Category:Modern Civilization
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Pages in category "Modern Civilization"
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- A needy person may derive many advantages from trees & also from many animals, but in modern civilization people have become so ungrateful that they exploit the trees and animals & kill them. These are some of the sinful activities of modern civilization
- Abundant honey can be obtained if the forests are protected. Unfortunately, in modern civilization, men are busy killing the cows that are the source of yogurt, milk and ghee, they are cutting down all the trees that supply honey
- According to religious principles, stool, urine, wash water, must be left at a long distance. Attached bathrooms, urinals, may be very convenient amenities of modern civilization, but they are ordered to be situated at a distance from residential quarters
- According to sastra, these are four kinds of sinful activities: illicit sex, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling. But these are modern civilization. It is very difficult
- Actually we are in a very precarious condition, the modern civilization, I mean to say, manipulated by the Western people. It is a soul-killing civilization, this civilization
- Amrtatva means immortality. So the modern civilization, they have no idea, either the great philosopher, great politician or great scientist, that it is possible to attain the stage of immortality. Amrtatva. We are all amrta
- Another difficulty is that in modern civilization everyone is independent spirited. The girls are no longer very much humble and submissive to their husbands. So you must be prepared to tolerate such whims of your future wife
- At the present moment people are manda, very slow. They do not take this Krsna consciousness movement very seriously because they have been taught by modern civilization simply to enjoy life for sense gratification
- At the present moment the whole civilization, throughout the whole world - everyone is trying to get more money. More money means more sense enjoyment. This is called pravrtti-marga
- At the present moment they do not know what is papa and how to get out of it; what is next birth. Everything is unknown at the present moment. This is the modern civilization
- At the present moment we have heaps of papers and promises of their being converted into gold by economic development of modern civilization, and still there is no possibility of spending riches like Maharaja Yudhisthira
- At the present moment, the modern civilization on the basis of so-called scientific knowledge and economic development is trying to avoid God consciousness, or Krishna Consciousness--that is the defect of the modern civilization
- Attached bathrooms, urinals, etc. may be very convenient amenities of modern civilization, but they are ordered to be situated at a distance from residential quarters
- Because everyone is under the grip of prakrti, material nature, how he can change? It is not possible. So that is the mistake of the modern civilization. They do not know that by passing laws or giving some moral instruction, we cannot change the habits
- Because in this age there are no qualified brahmanas, ksatriyas or vaisyas, almost everyone is a sudra (kalau sudra-sambhavah). The sudra mentality is causing great harm to modern civilization
- Because man is more intelligent. He can misuse his independence and intelligence, whereas animal cannot do that; he is not so intelligent. That is the defect of the modern civilization
- Because they are dependent and there are so many sufferings awaiting them for their so-called independent life, they do not believe in the next life. This is the special feature of the modern civilization
- Because Women in modern civilization do not live naturally, their hips & breasts do not develop this natural fullness. Because of artificial living, women have lost their natural beauty, although they claim to be independent & advanced in civilization
- Behind everything there is a supreme controller. Modern civilization does not understand this due to lack of knowledge; it is the purpose of this Society for Krsna consciousness therefore to enlighten all people
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura has described this modern civilization of artificial life. So he says, jada vidya sab, mayara vaibhava. He declares all these artificial way of life, advancement of material civilization, means advancement of influence of maya
- Birth, death, old age, disease, the real problems of life. It does not mean that because we have advanced in so-called material civilization, you have avoided birth, death
- Brahmana is not going to work in the factory. That is not brahmana's business. But in modern civilization, everyone should go to factory. Never mind whether you are brahmana or sudra or a... This is the mistake
- By death, everything is taken away by Krsna. So the modern civilization, they do not believe in the next birth
- By karma we cannot become perfect perpetually. Just like I have given several times the example that in spite of so much education and universities and advancement of civili . . . nobody is perfect in the modern civilization, even, not even honest
- Darwin's theory that life is made possible by chemical evolution is not correct. They are missing the soul. That is their mistake. They are simply observing the material cover. That is the basic mistake of modern civilization
- Dharmena hina pasubhih samanah. They are animals, that's all. The modern civilized man is nothing but an animal - dressed animal, two-legged animal. The animals are four-legged, and these animals are two-legged, that's all
- Do not be very much serious about this body. The soul is the subject matter to be considered. But the modern civilization, they are concerned with this body. Just the opposite
- Even in the activities of their modern godless civilization, people are more concerned with economic development and sense gratification without any religious sentiments
- Even in the houses of the cultivators, who were not very advanced in the modern ways of civilization, the ladies used to know how to chant mantras to give protection to children with the help of cow dung and cow urine
- Everyone desires to achieve the ultimate goal of life, but in modern civilization the great scientists think that man's life has no plan. This gross ignorance is very dangerous and makes civilization very risky
- Everyone is interested how to earn money or how to gratify senses. That is the modern civilization. Here is a competition of sense gratification. I'm gratifying my senses in one way, and all others, they are trying to imitate me or compete
- Everything will be null and void when there is no God. That's all. The modern civilization has got everything, but without God consciousness, any moment it will be finished
- First of all we are so ignorant that we do not know what is the aim of life. The modern education, modern civilization, they are so much misled that they do not know what is the aim
- From the description of Srimad-Bhagavatam, therefore, we can make a very thorough comparative study of modern civilization and the civilization of mankind in the other millenniums, Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga and Dvapara-yuga
- Generally, a householder in the modern civilization, they are simply trying to accumulate money, increase the bank balance and make the society, friendship and love as the aim and object of life, and they have no other business
- Good karma is to satisfy Lord Visnu, the Supreme Lord. Unfortunately, modern civilization does not know what the Supreme Personality of Godhead is, what to speak of satisfying Him. people do not know
- He does not consider himself alone because at all times the Paramatma - Supersoul - is with him. From this we see that in modern civilization it is indeed very difficult to execute this meditational form of yoga properly
- He had no more gas; he cannot supply. He became so much infuriated that he shot him dead. This is the result of this modern motorcar civilization
- He thinks, "If I do not solve my bread problem, if I do not drive my trucks day and night, how can I live?" This is the nonsense of our modern civilization
- Here (in SB 7.13.34) is the difference between Vedic civilization and the modern demoniac civilization
- Hitler was too much fond of Vedic civilisation he therefore marked his flag swastika. Why mark is there? That is appreciation. And still by comparison the idea of modern civilisation and the ideal presented there, one must have appreciation
- Human beings are advanced living entities, and they have created modern civilization by utilizing dull, inert matter. This is our superiority. However, we are also prakrti as well as para prakrti. In this way, we have to understand tattva jnana
- Hunting women, drinking different types of liquor, becoming intoxicated, killing animals and enjoying sex all serve as the basis of modern civilization. Vaisnavas are unhappy to see such a situation in the world
- I am neither Indian nor European. You are not Indian, European. We are giving more stress on the designation. That is the mistake of modern civilization
- I am speaking this freely because you are a gentleman, but the civilization, modern civilization, everyone is addicted to intoxication, everyone is flesh-eating, everyone is illicit sex, everyone is addicted to gambling. So where is pure person?
- I wish that a personality like you may accept the head man ship of this institution and conduct the missionary work in a suitable manner befitting the time circumstances of the modern civilization
- If one is woman-hunter and drunkard and meat-eater, oh, his social position is very nice, up-to-date. This is modern civilization
- If we do not understand Govinda, govinda-carana-dvayam, then it is viphala. It is simply misused. The modern civilization, they do not know this. This Krsna consciousness movement is meant for educating people that "You are simply wasting your time"
- If you are qualified with the demonic qualification, then you'll be more and more entangled. Unfortunately, the modern civilization, they do not know what is liberation and what is entanglement
- If you go on constructing your big building on a defective foundation, then it will not stay. There will be danger. So modern civilization is based on this defective idea that "I am this body"
- If you take to natural life and live peacefully and take to Krsna consciousness, that is your real life. And if you simply increase botheration and problems, then you'll have to suffer. That is the position of modern civilization
- In contrast with the modern, advanced, civilized form of government, an autocracy like Maharaja Yudhisthira's is by far superior to a so-called democracy in which animals are killed
- In India plain cloth is sufficient. Most of the…, most part of the year in the villages, they remain naked body. There is no need of any heavy clothing. But sometimes, to keep up the modern civilization, we dress heavily with coats, pants and necktie
- In modern civilization also, they say sometimes that a nation is calculated how far he is civilized by the conjunction of amount of soap. The soap-using nation means that cleansed. So cleanliness is still considered as the civilized status of man
- In modern civilization one thinks that if he has a nice home and a nice car his life is perfect
- In modern civilization people are very much interested in exploiting the resources of material nature through the methods of science. Indeed, this is considered advancement. This is not actually advancement, however, but is simply pleasing to hear
- In modern civilization the horses and elephants have been replaced by cars and conveyances with considerable horsepower. To maintain all the household affairs, one has to increase the bank balance and be careful about the treasury house
- In modern civilization there is no such education (where people are taught how to be satisfied with only what they need); everyone tries to possess more and more, and everyone is dissatisfied and unhappy
- In modern civilization, human society is too busy in discharging national duties. Actually, national duties, social duties and humanitarian duties are obligatory only to those who are bereft of spiritual duties
- In modern civilization, men do not think milk to be important, they do not live very long. In this age men can live up to one hundred years, their duration of life is reduced because they do not drink large quantities of milk. This is a sign of Kali-yuga
- In modern civilization, sex life is the focal point for all activities. Wherever one turns his face, he sees sex life predominant
- In modern human civilization, sex is the central point of all activities; indeed, wherever we turn our face we see sex life prominent. Consequently sex life is not unreal; its true reality is experienced in the spiritual world
- In the ancient tribal system, there was some form of religiosity. There was some form of worship of God. The so-called modern civilization doesn't even maintain that
- In the materialistic conception, modern civilization makes enormous arrangements for huge roads, houses, mills and factories, and this is man's conception of the advancement of civilization
- In the modern civilization such impious trees are planted on the sides of roads
- In the modern civilization they have no history more than three thousand years. Some of the rascals, they say that ten thousand years before, there was no human being. So this is going on, mental speculation. But we have got Vedic history, millions years
- In the modern civilization, 99.9 percent of the people are engaged in the activities of sense gratification under the flags of industrialism, economic development, altruism, political activism, and so on
- In the modern materialistic civilization, we have very good arrangement for eating, for sleeping, for defending, and for sense gratification. The modern material civilization is simply based on this mundane knowledge
- In this age our only business is to mix with prostitute. Just see our position. How much fallen they should be. There is open market for prostitution. This is modern civilization
- In truth we should become free from this intoxication, but modern civilization aims at increasing it so that we may become more and more intoxicated and go to hell
- It is not modern, but in modern civilization it has become very prominent, that to improve the economic condition. Economic condition means we improve the standard of sense gratification
- It is very important to broadcast Krishna consciousness all over the world. This is the great need of modern civilization
- Modern civilization and economic development are creating a new situation of poverty and scarcity with the result of blackmailing the consumer's commodities
- Modern civilization does not know that because of varied association in material nature, the living entity although eternal is placed in different diseased conditions known as the many species of life. Modern civilization is unaware of the laws of nature
- Modern civilization has advanced considerably in the field of mass education, but the result is that people are more unhappy than ever before because of the stress placed on material advancement to the exclusion of the spiritual aspect
- Modern civilization has gone down so low that they are very much anxious. Therefore it is said, cintam aparimeyam ca - How to arrange for eating? How to arrange for sleeping? Not only for me, but for my son, for my grandson, for my great-grandson
- Modern civilization is how to develop the facility of sense gratification. This is modern civilization. For spiritual life this should be, rather, whatever facilities we have got, we have to curtail, not to increase. That is Krsna consciousness
- Modern civilization is so foolish. They are simply trying for bodily distress and happiness and spoiling the energy which he could utilize for understanding God. This is the defect of modern civilization
- Modern civilization promotes a life of forgetfulness (of the relationship with God), with an improved economic condition for eating and so on
- Modern civilization's attitude is, "Let me suffer. Let me cover it by some intoxication, that's all." But as soon as the intoxication is over, the miseries return
- Modern civilization, they are giving all value to this body, all their philanthropic work, hospitalization and this, so many things
- Modern society even enables one to forget the Supreme Personality of Godhead's grace and mercy. Consequently modern civilized man is always unhappy and in need of things
- Monkeys are very expert in sexual enjoyment, and sometimes sex glands are taken from monkeys and placed in the human body so that a human being can enjoy sex in old age. In this way modern civilization has advanced
- Nibandhayasuri - if you are qualified with the demoniac qualifications, then you will be more and more entangled. Unfortunately the modern civilization does not know what is liberation and what is entanglement. They are so much ignorant; they do not know
- No part of the body is important unless the spirit soul is present. In a modern civilization of cows and asses, scientists try to search out some value in the brain or heart of a dead man
- Nobody is perfect in the modern civilization, not even honest. In spite of education, so much learning . . . I have given this example many times. This is tested in the airport, that everyone is examined about his dishonest. That means nobody is honest
- Now, in this age, called Kali-yuga, the estimate is 100 years. But gradually, as the Kali-yuga progresses, our duration of life will decrease still further. This is the so-called progress of our modern civilization
- One should be satisfied with whatever means of life comes automatically. The modern materialistic civilization is just the opposite of the ideal civilization
- One who sticks to KC purification process, will gradually understand what is God, and our relationship with the SP. This is the perfection of human life. Unfortunately, the people of the so-called modern advanced civilization do not know this
- Out of this illusion, the family life, national life and economic development, which are very important factors in modern civilization, have grown. A Krsna conscious person knows that this economic development of human society is but temporary illusion
- People are engaged in that way. Simply trying to get happiness and avoid distress, and forgetting that he has got a mission of life, to realize his self and go back to home, back to Godhead. This is the defect of the modern civilization
- People are kept in ignorance. There is no school, no college, no institution to give instructions about this science. This is the position of modern civilization. People are kept in ignorance
- People are not given that chance, the modern education, modern civilization. They've no knowledge. They do not know that there is life after death, although it is a simple fact
- People go to the restaurant, to the cinema and other places, talking unnecessarily in clubs, societies, waste their time. This is going on. This is modern education. This is modern civilization
- People in modern civilization do not like pregnancy or childbirth, and when there is a child, they sometimes kill it. We can just consider how human society has fallen since the inauguration of Kali-yuga
- Pious activities and religious functions are performed with an aim to acquire some material gain, and if such material gain is obtainable in another way, this so-called religion is neglected. This can be seen in modern human civilization
- Power crisis. And if they stop manufacturing, there is unemployment. And if they increase car, there is power shortage. So this dilemma, this modern civilization will have to meet this dilemma because they are going against the laws of God
- Prahlada Maharaja said: "This kind of endeavor you should not do." Exploitation. Not exploitation; I mean to say, unnecessarily trying for developing economic condition. The modern civilization is: "Exploit nature and materially be opulent"
- Prahlada Maharaja says, "My dear friends, you have got this human form of life after many, many births." The modern civilization, they do not know. The university education, they do not know. The scientist, they do not know
- Since King Vena was such a man, he did not believe in the existence of God. Modern civilization agrees with the principles of King Vena
- Since the material world is compared herein to a forest, it may be argued that in Kali-yuga modern civilization is mainly situated in the cities. A great city, however, is like a great forest. Actually city life is more dangerous than life in the forest
- So there is supreme control. The modern civilization, they do not understand it due to lack of knowledge. So our Krsna consciousness movement is trying to enlighten people to come to this point of knowledge
- So-called modern civilization, they have no knowledge of God, although they are trying to study the laws of God. But they should accept at least theoretically there must be God
- Stool, urine, wash water, etc., must be left at a long distance. Attached bathrooms, urinals, etc. may be very convenient amenities of modern civilization, but they are ordered to be situated at a distance from residential quarters
- That is the basic principle of modern civilization, that "There is no life after death, and whatever senses we have got, let us enjoy it."
- That is the best qualification. If he becomes disinterested with these so-called modern civilized activities, that is the perfection of life
- The basic flaw in modern civilization is that boys and girls are given freedom during school and college to enjoy sex life
- The disease of the modern civilized man is his disbelief of everything in the revealed scriptures
- The disease of the modern civilized man is his disbelief of everything in the revealed scriptures. Faithless nonbelievers cannot make progress in spiritual realization, for they cannot understand the spiritual potency
- The duties human beings have to perform are higher than those of animals, who are always engaged in simply feeding their hungry stomachs. Yet the modern soul-killing civilization has only increased the problems of the hungry stomach
- The karmis, jnanis, yogis, they are in want. The karmis, they simply want material happiness. "I want this, I want this, I want this, I want this." The whole world is rolling. Modern material civilization means to create wants. That is karmi
- The Krsna consciousness movement is pushing forward the publication of Srimad-Bhagavatam, as explained especially for the understanding of the modern civilized man, to awaken him to his original consciousness
- The leaders of modern civilization select their own residential quarters in a place where there are such naturally beautiful gardens and reservoirs of water, but they leave the common men to reside in congested areas without parks and gardens
- The leaders of the Western world, the Americans and Europeans, have become the idols of modern civilization because the Western people are very sophisticated in temporary activities for the advancement of material civilization
- The members of modern civilization manufacture defective religious principles through speculative concoction. This is not dharma. They do not know what is dharma and what is adharma
- The members of the modern so-called civilization do not know of varnasrama. Therefore they have created a society that is simply a dog's race. The dog is running on four legs, and thay are running on four wheels. That's all
- The mistake of modern civilization is that man does not believe in the next life
- The modern civilization do not know what is the purpose of life. Na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum (SB 7.5.31). They are trying to make adjustment, political situation, social situation in so many problems
- The modern civilization has discovered severe types of dangerous industries, and laborers are attracted for high wages. But they should not accept such work. Then naturally there will be less capitalistic idea
- The modern civilization is simply increasing the paraphernalia of sense enjoyment. There is no arrangement for advancement of spiritual knowledge. That is the defect of modern civilization
- The modern civilization means large-scale arrangement for killing animals and large-scale arrangement for distilling liquor, especially in the Western countries. And India is also now following. So this is the position of the world
- The modern civilization of ignorance is simply engaged in analyzing the body, and thus people come to the erroneous conclusion that the living force within the body is generated under certain material conditions
- The modern civilization, they are increasing the sense enjoyment process, making life more and more complicated, because the real motive of human life is to develop devotional service to the Lord
- The modern civilization, they are so rascals, they are expecting something utopian, that by material advancement of civilization they will be happy
- The modern civilization, they are wanting, "We may have this, we may have that, we may have this, we may have that." "Yes, you take all. But don't talk of happiness, please." That is the only problem
- The modern civilization, they do not know what is going to happen after death. But our Vedic culture is not so blind. Vedic culture has got an aim, what is the aim of human life, not aimless life. Aimless life is animal life
- The modern civilization, they do not take care of this Vedic information, neither they have got any sufficient knowledge how these 8,400,000 species of life are becoming possible. They have no science
- The modern life of civilization depends wholly on electricity and petrol and both of them are artificial for man
- The modern trend of material civilization is to increase the temperature of the feverish material condition, which has reached the point of 107 degrees in the form of atomic energy
- The patient cannot indulge in the bad habit and at the same time expect to be cured by the physician. Modern materialistic civilization, however, is maintaining a diseased atmosphere
- The people in general, they do not know what is the goal of life, and still they are leaders. That is the defect of the modern civilization. It is the defect of material world, but especially in this Kali-yuga, it is the most abominable, fallen age
- The people of modern civilization, they have no information about this, how this body is being created. That simply busy with the present problem. That's all
- The policy of trying to satisfy material desires by catering to one's material demands will never be successful. In modern civilization, everyone is engaged in economic development, which is another way of constantly dropping fat into the material fire
- The present situation is the so-called modern civilization, they have no knowledge of God, although they are trying to study the laws of God
- The propensity to utilize nature's own gifts is still there, even in the heart of modern civilized man
- The simple truth. But people have no education. That is the defect of the modern civilization. This is the fact, that you are accepting every moment a different body. So after death, you will have to accept another body
- The so-called progressive modern civilization has produced reprobate human beings, whose sins have been accumulating over many lifetimes. Yet if they surrender to Lord Krsna, even they will have all their sins eradicated forever
- The soul is important, not this body. But the modern civilization, accepting this body as the important, and they have no information of the driver, soul
- The whole material creation is moving under the principle of sex life. In modern civilization, sex life is the focal point for all activities. Wherever one turns his face, he sees sex life predominant. Therefore, sex life is not unreal
- Their (the so-called modern civilization) developed consciousness is being used for sense gratification. That's all. They have taken up, sense gratification is the highest aim of life. Hedonism
- There is no brain in the society. That is the defect of modern civilization. In the Bhagavad-gita it is stated, catur-varnyam maya srstam guna-karma-vibhagasah (BG 4.13). According to quality and work, there are four divisions
- There is no control by the trained agent of the Lord. We must look into the defects of modern civilization by comparison here, and should follow in the footsteps of Maharaja Yudhisthira to cleanse man and wipe out anachronisms
- There is no regular training of the human being. They are being trained up like cats' and dogs' life. Cats and dogs, they don't require training. Because what is the modern civilization? Eating, sleeping, sex life, and dying
- There is no way to understand what is taking place on other planets except to hear from authorized sources. In the modern civilization we accept scientists as authorities in these matters
- These (being greedy for material positions) are some of the faults of modern civilization
- These animal propensities are eating, sleeping, mating and fearing. You can analyze the trend of modern civilization: everyone is busy with these four principles of animal life
- They (everyone in modern civilization) are exciting sex very nicely, for the mating necessity. And they are defending their country with so many atom bombs - that is the fear propensity
- They (everyone in modern civilization) are sleeping and creating some cushions for comfortable sleep. They are creating palatable dishes for the eating propensity
- They (government) are neglectful about this brain, brahmana. That is the defect of modern civilization. Therefore the human society is in more or less chaotic condition
- They (so-called scientists) defend the false understanding that life comes from matter, although they cannot prove that this is a fact. Modern civilization, therefore, progressing on the basis of this false scientific theory, is simply creating problems
- They (theologicians and philosophers) do not know anything; still, they are teachers. That is the defect of the modern civilization, that one is not qualified man, and he is teacher, he has become a teacher
- They are creating millions of rascals, not one sane man, the modern civilization, the so-called philosophers, so-called scientists. Don't mind. This is the fact
- They are said to be apauruseya. No one can trace out the history of the Vedas. Of course, modern human civilization has no chronological history of the world or the universe, and it cannot present actual historical facts older than three thousand years
- They want to make permanent settlement here but forget that "Any moment, I shall be kicked out of this situation. I shall have to accept another situation." That is the lack of education in the modern civilization
- This big machine, body, is wonderful so long the soul is there. As soon as the soul is out it is lump of matter, useless. We are giving importance to the machine, not to the person who is dealing with the machine. This is the folly of modern civilization
- This civilization, modern civilization, having no information of the soul, it is simply a pack of animals only, that's all. Therefore they do not care what is the resultant action of their activities
- This is an example of asuric life. Atheists can advance materially and create an extremely comfortable situation for the senses, but because they are controlled by the senses, they cannot be satisfied. This is the effect of modern civilization
- This is exactly the position of present civilization. Everyone is engaged in maintaining the body, home and family. Consequently everyone becomes confused at the end of life, not knowing what spiritual life and the goal of human life are
- This is the greatest defect of modern civilization, that they won't accept real authority. They will create some authority. Or rascal, he becomes authority. Especially in India
- This is the missing point of modern civilization. They do not know . . . there is no educational system in the university what happens after death
- This is the modern civilization. They do not know what is the goal of life. And without knowing the goal of life, they are trying to adjust things on this material platform
- This modern civilization, they could not make any profit. They have created some problems, that's all. Very dangerous civilization
- This philosophy of taking care of the Supreme is missing in the modern civilization. They do philanthropic work, national work, social work and many similar other works; now ultimately they have invented the United Nations and world health organizations
- This prayasa, endeavor for economic development, na kartavyam, don't do it. Here is a revolution against this modern civilization. They are simply after economic development, and here it is condemned
- This Sankirtana Party, backed by literatures and books, will certainly bring in a great change in the modern civilization. Godless civilization can never be happy
- Tourists means they are all rich class of men. They come here to spend money for sense gratification. That is the way of civilization, the modern civilization: "Earn money at any cost. At the risk of all advancement of life, enjoy"
- Unfortunately people in this modern civilization never stop to inquire what they are or who they are. They are simply laboring hard, working hard all day in an office or factory, under the impression that - I am this body
- Unfortunately, the modern civilization, they do not know what is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and what to speak of satisfying Him
- Unfortunately, the modern civilization, they do not know what is vimoksaya. They're so blind. They do not know that there is some position which is called vimoksaya. They do not know. They do not know what is next life
- Unfortunately, the modern rascal society, they utilizing that extra intelligence than the cats and dog for the same purpose: eating, sleeping, mating and defending. That is the defect of the modern civilization
- Unfortunately, this (As the embodied soul continually passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death) spiritual education is completely absent from modern human civilization
- We are already intoxicated, and modern civilization aims at increasing our intoxication
- We are recommending no illicit sex, no intoxication, no gambling and no meat-eating. But this is the basic principle of modern civilization. So the foundation is threatened
- We are working very hard in this material world, but we are not preparing ourself for death, which is a "must" fact. Everyone must die. The modern civilization, they are afraid of death, but they do not know how to counteract death
- We become intelligent after death. And while we are living, we are in ignorance. This is the modern civilization
- We do not condemn modern civilization but we don't like to get it at the cost of God Consciousness; that is suicide
- We have forgotten our real relationship with Krsna, and we are trying to be happy by material adjustment. This is modern civilization
- We may declare very foolishly that we are independent. That is the foolishness of the modern civilization. They are not independent, nobody. Everyone is dependent
- We should always consider that. The modern civilization, rascal civilization, they do not know how to utilize life. So many days, so many hours, they are simply wasting
- We speak about God, they think that "These people have become crazy. They are, in this modern civilization, talking of God. What is this nonsense?" This is the position. But that is not the fact. God is there
- What you do at the time of death? One has to change. Death means change of this body. The modern civilization, they do not know it
- When one possesses more wealth than necessary, he certainly becomes very proud. This is the situation of men in modern civilization
- When we think about this example of Maharaja Priyavrata, we can just consider how degraded is the modern civilization of materialistic advancement
- Whole modern materialistic civilization is depending on the motorcars and aeroplanes, transportation. So if the petroleum supply is stopped, then what will be the condition of the society
- With the aid of materialistic science, modern civilization has created many machines and comforts, yet they are only varieties of the interactions of the three material qualities
- Without working for Krsna, everyone is under the spell of these modes of material nature. And there is no training how to work for Krsna. That is the defect of modern civilization
- You go to the airport, any high-class standard man. They search out the pocket. So nobody is believable. So this is the result of modern education. You cannot find out an ideal character man
- You have to accept death. Nobody wants to die, but why death is there? But they (the modern civilization) are callous. They think, "We have to accept this death" or "This is finished," all vague idea, no real idea