Category:God's Servants
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Pages in category "God's Servants"
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- A devotee's always servant of God. Whatever service is required, as a brahmin, as a ksatriya, as a vaisya, it doesn't matter. We are ready
- A false life either as a lord or a mendicant meets with frustration until the living being comes to his senses and surrenders to the Lord as His eternal servant. Then the Lord liberates him and saves him from repeated birth and death
- A glossary of some of the important words in this chapter (SB 4th Canto, Ch 28): Sapta-suta - The seven sons, namely hearing, chanting, remembering, offering prayers, serving the lotus feet of the Lord, worshiping the Deity&becoming a servant of the Lord
- A man becomes purified simply by hearing the holy name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose lotus feet create the holy places of pilgrimage. Therefore what remains to be attained by those who have become His servants
- A pure devotee wishes to be blessed like Maharaja Prahlada by being thus endowed with devotional service. Devotees also offer their respects to Hanuman, who always remained a servant of Lord Rama
- A sadhu will teach one to become a devotee, a worshiper and a sincere servitor of the Lord. These are the gifts of a sadhu
- A Vaisnava does not disrespect the demigods, but on the other hand he is not so foolish that he accepts each and every demigod as the Supreme Lord. The Supreme Lord is master of all demigods; therefore the demigods are His servants
- All nitya-siddhas within this material world may appear to toil like ordinary men, but they never forget their position as servants of the Lord
- All the demigods as well as the external energy herself, Durgadevi, and all the different departmental directors are but servants of the Supreme Lord in the material world
- All the demigods, as faithful servants of the Supreme Lord, hand over to the Supreme Lord whatever is offered to them in sacrificial performances. There is no fault in worshiping the demigods with this understanding
- All the inhabitants of Ayodhya who saw Lord Ramacandra as citizens, served Him as servants, sat and talked with Him as friends or were somehow or other present during His reign went back home, back to Godhead
- All the maidservants began to beat the Ratha car with sticks, and they treated the servants of Lord Jagannatha almost like thieves
- Although he (Jaya) had never offered anything to the Lord (Nrsimhadeva) as Hiranyakasipu, the Lord is so affectionate to His devotee and servant that He nonetheless took pleasure in sitting on the throne that Hiranyakasipu had created
- Although only some of these (God's transcendental qualities) are aspired for by persons who hanker after the pleasure of merging in the impersonal Brahman, there are other aspirants who want to associate with the Lord personally as His servants
- Another significant point in this verse (SB 4.7.42) is that the demigods said, "We are all Your servants (bhrtyan). Give us Your protection
- As long as the living entity is trying to master material nature, there is no possibility of his becoming servant of the Supreme. Service to the Lord is rendered in pure consciousness of one's spiritual identity
- As servants of the Supreme Lord, all living entities are one, but a Vaisnava, because of his natural humility, addresses every other living entity as prabhu. A Vaisnava sees other servants to be so advanced that he has much to learn from them
- As soon as one is said that "You become God's servant," "Oh, again servant?" But he's actually servant of intoxication. That will continue
- As soon as you forget the simple truth that you are servant of God, you are irresponsible. Now your suffering begins
- As the devotee thinks that it is due to being a devotee of the Lord that he is elevated in all good qualities, so the Lord also thinks that it is because of His devotion to the servitor that all His transcendental glories have increased
- Asuras are gradually rectified to God consciousness by the mercy of the Lord's liberated servitors in different countries according to the supreme will. Such devotees of God are very confidential associates of the Lord
- Asuras worship the demigods as being separate from the Lord, not knowing that all the demigods are powerful because of being servants of the Lord
- At the same time, a devotee of the Lord does not foolishly mistake them (the demigods) to be the Supreme Lord. Only foolish persons accept the demigods as being on the same level as Visnu; actually they are all appointed as servants of Visnu
- Balabhadra Bhattacarya was so affectionate to the Lord that he was rendering service just like a menial servant. His assistant brahmana carried the waterpot and garments
- Because one thinks constantly in this way (as the Lord's servant, friend, father, mother or conjugal lover), one's present material body and mind are fully spiritualized, and the needs of one's material body completely vanish from one's existence
- Because the Lord and the servant are identical on the spiritual platform, Brahma is herein addressed as bhagavan
- Because they think of themselves as servants of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they do not differentiate between black and white, yellow and red. The Krsna consciousness movement is the only means to make the living entities free of all designations
- Becoming a voluntary servant, carrying out orders, establishing a friendly relationship, or offering all of one's possessions, in the service of God. By such practice of yoga, or linking up in the service of the Lord, one is recognized by the Lord Himself
- Brahma, Siva, Indra, Candra, Maharaja Yudhisthira or, in modern history, Napoleon, Akbar, Alexander, Gandhi, Shubhash & Nehru all are servants of the Lord, and they are placed in and removed from their respective positions by the supreme will of the Lord
- By being a very obedient servant of the Supreme Lord, one becomes extremely powerful in bodily strength, influence and effulgence, whereas the fate of demoniac upstarts is ultimately to fall down like Hiranyakasipu
- By rendering service, becoming His friend or His servant and offering Him everything that one possesses, one is able to enter into the kingdom of God
- By the association of pure devotees, he (the living being) is awakened, and immediately the spirit soul is situated in his own glory by understanding his constitutional position as the eternal servant of the Lord
- By using the word bhrtya-bhrtyanam, Lord Siva pointed out that although Citraketu provided one example of tolerance and excellence, all the devotees who have taken shelter of the Lord as eternal servants are glorious
- Finally all of Lord Jagannatha's servants submitted to the goddess of fortune with folded hands, assuring her that they would bring Lord Jagannatha before her the very next day
- For a servant of God there is no need to exhibit mystic powers, and he does not like to do so, but on behalf of God a humble servant of God performs his activities in such a wonderful way that no common man can dare try to act like him
- For material enjoyment there is no need to approach the demigods. The demigods are but servants of the Lord. As such, they are duty-bound to supply necessities of life in the form of water, light, air, etc
- Forgetting this principle (that they are eternal servant of God), the living entity becomes conditioned by material nature, but in serving the Supreme Lord, he becomes the liberated servant of God
- From the personal example of Sri Narada Muni in his previous birth, it is clear that the service of the Lord begins with the service of the Lord's bona fide servants
- God is the supreme consciousness, and I am His servant. So, for our present understanding, subordinate means servant
- God loves you so much that He sends His son to convince you, "Please come to Me." God Himself comes, Krsna: "Please come to Me." And what we are doing, servant of God? We are requesting only, - Please be God conscious
- God means without competition: one. God is one. Nobody is great... asamordhva. Nobody is greater than Him. Nobody is equal to Him. Everyone is lower. Ekale isvara krsna ara saba bhrtya. The only master is Krsna, God; and everyone, servant
- Great devotee and servant of Lord Jagannatha
- Hanuman said, "I do not want anything which diminishes my relationship with You as master and servant, even after liberation"
- Hanuman, who attained perfection simply by becoming the servant of Lord Rama; Arjuna, who attained perfection simply by being a friend of Krsna's; and Bali Maharaja who attained perfection simply by offering whatever he had in his possession
- He (Brahma) desired the welfare of all as servants of God, and anyone desiring the welfare of the members of his family and generations must conduct a moral, religious life
- He (Prahlada Maharaja) asked the Lord to engage him in the service of His servant Narada Muni. This is the symptom of a pure devotee
- He (Prahlada Maharaja) prays to the Lord that all of us fallen souls in this material world may, by the grace of the Lord, engage in the service of His servant and thus be delivered
- He (the incarnation of Godhead, Lord Caitanya, who constantly sings the name of Krsna) is accompanied by His associates, servants, weapons and confidential companions
- Here (in CC Madhya 5.113) the Lord informs the two brahmanas that they are His servants birth after birth
- However the devotee likes to serve the Lord, he may constantly think of the Lord's associates - the cowherd boys, the gopis, the Lord's father and mother, His servants and the trees, land, animals, plants and water in the Lord's abode
- I am servant of God, this is my real occupation, but giving up my service to God, I am giving service to maya
- I don't teach them that I am God. I never taught. I always teach them I am servant of God, you are also servant
- If one always remains a servant of Krsna and engages everything in His service, one is accepted as jivan-mukta, a liberated soul, even during his lifetime within the material world
- If one keeps himself spiritually fit and thinks of himself as an eternal servant of the Supreme Lord, he will be successful at the time he has to give up the material body
- If one seriously accepts the lotus feet of the Lord, he is purified by the grace of God and by the grace of the Lord's servant. This is confirmed by Sukadeva Gosvami: ye 'nye ca papa yad-apasrayasrayah sudhyanti tasmai prabhavisnave namah - SB 2.4.18
- If one sincerely tries his best to spread Krsna consciousness by preaching the glories of the Lord and His supremacy, even if he is imperfectly educated, he becomes the dearmost servant of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is bhakti
- If one worships the demigods, the demigods, as servants of the Supreme, carry the sacrificial offerings to the Lord, like tax collectors collecting revenue from the citizens and bringing it to the government's treasury
- If we offer something to Lord, oh, that is rewarded in many millions of times. So we should not expect. The Lord is always serious to return the service of the servant, of His devotee
- In Caitanya-caritamrta (CC Madhya 23.39) it is said, tanra vakya, kriya, mudra vijneha na bhujhaya: no one can understand the activities of the Lord's servants. Therefore, what to speak of the activities of the Lord
- In his conditional life the living entity is servant of the illusory maya, and in his liberated state he is the pure, unqualified servant of the Lord
- In His teachings to Sanatana Gosvami, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has declared every living entity to be an eternal servitor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is the constitutional position of all living entities
- In that temple of Govindaji, thousands of servitors always render service to the Lord in devotion. Even with thousands of mouths, one could not describe this service
- In the absolute world there is sometimes competition between servitors in the service of the Lord, but such competition is without malice
- In the cosmic administration there is only one party, which consists of the servants of God, and the responsible deities of the various planets maintain the cosmic laws in terms of the orders of the SG. But the people suffer on account of their own folly
- In the liberated stage the conception is that God is the master and that all living entities, being servants of God, are one
- In the material world, it is not very pleasant to be a servant of anyone. We think that being God's servant is like this because we are materially infected
- In the midst of the thunder in the cloudy sky there appears a rainbow that has no string. Its appearance is compared to the appearance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead or His servants in the midst of the material atmosphere
- In the Narada-pancaratra it is stated: I do not want any one of the four desirable stations. I simply want to engage as a servant of the lotus feet of the Lord
- In the Padma Purana Lord Siva explains to his wife, Parvati, the goddess Durga, that the highest goal of life is to satisfy Lord Visnu, who can be satisfied only when His servant is satisfied
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 7.5.23), Prahlada Maharaja very clearly states what the essential activities of devotional service are: (7) thinking oneself His (God's) eternal servant, (8) becoming His friend, and (9) surrendering everything to Him
- In the transcendental relationship the servant and the Lord are in one sense identical, for the Lord also serves the servant. The typical example is Sri Krsna's becoming the charioteer of His eternal servant Arjuna
- In these spiritual planets the Supreme Lord as Narayana predominates, and the healthy, unconditioned living beings live there by rendering loving service to the Lord in the capacity of servant, friend, parents and fiancee
- Intelligent devotee, they do not ask like the unintelligent devotee go to the church and pray to God, "Give us our daily bread." He's God's servant, and He will not get your bread? You have to ask from God? No
- Like these two brahmanas of Vidyanagara, there are many devotees who are eternal servants of the Lord. They are specifically known as nitya-siddha, eternally perfect
- Lord Ananta is the original person and the great mystic controller. At the same time, He is a servant of God, a Vaisnava. Since there is no end to His glories, no one can understand Him fully
- Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, the four Kumaras (Sanaka, Sanatana, Sanandana and Sanat-kumara), Vyasadeva, Sukadeva Gosvami and Narada are all pure devotees, eternal servants of the Lord
- Lord Jesus Christ called himself the "son of God," and so is a representative of the Supreme. Similarly, Mohammed identified himself as a servant of the Supreme Lord
- Nalakuvara & Manigriva said: O Lord, our father, known as Kuvera, the demigod, is Your servant. Similarly, the great sage Narada is also Your servitor, and only by their grace have we been able to see You personally
- Nitya-siddha-bhakta indicates the eternally liberated associates of the Lord. Such devotees enjoy the company of the Lord in four relationships - as servant, friend, parent or conjugal lover
- Nityananda Prabhu delivered Jagai and Madhai, but a servant of Nityananda Prabhu, by His grace, can deliver many thousands of Jagais and Madhais. That is the special benediction of the disciplic succession
- Nrsimha-deva wanted to give him benediction, blessings, "Whatever you like." He refused, he said "I'm not a mercantile devotee that I'll get some benefit from You, but first benediction I want that let me engage in service of Your servant, Narada Muni"
- O club in the hand of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, you produce sparks of fire as powerful as thunderbolts, and you are extremely dear to the Lord. I am also His servant
- O Narayana, O supreme and oldest person, please forgive us. Because of our ignorance, we failed to recognize Ajamila as a servant of Your Lordship, and thus we have certainly committed a great offense
- Of course, any devotee in any capacity, either as servant, friend or conjugal lover, always has direct association with the Lord. But according to his different individual taste, a person desires for just one of these relationships
- One realizes that all living entities - including Lord Siva, Lord Brahma and other demigods - are servants of the Supreme Lord
- One should choose a bona fide servant of the Lord constantly engaged in His service, accept such a servant as the spiritual master and engage himself in his (the spiritual master's) service
- One should simply follow the instructions of the Lord and His empowered servants. Their instructions are all good for us, and any intelligent person will perform them as instructed (SB 10.33.30). BG 1972 purports
- One who is convinced that he is eternally a servitor of the Supreme Lord is called immortal because he has realized his constitutional position of immortality
- One who thinks that "I am God," he is a dog. And one who thinks, "I am servant, God's servant's servant's servant, million times servant's servant," he is liberated. This is the process
- Originally everyone is a servant of Krsna, but in ignorance one forgets this, and thus one is engaged in the service of maya through lusty desires, anger, greed, illusion, madness and jealousy
- Please describe how many dissolutions there are for the elements of material nature and who survives after the dissolutions to serve the Lord while He is asleep
- Prahlada Maharaja distinguishes between the pure devotee and the pure master. The Lord is the pure master, the supreme master, whereas an unalloyed devotee with no material motives is the pure servant
- Prahlada Maharaja replied, "Please engage me in the service of Your servant. This is all I want. I do not want anything else." In this way a devotee never asks for anything material from the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Prakasananda replied, "My dear Lord (Caitanya), You are the Supreme Lord, and although You consider Yourself the Lord's servant, You are nonetheless worshipable"
- Raghunatha dasa offered his obeisances by falling prostrate at a distant place, and the servant of Nityananda Prabhu pointed out, "There is Raghunatha dasa, offering You obeisances"
- Real guru will never claim, although He is given the honor of God, but He does not claim, never claims that He is God. He always claims that "I am the most fallen servant of God." This is the position
- Real jnana means understanding that the living entity is the eternal servant of the Lord. This knowledge is attained after many, many births, as confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.19): bahunam janmanam ante jnanavan mam prapadyate
- Real religious system is to understand that God is great; I am His servant. I am supported by Him; it is my duty to serve Him. This is religion. This is called bhagavata-dharma
- Samah sarvesu bhutesu means that every one of us, we are servant of God. That is ekatvam. Ekatvam anupasyati. Anu means always. Anu means following the authority
- Sankaracarya, who is an incarnation of Lord Siva, is faultless because he is a servant carrying out the orders of the Lord. But those who follow his Mayavadi philosophy are doomed. They will lose all their advancement in spiritual knowledge
- Sankha-cakrady-urdhva-pundra- dharanady-atma-laksanam tan nama-karanam caiva vaisnavatvam ihocyate. After initiation, the disciple’s name must be changed to indicate that he is a servant of Lord Visnu
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya first introduced Janardana, saying, "Here is Janardana, servant of Lord Jagannatha. He renders service to the Lord when it is time to renovate His transcendental body"
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya replied, "My dear Lord, what You have said is correct, but this King is not an ordinary king. He is a great devotee and servant of Lord Jagannatha"
- Self-interested persons, by demoniac austerity, want to kill even their benedictors, whereas the Vaisnava wants to remain an ever-existing servant of the Lord and never to occupy the post of the Lord
- Serving the lotus feet of God, offering God respectful worship, offering prayers to God, becoming His servant, considering God one's best friend, and surrendering everything unto Him - these processes are accepted as pure devotional service - SB 7.5.23
- Simply by chanting "Narayana," immediately from Vaikuntha the servants of Narayana came, and they saved him from the hands of Yamaduta
- Since brahmanas and Vaisnavas are direct servants of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they do not depend on others
- Since the Lord is always spiritually qualified, He is attached to servants who always render transcendental loving service unto Him. He is attached to the truth in life, not to brahminical qualities. Indeed, He is never attached to any material qualities
- Siva, the husband of Parvati, told his wife, "My dear Parvati, you are very beautiful in your bodily features. You are glorious. But I do not think that you can compete with the beauty and glory of devotees who have become servants of the servants of God
- So, the living entity is servant. He may have faith or no faith, he must be a servant. And if you don't become servant of God, then you become servant of dog. That is your advancement of civilization
- Sometimes the servant of God becomes the master of God. The real position of the living entity is to be the servant of God, but in the Bhagavad-gita we can see that the master, Krsna, became the servant of Arjuna
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that the actual position of the living entity is that of eternal servant of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Sri Madhavendra Puri told all the servants of Lord Jagannatha and all the great devotees there the story of the appearance of Sri Gopala
- Sri Narada Muni was hearing from Him. So in the statement given by Narayana Rsi to Narada Muni, as narrated by Kumara Sanandana in the form of the Veda-stuti, it is understood that God is the one supreme and that all others are His servants
- Srila Yamunacarya has recited in his Stotra-ratna: By serving You constantly, one is freed from all material desires and is completely pacified. When shall I engage as Your permanent eternal servant and always feel joyful to have such a fitting master?
- Such a person (sannyasi) always thinks of himself as an eternal servant, dependant on the supreme will of the Lord. As such, whatever he does, he does it for the benefit of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: Being thus addressed by the messengers of Yamaraja, the servants of Vasudeva smiled and spoke the following words in voices as deep as the sound of rumbling clouds
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: My dear King, the servants of Lord Visnu are always very expert in logic and arguments. After hearing the statements of the Yamadutas, they replied as follows
- That Vivekananda's policy, daridra-narayana-seva. Why not seva-narayana? Why He should become daridra? Why not engage in? That he does not know. "He becomes a daridra-narayana, and I become his servant." Foolish rascal
- The angelic dancers approached (the Lord), as did the Gandharvas, the Caranas, the Yaksas, the inhabitants of Kinnaraloka, the Vetalas, the inhabitants of Kimpurusa-loka, and the personal servants of Visnu like Sunanda and Kumuda
- The central figure of creation & of enjoyment is the Supreme Lord, & the living entities are cooperators. The relation is also like that of the master and the servant. If the master is fully satisfied, then the servant is satisfied. BG 1972 Introduction
- The conclusion is that no one can be the benefactor of the Lord; everyone is actually the servant of the servant of the Lord
- The constitutional position of every living being is that of the Lord's servant; therefore when a living entity is engaged in the Lord's loving service, he has already attained mukti
- The demigods are servants who assist the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The devotees of the Lord, who are all confidential servitors, are sometimes perplexed in the discharge of their respective duties, but they are never discouraged
- The expert spiritual master knows the art of utilizing everything to glorify the Lord, and therefore under his guidance the whole world can be turned into the spiritual abode by the divine grace of the Lord's servant
- The fallen and forgotten souls are detached from the transcendental loving service of the Lord. The living entities are parts and parcels of the Lord, and they are eternally servitors of the Lord
- The flags mentioned above were all painted with the picture of either Garuda or Hanuman, the two great servitors of the Lord
- The great devotee Hanuman prayed: I do not wish to take liberation or to merge in the Brahman effulgence, where the conception of being a servant of the Lord is completely lost
- The great sage Maitreya continued: My dear Vidura, when Dhruva Maharaja, who had good intentions in his heart, finished his prayer, the Supreme Lord, the PG, who is very kind to His devotees and servants, congratulated him, speaking as follows
- The guru should be treated as good as God. This is stated in all the sastras. The difference is that God is master-God and guru is servant-God. So the installation ceremony for such a murti should be similar to that done for other Deities
- The individual soul is forever a servant of the Supersoul, and therefore his relationship with the Supersoul is to offer service. That is called bhakti-yoga, or bhakti-bhava
- The inhabitants of Kimpurusa-varsa are fortunate because they worship Lord Ramacandra with His faithful servant Hanuman
- The inhabitants of Yaksaloka prayed: O controller of the twenty-four elements, we are considered the best servants of Your Lordship because of rendering services pleasing to You, yet we engaged as palanquin carriers by the order of Hiranyakasipu
- The Kinnaras said: O supreme controller, we are ever-existing servants of Your Lordship, but instead of rendering service to You, we were engaged by this demon in his service, constantly and without remuneration
- The living being's constitutional position is to be a servant of the Lord, but in the transcendental relationship the servant and the Lord are in one sense identical, for the Lord also serves the servant
- The living entity wants to become a prabhu, or master. The word prabhu means "master," but actually the living entity is not a master; he is the eternal servant of God
- The Lord (Caitanya) is more pleased when one serves the servant of the Lord
- The Lord actually wants to see His servants work more gloriously than Himself. For instance, on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra, Sri Krsna provoked Arjuna to fight because all the warriors on the battlefield were to die by Krsna’s plan
- The Lord is also addressed here (in MM 1) as Bhava-lunthana-kovida, "He who is expert at plundering the status quo of repeated birth and death." A sensible man understands his position as the eternal servant of the Lord and molds his life accordingly
- The Lord is always eager to return the service of His servant. Whoever thinks that the service of the Lord is actually his duty is perfect in knowledge and has attained the perfection of yoga
- The Lord is by nature very merciful, and when He sees that His servant is working without desires for material profit, naturally He is conquered
- The Lord is more pleased when He sees that His servants are properly respected because such servants risk everything for the service of the Lord and so are very dear to the Lord
- The Lord is so compassionate upon the fallen souls within this material world that He comes Himself or sends His devotees and His servants to fulfill His desire to have all the fallen souls come back home, back to Godhead
- The Lord is the master of the potencies, and the living entity is the servant of them. That is the difference between the Lord and the living entity. However, you declare that the Lord and the living entities are one and the same
- The Lord is the Supreme with all senses, and the servitor, who is part and parcel of the Lord, also has the same senses. Service to the Lord is the completely purified use of the senses, as described in the Bhagavad-gita
- The Lord said again and again, "Only by great fortune may one come by a particle of the remnants of food offered to the Lord." The servants of the Jagannatha temple inquired, "What is the meaning of this"
- The Lord says that the service of His servants is greater than His personal service
- The Lord unwillingly creates this material world, but He descends in His personal form or sends one of His reliable sons or a servant or a reliable author like Vyasadeva to give instruction
- The Lord, being full in Himself, has no attraction for so-called heavenly happiness. The heavenly demigods are only His engaged servants. The proprietor never desires the low-grade happiness such as the workers may desire. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord, who is nondifferent from the Sahasrasirsa incarnation, got on the back of Garuda, who carried Him to the Madhuvana Forest to see His servant Dhruva
- The poor spiritual master is kind and merciful enough to accept a disciple and suffer for that disciple's sinful activities, but Krsna, being merciful to His servant, neutralizes the reactions of sinful deeds for the servant who engages in preaching
- The prasadam was made of very valuable ingredients. Therefore the servant wanted to feed Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu a portion of it
- The relationship between the Lord and His servitor is very sweet and transcendental. The servitor is always ready to render service to the Lord, and, similarly, He is always seeking an opportunity to render some service to the devotee. BG 1972 purports
- The representative of God or the incarnation of God never claims to be God but the servant of God. This is the sign of the bona fide representative
- The second type of devotional friendship is to become a well-wisher of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In the Bhagavad-gita it is said that the Lord accepts a preacher as the most dear servant
- The servant must know what is God, what does He do, how He is satisfied: these things should be preached to them. How one is accepted as God, what are the symptoms: these things they should learn
- The servant of the Lord is also similarly inclined. He gives shelter to any person - any living entity - regardless of whether he belongs to a brahmana family or a candala family
- The servants of God are to be respected as God by the devotees who actually want to go back to Godhead. Such servants of God are called mahatmas, or tirthas, and they preach according to particular time and place
- The servants of God come to propagate God consciousness, and intelligent people should cooperate with them in every respect. By serving the servant of God, one can please God more than by directly serving the Lord
- The servants of God urge people to become devotees of the Lord. They never tolerate being called God
- The servants of Lord Jagannatha first garlanded Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and then offered Him Lord Jagannatha's prasadam. The prasadam was so nice that its aroma alone, to say nothing of its taste, would drive the mind mad
- The servants of the Lord are actually the servants of society. They have no interest in human society other than to enlighten it in transcendental knowledge
- The servants of the Lord, Visnu, are entrusted with this responsible work, and so they wander over the earth and to all other planets in the universe
- The sixty-four regulative principles (of devotional service) are as follows: (26) To pray to Him (God). (27) To think of oneself as the Lord's eternal servant. (28) To become the Lord's friend. (29) To offer everything to the Lord
- The spiritual master, the servant of God, is engaged in the most confidential service of the Lord, namely delivering all the conditioned souls from the clutches of maya, in which one thinks, "This person is my enemy, and that one is my friend"
- The true understanding is that God is the supreme master and that all of us are servants of the Supreme Lord and are therefore on the same platform
- The twenty-first devotee of Sri Nityananda in Bengal was Krsnadasa Brahmana, who was a first-class servant of the Lord
- The ultimate goal of all ambitions is to become a servant of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. If an intelligent man serves the most dear Lord, who gives Himself to His devotees, how can he desire material happiness, which is available even in hell?
- The Vaisnava accepts them (the demigods) as servants of the Supreme Lord, and he worships them properly
- The whole idea is that the Deity is considered to be the proprietor of the whole establishment, and all the priests and other people taking care of the temple are considered to be the servants of the Deity
- Then (when one has a relationship with Him (Vasudeva) as a servant, friend, parent or conjugal lover) one automatically feels transcendental bliss, just as one becomes happy seeing the shining of the moon
- There (in the Bhakti-sandarbha) is a discussion of the engaging oneself as an eternal servant of the Lord, making friendships with the Lord and surrendering everything for His pleasure
- There he saw Lord Mahadeva (Siva), the servant of Lord Rama. He then went to Ahovala-nrsimha
- There were also many menservants, nicely dressed in cloaks and turbans and jeweled earrings. Beautiful as they were, the servants were all engaged in different household duties (inside the palace)
- These arca forms of the Lord may be considered idols by the atheists, but that does not matter for persons like Vidura or His many other servants. The forms of the Lord are mentioned here (SB 3.1.18) as ananta-linga
- These servants of Mine have transgressed against you, not knowing the mind of their master
- They (the servants of God) are interested in imparting knowledge of the relationship of the living being with the Supreme Lord, the activities in that transcendental relationship, and the ultimate goal of human life
- This is possible (attaining Krsna's abode) simply by keeping oneself an eternal servant of the Supreme Lord
- This is the nature of the relationship between the Lord and His devotee. The Lord wants to give all credit to His servant, but the servant does not take any credit, for he knows that everything is carried out by the Lord
- This is the sum and substance of devotional life. One must first become a servant of the servant of the servant of the Lord
- This Krsna consciousness movement is trying to educate men that "After all, you are servant. You have to serve somebody. You are now serving your senses. Now just divert your service to Krsna, or God, and you will be happy. That's all"
- This material world is a sort of prison house, as we have several times mentioned. The demigods are the servants of the Lord who see to the proper upkeep of the prison house
- To be the servant of the Lord is the greatest position; if one can understand this and can thus revive one's original nature of eternal servitorship, one stands fully independent
- To become the servant of the Lord means to accept a Spiritual Master. Without accepting somebody as master, how can one become an expert servant
- To offer prayers to Him (Visnu), to become His servant and His friend, to sacrifice everything for His service - all these are varieties of devotional service. One who is engaged in such activities is understood to be educated to the topmost perfection
- To prove that the statement of His servant Prahlada Maharaja was substantial - in other words, to prove that the Supreme Lord is present everywhere, even within the pillar of an assembly hall - the SPG, Hari, exhibited a wonderful form never before seen
- To think very poor or think very rich or think very bad or think very good, they are all material qualifications. Simply think, "I am the humble servant of the Supreme Lord." That is the, mean, unalloyed goodness
- Today You have accepted me as Your servant and have properly punished me for my offense
- Under the heading of regulative devotional service, there are sixteen meanings based on understanding the word atmarama to mean (13) an immature devotee as a servant, (14) an immature devotee as a friend
- Under the heading of regulative devotional service, there are sixteen meanings based on understanding the word atmarama to mean (8) a beloved wife or female friend by cultivation of devotional service, (9) a mature devotee as a servant
- Understanding this, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu felt an emotion of ecstatic love for Krsna, but upon seeing the servants of Lord Jagannatha, He restrained Himself
- Vandanam dasyam: to become servant of God, to cleanse the temple, to work for God, for Krsna, dasyam. Sakhyam, to accept Krsna as friend. Atma-nivedanam, and offering everything to Krsna
- Vedic knowledge or religion is disseminated by authorities like Sukadeva Gosvami because he is a humble devotional servitor of the Lord who has no desire to become a self-appointed interpreter without authority
- We are embarassed by establishing artificial relationship with my family, country, and society, and so-called religions. These are all artificial. Real relationship, that "God is great and I am His servant," that is real religion
- We are impure because we are compact in designations: Oh, I am Christian-I am Hindu-I am American-I am Indian-I am white-I am black. These are all designations. If you simply know that "I am servant of Krsna. I am servant of God," then you are purified
- We are thinking that being a servant of God is like being a servant of some man, but in the spiritual world the servant and the served are the same. For instance, the guru is the servant of Krsna, but he is accepted as Krsna
- We should not become servant to make some material profit. He is not, he is not suddha-bhakta
- We should understand that whenever the Supreme Personality of Godhead is present, He is present with all His paraphernalia, including His name, form, associates and servants
- We spend for God. We are servant of God. We want to see God gorgeously situated, and for us we have no comforts, we don't care for any comfort
- What is impossible for the servants of the Lord? By the very hearing of His holy name one is purified
- What is to be said of one who is related to the Supreme Personality of Godhead as a servant, friend, father, mother or conjugal lover
- What to speak of Lord Brahma and Lord Siva, the goddess of fortune, Laksmi, is the Lord's constant companion in service, since she always associates with His body. But even she could not get such mercy - as mother Yasoda
- When a devotee is completely purified, he becomes anyabhilasita-sunya. In other words, all of his material desires become zero, being burnt to ashes, and he exists either as the Lord's servant, friend, father, mother or conjugal lover
- When a rainbow appears during the rainy season, it is observed to be like a bow with no guna, or string. Similarly, the appearance of the PG or His transcendental servants has nothing to do with the qualitative modes of material nature
- When a servant brought betel nuts and offered them to Lord Nityananda, the Lord smiled and chewed them
- When all the maidservants brought Lord Jagannatha's servants before the lotus feet of the goddess of fortune, the Lord's servants were fined and forced to submit
- When one advances through impersonal Brahman and localized Paramatma to approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead in relationship with Him as a servant, friend, parent or conjugal lover, one's happiness becomes all-pervading
- When one is forgetful of his constitutional position, he appears in the position of the lord of material nature. Even at that time he remains a servant of the Supreme Lord, but in an unqualified or contaminated state
- When one is situated on the platform of self-realization, he can certainly be easily attracted by Krsna and become a servant of the Lord. This is explained in the Bhagavad-gita - 18.54
- When the SPG or His confidential servants manifest themselves and preach the message of Godhead, we must not shut the doors and windows of our body and mind; otherwise, the light emanating from the Lord and His servants shall not enter into us
- When they (devotees) come to save human society from the dangers of godlessness, they are known as the powerful incarnations of the Lord, as sons of the Lord, as servants of the Lord or as associates of the Lord
- While engaged in devotional service he (Tondaradippadi) fell victim to a prostitute, and Sri Ranganatha, seeing His devotee so degraded, sent one of His servants with a golden plate to that prostitute
- Who can understand the Lord's transcendental activities? Not to speak of understanding the transcendental activities of the Lord, no one can understand even the activities of His servants
- You are very favorable toward those who engage in devotional service, accepting You as the Lord and themselves as the servants. By Your mercy, You are always inclined in their favor
- You write to describe me as a loving servant of the Lord. If you believe me so, then kindly help me in my service. That will help both of us. I want your cooperation fully
- Your servant Narada Muni kindly accepted me as his disciple and instructed me how to achieve this transcendental position. Therefore, my first duty is to serve him. How could I leave his service?