Category:God's Pastimes
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Pages in category "God's Pastimes"
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- A class of so-called devotees known as sahajiyas try to imitate the Lord's pastimes, although they have no understanding of the amorous love in His expansions of pleasure potency
- A devotee in the association of devotees prefers to contemplate the activities of the Lord - how He has created this universe, how He is maintaining it, how the creation dissolves, and how in the spiritual kingdom the Lord's pastimes are going on
- A lila-avatara is an incarnation of the Lord who performs a variety of activities without making any special endeavor. He always has one pastime after another, all full of transcendental pleasure
- A living entity's unlawful desire to become one with the Lord in every respect is the root cause of the entire material manifestation, for otherwise the Lord has no need to create such a manifestation, even for His pastimes
- A nanda-lilamaya-vigrahaya: Krsna's pastimes are all jubilant. Anandamayo 'bhyasat (Vedanta-sutra 1.1.12): He is by nature full of bliss. We shall never find Krsna unhappy
- A person who is born in a sudra family can become greater than a brahmana simply by accepting devotional service and giving aural reception to the pastimes of the Lord and His devotees
- A pure devotee does not pray for liberation or for cessation of the cycle of birth and death because he does not consider that important. The most important thing for a devotee is getting a chance to hear about the pastimes and glories of the Lord
- A pure devotee knows that there is no difference between the pastimes of the Lord, either in rasa-lila or in creation, maintenance or destruction of the material world
- A pure devotee, who is attached to the activities of devotional service and who always engages in the service of My lotus feet, never desires to become one with Me. Such a devotee, who is unflinchingly engaged, always glorifies My pastimes and activities
- Activities of the Lord are principally of two varieties. One concerns the mundane manifestation of the material creative force, and the other deals with His pastimes in the form of different incarnations in terms of the time and place
- Adi-caturbhuja, the original expansions from Baladeva, are Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna & Aniruddha. All of Them are visnu-tattvas, or nondifferent Personalities of God. In the incarnation of Rama, these expansions appeared for particular pastimes
- After chanting the holy name of the Lord and dancing in ecstasy, one gradually sees the form of the Lord, the pastimes of the Lord and the transcendental qualities of the Lord. This way one fully understands the situation of the Personality of Godhead
- After giving up the body, the devotee who becomes perfect in devotional service enters that particular universe where Lord Ramacandra or Lord Krsna is engaged in His pastimes
- After giving up the material body, the devotee of the Lord returns home, back to Godhead. This means that the devotee is first transferred to the particular universe where the Lord is at that time staying to exhibit His pastimes
- After hearing of these pastimes, Lord Siva, who is carried by a bull, went to the place where Madhusudana, resides. Accompanied by his wife, Uma, and surrounded by his companions, the ghosts, Lord Siva went there to see the Lord's form as a woman
- After the end of His (God's) pastimes, all the associates were dispatched to their respective positions in the transcendental abode
- Again the vilasa forms are divided into twofold categories - prabhava and vaibhava. Again the pastimes of these forms are of unlimited variety
- Again these quadruple forms expand three times, beginning with Kesava. That is the fulfillment of the pastime forms
- Ajamila heard glorification of the name, fame, qualities and pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He thus became a perfectly pure devotee. He could then remember his past sinful activities, which he greatly regretted having performed
- All (varnas) must be properly well versed in knowledge of the Supreme Lord, knowing factually His name, quality, pastimes, entourage, paraphernalia and personalities
- All devotees are more or less poets. Out of 26 qualifications of a perfect devotee, one is poetic sense. So we can write so many poetries in praise of the Lord, or about His pastimes
- All mundane philosophers, religionists, & people in general, who are constantly suffering from the threefold miseries of material existence, can get freedom from all such troubles simply by chanting & glorifying the holy name, fame, & pastimes of the SG
- All of His (God's) forms, names, pastimes, attributes, associates and energies are identical with Him because the Lord is the absolute Transcendence
- All the cowherd men, headed by Nanda Maharaja, enjoyed topics about the pastimes of Krsna and Balarama with great transcendental pleasure, and they could not even perceive material tribulations - SB 10.11.58
- All the great devotees of the Lord, who flourished in past or present, and all the devotees who will come in the future, are aware of the different potencies of the Lord along with the potency of His name, quality, pastimes, entourage, personality, etc
- All the pastimes of the Lord are eternal, blissful and full of knowledge, just as the form of Krsna Himself is eternal, blissful and full of knowledge - sac-cid-ananda-vigraha - BS 5.1
- All these twenty-four forms constitute the chief prabhava-vilasa pastime forms of the Lord. They are named differently according to the position of the weapons in Their hands
- All Your pastimes and incarnations certainly appear for the welfare of all living entities. Therefore, my Lord, I wish to know the purpose for which You have assumed this form of a fish
- Although his (Svayambhuva Manu) duration of life gradually came to an end, his long life, consisting of a Manvantara era, was not spent in vain, since he ever engaged in hearing, contemplating, writing down and chanting the pastimes of the Lord
- Although Lord Anantadeva is always describing the pastimes of the Lord with His thousands of mouths, He cannot reach the end of even one of the Lord's pastimes
- Although ritualistic atonement may free one from sinful reactions, it does not awaken devotional service, unlike the chanting of the Lord's names, which reminds one of the Lord's fame, qualities, attributes, pastimes and paraphernalia
- Although the SPG is time, fearful to everyone, He flees Mathura in fear of His enemy to take shelter in a fort; and although He is self-sufficient, He marries 16,000 women. These pastimes seem like bewildering contradictions, even to the most intelligent
- Although the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the master of the demigods, was capable of performing the activities of the demigods by Himself, He wanted to enjoy pastimes in churning the ocean. Therefore He spoke as follows
- Ambarisa Maharaja is an example. He fixed his mind on the lotus feet of the Lord, he spoke only on the pastimes of the Lord, he smelled only the flowers and tulasi offered to the Lord, he walked only to the temple of the Lord
- Any pastime conducted by the Supreme Personality of Godhead is an arrangement by yogamaya, not mahamaya
- Any place where the Supreme Personality of Godhead displays His pastimes, such as Vrndavana or Dvaraka, becomes a holy place
- Anyone who can view the all-auspiciousness in the pastimes of Lord Visnu also becomes auspicious simultaneously
- Anyone who hears about the pastimes of the Lord associates with the Lord directly, and one who associates directly with the Lord is certainly freed from all sinful activities
- As far as education is concerned, one can become recognized in society as a great learned scholar simply by hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita, wherein the pastimes of the Lord and His devotees are described
- As far as the rasa-lila pastimes of the Lord are concerned, it is futile for one who is within the material world to attempt to imitate the Lord’s dances. One has to attain a spiritual body like that of a gopi to enter into the pastimes of the rasa-lila
- As His pastime, that Supreme Personality of Godhead, the greatest of the great, accepted the subtle material energy, which is invested with three material modes of nature and which is related with Visnu
- As long as one is not completely free from the cause of birth and death, one cannot enter the sanatana-dhama or the eternal pastimes of the Lord
- As soon as one's heart is cleansed, the blazing fire of material existence is immediately extinguished. Our hearts are meant for the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- As stated in the Vedas, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the source of material energy. Consequently He is sometimes called maya-maya, or the Supreme person, who can create His pastimes through His potency known as the material energy
- As the pastimes and activities of the Supreme Lord are pleasing to hear, hearing about His devotees, who are very dear to the Supreme Person, is also pleasing and potent
- Because he (Ajamila) practiced sometimes before falling down, so by chanting this Hare Krsna mantra he immediately remembered that real Narayana immediately, His pastimes, His form, everything, and therefore he became liberated
- Because He (the Supreme Lord) is the Absolute Truth, His name, fame, form, qualities and pastimes are all identical with Him. His pastimes, therefore, cannot be equated with the sufferings of humanity as the so-called swami contends
- Because the Lord's pastimes in the material world are always performed with His associates, not with others, He has to find some devotee who will play the part of an enemy
- Bees intoxicated by the honeylike fragrance of the tulasi flowers hum very sweetly around the garland, which thus becomes more and more beautiful. In this way, the Lord enjoys His very magnanimous pastimes
- Bhagavad-gita is as good as the water of the Ganges because it is spoken from the mouth of the Supreme Lord. So it is with any topic on the pastimes of the Lord or the characteristics of His transcendental activities
- Bhagavatam literally means the pastimes of the Lord and the Lord's devotees
- Bilvamangala Thakura intensely desired to enter into the eternal pastimes of the Lord, and he lived at Vrndavana for seven hundred years in the vicinity of Brahma-kunda, a still-existing bathing tank in Vrndavana
- Brahma said: When the unlimitedly powerful Lord assumed the form of a boar as a pastime, just to lift the planet earth, which was drowned in the great ocean of the universe, Garbhodaka, the first demon appeared, and the Lord pierced him with His tusk
- By constantly chanting and hearing the holy names and pastimes of the Supreme Lord, one certainly becomes purified and becomes a fit candidate for liberation
- By cultivating such knowledge (of God's pastimes and activities) one gradually becomes advanced on the path of liberation, and thereafter he is freed, and his attraction becomes fixed. Then real devotion and devotional service begin
- By hearing the narration of the pastimes of the Lord, one contacts directly the Personality of Godhead, and, as explained before, by hearing about the Personality of Godhead, from within, all accumulated sins of the mundane creature are cleared
- By offenseless chanting and hearing of the holy name of the Lord, one becomes acquainted with the transcendental form of the Lord, and then with the attributes of the Lord, and then with the transcendental nature of His pastimes
- By our material calculation we see a difference between the name and the substance, but in the spiritual world the Absolute is always absolute: the name, form, qualities and pastimes of the Absolute are all as good as the Absolute Himself
- By regular hearing of the glories and pastimes of the Lord, the impurities in the student's heart begin to be washed off. The more one is cleansed of impurities, the more one becomes fixed in devotional service
- By the grace of a bona fide spiritual master like Sukadeva Gosvami, it is quite possible to know everything of the superior energy of the Lord by which the Lord manifests His eternal name, quality, pastimes, paraphernalia and variegatedness
- By writing about the pastimes of the Lord, one associates with the Lord directly. One should not ambitiously think, "I shall become a great author. I shall be celebrated as a writer." These are material desires
- Caitanya has clearly said, mayavadi-bhasya sunile haya sarva nasa: if anyone hears the Mayavadis' interpretation of the pastimes of the Lord, or their interpretation of Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam or any other Vedic literature, then he is doomed
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that each and every name of God is as powerful as God. Because God is Absolute, therefore there is no difference between His name, form, pastimes
- Carrying Mandara Mountain on the back of a bird and putting it in its right position might be difficult for anyone, whether demigod or demon, but for the Supreme Personality of Godhead everything is possible, as shown by this pastime
- Chanting and hearing of the glories of the Lord is described here as tvad-guna-vada-sidhu. Only by drinking the nectar of chanting and hearing the pastimes of the Lord can one forget the intoxication of material existence
- Conditioned souls are naturally averse to understanding the spiritual existence of the Lord, & if they try to know the transcendental nature of the Lord's pastimes while they remain absorbed in materialism, they are sure to blunder like the sahajiyas
- Devahuti said to Kapiladeva. Anyone who hears about Your pastimes, who chants about Your glories, who offers You obeisances, who thinks of You and, in this way, executes any of the nine kinds of devotional service
- Devaki said - Such (self-effulgent, changeless and uncontaminated by the material qualities) eternal forms (of Lord Visnu) are ever-cognizant and full of bliss; they are situated in transcendental goodness and are always engaged in different pastimes
- Devotees always want to see the Lord victorious in varied activities, and therefore, to please Himself and them, the Lord sometimes agrees to act as a human being and perform wonderful, uncommon pastimes for the satisfaction of the devotees
- Devotees of the Lord never assert independent individuality; on the contrary, they utilize their individuality in pursuit of the desires of the Lord, and this cooperation of the devotees with the Lord makes a perfect scene of the Lord's pastimes
- Due to the eternal existence of knowledge, the knower and the knowable, devotees everywhere know about the eternal existence of the form, name, qualities, pastimes and entourage of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- During bedtime also the singers sing songs in relationship with the pastimes of the Lord, with sahnai accompaniment, and the householders gradually fall asleep remembering the glories of the Lord
- Either in the Bhagavad-gita or in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, the pastimes of the Lord in the material world are delineated for the benefit of those men with a poor fund of knowledge
- Engaged constantly in chanting and hearing about Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the sadhus do not suffer from material miseries because they are always filled with thoughts of My pastimes and activities
- Even a child can hear and derive the benefit of meditating on the pastimes of the Lord simply by listening to a reading from the Bhagavatam that describes the Lord as He is going to the pasturing ground with His cows and friends
- Even third-class devotees who have no literary knowledge or no time to read Srimad-Bhagavatam or Bhagavad-gita get the opportunity to hear about the pastimes of the Lord
- Every human being dislikes meeting death, but he does not know how to get rid of death. The surest remedy for avoiding death is to accustom oneself to hearing the nectarean pastimes of the Lord
- Everything about the Lord - His activities, pastimes and uncommon features - should be accepted as is, and in this way, even in our present condition, we can understand the Lord
- Expert dramatists, artists, dancers, singers, historians, genealogists and learned speakers all gave their respective contributions, being inspired by the superhuman pastimes of the Lord. Thus they proceeded on and on
- For fifteen days the Lord had remained in a secluded place with the supreme goddess of fortune and had performed His pastimes with her
- For the pastimes of the Ratha-yatra ceremony, Lord Jagannatha got aboard one car, and His sister, Subhadra, and elder brother, Balarama, got aboard two other cars
- For them (who are averse to understanding God's pastimes), the Lord appears with His hand clutching the terrible mace, which is always smeared with bloodstains from His killing of demons. Demons are also sons of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- For want of sufficient piety, the onlookers are not attracted by such pastimes of God. In Bhagavad-gita it is said that only those who have completely surpassed the way of sinful reaction can engage themselves in the transcendental loving service of God
- For Your (Lord Visnu's) pastimes, You act as the controller of time, but You are the reservoir of all good fortune. Let me (Devaki) offer my full surrender unto Your Lordship - SB 10.3.26
- Fully engage himself (one thoughtful person must) in devotional service, hearing, chanting, etc., of the holy name and pastimes of the Lord, which are all hari-kathamrta. This action is especially recommended when one is preparing for death
- Glorification of the transcendental name, fame, attributes, pastimes, and entourage of the PG tastes bitter to those who are suffering from the infection of material consciousness, but it is very sweet to those who have recovered from this infection
- God is Absolute. God's name, God's form, God's pastimes - everything is God. That you have to understand, Absolute nature
- God's name, God's form, God's quality, God's pastimes, activities, are not understandable by our blunt material senses. We cannot see God with these eyes. God is present everywhere. God is present within your heart, God is present within this universe
- God's pastime, that is perceivable through devotional service. Bhaktya mam abhijanati (BG 18.55). Only. This is the process. No other process. No amount of speculation, no amount of academic education, no amount of philosophical discussion can
- Gold is natural, and similarly God is natural. In His childhood pastimes, in the lap of His mother, He is God; while He is playing with His boyfriends, He is God; while He is dancing, He is God; while He is fighting at Kuruksetra
- Guna means quality, and nir means negation.This does not indicate, however, that He (Lord Visnu) has no qualities; He has transcendental qualities by which He appears and manifests His pastimes
- Hari-kirtana is actually meant to glorify the holy name, form, pastimes and qualities of the Lord. Ajamila, however, did not glorify the form, qualities or paraphernalia of the Lord; he simply chanted the holy name
- Having been elevated to that platform (of devotional service), Ajamila began to lament for his past materialistic activities and glorify the name, fame, form and pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- He (a liberated soul) is wholly freed from all kinds of material desires, yet still he is irresistibly attracted by the desire to hear and understand the pastimes of the Lord
- He (Ambarisa Maharaja) engaged his hands in cleansing the temple, he engaged his tongue in tasting the foodstuff offered to the Lord, and he engaged his ears for hearing the great pastimes of the Lord. In that way all his senses were engaged
- He (Dhruva) did not care for death, however, and even with his present body he boarded a spiritual airplane and went to the planet of Visnu because of association with the great sage Narada, who had spoken to him the narration of the pastimes of the Lord
- He (God) is more attractive to the higher transcendentalists who participate in the eternal pastimes of the Lord
- He (Lord Caitanya) carried a small gadu, a small waterpot with a nozzle, and thus He symbolically picked up the earth from the depths of the ocean, for this is the pastime of Lord Varaha
- He (the Lord) always has one pastime after another, all full of transcendental pleasure, and these pastimes are fully controlled by the Supreme Person
- He (the Lord) is not working under the control of time. The creation of the material world is one of the Lord's pastimes. Everything is fully under His control
- He (Uddhava) always kept them (the gopis) engaged in thinking of the transcendental message of Krsna and His pastimes, and the gopis felt as if they were experiencing direct association with Krsna
- He (who is surcharged with transcendental love of Godhead) can see the Personality of Godhead in His own abode, Goloka, enjoying eternal pastimes with His eternal associates, who are also expansions of His transcendental existence
- He is not attached to the activities of the material world through His senses. Indeed, in performing His pastimes in this material world, He is just like the unattached air
- He should also be attracted to those places where the Lord had His pastimes (pritis tad vasati sthale(CC Madhya 23.18-19)). These are symptoms of an advanced devotee
- Hearers (of the Srimad-Bhagavatam which is full of the Lord's pastimes) are benefited both ultimately and for as long as they are in the material world. That is the supreme, sublime result of engaging in devotional service
- Hearing about the pastimes of Krsna and Balarama with great pleasure, mother Yasoda & Rohinidevi, so as not to be separated from Them for even a moment, got up with Them on one bullock cart. In this situation, they all looked very beautiful - SB 10.11.34
- Hearing and fixing the mind on the pastimes of the Lord is easier than visualizing the form of the Lord within one's heart because as soon as one begins to think of the Lord, especially in this age, the mind becomes disturbed, and due to so much agitation
- Hearing of the holy name gradually promotes one to the stage of hearing about His form, about His attributes, His pastimes and so on, and thus the necessity of the chanting of His glories develops successively
- Hearing of the Lord's pastimes is itself transcendental association with the Lord because there is no difference between the Lord and His transcendental pastimes
- Here (in SB 10.6.9), of course, the two mothers Rohini and Yasoda were not maya-mohita, deluded by the external energy, but to develop the pastimes of the Lord, they were captivated by yogamaya. Such maya-moha is the action of yogamaya
- Here (in SB 3.25.36) the word vilasa is very important. Vilasa refers to the activities or pastimes of the Lord
- His (God's) birth does not, like that of the living entities, take place under the influence of material nature and the bondage of the reactions of past deeds. His works & activities are independent pastimes and are not subject to the reactions of nature
- His (God's) body is always transcendental in all circumstances; therefore, the assumption of the form of a boar is only His pastime. His body is all Vedas, or transcendental
- His (God's) pastimes are eternal and are manifested in due course once in a day of Brahmaji, as the sun rises on the eastern horizon at the end of every twenty-four hours
- His first incarnation was that of a great fish. O most powerful Sukadeva Gosvami, I wish to hear from you the pastimes of that fish incarnation
- How do they know (The Lord's name, quality, pastimes, entourage, personality, etc.)? Certainly it is not by mental speculation, nor by any attempt by dint of limited instruments of knowledge
- I (Maitreya Rsi) shall therefore describe to you the pastimes by which the Personality of Godhead extends His transcendental potency for the creation, maintenance and dissolution of the cosmic world as they occur one after another
- I have given a few examples of pastime incarnations. Now I will describe the guna-avataras, the incarnations of the material qualities. Please listen
- If anyone wants to derive transcendental pleasure by hearing the pastimes of the Lord, he must hear from the authoritative source, as explained here
- If by studying the form, name, qualities, pastimes and paraphernalia of the Supreme Godhead one is attracted to the Lord, he can execute devotional service, and the form of the Lord will be impressed in his heart and remain transcendentally situated there
- If one wants to have transcendental pleasure, he must find a person with authority. It is also stated in the Bhagavatam that simply by hearing from an authoritative source, with the ear and the heart, one can relish the pastimes of the Lord
- If persons who are suffering in the forest fire of this material existence will only enter into the nectarean river of the description of the pastimes of the Lord, they will forget all the troubles of the miserable material existence
- If there is some chance of entering such a immortal, eternal kingdom of God, why should I not take chance? - You should take chance at all risk in this life to enter into the nitya-lila, nitya-lila, eternal pastimes of the Lord
- If this is His pastime, how do the activities of the unchangeable take place and exhibit qualities without the modes of nature?
- If we engage our speech in describing the activities of the Lord and our ears in hearing about His pastimes, and if we follow the regulative principles to keep the mind intact for advancing in Kc, we shall certainly be elevated to the spiritual platform
- Impersonalists accept one aspect of the Lord's features, the all-pervasive aspect, but they cannot understand His localized situation in His transcendental abode, where He always engages in fully transcendental pastimes
- In Bhagavad-gita it is said that when the Lord descends to this material world, He comes as a person by His own energy, atma-maya. He is not forced by any superior energy. He comes by His own will, and this can be called His pastime, or lila
- In other words, no one can enter into the kingdom of God without being freed from all sinful reactions. Sinful reactions can be avoided simply by remembering the form, qualities, pastimes, etc., of the Lord
- In spite of coming in contact with the pastimes of the Lord, the impersonalists do not fully realize the benefit to be derived, and thus they become just as morose as the materialists do in pursuing their fruitive activities
- In the association of pure devotees, discussion of the pastimes and activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is very pleasing and satisfying to the ear and the heart
- In the association of pure devotees, discussion of the pastimes and activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is very pleasing and satisfying to the ear and to the heart
- In the beginning, the Kumaras were self-realized impersonalists, but gradually they became attracted to the personal pastimes of the Supreme Lord
- In the Bhagavatam, the transcendental nature of the Lord is described in nine cantos, and in the Tenth Canto His specific pastimes are taken up. All this becomes known as one's reading of this literature progresses
- In the Kali-yuga, the maximum duration of life being one hundred years only and that combined with various difficulties, the recommended process of self-realization is that of hearing and chanting of the holy name, fame, and pastimes of the Lord
- In the Matsya Purana it is said: The Supreme Personality of Godhead possesses unlimited potency. Nonetheless, in His pastime in the form of a fish He begged protection from King Satyavrata
- In the Padma Purana there is a statement about remembering the activities of the Lord, "A person who is always engaged in meditation on the sweet pastimes and wonderful activities of the Lord surely becomes freed from all material contamination"
- In the Satvata-tantra it is said that the third purusa incarnation, Ksirodakasayi Visnu, is situated as the Supersoul in everyone's heart. This Ksirodakasayi Visnu is an expansion of Garbhodakasayi Visnu for pastimes
- In the Satwata Tantras there is a mention of the 3rd Purusha avatar who is the Supersoul of every living being. That third Purusha avatar is no other than this pastimeous form of Garvodashayee Vishnu
- In the spiritual world the Absolute Lord is always identical with His name, fame, form, qualities and pastimes. Such identity is impossible in the material world, where the name of a person is different from the person himself
- In the Vaikunthalokas the Lord is merciful toward the liberated or nitya-mukta living entities, but in His pastimes in the mortal world He is merciful even to the fallen souls who are nitya-baddha, or conditioned forever
- In the Vedanta-sutras or Upanisads there is only a hint of the confidential parts of His pastimes
- In this material world, the holy name of Visnu is all-auspicious. Visnu's name, form, qualities and pastimes are all transcendental, absolute knowledge
- In this material world, the holy name of Visnu is all-auspicious. Visnu’s name, form, qualities and pastimes are all transcendental, absolute knowledge
- Indirect instruction is quickly understandable for a common man. Factually the path of bhakti-yoga is the path of hearing directly about the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- It is clearly stated, vaikuntha-lila. Lila means "pastimes." Unless the Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead, has transcendental activities, where is the scope for thinking of these pastimes
- It is impossible to conceive of the existence, name, form, quality and pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead because He is transcendentally situated beyond the conception of materialistic persons
- It is My pastime to fulfill the desires of all living beings, and therefore you may ask from Me any benediction that you desire to be fulfilled
- It is not possible to understand the truth about the pastimes of the Lord simply by using our own logic, argument and academic education
- It is said that only in the association of devotees can one understand the importance of the character and pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead or His devotees
- It is stated here (in SB 3.22.23) that early in the morning there were musicians who used to sing with musical instruments about the glories of the Lord, and the Emperor (Manu), with his family, used to hear about the pastimes of the Supreme Person
- It is through the processes of devotional service, chanting and hearing of the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, that one can achieve this concentration - on God
- Kapiladeva said to Devahuti, "My laughing, My pastimes and My glance appear to them so beautiful that their minds are always absorbed in thoughts of Me, and their lives are dedicated fully unto Me"
- Kapiladeva said to Devahuti, "Those who assemble together to understand My qualities, pastimes and form, and thus glorify Me congregationally and derive transcendental pleasure therefrom, such fortunate devotees never desire to become one with Me"
- Lila refers to the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Never . . . nobody says that the living entity has come in this material world for lila. At least, the Vaisnava philosophers do not agree that
- Literatures like Mahabharata, the, puranas and similar other literatures which are full of the pastimes of the Lord, are all transcendental literatures, and they should be discussed with full confidence in the society of great devotees
- Lord Brahma said: At the end of the dvi-parardha, when the pastimes of the Lord come to an end, Lord Visnu, by a flick of His eyebrows, vanquishes the entire universe, including our places of residence
- Lord Caitanya's pastime is still going on, but some of the fortunate devotees, they can see. Anything, God's pastime, that is perceivable through devotional service. Bhaktya mam abhijanati (BG 18.55). Only. This is the process. No other process
- Lord Caitanya, therefore, approved the process of hearing from realized devotees about the pastimes of the Lord
- Lord Jagannatha and Lord Balarama sometimes stopped the car and happily observed Lord Caitanya's dancing. Anyone who was able to see Them stop and watch the dancing bore witness to Their pastimes
- Lord Jagannatha is the maintainer of the whole universe. Who can carry Him from one place to another? The Lord moves by His personal will just to perform His pastimes
- Lord Ramacandra returned to His abode, to which bhakti-yogis are promoted. This is the place to which all the inhabitants of Ayodhya went after they served the Lord in His manifest pastimes by offering Him obeisances, touching His lotus feet
- Lord Visnu incarnates for two purposes: paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam (BG 4.8). That is, He comes to engage in pastimes with His devotees and to annihilate the demons
- Maharaja Ambarisa did not speak of anything but the pastimes of the Lord. Vacamsi vaikuntha-gunanuvarnane (SB 9.4.18). He engaged his words only in glorification of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Maitreya said: Eternal time is the primeval source of the interactions of the three modes of material nature. It is unchangeable and limitless, and it works as the instrument of the Supreme Personality of Godhead for His pastimes in the material creation
- Materialistic persons are never interested in hearing about the marvelous pastimes of the Lord. They think that they are fictions and stories and that the Supreme Godhead is also a man of material nature
- Mauna means "silence." Unless one becomes silent, he cannot think completely about the pastimes and activities of the Lord
- Mauna necessitates refraining from nonsensical talking, and engaging the talking facility in the pastimes of the Lord. In that way one can chant and hear about the Lord in order to perfect his life
- My dear brahmana, how did Narada Muni glorify the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and what pastimes were described in that meeting? I (Vidura) am very eager to hear of them. Kindly explain fully about that glorification of the Lord
- My dear Lord, I am also the creation of one of Your energies, composed of the three modes of material nature. Consequently I am bewildered by Your activities. Even the activities of Your devotees cannot be understood, and what to speak of Your pastimes
- My dear Narada, actually I do not reside in My abode, Vaikuntha, nor do I reside within the hearts of the yogis, but I reside in that place where My pure devotees chant My holy name and discuss My form, pastimes and qualities
- My dear sage (Maitreya), I (Vidura) have put all these questions before you with a view to knowing the pastimes of Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. You are the friend of all, so kindly describe them for all those who have lost their vision
- Narada advises Dhruva to meditate on the pastimes of the Lord, which is as good as the meditation of concentrating one's mind on the form of the Lord
- Narada Muni is always glorifying the pastimes of the Lord. We see that not only does he glorify the Lord, but he also likes to glorify the devotees of the Lord. The great sage Narada's mission is to broadcast the devotional service of the Lord
- Narada vibrates sounds describing the pastimes of the Supreme Lord. By such transcendental vibrations, such as Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare, he fixes his mind at the lotus feet of the Lord
- Neither I (Lord Siva), nor Brahma, nor the Asvini-kumaras, nor Narada or the other great sages who are Brahma's sons, nor even the demigods can understand the pastimes and personality of the Supreme Lord
- Neophyte devotees simply try to understand the pastimes of the Lord and are not very interested in hearing about the activities of His devotees, but such discrimination should not be indulged in by any real devotee
- Nondevotees are considered to be like serpents; as milk is poisoned by a serpent's touch, so, although the narration of the pastimes of the Lord is as pure as milk, when administered by serpentlike nondevotees it becomes poisonous
- Nor could the Supreme Lord neglect His two doorkeepers, nor can one come back from Vaikuntha after once taking birth there. All these incidents, therefore, were designed by the Lord Himself for the sake of His pastimes in the material world
- Not only does it have no effect in transcendental pleasure, but it is dangerous also. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu has warned that no description of the pastimes of the Lord should be heard from the Mayavada, or impersonalist, school
- Now I (Brahma) shall state, one after another, the transcendental incarnations of the Lord known as lila-avataras. Hearing of their activities counteracts all foul matters accumulated in the ear. These pastimes are pleasing to hear and are to be relished
- Now the Supreme Personality of Godhead has killed him just as if the demon were an animal. Unto that supreme pastime form of Lord Nrsimhadeva, we eternally offer our respectful obeisances
- O King Pariksit, anyone who aurally receives the narrations concerning the characteristics of Lord Ramacandra's pastimes will ultimately be freed from the disease of envy and thus be liberated from the bondage of fruitive activities
- O my lord, what was the purpose of this incarnation? Kindly explain this to us, for hearing about the pastimes of the Lord is auspicious for everyone
- O my Lord, Your pastimes are all wonderfully performed by Your inconceivable spiritual energy; and by her perverted reflection, the material energy, You have created all the universes
- O saintly King (Pariksit), I (Sukadeva Gosvami) was certainly situated perfectly in transcendence, yet I was still attracted by the delineation of the pastimes of the Lord, who is described by enlightened verses
- O Sanatana, I have definitively described the three purusa-avataras of Visnu. Now please hear from Me about the pastime incarnations
- O Vyasadeva, your vision is completely perfect. Your good fame is spotless. You are firm in vow and situated in truthfulness & thus you can think of the pastimes of the Lord in trance for the liberation of the people in general from all material bondage
- Of course, when the Lord comes He has some work to perform - to protect the sadhu and kill those who are against the sadhu - but both of these activities are His pastimes
- Once a well-known swami in India was asked whether God or providence is responsible for the sufferings of humanity. The swami replied that these sufferings were all God's pastimes or lila
- One can attain to the highest perfection of life simply by attentive hearing of the transcendental pastimes of the Lord from the right sources, as Sri Narada heard them from the pure devotees (bhakti-vedantas) in his previous life
- One cannot have any clear conception of the Lord or His holy name, form, attributes, pastimes, etc., unless one is engaged in His transcendental loving service
- One cannot understand God's holy name, pastimes, form, qualities or entourage with one's blunt material senses. However, when the senses are purified by the constant rendering of service, the spiritual truth of the pastimes of Radha and Krsna is revealed
- One devotee said, "My dear Mukunda, I cannot properly express the glories of Your pastimes. Even when the nondevotees hear of Your glorious pastimes they become affected and shed tears and start to tremble"
- One has to fix his mind and the circulation of the vital air and thus think of the transcendental pastimes of the Supreme Lord. It is never mentioned that one should concentrate on the impersonal or void
- One is called a muni when he remains grave and does not talk nonsense. Maharaja Ambarisa set a very good example; whenever he spoke, he spoke about the pastimes of the Lord
- One may be in one position or another according to destiny, but in any case one must continue to hear about the activities and pastimes of the Supreme Lord, regardless of circumstances
- One serves the Lord by remembering His form, His attributes and pastimes. Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura explains that this is all possible simply by chanting the Lord's holy name because of the Lord's omnipotence
- One should not make distinctions between the pastimes of the Lord and the activities of Prthu Maharaja, and whenever it is possible a devotee should attempt to induce others to hear about Prthu Maharaja
- One should practice devotional service at home, hearing & chanting the holy name, quality, form, pastimes, entourage etc. in association with pure devotees & this practice will help one awaken God consciousness in proportion to one's sincerity of purpose
- One who hears the Lord's pastimes is freed from all sin, even to the extent of the killing of a brahmana, which is considered the most sinful activity in the material world
- One will tire of hearing mundane stories, but one never tires of hearing about Krsna. It is for this reason only that the history of the whole universe is replete with references to the pastimes of the incarnations of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Only one who is completely surrendered at the lotus feet of the SP of G, depending fully on Him for personal maintenance or even for maintenance of his family, can attain perfection by recitation of SB, which is full of pastimes of God & His devotees
- Only to such devotees (liberated souls) do the pastimes of the Lord and their transcendental nature become automatically manifest by dint of devotional service
- Padma Purana says that only when one becomes spiritually saturated by the transcendental service to the Lord, then, are the transcendental name, form, quality and pastimes of the Lord revealed to you
- Pasandas, or atheists, cannot understand the pastimes of the Supreme Lord or transcendental loving service to the Lord. They think that devotional service is no better than ordinary fruitive activities - karma
- People also worship Giri Govardhana as identical with the Lord, because there is no difference between God and His paraphernalia and pastimes
- Perfection is attained when one hears the pastimes and activities of the Lord from a bona fide source
- Persons who are very expert and most intelligent in understanding things as they are engage in hearing narrations of the auspicious activities and pastimes of the Lord, which are worth chanting and worth hearing
- Prahlada Maharaja said, "I have learned the art of always remaining in Krsna consciousness." What is that art? Tvad-virya-gayana-mahamrta-magna-cittah: (SB 7.9.43) simply glorifying the victorious activities and pastimes of the Lord
- Prahlada Maharaja said: Hearing and chanting about the transcendental holy name, form, qualities, paraphernalia & pastimes of Lord Visnu, remembering them, serving the lotus feet of the Lord - these nine processes are accepted as pure devotional service
- Prahlada prayed to Nrsimhadeva, "I shall not care for all those sinful activities because simply by hearing about Your pastimes I shall get out of all the contamination of material attachment"
- Prahlada prayed to Nrsimhadeva, "You are the supreme friend, the supreme worshipable Deity. Your pastimes are transcendental, and simply by hearing of them one can counteract all his sinful activities"
- Professional readers of the Bhagavatam indulge in reading the confidential portions dealing with the pastimes of the Supreme Lord. These portions appear to read like sex literature. However, Srimad-Bhagavatam is meant to be heard from the beginning
- Punya-sravana-kirtana refers to the process of devotional service. Even if one does not understand the meaning of the Lord's name, pastimes or attributes, one is purified simply by hearing or chanting of them. Such purification is called sattva-bhavana
- Pure devotees accept the narrations of the pastimes of the Lord not as stories but as Absolute Truth
- Ramacandra's life, God's activities, pastimes, if we hear, that means we are associating with Ramacandra. There is no difference between His form, His name, His pastimes and Himself. He's absolute
- Remaining always in that state, He gave up His pastimes as Lord Rsabhadeva within the material world. If, following in the footsteps of Lord Rsabhadeva, one can give up his subtle body, there is no chance that one will accept a material body again
- Sankarsana, the second expansion, is Vasudeva’s personal expansion for pastimes, and since He is the reservoir of all living entities, He is sometimes called jiva
- Sankhacuda was killed by the Lord during His pastimes at Horika in the month of Phalguna, and the same ceremony is still observed in India by the burning of the effigy of Sankhacuda one day prior to the Lord's pastimes at Horika, generally known as Holi
- Saunaka inquired about the conversation between Vidura and Maitreya: There must have been many narrations of the spotless pastimes of the Lord
- Since it is recommended in this verse (2.2.13) that one should gradually progress from the lotus feet up to the smiling face, we shall not jump at once to understand the Lord's pastimes in the rasa dance
- Since the Lord is absolute, deep meditation upon Him is as good as yogic trance. The Lord is nondifferent from His name, form, quality, pastimes, entourage and specific actions
- Since the Personality of Godhead is in the absolute position, there is no difference between His pastimes and His personality
- Sisupala and Dantavakra were not ordinary demons, but were formerly personal associates of Lord Visnu. They apparently fell to this material world, but actually they came to assist the Supreme Personality of Godhead by nourishing His pastimes
- So far the pastimeous functions and inconceivable energy of the Supreme Lord is concerned - it is described in the Laghu Bhagwatamrita
- Some of the pastime incarnations are the fish incarnation, the tortoise incarnation, Lord Ramacandra, Lord Nrsimha, Lord Vamana and Lord Varaha. There is no end to them
- Some of the pastimes of the Lord appear contradictory, even to such pure devotees, and thus Uddhava asked the Lord about some of the contradictory incidents in His pastimes
- Some of them (fanatics) think that to hear about the pastimes of the Lord means to hear about His activities with the gopis or about His pastimes like lifting the Govardhana Hill
- Sometimes professional readers of the Bhagavatam immediately plunge into the confidential topics of the pastimes of the Supreme Lord, which they seemingly interpret as sex literature. Srimad-Bhagavatam is meant to be heard from the beginning
- Sometimes, thinking himself one with the Supreme, he (Prahlada) imitated the Lord's pastimes, and in separation from the Lord he would sometimes show symptoms of madness. These feelings of a devotee would not be appreciated by impersonalists
- Sound vibrated by the instrument cannot be material, and therefore the glories and pastimes which are broadcast by the instrument of Narada are also transcendental, without a tinge of material inebriety
- Sri Suta Gosvami continued: My dear brahmana, Vidura the great devotee of the Lord achieved transcendental bliss by hearing the narration of the pastimes of the SPG from the authoritative source of the sage Kausarava (Maitreya), and he was very pleased
- Sri-visnoh sravane pariksid abhavad vaiyasakih kirtane (Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.2.265). According to this verse, Maharaja Pariksit became liberated by fully concentrating his mind on hearing the Lord's holy name, attributes and pastimes
- Sridhara Svami's commentary on the Srimad-Bhagavatam, "My dear Lord, some of the fortunate persons who are swimming in the ocean of Your nectar of devotion, and who are relishing the nectar of the narration of Your pastimes, certainly know ecstasies"
- Srila Pariksit Maharaja said that the constant hearing of the pastimes of the Lord is the panacea for all material diseases
- Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.2.14) states: Suta Gosvami replied to the sages headed by Saunaka - Everyone should very attentively listen to the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. One should glorify His activities and meditate upon Him regularly
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is full of such activities of the Lord in relationship with His devotees, and the nondevotees have no knowledge of such pastimes
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the record of bhagavat-katha, topics about the pastimes of the Lord. What Vidura was anxious to hear from Maitreya we can also hear five thousand years later, provided we are very eager
- Srimad-Bhagavatam means everything in relationship with the Supreme Personality of God. Whether we hear the pastimes & activities of the Supreme Lord or we hear about the character, reputation and activities of His devotees, they are all one and the same
- Srimati Vindhyavali said: O my Lord, You have created the entire universe for the enjoyment of Your personal pastimes, but foolish, unintelligent men have claimed proprietorship for material enjoyment. Certainly they are shameless agnostics
- Such a devotee (neophyte devotee) should know by this instruction that the pastimes of Prthu Maharaja are nondifferent from the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Such act (God's pastimes in relation with the external energy) are as good as hearing rasa-lila in the liberated stage. Conditioned souls should not imitate the activities of liberated souls. Caitanya never indulged in hearing rasa-lila with ordinary men
- Such activities (independence of purusa-avatara) of the Lord are also transcendental & therefore they are also lila of the absolute Lord. Such pastimes of the Lord are very conducive to the hearers for self-realization in the field of devotional service
- Such pastimes as those of Nrsimhadeva are certainly not meant to create a fearful situation for the devotees, but nonetheless the devotees, being very simple and faithful, were afraid of the fierce incarnation of the Lord
- Such subject matters (God's appearance and His disappearance) are certainly of increasing interest because the researchers have to search out the transcendental abode of the Lord, which He enters after finishing His pastimes in the mortal world
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: When King Satyavrata spoke in this way, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who at the end of the yuga had assumed the form of a fish to benefit His devotee and enjoy His pastimes in the water of inundation, responded as follows
- Sukadeva Gosvami was already situated in the liberated stage, yet he was attracted by the pastimes of the Lord. This proves that the quality of His pastimes has nothing to do with material affinity
- Suta Gosvami said: When Pariksit Maharaja thus inquired from Sukadeva Gosvami, that most powerful saintly person began describing the pastimes of the Lord's incarnation as a fish
- The Absolute Personality of Godhead, out of His limitless and causeless mercy, descends from the spiritual kingdom and displays His personal pastimes at Vrndavana, the replica of the Krsnaloka planet in the spiritual sky
- The Absolute Truth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, always displays pastimes and activities, but Mayavadi sannyasis claim that these activities are false
- The attention of a pure devotee is so much attracted to glorification of the pastimes, name, qualities, forms, etc., of the Lord that the devotee does not care for mukti
- The babies (Rama and Krsna) would catch the ends of the calves' tails, and the calves would drag Them here and there. When the ladies saw these pastimes, they certainly stopped their household activities and laughed and enjoyed the incidents - SB 10.8.24
- The best thing to do on fasting days is to remember the pastimes of Govinda and to hear His holy name constantly
- The Caitanya-bhagavata states that Paramesvara dasa, known sometimes as Paramesvari dasa, was the life and soul of Sri Nityananda Prabhu. The body of Paramesvara dasa was the place of Lord Nityananda's pastimes
- The categories (of incarnations of God) called avesa, prabhava, vaibhava and para constitute different situations for the different incarnations. According to specific pastimes, the names are spiritually empowered
- The conditioned soul has a natural aptitude to hear something about other conditioned souls in the form of fiction, drama and novel. That inclination to hear something about others may be utilized in hearing the pastimes of the Lord
- The conditioned soul who is very much disgusted with material activities becomes refreshed and forgets all the fatigue of material activities simply by dipping into the transcendental ocean of Your pastimes
- The creation of the material world can therefore be taken as one of the pastimes of the Lord; it is called one of the Lord's pastimes because He creates this material world whenever He desires
- The defiance is due to the transcendental position of the Lord's form, name, qualities, pastimes, and so on
- The demoniac speculators cannot understand the transcendental qualities, form, pastimes, strength, knowledge and opulence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, which are all free from material contamination
- The devotee, in full ecstasy, sometimes imitates the pastimes of the Lord, just as the cowherd boys used to imitate the behavior of the jungle animals. However, he does not actually become the Lord
- The devotees adopt the devotional process, hearing about the Supreme Lord's pastimes and glorifying His activities and thereby always remembering His beautiful eternal form
- The devotees, who could not tolerate even thinking of the Lord's lotus feet being pricked by a thorn, were again put into tribulation by thinking of the Lord's disappearance, for the Lord had to return to His abode after finishing His pastimes
- The earth is revolving, and due to the different positions of the revolving earth, the sun appears to be rising or setting. In the same way, the Lord always exists, but for His pastimes as a human being He seems to take birth like an ordinary child
- The essence of all advice is that one should utilize one's full time - twenty-four hours a day - in nicely chanting & remembering the Lord's divine name, transcendental form, qualities & eternal pastimes, thereby gradually engaging one's tongue & mind
- The form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His variegated pastimes and paraphernalia are all pure sattva-guna. Such variegatedness in pure goodness is exhibited eternally by the Lord for the satisfaction of the devotee
- The fraudulent swamis or mental speculators, in order to remain consistent with the theory of monism, must pass off the miseries of mankind as the pastimes of God, but actually these miseries are only the enforced punishments of Maya devi
- The goodness of the great sage Narada Muni is described herewith (SB 6.5.22). He always chants about the pastimes of the Lord and delivers the fallen souls back to Godhead
- The highest form of religion is that by which one becomes fully conscious of the existence of God, including His form, name, qualities, pastimes, abode and all-pervasive features
- The holy name of Visnu is the most auspicious name, and His pastimes are also nondifferent from the holy name of the Lord
- The impersonal interpretation of the mundane wranglers is completely refuted in this verse because it is clearly stated here that the Supreme Lord has His qualities, form, pastimes and everything that a person has
- The impersonalist monists only misguide people by contending that the threefold miseries are a part of the Lord's pastimes
- The impersonalist theory is that Brahman Himself has accepted different types of bodies and that this is His lila, or pastime
- The incarnations such as Matsya, the fish incarnation, appear in different yugas for specific pastimes
- The independent Personality of Godhead enjoys His pastimes by His internal potency and at the time of annihilation gives them up to the external potency, and He remains a witness to it all
- The kinds of remembering God are: (e) awakening a likening for concentration upon a particular form (this is called samadhi, or trance). Mental concentration upon particular pastimes of the Lord in particular circumstances is also called remembrance
- The Lord accepts the material energy for His material pastimes in creation, maintenance and dissolution. But the conditioned soul is covered; he cannot understand that beyond this material energy there is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Lord enjoyed His pastimes, both in this world and in other worlds (higher planets), specifically in the association of the Yadu dynasty. At leisure hours offered by night, He enjoyed the friendship of conjugal love with women
- The Lord exists with dhama; His eternal name, quality, pastimes, entourage and personality are all a display of His different energies and expansions
- The Lord has nothing to do (na tasya karyam karanam ca vidyate); whatever He does is His pastime
- The Lord Himself and all His qualities, forms, pastimes and paraphernalia are also unlimited. Because Lord Visnu has unlimited attributes, He is known as Ananta
- The Lord is absolute; there is no difference between His words, His perspiration or His pastimes
- The Lord is all spirit, and His name, fame, glories, qualities, pastimes, etc., are all nondifferent from Him because He is absolute. As such, the planets in the kingdom of God are also nondifferent from Him
- The Lord is the complete spirit whole, and His name, form, quality, pastimes, entourage and personality are all identical with Him
- The Lord's magnanimous pastimes & the glowing glancing of His smiling face are all indications of His extensive benedictions. One must therefore concentrate on this transcendental form of the Lord, as long as the mind can be fixed on Him by meditation
- The Lord's names are considered in exactly the same way; since the Lord is absolute, His name, His form, His pastimes, His paraphernalia and His quality all have the same potency
- The Lord's pastimes and qualities are unlimited. It is not possible for us to remember all the qualities of the Lord. Therefore, the personified Vedas worshiped to the best of their ability, and at the end they spoke as follows
- The Lord's pastimes are differentiated according to the appreciating capacity of the different types of bodies of the living entities
- The Lord's pastimes for the protection of the twice-born civilized men, the cows and the demigods are all transcendental
- The Lord's pastimes related to the creation and destruction of the material world are for those who are too materially attached
- The Lord's pastimes with the gopis are all displays of transcendental existence, bliss and knowledge, although these are manifested apparently as sex love. The specific attraction of His pastimes with the gopis should never be misunderstood
- The Lord’s incarnations were enumerated, including Matsya, the fish incarnation; Kurma, the tortoise; Lord Ramacandra; Nrsimhadeva; Vamanadeva; and Varaha, the boar. Thus there are innumerable lila-avataras, and all of these exhibit wonderful pastimes
- The material energy was accepted by the Supreme Personality of Godhead in order that He might exhibit pastimes for the living entities who wanted to enjoy and lord it over the material energy
- The Mayavadis accept the description of the pastimes of the Lord as stories, but actually they are not stories; they are historical facts
- The members of the Yadu family who were engaged in supplementing the pastimes of the Lord are no other than His eternal associates, and so also Maharaja Yudhisthira and his brothers and mother, etc
- The most famous and formidable transcendental literature is the book named Gopala-campu. In this book the eternal pastimes of the Lord are established, and the transcendental mellows enjoyed in Vrndavana are completely described
- The narration of the pastimes of the Lord, which are always enacted on the transcendental platform, should be received with all respect by devotees
- The neophyte devotee becomes practically enriched with the transcendental qualities of the pure devotee, which means attraction for the Personality of Godhead's name, fame, quality, pastimes, etc
- The next question is why people are against such auspicious activities as chanting and hearing the glories and pastimes of the Lord, which can bring total freedom from the cares and anxieties of material existence
- The only effective solutions (of the three miseries) are those mentioned in Bhagavad-gita, and we have to adopt them in our practical lives for our own benefit. The three miseries of material nature are not found in the pastimes of the Supreme Lord
- The pastimes and activities of the Lord are not material - they are beyond the material conception - and the conditioned soul can benefit by hearing such uncommon activities
- The pastimes of the Lord are generally heard and relished by liberated souls. Those who are conditioned souls are interested in reading stories of the material activities of some common man
- The pastimes of the Lord are known to the experts who are able to see past, present and future, and Brahmaji, being one of them, foretold what would happen in the future
- The pastimes of the Lord in different features can only be estimated partly by the great learned devotees. So Srila Suta Gosvami has rightly taken this position in describing the pastimes of the Lord as far as he has realized
- The pastimes of the Lord there (in Vrndavana-dhama) are also spiritual. None are material
- The pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His devotees are recorded in Srimad-Bhagavatam so that those who recite these pastimes and listen to them will become purified. Nityam bhagavata-sevaya - SB 1.2.18
- The personified Vedas continued to pray, "Because this process (of hearing and chanting the Lord's pastimes) has the specific potency of nullifying the accumulated results of sinful life"
- The Pracetas planned to ask the Lord for something that has no limit. The Lord's pastimes, qualities, forms and names are all unlimited. There is no limit to His name, forms, pastimes, creation and paraphernalia
- The process of devotional service entails hearing, chanting and remembering the holy name, form, pastimes, qualities and entourage of the Lord, offering service according to the time, place and performer, worshiping the Deity, offering prayers
- The process of hearing attentively about the pastimes of the Lord will endow devotees with innumerable benefits, such as wealth, fame, longevity and other desirable aims of life
- The process of meditating on the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead within oneself and the process of chanting the glories and pastimes of the Lord are the same
- The Puranas are histories of bygone ages that relate the pastimes of the various incarnations of the Lord. In this way the reading matter remains forever fresh, despite repeated readings. BG 1972 purports
- The Ramayana, the Mahabharata, and the Puranas are histories of bygone ages recorded in connection with the pastimes of the incarnations of the Lord and therefore remain fresh even after repeated readings
- The sages of Naimisaranya began this process in a place meant specifically for the devotees of the Lord. They prepared themselves to hear the pastimes of the Lord over a period of one thousand years
- The same principle is applicable when He (The Lord) appears as the hog or fish incarnations. They are transcendental forms of the Lord and are manifested under certain necessities of His own pleasure and pastimes
- The SB (1.7.10) states, Although those who are atmarama, self-satisfied, are liberated from all material contamination, they are still attracted by the pastimes of the Supreme Lord, and thus they engage themselves in His transcendental service
- The second offense to the holy name is to deny that Lord Visnu is the Absolute Truth. There is no difference between His name, quality, form, pastimes and activities, and one who sees a difference is considered an offender
- The secret in a devotee's writing is that when he writes about the pastimes of the Lord, the Lord helps him; he does not write alone
- The seed of devotional service sown in the heart of the devotee may be cultured by pouring water in the form of hearing and chanting of the holy name and pastimes of the Lord. The creeper of devotional service, so nourished, gradually grows
- The servant devotees in Gokula are Raktaka, Citraka, Patraka and so on. In Dvaraka there are servants like Daruka, and in the Lord's pastimes in the material world there are servants like Hanuman
- The sincere devotee who associates with devotees gets the opportunity to hear and contemplate this subject of the pastimes of the Lord, and the result is that he feels distaste for so-called happiness in this or that world
- The sixty-four regulative principles (of devotional service) are as follows: (45) To offer one's dearmost possessions to the Supreme Lord. (46) To meditate on the Lord's name, form, pastimes, etc. (47) To water the tulasi plant
- The SPG, who is inconceivably opulent, devoid of all material names, forms & pastimes, and who is all-pervading, is especially merciful to the devotees who worship His lotus feet. Thus He exhibits transcendental forms & names with His different pastimes
- The sufferings of humanity are not to be equated with the pastimes of the Supreme Being, nor is the Supreme Being responsible for them. The Lord is never responsible for anyone's vices or virtues
- The sufferings of the living entities within the prison of material nature cannot be equated with the pastimes of the Supreme Lord which exist in the absolute freedom of sac-cid-ananda
- The sun is always in its right orbit in the sky, but it is sometimes visible and sometimes invisible to our limited vision. Similarly, the pastimes of the Lord are always current in one universe or another
- The Supreme Absolute Truth Personality of Godhead is never impersonal. All the Vedic scriptures glorify the transcendental performance of His various personal activities and pastimes
- The Supreme Lord has unlimited, variegated potencies of different names, which exist within Him as autonomous attributes and provide Him full knowledge, power and pastimes
- The Supreme Lord is most liberal, and He possesses all mystic power. To conquer the minds of His devotees and give pleasure to their hearts, He appears in different incarnations and manifests many pastimes
- The Supreme Lord's pastimes are more attractive to liberated souls than to mundane people. He is of necessity not impersonal because it is only possible to carry on transcendental rasa with a person
- The Supreme Lord, the Absolute Truth, is all spirit, and therefore His name, fame, and pastimes are nondifferent from Him. All of them are identical. In other words, the holy name of the Lord is the Lord Himself, and this can be understood by realization
- The Supreme Person is totally independent of all others in these pastimes. While teaching Sanatana Gosvami (CC Madhya 20.296-298), Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu pointed out that one cannot count the number of lila-avataras
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is above the material energy and is engaged in spiritual pastimes. The material energy is only an external manifestation of His pastimes
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is by nature joyful. His enjoyments, or pastimes, are completely transcendental
- The Svetasvatara Upanisad (6.8) informs us: He (the Supreme Lord) has unlimited, variegated potencies of different names, which exist within Him as autonomous attributes and provide Him full knowledge, power and pastimes
- The transcendental bodily expansions manifested by the Lord for His pastimes in the mortal world, and the appearance and disappearance of such transcendental expansions, are difficult subject matters
- The Vedic literatures contain many narrations of the Lord's pastimes, including the Battle of Kuruksetra and historical facts relating to the life and precepts of devotees like Prahlada Maharaja, Dhruva Maharaja and Ambarisa Maharaja
- The whole idea is that simply by hearing about the Lord's pastimes one can become one of the associates of the Lord
- The word anujnata, indicating that the whole sequence of events was arranged by the Lord, is significant. These particular pastimes of the Lord are not a manifestation of His external energy, or material nature
- The word lilaya, which means "for the pastimes of the Lord." The Lord wants to rectify the enjoying temperament of the conditioned souls
- Their (sincere devotees) only business is to chant and remember the holy name, fame and pastimes of the Lord and, according to personal capacity, to distribute the message for others' welfare without motive of material gain
- There (in the Bhagavata-sandarbha) are also discussions of the eternality of Deity worship, the omnipotence of the Deity, His personal manifestations, His expressions of form, quality and pastimes, His transcendental position and His complete form
- There are innumerable universes, and the Lord is appearing in one of these universes at every moment. Therefore His pastimes are called nitya-lila, eternal pastimes
- There are innumerable universes, somewhere or other the fish incarnation must be manifesting His pastimes without cessation. In this verse, the particular word dhatte ("eternally accepted," and not the word dhitva, "accepted for the occasion") is used
- There are many instances in which even a small boy who was a great devotee of the Lord could offer excellent prayers in the choicest words for glorification of the pastimes of the Lord
- There are professional Bhagavata reciters who abruptly go to the rasa-lila chapters of SB, as if other portions of SB were useless. This kind of discrimination & abrupt adoption of the rasa-lila pastimes of the Lord is not approved by the acaryas
- There are six types of incarnations (avataras) of Krsna. One comprises the incarnations of Visnu (purusa-avataras), and another comprises the incarnations meant for the performance of pastimes (lila-avataras)
- There are two kinds of bhagavata: one is grantha-bhagavata and one is person bhagavata. A devotee, he is called bhagavata, and the book in which the pastimes or characteristics of Bhagavan is described, that is called Bhagavata
- There are two kinds of living entities mentioned here (in SB 3.28.28). One is called the arati. They are averse to understanding the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- There is a type of neophyte devotee who is very anxious to hear about the pastimes of the Lord, especially the rasa-lila chapters in Srimad-Bhagavatam
- There is no distinction between His (the Absolute Truth's) body and His soul. His form, name, attributes and pastimes, therefore, are completely distinct from those of the material world
- Therefore one who desires freedom from material bondage should adopt the process of chanting and glorifying the name, fame, form and pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, at whose feet all the holy places stand
- These pastimes are like ornamental decorations on the ears of devotees. By rendering devotional service and transcending the material qualities, one can easily be fixed in transcendence in the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- They (conditioned souls) are not so interested in studying the narrations of the pastimes of the Lord, Krsna. And yet the descriptions or the pastimes of Lord Krsna are so attractive that they are relishable for all classes of men
- They (devotees and associates of the Lord) are transcendental instruments in the hands of the Lord and can be used in any way the Lord desires. The pure devotees also enjoy such pastimes of the Lord because they want to see Him happy
- They (God's intimate pastimes) have nothing to do with the Lord's plenary expansions as the purusavataras and Their pastimes of the creation, maintenance or annihilation of the material worlds - according to fanatics
- They (Indians) would not organize a fair or ceremony not connected with the Lord. Nor would they visit a place that was not holy and sanctified by the pastimes of the Lord
- They (Mayavadi philospohers) cannot understand the Absolute Truth and its spiritual varieties - name, form, qualities and pastimes
- They (the impersonalists) misunderstand the miseries of prison life to be the pastimes of the Supreme Lord. This is due to their poor fund of knowledge
- They (the residents of Siddhaloka) always merge in the nectarean river of hearing of the pastimes of the Lord. Hearing of the pastimes of the Lord is called krsna-katha
- They (the Siddhas) simply merge in the transcendental discussions of the pastimes of the Lord. That makes them completely happy, without care for pious or impious activities
- They are not interested in the Supreme Personality's pastimes, which are worth hearing because of His transcendental prowess
- They mistake the Lord and His pastimes in the material world to be one with the conditioned souls and their activities. The Lord condemns such less intelligent persons in the Bhagavad-gita
- This (CC Madhya 18.34) is a quotation from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.21.18). It was spoken by the gopis when Lord Krsna and Balarama entered the forest in the autumn. The gopis spoke among themselves and glorified Krsna and Balarama for Their pastimes
- This action (take to the lotus feet of Lord Krsna and fully engage himself in devotional service, hearing, chanting, etc., of the holy name and pastimes of the Lord, which are all hari-kathamrta) is especially recommended when one is preparing for death
- This is a quotation (of CC Antya 14.86) from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.21.18). It was spoken by the gopis when Lord Krsna and Balarama entered the forest in the autumn. The gopis spoke among themselves and glorified Krsna and Balarama for Their pastimes
- This narration of Lord Rsabhadeva's pastimes is the reservoir of all auspicious things. Whoever attentively hears or speaks of them, following in the footsteps of the acaryas, will certainly attain unalloyed devotional service at the lotus feet of the SPG
- This specific pastime of the Lord (the rasa-lila) has a special significance because anyone who properly learns about this particular pastime of the Lord will be 2) placed on the path of sublime devotional service to the Lord
- This specific pastime of the Lord (the rasa-lila) has a special significance because anyone who properly learns about this particular pastime of the Lord will certainly 1) be dissuaded from mundane sex desire
- This transcendental stage of life, in which one feels transcendental pleasure in hearing the Lord's pastimes, is also recommended by Lord Caitanya
- This verse (SB 4.22.25) is mentioned to substantiate the devotional process of hearing the subject matter. A devotee does not like to hear anything other than subjects dealing with spiritual activities, or the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of God
- Those who are above the jurisdiction of night are always in the spiritual world, where the Lord’s pastimes are constantly manifest to them
- Those who are actually on the transcendental platform are never satiated by hearing the continuous narration of the pastimes of the Lord
- Those who are always merged in the ocean of the nectar of describing the Lord's pastimes are liberated and have no fear of the material condition of life
- Those who are demons and are inimical towards the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead are punished by His mace, which is always smeared with the blood of such fallen living entities
- Thus always merged in devotional service, the yogi visualizes the Lord standing, moving, lying down or sitting within him, for the pastimes of the Supreme Lord are always beautiful and attractive
- Thus the Lord of the universes maintains all planets inhabited by demigods, men and lower animals. Assuming the roles of incarnations, He performs pastimes to reclaim those in the mode of pure goodness
- To the faithful the Lord reveals Himself in His form, quality and pastimes. The Lord is not formless, as wrongly conceived by the impersonalist, but His form is not like one that we have experienced
- Understanding that the Absolute displays varied pastimes by the influence of His energies at once removes the apparent incongruity of His inconceivably opposite energies
- Unless one becomes silent, he cannot think completely about the pastimes and activities of the Lord
- Unless one is very advanced in Krsna consciousness, one cannot stick to hearing the pastimes of the Lord constantly
- Vaisnavas - must be keenly interested in His (God's) pastimes in His features of the purusavataras in connection with srsti-tattva, creational functions, following the examples of Pariksit, the ideal disciple & Sukadeva Gosvami the ideal spiritual master
- Vaisnavas accept the form of the Lord in His Vrndavana pastimes as the chief form
- Vasudeva and the three others are direct prabhava pastime forms of Lord Krsna. Of these quadruple forms, the pastime expansions are twenty in number
- Vidura asked Maitreya some common questions, which was not originally his intention. Uddhava asked Vidura to approach Maitreya Muni and inquire into all the truths concerning the Lord, His name, fame, quality, form, pastimes, entourage, etc
- Vidura might have heard the pastimes of God many, many times before he met Maitreya, but still he wanted the same narrations to be repeated because he was never satiated by hearing them. That is the transcendental nature of the Lord's glorious pastimes
- We are in the habit of saying that God is omnipotent. Omnipotence means that He is not different from His name, from His quality, from His pastimes, from His instruction. Therefore, the discussion of BG is as good as discussion with Krsna Himself
- We can imagine the potency of advanced devotional service, especially when devotees sit together and engage in talking of the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- We can therefore conclude that the glories and pastimes of the Lord are not material. Otherwise, how could the liberated persons known as atmaramas be attracted by such pastimes? That is the important point in this verse
- We can understand the pastimes of the Lord by following one or some of the authorized devotional processes
- We cannot understand the affairs of the spiritual world on the basis of our experience in the material world. The Lord's pastimes with the gopis are therefore misunderstood by mundane scholars and word-wranglers
- We cannot understand what is Krsna, or God - His name, His form, His attributes, His pastimes . . . we cannot understand by these blunt material senses. Then how it is to be understood? After all, this human life is meant for understanding God
- We have to hear from Suta Gosvami or Maitreya, who actually present the narrations as they are, and only then can we relish the pastimes of the Lord; otherwise the effects on the neophyte audience will be poisonous
- We must rise to the platform of pure knowledge, which is the pure realization that we are the eternal servitors of the SG & enjoyers of His transcendental pastimes. The Supreme Lord is the master-enjoyer of those pastimes, & we are the servitor-enjoyers
- We never tire of hearing the transcendental pastimes of the Personality of Godhead, who is glorified by hymns and prayers. Those who have developed a taste for transcendental relationships with Him relish hearing of His pastimes at every moment
- We should not consider that the Lord is one of us. It is by His potency that He presents Himself in His real form before us and displays His pastimes, which are prototypes of those pastimes found in His abode. BG 1972 Introduction
- What is the purpose of saying: "in that direction where Hari is situated?" During Hiranyakasipu's time, his influence was everywhere, but he could not force his influence into the places where the Supreme Personality of Godhead had His pastimes
- What to speak of hearing the pastimes of the Lord, whose chest is marked with Srivatsa, people may take transcendental pleasure even in hearing of the works and deeds of the devotees, whose fame is immortal
- What was the reason, O brahmana, for the fight between the demon king and Lord Boar while the Lord was lifting the earth as His pastime?
- When hearing and chanting about Your (The Lord) transcendental pastimes, Your devotees do not care even for the transcendental bliss derived from liberation or from merging into the existence of the Supreme
- When Lord Siva heard about the pastimes performed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, in the form of an attractive woman, he mounted his bull and went to see the Lord
- When one can see the pastimes of the Lord everywhere, he is firmly situated in transcendental bliss. Such a devotee is relieved of all kinds of material desires, and he preaches the glories of the Lord all over the world
- When one is found shedding tears by hearing of the pastimes of the Lord, it is to be understood that the blazing fire of material existence will be extinguished by such watering
- When one is spiritually advanced, one can understand the name, form, qualities, pastimes and paraphernalia of the Supreme Lord
- When one seriously discusses the subject matter of the form, qualities, pastimes and entourage of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he becomes situated in meditation on Him
- When such a liberated person, the pure devotee, hears of the transcendental qualities and activities of the Lord's incarnations for the performance of various pastimes, his hair stands on end on his body, tears fall from his eyes
- When the Lord wants to take pleasure in pastimes, He comes down to this material world and acts like a human being, thus showing His wonderful, glorious activities to please the devotees
- When the Lord winds up His earthly pastimes, He continues to manifest them in one or more of the uncountable millions of planets in the universe
- When the ocean did not come, the Lord exhibited His pastimes of anger, and simply by His glancing over the ocean, all the living entities within it, including the crocodiles and sharks, were agitated by fear
- When the question of glorification is there, one has to glorify the Supreme Lord, praising His holy name, His eternal form, His transcendental qualities and His uncommon pastimes. One has to glorify all these things. BG 1972 purports
- When there is enforced acceptance for suffering, it is not a pastime. The Lord's pastimes and the conditioned living entity's acceptance of karmic reaction are not on the same level
- When we know the Personality of Godhead in reality, we can then enter into His pastimes. That is the verdict of all revealed scriptures
- Whenever the Lord desires, His inconceivable energy (yogamaya) serves Him in creating and performing such pastimes
- Whether one is liberated or is trying to be liberated, or is even grossly materialistic, the pastimes of Lord Krsna are worth studying
- Who are the pure devotees mentioned here? In an assembly of PD, there is no question of discussing material subjects like politics and sociology. In an assembly of pure devotees, there is discussion only of the qualities, forms and pastimes of the SPG
- Who can count the rest of the books (headed by the Laghu-bhagavatamrta) written by Srila Rupa Gosvami? He has described the pastimes of Vrndavana in all of them
- With the material senses one cannot understand the transcendental holy name of the Lord or His form, activities and pastimes. But when one actually engages in devotional service, utilizing the tongue, the Lord is revealed
- Within the sun itself resides the sun-god, and similarly within the supreme spiritual planet, Goloka Vrndavana, from which the brahmajyoti effulgence is emanating, the Lord enjoys His eternal pastimes, as verified in the Brahma-samhita
- Within the universe the Lord is situated in different spiritual manifestations. These are situated on seven islands in nine sections. Thus Their pastimes are going on
- Worshiping the expansions for pastimes, such as Nrsimha, Rama, Sesa and Kurma, promotes one to the worship of the Sankarsana quadruple. From that position one is raised to the platform of worshiping Vasudeva, the Supreme Brahman
- Yamaraja advised his followers that only persons who have never uttered the holy name of the Lord or remembered the form, qualities and pastimes of the Lord should be approached by his watchguards
- Yamunacarya, a great acarya, said that ever since he had seen the charming pastimes of the Lord, the charms of sex life had become abominable for him, and the mere thought of sex enjoyment would cause him to spit and turn his face
- Yogamaya acts to cover the Lord and His pastimes from the eyes of mundaners, as confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita, where the Lord says that He reserves the right of not being exposed to everyone
- You always engage in Your pastimes with Your spiritual and material energies, for You are the controller of all these varied energies. You exist within all living entities, within the cosmic manifestation, and also beyond them
- Your appearance in this fearsome form is Your pastime for Your own pleasure. Such an incarnation is always meant for the protection and improvement of the universe