Category:Of The Body
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Pages in category "Of The Body"
The following 109 pages are in this category, out of 109 total.
- A living being and the Lord cannot be distinguished simply by the difference in the magnitude of the body. So the answer depends on the specific significance of the body of the Lord, as distinguished from the body of the common living being
- A man retired from household life must practice austerities of the body, mind and tongue. That is tapasya. The entire varnasrama-dharma society is meant for tapasya. Without tapasya or austerity no human being can get liberation. BG 1972 purports
- According to these leaders, the material body is the actual self, understanding everything that pertains to the body constitutes self-realization, and we have no more duty than satisfying the senses of the body and maintaining it by all means
- Activities performed with the help of the body for the satisfaction of the Absolute Truth (om tat sat) are never temporary, although performed by the temporary body. Indeed, such activities are everlasting
- Although the animal propensities of the body should be minimized, those who are extravagant temporarily overflow in material enjoyment. Nonetheless, as soon as the rainy season of life is over, they become as dry as dry river beds
- Antar hrdayad, in the core of the heart the individual soul and the Supersoul is there, and Yamaraja will take, his order carriers will take the, not the heart, but the soul. The heart of the body, that is made of this material element
- As soon as the real living entity is out of the body, even the body of the most dear son is no longer attractive. Therefore the living spark, or eternal part of the Supreme, is the real basis of affection, and not the body
- Asavam is an Ayur-vedic medical preparation; it is not a liquor. It is especially made from drugs and is meant to improve metabolism for the healthy condition of the body
- At the time of death, when the temperature of the body rises to 107 degrees, the living entity falls into a coma and is unable to identify his gross body
- Ayur-vedic treatment concerns itself with the cause of these three elements, which are mentioned in many places in the Bhagavatam as the basic conditions of the body
- Because of our ignorance of the spiritual body, of which we have no experience, we do not know of the activities of the spiritual body, and in ignorance we jump from one false platform to another
- Both of these pitfalls - rejection of the body as false and acceptance of the body as all in all - can be avoided when one is fully situated in Krsna consciousness
- By taking to Krishna consciousness they can become purified and no longer have to take birth again in this material world where they are the four-fold miseries of the body
- By the grace of the Personality of Godhead, not only are diseases of the body and mind cured, but also the soul is relieved of the constant repetition of birth and death
- Deha means this body, and dehi means who lives within the body. That is first of all explained. Dehinah asmin dehe: "In this body there is the resident of the body." That is soul. That is the beginning of spiritual knowledge
- Dehi means the possessor, the owner of the body. It is said clearly, and we can understand that when I meditate upon my body, actually what I am. So if one is deep thinker, he'll immediately understand that "I am not this body"
- Diseases of the body take place due to derangement of air within the earthly body of the living beings. Mental diseases result from special derangement of the air within the body, and as such, yogic exercise is especially beneficial
- Fit means when everything, all the metabolism, organization of the body, is going nicely, then it is fit
- From the beginning of this body within the womb of the mother, it is simply troublesome. Against my will so many distresses are there, so many distresses there. Then as you grow, the distress grow, grow
- I do not die even after the annihilation of this body. Then where is my eternal body? This question should be raised by the human form of life. Athato brahma jijnasa
- If a human being also does not understand that how this body is moving, neither they can discover what it is, then what is this? It may be very so-called decoration of the body. A decoration of the dead body, what is the profit thereof?
- If a particular part of the body is diseased, the whole attention of the body goes to that part. Similarly, devotees care for any person who is forgetful of Krsna and therefore in material consciousness
- If by a careful analysis of the body one still cannot find the existence of the soul, this is due to his ignorance
- If I am realized then this material composition of this body is disbursed and I am the spirit soul, small particle, I am immediately promoted to the spiritual sky. That is the highest perfection
- If I am smaller than the grass, that's a fact. I am still smaller, smaller, I do not know how smaller but I am thinking of this body. An elephant is thinking that "I am so big," or a man is thinking, "I am so big," ant is thinking, "I am so small"
- If we simply study our own bodies, we can understand how a living entity is always aloof from this bodily encagement. Every action of the body takes place by the interactions of the three modes of material nature
- Impure means we are thinking in bodily concept of life. "I am Indian," "I am American," "I am Hindu," "I am Muslim," "I am Christian," "I am white," "I am black," these are all designations of the body. We have to transcend the position of the body
- In some societies the body is immediately burned after death, and thus it becomes ashes. In any case, if one intelligently considers the constitution of the body and the soul beyond it, what is the value of the body?
- In the material condition of life we, the proprietor of the body, we are changing, tatha dehantara-praptih, from one body to another. This is the first knowledge, preliminary knowledge
- In the Vedic literature you will find that God has expanded Himself into many, just like the father expands himself into many children. The children is nothing but expansions of the body of the father
- In this tree of the body there are two birds: one is the individual soul, and the other is the Supersoul - SB 10.2.27
- It is said that one who is simply conscious of the body is no better than an animal, even though he be in the human form
- Just as the capital of a state is especially gorgeously filled with various high buildings and lustrous palaces, the heart of the body is filled with various desires and plans for material enjoyment
- Just as the soul is not annihilated, even after annihilation of the material body, so also these spiritualized activities are not annihilated, even after the annihilation of the body or mind
- Karmis, jnanis and yogis cannot be bound in devotional service. Karmis fully engage in the activities of the body. Their aim of life is to give comfort to the body only
- King Yudhisthira, who is morality personified, and the Yadus are undoubtedly great allies, but without the guidance of Lord Krsna all of them are nonentities, as much as the senses of the body are useless without the guidance of consciousness
- Ksetra means this body, and ksetra-jna means the knower of the body. Ksetra-jna. Jna means knower. So Krsna says that each and every body can be ksetra-jna. I know about the pains and pleasure of my body; you know the pains and pleasure of your body
- Material civilization means they are taking care of the body and no information of the soul which is within the body. This is material civilization. And our KC movement is not so much attention for the body, but full attention for the soul
- Medical science accepts the importance of the red corpuscles, but it cannot ascertain that the source of the energy is the soul. Medical science, however, does admit that the heart is the seat of all energies of the body
- Medical students in the biological department, they study from the frogs, from guinea pigs, the human constitution of the body. There is no difference. But what is the difference? Not this bodily construction, but development of consciousness
- Narada was born from the deliberation of Brahma, which is the best part of the body. Vasistha was born from his breathing, Daksa from a thumb, Bhrgu from his touch, and Kratu from his hand
- Now there is crisis. So how their motorcars will move? They are concerned. So why their crisis? Because the petrol is the life of the movement of the motorcar. Similarly, that spiritual spark, or spirit soul, is the petrol of this body
- Of all sides, the eastern is considered most important, primarily because the sun rises from that direction. The gates on the eastern side - the eyes, nose and mouth - are thus very important gates in the body
- One cannot remain with only one leg, one hand or only one side of the body. He must have two sides. Similarly, according to nature's way, husband and wife should live together
- One who takes foodstuff after a performance of sacrifice eats real food for proper maintenance of the body and soul, but one who cooks for himself and does not perform any sacrifice eats only lumps of sin in the shape of foodstuffs
- Our necessities, the created necessities, they are necessities of the body. The body requires to eat. The body requires rest. The body requires sex. The body requires defense. But the soul does not require
- Out of the many ecstatic symptoms of the body, the symptom of being stunned is especially significant. According to the degree of being stunned, the vital force within the body becomes agitated
- People are working hard day and night for the illusory happiness of the body. This is not a way to achieve happiness. One has to get out of this material entanglement and return home, back to Godhead. That is real happiness
- Practically everyone throughout the universe, especially on this planet, Bhurloka, thinks that there is no separate existence of the body and soul and therefore no need of self-realization
- Simply to take care of the body means creating different desires
- So whole world at the present moment is going on under this animalistic concept of life, animal civilization. Everyone is busy to take care of the body, but nobody knows how to take care of the proprietor of the body. That he does not know
- Social status, mental development, cleanliness, austerity, nourishment and the struggle for existence are all for the maintenance of the body
- Soul-killer means those who do not take any care for the soul. They are taking care of this gross body
- The appearance and disappearance of the body have nothing to do with the living entity, just as the waxing and waning of the moon have nothing to do with the moon
- The body is nothing but the combination of the five gross elements - namely earth, water, fire, air and ether. Whenever there is a body, it appears that such elements are newly created, but actually the elements are always existing outside of the body
- The Buddhists argue that the world is false, but this is not valid. The world is temporary, but it is not false. As long as we have the body, we must suffer the pleasures and pains of the body, even though we are not the body
- The by-products of the body, namely children, are also different individual souls; and, owing to the body, they appear as children of a particular man
- The embodied soul lives in the city of nine gates. The activities of the body, or the figurative city of body, are conducted automatically by the particular modes of nature. BG 1972 purports
- The father gives the seed of the body, and this seed gradually grows and develops until one ultimately attains the developed human body, with consciousness higher than that of the animals
- The gross elements, namely, earth, etc., form the external gross body and are like a coat, whereas the subtle mind and false ego act like the inner clothing of the body
- The heart of the body can be compared to the assembly house of the capital, for the living entity is within the heart along with the Paramatma
- The husband is the protector of a woman during her youthful life, whereas the father is her protector during her childhood. Thus both are worshipable, but especially the father because he is the giver of the body
- The intelligence engaged to attract a man to the lower part of the body is the intelligence of a professional prostitute
- The less intelligent material scientist cannot understand the process of assembling the parts of the body, namely the senses, the mind and the qualities of the material modes
- The living entity is subjected to many tribulations brought about by air, water, fire, extreme heat, extreme cold, sunshine, excessive eating, unhealthy food, maladjustments of the three elements of the body (kapha, pitta and vayu), and so on
- The machine given by material nature - whether the machine of the body or the machine of the orbit, or kala-cakra - works according to the orders given by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The moving of the cloud may appear to the layman's eyes as moving of the moon, but that is not a fact. Similarly, the moving of the body of a pure devotee is not the moving of the pure devotee
- The moving power of the body is the spirit soul. We are repeatedly trying to convince people this simple truth, but they are so dull-headed they cannot understand
- The owner of the body, is eternal, but not the body. In so many ways, Krsna is explaining about the material condition of this body. But those who are not very intelligent, with poor fund of knowledge, it is very difficult for them to understand
- The person in material consciousness is convinced by false ego that he is the doer of everything. He does not know that the mechanism of the body is produced by material nature, which works under the supervision of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- The proprietor of the body, the living soul, becomes very sad at not being able to use the field of activities properly
- The question may be raised that if the living entity has to act as the superintendent of the activities of the bodily combination, then how can he be indifferent to the activities of the body?
- The saints & sages of Bharata-varsa, as India has long been known, never tried to cultivate or satisfy artificially the needs of the body & the mind exclusively; they always cultured the transcendental spirit soul, which is above the material body & mind
- The seven gates of the body that are situated upward are the two eyes, two nostrils, two ears and one mouth. The two subterranean gates are the rectum and the genitals
- The soul is never vanquished, even when the body is destroyed. An intelligent man, therefore, should care for the happiness of the spirit soul, not of the body
- The soul is there in every living entity, but according to the development of the body, evolution of the body, the intelligence becomes manifest
- The subtle body, which carries the conception of the next body, develops another body in the next life. This process of transmigrating from one body to another and struggling while in the body is called karsati or struggle for existence. BG 1972 purports
- The Supersoul coming out of the body enters the impersonal brahma-jyotir; then in His form He remains in His spiritual identity. That Supreme is called the Supreme Personality
- The upper portion of the body, though crowned with a silk turban, is only a heavy burden if not bowed down before the Personality of Godhead who can award mukti - freedom
- The upper portion of the body, though crowned with a silk turban, is only a heavy burden if not bowed down before the PG, who can award mukti - freedom
- The Vaisnava philosoph recommends yukta-vairagya. It is not that all attention should be diverted for the maintenance of the body, but at the same time one's bodily maintenance should not be neglected
- The Vaisnava philosophy recommends yukta-vairagya. It is not that all attention should be diverted for the maintenance of the body, but at the same time one's bodily maintenance should not be neglected
- The Vedas enjoin that the factual result of the tree of the body is the good fruits and flowers derived from it. But if the bodily tree does not exist, there is no possibility of factual fruits and flowers
- The whole process (of Krsna consciousness) depends on perfect knowledge of the soul beyond the conception of the body - not theoretically but practically, when there is no longer a chance for sense gratification manifested in fruitive activities
- There are eight kinds of transcendental changes in the body - tears, shivering of the body, perspiration, restlessness, throbbing, choking of the throat, etc. - and all were manifested by Uddhava in the presence of Vidura
- There are so many rascals who think that with the death of the body, everything is finished. They may think so, but that is not a fact
- There are three ends of the body, either to become stool, or to become ashes, or to become earth. Those who are burying the body, just like the Christian, Mohammedans do, the body becomes earth
- There are two kinds of svadharmas, specific duties. As long as one is not liberated, one has to perform the duties of that particular body in accordance with religious principles in order to achieve liberation. BG 1972 purports
- There is an English proverb that says, "The face is the index of the mind." If one is angry, his anger is immediately expressed in his face. Similarly, other mental states are reflected by the actions of the gross body
- There is the spiritual spark who is the proprietor of the body. This is the beginning of spiritual education. What is, the scientists cannot imagine, or they have no idea, from there we begin our education in spiritual life, beyond their jurisdiction
- They are animals. What the dogs will understand? When there is one lady dog, one dozen dog will come. Smelling the best part of the body. This is their philosophy. So Freud is that: best part of the body, he's writing philosophy
- They will acquire money, begging from door to door, simply for the satisfaction of the body
- This body is made of material nature. I am the owner of the body or driver of the body, and Krsna is the giver of the body
- This spiritual subject matter, which is transcendental to the hankerings of the material body and mind, is our supreme need. Unless we reach this transcendental plane of activities, we cannot achieve real peace
- This tree of devotional service is not of this material world. It grows in the spiritual world, where there is no distinction between one part of the body and another
- Those who are impelled by lust and attachment, who are foolish and who torture the material elements of the body as well as the Supersoul dwelling within, are to be known as demons
- Those who see with eyes of knowledge the difference between the body and the knower of the body, and can also understand the process of liberation from bondage in material nature, attain to the supreme goal
- To increase population, Brahma created woman from the better half of man's body
- Under the spell of maya, everyone is wandering throughout the universe on the carriage of the body offered by the material energy
- Unless we understand what is the wrong on the active principle of the body, the problems cannot be solved, just like if you cannot diagnose the disease, simply by symptomatic treatment you cannot make the man healthy. That is not possible
- We are not the owner of this body, not the owner of the senses. The senses are just like hired, hired from the Supreme Lord. This is a very subtle understanding. One should know. So therefore actually the proprietor of the senses is God
- We are taking care of the body for the reason that we shall go back and engage this body in the service of Krsna. That is our main objective, it is not that we simply take care of the body and there is no need of Krsna consciousness
- When there is emotion due to a sudden disturbance, one's face becomes discolored, one becomes struck with wonder, and there is trembling of the body
- When you get spiritual body, the quality of the body and the soul is the same. But individuality must continue. How can you stop individuality? But that individuality and this individuality is different. In that individuality there is no disagreement
- Without the help of the body, one cannot follow a system of religion, nor can one speculate on philosophical perfection. Therefore, the flower & fruit have to be obtained as a result of the body. Without the help of the body, that fruit cannot be gained