Category:God Creates the Material World
Pages in category "God Creates the Material World"
The following 26 pages are in this category, out of 26 total.
- A pure devotee knows that there is no difference between the pastimes of the Lord, either in rasa-lila or in creation, maintenance or destruction of the material world
- Although He glances over the material world for the purpose of creating, maintaining & destroying it, He is not affected. Therefore, one who desires to conquer the force of the senses must take shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord
- If God has created the material world and material variety, so means He is in full awareness how to do things nicely. That is perfectness of God
- If you simply go to the people, "Oh, you are denying God. Don’t do this. God is very great. God has created this world. God is feeding everyone," simply these things we should speak to the people, by writing or speaking - you are rendering great service
- In goodness you can understand things - knowledge. You can know that there is God, that this world was created by Him, and so many things, actual things - the sun is this, the moon is this - perfect knowledge
- Since the material world is being moved by the three material modes and since the Lord is their master, the Lord can create, maintain and destroy the material world
- Sometimes the question arises why the Supreme Lord has created this material world, which is so full of suffering for the living entities entrapped in it
- The Lord creates the material world to give the conditioned souls a chance to elevate themselves to the higher platform of Krsna consciousness
- The Lord creates this material world and impregnates the material energy with the living entities who will act in the material world. All these actions have a divine plan behind them
- The Lord creates this material world by His external energy, but this external energy is in one sense not different from Him. Yet at the same time the Lord is not directly manifest in the external energy but is always situated in the spiritual energy
- The Lord has His own energies (CC Madhya 13.65, purport), and one of them, namely the external energy, creates the material world and the varieties of happiness and distress for the conditioned souls under the supervision of the Lord
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead created this material world with various universes, planetary systems, planets and stars, with varied lands, seas, oceans, mountains, rivers, gardens and trees, all with different characteristics
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead creates this material world (pura), and He also enters within it. Andantara-stha-paramanu-cayantara-stham - BS 5.35
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead does not wish to create this material world just to inflict suffering on the living entities. The Supreme Lord creates this world only because the conditioned souls want to enjoy it
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead has created the material world in such a way that one living entity is food for another
- The universe, this material world, is created by God. That's a fact. But if the question is that whether God has created this body for suffering in this material world, that is not God's creation; that is our creation
- They (God's intimate pastimes) have nothing to do with the Lord's plenary expansions as the purusavataras and Their pastimes of the creation, maintenance or annihilation of the material worlds - according to fanatics
- To renounce this world is not very big thing, because the world also created by God. So instead of renouncing, if we utilize this God-created material world for God's service, then it is spiritual
- We often say that God created this material world, and this means that God existed before the world. Since the Lord was existing before this material manifestation, He is not subject to this creation
- When the material world is created for such misguided living entities, they create their own karma, fruitive activities, and take advantage of the time element, and thereby they create their own fortune or misfortune