Krsna for their own sense gratification
- If some ordinary person has written something about Krsna's lila, you should not touch even. It must be in the sampradaya, must be authorized person. Otherwise it is useless
- If you learn from the supreme authority without any deficiency, then the knowledge is perfect. Ordinary person, they have got four deficiencies: they commit mistake, they are illusioned, their senses are imperfect
- If you try to understand that Supreme Person Krsna, who comes before you as ordinary person, you can understand Him if you become His devotee. Otherwise it is not possible
- Impersonalists not knowing the Supreme Truth, think Krsna to be only the son of Devaki and Vasudeva, or a prince, or a powerful living entity. This is also condemned in Bhagavad-gita: "Only the fools regard Me as an ordinary person". BG 1972 purports
- In all the activities associated with lusty desires, Lord Siva is an implement of atma-rama. Ordinary persons, therefore, should not try to understand Lord Siva and his activities. One who tries to criticize the activities of Lord Siva is shameless
- In all Vedic literature, the highest perfectional stage is said to be the state of intoxication of devotional service. It is not achieved by ordinary persons, the nondevotees
- In India the custom is that even an ordinary person is offered a glass of water if he suddenly visits and one cannot offer him foodstuff. If there is no water, then one can offer a sitting place, even if it is on straw mats
- In the prayers of Kunti in the Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.8.18), it is said that the Lord is covered by the curtain of yoga-maya and thus ordinary people cannot understand Him. BG 1972 purports
- It is understood that when an ordinary person is placed in jail, he is sent there by force because he has been proven a criminal. A criminal may think that he and the governor are one, just as rascals and fools think that Krsna is one of them
- Jamadagni advised his son Parasurama to worship the holy places. Because an ordinary person cannot immediately surrender to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Just see this philosophy. Cinmayananda or any ordinary person, he has to judge which sloka is suitable, which is not suitable. That means he is more than Krsna
- Just to show favor to the ordinary living entities, out of His (Krsna's) causeless mercy He appears as He is. Unfortunately, foolish persons mistake Him to be an ordinary person, and so they become eligible to go to hell
- Krsna consciousness movement is little difficult for ordinary persons who are interested with the material gross and subtle elements. For them it is little difficult
- Krsna is there, just like the master is there and many workers are there also. The master speaks to the important persons, not to the ordinary person. Similarly, the master is there in everyone's heart
- Krsna said: these wasps and bees are not as they appear; they are great sages who are taking this opportunity to worship the supreme soul. Although You (Balarama) are not known by ordinary persons, they know You, & they are following and glorifying You
- Krsna wanted to draw the attention of His mother, but while doing so He created a great havoc not understandable by ordinary persons. These narrations are wonderfully enjoyable
- Krsna wanted to draw the attention of His mother, but while doing so He created a great havoc not understandable by ordinary persons. Those who are fortunate are struck with wonder upon hearing of these extraordinary activities of the Lord
- Lord Manu stated that Dhruva Maharaja had been offensive to Lord Siva and his brother Kuvera because the Yaksas belonged to Kuvera's family. They were not ordinary persons. As such, they have been described as punya janan, pious men
- Lord Visnu informed Prthu Maharaja that although the sacrificial performances set an example for ordinary people, there was no need for such sacrificial performances as far as his personal self was concerned
- Maharaja Pariksit said, "Hunger and thirst may give trouble to ordinary persons or to me, but the topics of Krsna are so nice that one can continue to hear them without feeling tired because such hearing situates one in the transcendental position"
- Modern Raksasas, posing as educationally advanced merely because they have doctorates, have tried to prove that Lord Ramacandra is not the Supreme Personality of Godhead but an ordinary person
- Mucukunda continued, "On account of my being situated in the royal order, I was more puffed up than ordinary persons. An ordinary man thinks he is the proprietor of his body or his family, but I began to think in that way on a larger scale"
- Mudha means rascal. It is said in the Gita, Only rascals think of Lord Krsna as an ordinary person. They do not know what Lord Krsna's position is or what His transcendental potencies are
- Of course Caitanya Mahaprabhu, being the Supreme Personality of Godhead, knew all things, but at that moment He had assumed the role of an ordinary person in order to instruct an illiterate, ignorant society
- Of course, for the ordinary persons who are not in Krsna consciousness or who are not engaged in devotional service, what is to be done and what is not to be done must be decided by the injunctions of the Vedas. BG 1972 purports
- Of course, this consciousness (everything related to God) is not for the ordinary person, but if one takes to the path of devotional service, as prescribed in The Nectar of Devotion, he can be trained in this consciousness & attain perfect understanding
- One should concentrate his mind upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who alone distributes Himself in so many manifestations just as ordinary persons create thousands of manifestations in dreams
- One should never think the acarya an ordinary person. Familiarity sometimes breeds contempt, but one should be very careful in one's dealings with the acarya
- One who has no Vedic knowledge, who has not studied the Vedas from a bona fide spiritual master, does not know Krsna. Therefore he is a mudha. Such fools take Krsna to be an ordinary person (param bhavam ajanantah) They do not actually know what Krsna is
- One who is able to understand can relish this exalted transcendental literature (Caitanya-caritamrta), which is actually not meant for ordinary persons like scholars and literary men
- Only the human form is able to execute devotional service, but if we voluntarily give this up for sense gratification, we certainly have to be punished. This punishment is not exactly like that endured by an ordinary materialistic person
- Ordinary conditioned persons generally embrace their wives and enjoy their company in solitary places. How wonderful it is that Lord Mahadeva, although a great master of austerity, is embracing his wife openly in the midst of an assembly of great saints
- Ordinary people cannot understand the essence of sastra, nor can they understand the pure character, behavior and abilities of strict followers of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s principles
- Ordinary people have to follow the instructions of sadhu, sastra and guru. Those statements made in the sastras and those made by the bona fide sadhu or guru cannot differ from one another
- Ordinary people may have difficulty accepting the supreme controller, God, as a human being because they forget that He can do everything by spiritual energy - atma-mayaya
- Ordinary people pray to goddess Durga for material wealth, fame, profit, strength and so on
- Ordinary people, they are working day and night very hard, but what is the purpose? The purpose is sense gratification. The same desires, strong desires that, "I must get it done; I must have it," for Krsna, then it becomes Krsna consciousness
- Ordinary person cannot understand God can be person. He thinks that "God must be a person like me." His limited knowledge, speculator, poor fund of knowledge, he thinks that "God must be like me"
- Ordinary person must be physically engaged. That is not physical, that is also transcendental. Always busy in some business of Krsna consciousness
- Ordinary person with some academic career, they think they are very learned, they can comment on Bhagavad-gita. Oh, that is not possible
- Ordinary persons cannot understand how the Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, but a devotee can actually see Him
- Ordinary persons do not do this (surrender at Krsna's feet), even after hearing all the Vedas, but if one is fortunate, although it may be even after many, many births, he comes to this conclusion (bahunam janmanam ante jnanavan mam prapadyate) - BG 7.19
- Ordinary persons engaged in pious and impious activities cannot understand the form, name and activities of the Lord. The devotee, however, can know the Personality of Godhead in many respects
- Ordinary persons may derive benefit from traveling to holy places like Prayaga, Mathura, Vrndavana and Hardwar
- Ordinary persons must strictly observe the rules and regulations by staying aloof from the association of women. No one should imitate Narada Muni or Haridasa Thakura
- Ordinary persons who are after sense gratification and those who are salvationists or who are after mystic perfection all have some demand. But what about the devotees? They have no demands
- Ordinary persons who are following the regulative moral principles of scriptures, no matter in what condition they are found, will certainly be attracted, but not persons who are killing themselves
- Ordinary persons, who cannot understand how exalted are the bodily features of the Lord, are simply given a chance to understand by a material comparison
- Our Vaisnava principle is we have to qualify ourselves, just like cats and dog. But we are not going to serve the ordinary person. Krsna and His representative - then his life is perfect
- Since Lord Siva does not incarnate himself unless there is some special reason, it is very difficult for an ordinary person to contact him. Lord Siva does descend on a special occasion when he is ordered by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Since Vyasadeva is an incarnation of the Supreme Lord, he cannot be likened to an ordinary person, who has the four defects which arise due to contact with material existence
- So Arjuna pretended to display weakness, placing himself in the category of ordinary people who are illusioned in the material world. And by this action of his, Marshal Arjuna helped in the manifestation of BG from the transcendental lips of the PG
- So this Krsna consciousness movement is for the sreyas-kamah. And who becomes sreyas-kamah? Maha-bhaga, who is great fortune. Not ordinary person
- Sometimes a neophyte devotee or ordinary person thinks highly of speculative knowledge, austerity, penances and renunciation, thinking them the only path for advancement in devotional service. Actually this is not a fact
- Sometimes the car would stand still and not move, even though it was pulled very vigorously. The chariot therefore moved by the will of the Lord, not by the strength of any ordinary person
- Sometimes they (pasanda) create their own imaginary God or accept an ordinary person as God and advertise him as equal to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s vision (mora-mana - vrndavana) is different from the vision of an ordinary materialistic person
- Such aggressors (mentioned in BG 1.36) are at once to be killed, and no sin is incurred by killing such aggressors. Such killing of aggressors is quite befitting for any ordinary man, but Arjuna was not an ordinary person. BG 1972 purports
- Such claims (that the jiva can be or is God) are made to cheat ordinary, foolish people
- Such claims (that the jivas can be/are God) are made to cheat ordinary, foolish people
- Such topics (of feelings of separation) are not to be discussed by ordinary persons imitating the activities of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Such views (of a class of common men) may be very pleasing to an ordinary person, but they are full of misconceptions. One who worships the demigods, motivated by material lust, cannot attain the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- That is the position of a pure devotee. He can wind up the senses, whenever he likes and he can exhibit the senses whenever he likes. On the whole, the senses are under his control. He is not under the control of the senses as are the ordinary persons
- The activities of the yogi are distinguished from those of an ordinary person by his characteristic cessation from all kinds of material desires-of which sex is the chief. BG 1972 purports
- The difference between the anger of an ordinary person and that of a liberated person is that an ordinary person becomes angry because his sense desires are not being fulfilled
- The distinction between the elevated position of a devotee and that of an ordinary person attracted to fruitive activities is that when a devotee is elevated to the spiritual kingdom he never falls down
- The distinction between the elevated position of a devotee and that of an ordinary person attracted to fruitive activities is that when an ordinary person falls, even if he is elevated to the highest planetary system, Brahmaloka
- The goddess of fortune is not to be seen by ordinary persons, but the Lord was so kind that although the devotees did not aspire for such an honor, He appeared before them with the goddess of fortune
- The gopis said, "Your feet are worshiped and meditated upon by great mystic yogis and highly learned philosophers. We wish that these lotus feet may also be awakened within our hearts, although we are only ordinary persons engaged in household affairs"
- The moon is too cold for the inhabitants of this earth, and therefore ordinary persons who want to go there with earthly bodies are attempting to do so in vain
- The position of one whose intelligence is always absorbed in meditation upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead is very great and cannot be imitated by anyone, especially an ordinary person
- The principles of the Bhagavad-gita were spoken to Arjuna, and, for that matter, to other highly elevated persons, because he was highly advanced compared to ordinary persons in other parts of the world. BG 1972 purports
- The pure devotee, however, is always callous to praise or condemnation by ordinary people. Actually, the devotee's activities are on the transcendental plane
- The purport is that the Lord does not award devotional service to ordinary persons who are not serious about it
- The purport of the Vedanta-sutra is very difficult for an ordinary person to understand, but Vyasadeva, out of his causeless mercy, has personally explained the meaning
- The purusam mahantam mentioned in the verse from the Svetasvatara Upanisad is Sri Krsna. His hands and legs are not mundane but are completely transcendental. However, when He comes, fools take Him to be an ordinary person
- The remnants of food left by the spiritual master and similar paramahamsas, or pure Vaisnavas, are purifying. When an ordinary person touches such prasadam, his mind is purified, and his mind is raised to the status of a pure brahmana
- The Siddhas say that the mind of an ordinary person is full of anxieties. The example is given of the elephant who has suffered in a forest fire and who enters into a river for relief
- The SP of Godhead knew that because Lord Siva is not an ordinary person, he cannot be bewildered even by the most beautiful woman
- The SPG is invisible even to Lord Brahma, yet He descends on this earth and becomes visible to people in general. This is certainly an act of His causeless mercy, but fools and nondevotees think that Krsna is an ordinary historical person
- The spiritual master should never be neglected or disobeyed, like an ordinary person
- The statement in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, they are meant for highly developed conscious person. They are not for ordinary person
- The word bhagavan should not be used for ordinary persons
- The words arabdhan eva mean "as if achieved by past deeds," but in the case of Prthu Maharaja there was no question of reaction to past deeds, and thus the word eva is used here (SB 4.21.11) to indicate comparison to ordinary persons
- There are actually no divisions of external and internal for the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead (sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (BS 5.1)), but when He appears in His own form the unintelligent think Him an ordinary person
- There are different types of education, different departmental education, but this is the best of the royal education. Raja-vidya raja-guhyam. And most confidential. It cannot be understood by ordinary person
- There are other descriptions of Krsna's being treated as an ordinary person (SB 10.18.24). Indeed, when He was defeated in games with His friends, the cowherd boys, Krsna would carry them - notably Sridama - on His shoulders
- Thieves, rogues, cheater - not ordinary persons, honest persons; they are not taken there (to Yamaraja). Similarly, only a few number of the whole human society. Now in the Kali-yuga it is increasing
- This (to be rewarded by her husband) is not to be expected by a woman who is the wife of an ordinary person
- This material world is tama, darkness. So if one is very serious to inquire about the world of light, for him there is need of guru, not for ordinary person
- This very significant question (how associates of the Personality of Godhead were cursed to descend in material bodies like ordinary persons) would be difficult for an ordinary person to answer, but Narada Muni, being an authority, could answer it
- Those under the clutches of Maya, thinking the Lord an ordinary person, can understand that certain exalted personalities, after accumulating volumes of pious activities, are now playing with the Lord in friendship as cowherd boys
- Those who have got background of pious life. So even one goes to the church, "God, give us our daily bread," he's not ordinary person. He's pious man. He has gone to God to ask. He has not gone to anyone
- To an ordinary person the Deity will appear to be made of stone, wood or some other material. In the higher sense, since all material elements ultimately emanate from the supreme spiritual entity, nothing is really material
- To concentrate one's mind on Govinda in any place is a path meant for those who are the most spiritually advanced; it is not for ordinary persons
- To eliminate any doubts in the mind of ordinary persons like us, Arjuna inquired that, Krsna, You are my friend. We are almost of the same age. How do you say that You explained this Bhagavad-gita millions and millions of years ago to the sun-god
- To emphasize something to an ordinary person, one may repeat it three times, just as one might say - You must do this! You must do this! You must do this
- To the ordinary person we request that, - There is no question of understanding philosophy; please join with us and chant Hare Krsna maha-mantra. There is no loss on your part, but there is very good gain
- To think of Krsna and ordinary person as equal is not knowledge; it is illusion
- To understand God is not so difficult or easy job. Only the fortunate, pious, nice people can understand God. Not ordinary. But we are giving facilities to everyone to understand God. That is our mission
- Whatever is done by a great nation or a great man is followed by ordinary persons, so it is my mission to distribute the treasure house of India's transcendental knowledge to the whole world, and your cooperation in this connection will be a great asset
- Whatever Krsna likes, He'll do. You cannot oblige Him, that "You have to do it." No. That is karma-mimamsa, that "If good work gives good result, so why should we care for Krsna? We shall do the good work." Ordinary people, they think like that
- When God comes personally to punish you, then you are not ordinary. Just like He came to punish Ravana, Kamsa. They are not ordinary. But ordinary person, a little headache is sufficient to finish him
- When one surrenders to Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, it is to be understood that he has actually attained knowledge. Otherwise it is ignorance. To think of Krsna and ordinary person as equal is not knowledge; it is illusion
- When Rukmini went to the temple it was not with the intention of an ordinary person, who goes to beg for material benefits; her only goal was Krsna
- Why you are serving me? If I had been an ordinary person, why...? You would have not... Because you accept that "You are devotee," therefore you serve. So as soon as we find a devotee, immediately serve him
- With such faith (that a person who simply chants the holy name of Krsna once becomes perfect) in the holy name one may begin a life of Krsna consciousness. But an ordinary person cannot chant the holy name of Krsna with such faith
- Yamaraja is not ordinary person. He is given in charge; he is also one of the authorities out of twelve authorities. Balih vaiyasakir vayam. He is one of the authorities about religious performances
- You have to approach such guru. And who is that guru? Vaisnava. Not any ordinary person. Therefore anyone who is not Vaisnava, you should not approach
- You should be very much respectful. Even a respectable person, ordinary person, a big man or a rich man or a king comes, we become so much respectful. And what about Krsna when He's present as arca-murti or as the holy name