Category:Describing Krsna
Pages in category "Describing Krsna"
The following 320 pages are in this category, out of 320 total.
- A description of Krsna's power in minimizing the sufferings of sinful reactions is given in Brahma-samhita as follows
- A devotee, if he is educated, he tries to apply his educational qualification in describing Krsna by so many literatures, so many publications. That is the proper use
- A gopi described Him to a friend, "When Krsna returns, He is garlanded with tulasi leaves, He puts His hand on the shoulder of a cowherd boyfriend and begins to blow His transcendental flute"
- A gopi described, "Like us, who are enchanted by the ocean of the transcendental qualities of Krsna, the she-deer become enchanted by the vibration of His flute"
- A gopi described, "The wives of the black deer become enchanted upon hearing the vibration of His flute, which resembles the vibration of the vina. The deer come to Krsna and become so charmed that they stand still, forgetting their homes and husbands"
- Aborigines generally go to the villagers to sell fruits. How much the aborigines were attached to Krsna is here (in SB 10.11.10) described
- According to the intimate relationships between Sri Krsna, the primeval Lord, and His devotees, the Puranas describe Him by various names
- After hearing this description of Lord Krsna from the male parrot, the female parrot began to recite a description of Srimati Radharani
- All the gopis in Vrndavana saw beautiful Krsna entering the village. The boys composed nice songs describing how they were saved from being swallowed by the great serpent (Aghasura) and how the serpent was killed
- All the incarnations and expansions exist simultaneously in the body of Krsna, who is described (in Krsna-sandarbha) as two-handed
- Also in that chapter, the glories of maha-prasadam are explained, and a verse is tasted describing the effect of nectar from the lips of Krsna
- Although Sukadeva Gosvami was the greatest muni, he could describe Krsna only partially
- Another meaning may be derived from this verse (of SB 10.1.2) as follows, Although Sukadeva Gosvami was the greatest muni, he could describe Krsna only partially (amsena), for no one can describe Krsna fully
- Arjuna is described here as the conqueror, and Krsna is described as his intimate friend. Bhismadeva, on his bed of arrows after the Battle of Kuruksetra, is remembering the particular dress of Lord Krsna which He put on as the driver of Arjuna's chariot
- As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 10.2), aham adir hi devanam: Krsna is the adi, or beginning, of the devas of this material world - Brahma, Visnu and Mahesvara (Lord Siva). Therefore He is described here (in SB 8.3.17) as bhagavate brhate
- As described by Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, the original mellow, adi-rasa, is conjugal love. Krsna is the origin of pure and spiritual conjugal love
- As described in the Lalita-madhava, Krsna's shyness was manifested when He lifted Govardhana Hill by the little finger of His left hand
- As far as Krsna's predomination is concerned, in the Tenth Canto, 43rd Chapter, 14th verse, of Srimad-Bhagavatam, Krsna is described thus by Sukadeva Gosvami to King Pariksit
- As Krsna wandered in the forest with Baladeva and the two of Them wonderfully played Their flutes, all the gopis became very much attracted. Thus they praised the Lord’s activities, describing how He was enthusing all the plants, birds, hills and water
- Because Krsna, the Supreme Lord, is described here, satvatam patim. Satvata, a devotee. Then you get everything. If you know Krsna, then you know everything
- Before seeing Krsna, Kalayavana had heard about Him from Narada, and now the descriptions of Narada were confirmed
- Being the source of both, that supreme living entity, Krsna, is described in the Vedanta-sutra as janmady asya yatah (SB 1.1.1) (1.1), or the original source of everything, sarva-karana-karanam - BS 5.1
- Both Arjuna and Lord Sri Krsna are described here in an angry mood, but Arjuna's eyes were like balls of red copper whereas the eyes of the Lord were like lotuses. This means that the angry mood of Arjuna and that of the Lord are not on the same level
- Brahma said, "Because You are the original person, You are described in the Gopala-tapani Upanisad, as well as in the Brahma-samhita, as govindam adi-purusam. Govinda is the original person, the cause of all causes"
- By seeing the form of Lord Krsna one cannot understand what He actually is, but this does not mean that He is false. The form of Krsna has to be understood as it is described in the books of knowledge such as Brahma-samhita
- By the mercy of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, even a foolish child can fully describe the real nature of Lord Krsna, the enjoyer of the pastimes of Vraja, according to the vision of the revealed scriptures
- Caitanya next asked Ramananda Raya, "Among many songs, which song is to be considered the actual religion of the living entity?" Ramananda Raya replied, "That song describing the loving affairs of Sri Radha and Krsna is superior to all other songs"
- Cowherd woman described the speaking of Krsna: "Krsna was speaking to His father so politely & gently that it was as if He were pouring nectar into the ears of all present there. After hearing such sweet words from Krsna who will not be attracted to Him"
- Dear Lord, You are the eternal form of transcendental bliss and knowledge. As such, You are beyond the reach of the mental speculation or vocal description of any materialistic man within this world
- Describing the incarnations and their symptoms, the Laghu-bhagavatamrta has stated that when Lord Krsna descends to conduct the creative affairs of the material manifestation, He is an avatara, or incarnation
- Description of Krsna is possible for one who is empowered. Krsna-sakti vina nahe tara pravartana (CC Antya 7.11). Unless endowed with the mercy of the Lord, one cannot preach of the Lord’s name, fame, qualities, form, entourage and so on
- Due to envy, many asuras describe Krsna to be like a black crow or an incarnation of a hair. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu told Sanatana Gosvami how to counteract all these asuric explanations of Krsna
- Even the descriptions of Krsna in Srimad-Bhagavatam are sometimes misunderstood by less intelligent men with a poor fund of knowledge. Therefore, the best course by which to know Him is to engage oneself in pure devotional activities
- Even while describing this incident, Brahma became almost overwhelmed. "And the most astonishing thing," he added, "was that many other Brahmas from many different universes had also come there to worship Krsna and His associates"
- Exalted persons like Lord Siva and Lord Brahma could not properly describe the truth of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- First of all, He (Krsna) is purusa, spiritual, Rama and Krsna, and is described herein (BG 8.9) as kavim; that is, He knows past, present and future and therefore knows everything. BG 1972 purports
- Foolish people who because of a poor fund of knowledge think that one can equal Krsna or become Krsna are condemned in every way. No one can equal or surpass Krsna, who is therefore described as asamordhva
- Generally in the Upanisads the Supreme Absolute Truth is described in an impersonal way, but the personal aspect of the Absolute Truth is mentioned in the Isopanisad
- God has got many forms, but the original form is that playing on flute, curved in three places with barhavatamsam asitambuda-sundarangam, with a feather on the head. These are Vedic description of Krsna
- Great sages have glorified the Lord by different names. Thus when the original person, the source of all incarnations, is sometimes described as an incarnation, there is no discrepancy
- He (Jesus Christ) says nice thing, "Father." Krsna is the supreme father. That is described in the Bhagavad-gita: aham bija-pradah pita
- He (Kalayavana) concluded that this beautiful personality must be Vasudeva, for every description he had previously heard from Narada was substantiated by the presence of Krsna
- He (Krsna) has not become angry. Therefore He is described here (in SB 8.3.17) as bhuri-karunaya, unlimitedly merciful in delivering us from this miserable material condition of life and taking us back home, back to Godhead
- He (Krsna) is always unlimited. That means that He has no creation or end. He is, however, death (in the form of time), as described in Bhagavad-gita. Krsna says, "I am death. I take away everything at the end of life"
- He (Krsna) is not forced by the conditions of material nature. He is therefore described here as the vibhu, or the almighty, for He is never conditioned by the laws of material nature
- He (Krsna) is sarva-drk, or the overseer of all the actions of the internal and external potencies, and He is also described as upadrasta, the supreme advisor
- He (Vyasadeva) has certainly, as a matter of course, given descriptions of the glories of the Lord (Sri Krsna) but not as many as given to religiosity, economic development, sense gratification and salvation
- He is described as isvara because He can do whatever He likes. He is the supreme controller. The supreme isvara purusottama is Lord Krsna
- He is so beautiful that He attracts many hundreds of thousands of Cupids (kandarpa-koti-kamaniya-visesa-sobham). These are descriptions of Govinda found in the sastras
- Here is a correct description of the Supreme Lord, given by the Lord Himself. The words sarvasya pra-bhavah indicate that Krsna is the creator of everyone, including Brahma, Visnu and Siva
- His complexion is like black cloud but very, very beautiful. He is so beautiful that more attractive than many, many hundreds and thousands of Cupid. This is the Govinda's description. There are so many description. So this is spiritual varieties
- How Krsna becomes attracted by the devotional service of His devotees is described by Narada in the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- How Krsna is attracted by His own beauty is described in Lalita-madhava (8.34). Upon seeing His own picture, Krsna lamented, How glorious this picture is! It is attracting Me just as it attracts Radharani
- How the sons of Pandu, the Pandavas, enjoy Krsna's association is described as follows, "When Sri Krsna arrived in Indraprastha, the capital of the Kurus, Maharaj Yudhisthira immediately came out to smell the flavor of Krsna's head"
- I (Prabhupada) am convinced that if you simply glorify Krsna and our books in the best descriptive manner, that anyone and everyone, no matter even atheist or otherwise, they can be convinced to purchase
- If one thoroughly studies the different descriptions of the opulences and expansions of Krsna's energy, then one can understand without any doubt the position of Lord Krsna and can fix his mind in the worship of Krsna without deviation. BG 1972 purports
- If we simply stick to describing how wonderful is Krishna, then whatever we may lie or exaggerate, that will not be lie! But other things, lies, they will not help us to train ourselves in truthfulness
- If we simply think of only this one verse, which describes Krsna's body with reference to the lotus, we can meditate our whole life on how beautiful Krsna is, how wise Krsna is, and how Krsna manifests His creation. This is meditation - thinking of Krsna
- If you like past history, then go back a long, long time to Vyasadeva. He is known to have written the Srimad-Bhagavatam and other literature on Krsna. Srimad-Bhagavatam is nothing but a description of Krsna
- In accordance with the three modes of material nature, there are three kinds of knowledge, action, and performers of action. Listen as I describe them. BG 18.19 - 1972
- In all Vedic literatures Krsna is described, and the Supreme Lord Himself also says in the Fourth Chapter, Although I am unborn, I appear on this earth to establish religious principles. BG 1972 purports
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 10.12), Krsna is described as the Supreme Brahman (param brahma param dhama). The word brahma means - the greatest
- In Bhagavad-gita the Lord Himself says that there is no paratattva (summum bonum) superior to Himself. Therefore the author at once worships the paratattva, Sri Krsna, whose transcendental activities are described in the Tenth Canto
- In Brahma-samhita Krsna is described as the cause of all causes; He is addressed as karanatmane. His very personality is the original cause of everything, the root of everything and the seed of everything
- In Caitanya-caritamrta Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami describes Radharani and Krsna as seated beneath a wish-fulfilling tree in Vrndavana on a throne decorated with valuable jewels
- In contrast with the conchshell blown by Bhismadeva, the conchshells in the hands of Krsna and Arjuna are described as transcendental. BG 1972 purports
- In his book Vidagdha-madhava, Sri Rupa Gosvami thus describes the vibration of Krsna's flute
- In his description of Krsna's beauty, Lord Siva uses the words carvayata-catur-bahu sujata-rucirananam, indicating the beautiful four-armed form of Narayana, or Visnu. Those who worship Lord Krsna describe Him as sujata-rucirananam
- In krsna-karnamrta, His (Krsna's) face, smile and bodily luster have been described as sweet, sweeter and sweetest
- In many places the Supreme Personality of Godhead is described as sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (Bs 5.1), possessing a spiritual, blissful body
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam and other scriptures, great saintly yogis like Vyasadeva and Sukadeva Gosvami have described Lord Krsna as the Supersoul, beyond all material contamination
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam the same Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna is described as Nanda-suta, the son of King Nanda
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam, Third Canto, Fourth Chapter, verses 28 and 29, there is a description of Krsna's leaving His body
- In the auspicious invocation at the beginning of Srimad-Bhagavatam, Srila Vyasadeva has described the Supreme Personality of Godhead by these symptoms
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is said, ajo 'pi sann avyayatma. The word aja means "unborn," and avyayatma means "not subject to destruction." This is the nature of Krsna, whose transcendental nature is further described by Kuntidevi in her prayers to the Lord
- In the Bhagavad-gita, Krsna is described as asama urdhva prapitamaha ca. In the Eleventh Chapter, you'll find these words. Because Brahma is considered... He's called pitamaha, because the father of the father
- In the Bhagavatam (1.3.28) there is a list of many incarnations of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but Krsna is described as the original Personality of Godhead, from whom many, many incarnations and Personalities of Godhead expand. BG 1972 purports
- In the Brahma-samhita, Lord Brahma is describing Krsna in each verse: govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami. Govindam adi-purusam. He's the original person. Krsna also says, mattah parataram nanyat kincid asti, asti dhananjaya
- In the Brahma-samhita, the body of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is described as ananda-cinmaya-rasa. The Supreme Personality of Godhead possesses a spiritual body, not a material body
- In the course of this story, I have given a description of Lord Gopala's mercy. After seeing the Gopala Deity, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu went to Sri Kamyavana
- In the Dvapara-yuga the Personality of Godhead appears in a blackish hue. He is dressed in yellow, He holds His own weapons, and He is decorated with the Kaustubha jewel and marks of Srivatsa. This is how His symptoms are described
- In the Eighteenth Chapter (18.78), Krsna is described as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, who is the master of all mystic power (yatra yogesvarah krsnah). Yogesvara is also described at the end of the Sixth Chapter (6.47): sa me yuktatamo matah
- In the Eleventh Chapter Krsna Himself is described as sanatanah. Do you remember? He is described as sanatanah, the supreme eternal
- In the Krsna-karnamrta, Bilvamangala Thakur describes how Krsna meets His devotee - with peacock feather on His head, with marakata jewels on His chest, with His ever-enchanting smile, His restless eyes and His very delicate body
- In the Mathura-khanda chapter of the Skanda Purana, there is a description of Krsna and Balarama, surrounded by all the cowherd boys, always engaged in taking care of the cows and calves
- In the sastras there is description when Krsna comes down, descends, in this universe. In one day of Brahma at the end of Dvapara-yuga
- In the sixteenth verse of the Caitanya-caritamrta he describes Radharani and Krsna as seated beneath a wish-fulfilling tree in Vrndavana, on a throne decorated with valuable jewels - CC Intro
- In the spiritual sky the representations of Narayana are described as follows: Damodara (flower, disc, mace and shell), Purusottama (disc, flower, shell and mace), Acyuta (mace, flower, disc and shell), Nrsimha - disc, flower, mace and shell
- In the spiritual sky the representations of Narayana are described as follows: Govinda (disc, mace, flower and conch), Visnu-murti (mace, flower, conch and disc), Madhusudana (disc, conch, flower and mace), Trivikrama - flower, mace, disc and shell
- In the spiritual sky the representations of Narayana are described as follows: Sri Hari (shell, disc, flower and mace), Sri Krsna (shell, mace, flower and disc), Adhoksaja (flower, mace, shell and disc), and Upendra - shell, mace, disc and flower
- In the spiritual sky the representations of Narayana are described as follows: Vamana (conch, disc, mace and flower), Sridhara (flower, disc, mace and shell), Hrsikesa (mace, disc, flower and conch), Padmanabha - shell, flower, disc and mace
- In the spiritual sky the representations of Narayana are twenty in number and are described as follows: Sri Kesava (flower, conch shell, disc, mace), Narayana (conch, flower, mace and disc), Sri Madhava - mace, disc, conch and flower
- In the Tenth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam there is a description of the asraya-tattva, Sri Krsna. There are two tattvas - asraya-tattva and asrita-tattva. Asraya-tattva is the objective, and asrita-tattva is the subjective
- In the Tenth Canto, 7th Chapter, 22nd verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam there is a description of Krsna's being taken away by the whirlwind demon Trnavarta. As Krsna was being thus carried up into the sky, all the gopis began to cry aloud
- In the Twenty-first Chapter there is a description of Krsna's beauty and opulence, and in the Twenty-second Chapter there is a description of the twofold discharge of devotional service
- In the various Puranas Krsna is described sometimes as Narayana, sometimes as Ksirodakasayi Visnu, sometimes as Garbhodakasayi Visnu and sometimes as Vaikunthanatha, the Lord of Vaikuntha
- In the Vedanta-sutra, Krsna is described, janmady asya yatah: the Supreme Person from whom everything has emanated. So that Krsna has confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita, aham adir hi devanam
- In the Vedas (Krsna) He is described as the chief among all living entities (nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam (Katha Upanisad 2.2.13)). Then again He is addressed as isvara, or the controller
- In this Age of Kali, those who are intelligent perform the congregational chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who appears in this age always describing the glories of Krsna
- In this connection (Krsna thought of making His own body disappear), Sukadeva Gosvami described how the Lord gave up His body. But this was not the destruction of Krsna's body; rather, it was the disappearance of the Supreme Lord by His personal energy
- In this narration about Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, various expansions or incarnations of the Lord have been described, and the killing of the two demons Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu has also been described
- In this verse (of CC Adi-lila 4.219) from the Gita-govinda (3.1), Jayadeva Gosvami describes Sri Krsna’s leaving the rasa-lila to search for Srimati Radharani
- In this verse He (Lord Krsna) is described as the original source of everything, even our body, senses, mind, activities, prowess, bodily strength, mental strength and determination for securing the necessities of life
- In Vrndavana, everyone and everything is attracted to Krsna, including the trees, the plants, the water, and animals like the deer and cows. That is the perfect description of Krsna’s all-attractiveness
- It (Krsna's sex desire) was, as clearly stated in the Bhagavata description by Sukadeva Gosvami, avaruddha-saurata - the sex impulse was completely controlled
- It is described in the Visnu Purana that when Akrura came to take Krsna and Balarama to Mathura, just by seeing Their faces he became so cheerful that all over his body there were symptoms of ecstatic love. This state is called happiness
- It is described in Vedic literature that in Kali-yuga He (The Lord) comes as channa-avatara, or an incarnation, but He does not appear as a manifest incarnation
- It is described that by hearing the vibration of Krsna's flute Lord Siva becomes very puzzled and begins to cry so loudly into space that the demons become vanquished and the devotees become overwhelmed with joy
- It is described that the lotus-eyed Krsna entered amongst the wrestlers without being impolite to them, glanced over them with determination, and seemed to them just like an elephant attacking some plants
- It is described that there were hot tears covering his (Bhima's) eyes, as a thin cloud sometimes covers the evening moon
- It is not difficult to remember Krsna. Here Kuntidevi describes Krsna with reference to lotus flowers
- It is not possible to know the Supreme Person by imperfect experimental knowledge. He is described herein as adhoksaja, or beyond the range of experimental knowledge
- It is said that Anantadeva has thousands of heads, but although He tries to describe Krsna with thousands of tongues, His descriptions are still incomplete
- Jiva-bhuta, the living entities, they have been described as prakrti, and prakrti means female. And Krsna has been described as purusa. So purusa is the enjoyer, and prakrti is the enjoyed
- Just to enunciate the glories of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have tried to describe the glories of Sri Krsna in detail
- Kalki's nature is described in Bhagavata. He will come just like a prince, royal dress with sword, and on horseback; simply killing, no preaching. All rascals killed. No more preaching. That is the last. There will be no brain to understand what is God
- Kaviraja Gosvami gives an accurate description of Lord Krsna, the SPG, by stating that although no one is equal to or greater than Him and He is the reservoir of all spiritual pleasure, He nevertheless appears as the son of Maharaja Nanda and Yasodamayi
- Kindly describe why this (why the cowherd boys described the killing of Aghasura only a year after the fact) happened. I (Pariksit) am very much curious to know about it. I think that it was nothing but another illusion due to Krsna - SB 10.12.42
- Kindly enlighten me (King Pariksit) by describing His (Krsna's) transcendental characteristics - SB 10.1.5-7
- Krsna expanded as everything; therefore their affection increased. Now this chapter is ended after describing how their affection was overflowed on account of Krsna's expansions
- Krsna has got some purpose; He has got some mission. So try to understand Krsna and His mission and His activities. They are described in a historical form
- Krsna has left us many wonderful narrations about Him. Simply by reading these narrations, as they are described in Krsna, the SPG, one gains salvation from this material world and gradually develops attachment to and devotion for Govinda, Adi-purusa
- Krsna is also described as a meticulous dresser and a magnanimous personality. These are generally considered to be the qualities of great personalities
- Krsna is also described as having His lotus feet always within the hearts of His devotees - bhagavan bhakta-hrdi sthitah
- Krsna is always worshiped by the gopis wherever He goes. Therefore Krsna is so vividly described in Srimad-Bhagavatam. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has also described Krsna in this way: ramya kacid upasana vrajavadhu-vargena ya kalpita
- Krsna is described as the source of all potencies, and He is also identified with the external potency, the material energy. Krsna also has internal potencies, or spiritual potencies, which are always engaged in His personal service
- Krsna is described by Arjuna as param brahma param dhama pavitram paramam bhavan (BG 10.12). The words param brahma refer to the shelter of the impersonal Brahman and also of the all-pervading Supersoul
- Krsna is described by Arjuna in Bhagavad-gita (BG 10.12) as follows: "You are the Supreme Brahman, the supreme abode and purifier."
- Krsna is described by Kuntidevi as eternal time. Everything takes place within time, but our time calculations of past, present, and future are relative
- Krsna is described here (in SB 4.19.3) as sarvatma, meaning that He is present in everyone's heart as the Supersoul, and as such He is the supreme teacher of everyone
- Krsna is described here: uttama-sloka. Krsna is never described by ordinary verses. Uttama-sloka. Uttama-sloka means... Uttama means also liberated. Ut. Ut means transcendental, one who has crossed, ud gata. Ut. Ut means one who has gone to the other side
- Krsna is described in the Tenth Canto, and other nine cantos are specially meant for purifying the heart and understanding real Krsna, as it is described in the Bhagavad-gita
- Krsna is described in the Vedic literatures as nava-yauvanam ca. Therefore His body is spiritual body
- Krsna is described in this verse (SB 10.1.5-7) as maya-manusya because He descends exactly like a human being
- Krsna is describing what can be directly perceived by the common man; thus part of His variegated energy is described in this way. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna is the original cause of everything. Arjuna recognized Lord Sri Krsna as the original person, and the Brahma-samhita describes Him as the original person. He is the cause of all causes, whether at the beginning, at the end or in the middle
- Krsna is unlimited, His potency is unlimited, His cows and calves are unlimited, and His space is unlimited. Therefore He is described in Bhagavad-gita as Parabrahman
- Krsna should not be thought of as being alone but should be considered as eternally existing with all His manifestations, as described by Ramanujacarya
- Krsna should not be thought of as being alone but should be considered as eternally existing with all His manifestations, as described by Ramanujacarya - CC Intro
- Krsna's attraction for Radharani is described by Krsna Himself thus, "When I create some joking phrases in order to enjoy the beauty of Radharani, Radharani hears these joking words with great attention"
- Krsna's body is described herewith (in SB 7.1.25) as kaivalya, nondifferent from Himself. Since everyone has a material bodily conception of life, if Krsna had such a conception what would be the difference between Krsna and the conditioned soul
- Krsna's compassion for distressed persons was exhibited when He released all of the kings imprisoned by Magadhendra. While dying, Grandfather Bhisma prayed to Krsna and described Him as the sun which eradicated darkness
- Krsna's inconceivable potencies have been described by Sukadeva Gosvami as follows
- Krsna's mercy is also described as paramam, for it has no comparison within this material world, and it is also called suksmam, very fine
- Krsna's receiving education from Sandipani Muni is described by Sri Narada Muni as follows: "In the beginning, Lord Brahma and others are as clouds of evaporated water from the great ocean of Krsna"
- Krsna's youth is described as follows: "He was always nicely dressed, in beauty surpassing even Cupid, and He was always attracting the minds of the gopis, who were thereby always feeling pleasure"
- Krsna's youth is described as follows: "The force of Krsna's youth was combined with His beautiful smile, which defeated even the beauty of the full moon"
- Krsna, Visnu, is the actual origin of everything. As stated in the Vedas, yasya bhasa sarvam idam vibhati. The Absolute Truth is described later in the Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.28.15) as satyam jnanam anantam yad brahma-jyotih sanatanam
- Kunti prays to Krsna by describing how He saved the Pandavas on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra. Mrdhe mrdhe 'neka-maharathastratah - SB 1.8.24
- Learned scholars therefore describe the features of His body at this time as nava-yauvana, newly-invented youthfulness. At this stage of Krsna's bodily features, the conjugal love affairs with the gopis and similar pastimes become very prominent
- Let us talk about Bhagavad-gita, let us talk about Srimad-Bhagavatam or any book which is describing the transcendental name, fame, glory, quality, pastime of Lord Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness
- Lord Brahma is describing about Krsna. There are some foolish question that "Krsna appeared five thousand years ago. How He became God?" Actually that is not the fact
- Lord Caitanya as the incarnation of Krsna, the Personality of Godhead, is described secretly but not directly in the confidential parts of the revealed scriptures, such as the Upanisads, Mahabharata, Bhagavatam, etc. BG 1972 purports
- Lord Caitanya described the different features of Krsna and requested that Sanatana Gosvami listen attentively
- Lord Caitanya is also the master of all wealth, strength, fame, beauty, knowledge and renunciation because He is Sri Krsna Himself. He is described as purna, or complete
- Lord Caitanya said in the mood of Srimati Radharani, "My dear lover, let Me describe some of the characteristics of Your transcendental lips"
- Lord Caitanya still requested Ramananda Raya to explain something more: "What is the love between Krsna and Radharani? If you kindly describe all this to Me, I will be very much obliged. But for you, no one can describe such things"
- Lord Krsna is described as the Mahapurusa in the Srimad-Bhagavatam (Canto Eleven) in His devotional feature as Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Lord Krsna is described herein (SB 1.12.16) as Visnu, and this is also significant. Lord Krsna, the original Personality of Godhead, does the work of protection and annihilation in His capacity of Visnu. Lord Visnu is the plenary expansion of Lord Krsna
- Lord Krsna is described in the Brahma-samhita as the cause of all causes, and this is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita
- Lord Sri Krsna is sometimes described as a thief. He is very famous amongst His pure devotees as the Makhana-cora. He used to steal butter from the houses of neighbors at Vrndavana in His early age. Since then He is famous as a thief
- Lord Vasudeva, or Krsna, is described in Bhagavad-gita as Purusottama. Actually He is the enjoyer (purusa) and the Supreme (uttama) as well. He is the enjoyer of everything - the prakrti and the purusa
- Maharaja Ambarisa always engaged his mind at the lotus feet of Krsna, his words in describing the spiritual world and the S P of Godhead, his hands in cleansing and washing the Lord's temple, his ears in hearing topics about the Supreme Lord
- Maharaja Ambarisa always engaged his mind in meditating upon the lotus feet of Krsna, his words in describing the glories of the Lord, his hands in cleansing the Lord's temple, and his ears in hearing the words spoken by Krsna or about Krsna
- Maharaja Ambarisa performed all the items of devotional service. He first of all engaged his mind upon the lotus feet of Krsna. He engaged his words, his power of speaking, in describing the transcendental qualities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Maharaja Pariksit requested Sukadeva Gosvami to describe Krsna and His glorious activities
- Mayavadis think that the devotees have imagined the form of Krsna, but the authentic Vedic scriptures have actually described Krsna and His various transcendental forms
- My dear King Pariksit, I have now described the wonderful power of Krsna, as displayed when the Lord delivered the King of the elephants. O best of the Kuru dynasty, those who hear this narration become fit to be promoted to the higher planetary systems
- Nanda Maharaja was surprised that although the demigod was so opulent, he offered such respect to Krsna. That was very astonishing to Nanda, and he began to describe the incident to his friends and relatives with great wonder
- Narada advised him that "You have written so many books: Puranas, Vedas, Vedanta." But Vyasadeva said, "Still I am not feeling very satisfied." So Narada Muni advised that, You are not feeling satisfied because you have not described about the Supreme PG
- Narada describes, "Brahma first received the Vedic education from Krsna, as the clouds receive water from the ocean. That Vedic education or instruction which was spoken by Brahma to the world was then reposed upon the mountain of Sandipani Muni"
- Narada describes, "Sandipani Muni's instructions to Krsna are like a reservoir of water on the mountain, which flows as a river and goes again to mix with the source, the ocean of Krsna"
- Narada Muni advised Vyasadeva that "You are not feeling satisfied because you have not described about Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is the defect. Now you have got mature experience, you describe simply about SPG, Krsna." Therefore he wrote SB
- No one is equal to or greater than the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and therefore He is described here (in SB 10.1.20) by many words: jagannatha, deva-deva, vrsakapi and purusa
- Not only Satyabhama but also Jambavati, the daughter of Jambavan, was married to Krsna on account of the Syamantaka jewel. These two marriages took place before the appearance of Pradyumna, which was described in the last chapter
- Now (in CC Adi 2.97) the author of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta turns to a description of the Personality of Godhead Krsna in His innumerable expansions
- O great sage (Sukadeva Gosvami), who know everything about Krsna, please describe in detail all the activities of which I (King Pariksit) have inquired and also those of which I have not, for I have full faith & am very eager to hear of them - SB 10.1.12
- O learned devotees, I am by nature ignorant and low, yet even though it is from me that the Vidagdha-madhava has come, it is filled with descriptions of the transcendental attributes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- O sages, as you did ask me, now I have described almost everything regarding the narrations about Lord Krsna in connection with the history of the pious Maharaja Pariksit
- One description was given by a gopi to her friend: "My dear friend, just see how the enemy of Agha has assumed such wonderful features!"
- One who has developed his faith in Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Supreme Spirit Soul, can both describe and hear the rasa-lila
- One who wants to describe the transformations of ecstatic love of Krsna is like a dwarf trying to catch the moon in the sky
- Only the devotee, who accepts Krsna as He describes Himself, without interpretation, can understand that the Supreme Absolute Truth can eat food and enjoy it. BG 1972 purports
- People always ask why Krsna is blue. The color of the Lord has not been imagined by an artist. It is described in authoritative scripture
- Professional reciters have created the impression that Srimad-Bhagavatam deals only with Krsna’s rasa-lila, although Krsna’s rasa-lila is described only in chapters 29 through 33 of the Tenth Canto
- Pure devotees are always anxious to describe the glories of Krsna and to live in a place where He exhibited His pastimes
- Raghupati Upadhyaya was very pleased to hear the Lord's blessings. The Lord then asked him to describe Krsna
- Ramananda Raya described Krsna as dhira-lalita, a word which describes a person who is very cunning and youthful, who is always expert in joking, who is without anxiety and who is always subservient to his girl friend
- Rukmini had ten sons, like Pradyumna. There were other queens also taken away by Lord Krsna in a similar way. Full description of this beautiful booty of Lord Krsna will be given in the Tenth Canto
- Rupa Gosvami describes, "The sound vibration created by the flute of Krsna wonderfully stopped Lord Siva from playing his dindima drum, and the same flute has caused great sages like the four Kumaras to become disturbed in their meditation"
- Rupa Gosvami writes, "I think now it is certain that gradually the verses of the Tenth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, describing the pastimes of the Lord, will enter your ears and go into your heart"
- Sahadeva was fortunate to know of the glories of Krsna, and after describing them in brief, he stopped speaking
- Sannyasi is not enjoyer. But His description is enjoyer. Now how enjoyer can be sannyasi? But He is still sannyasi - renounced, everything. That is the point
- Saunaka Rsi inquired: Why did Maharaja Pariksit simply punish him, since he was the lowest of the sudras, having dressed as a king and having struck a cow on the leg? Please describe all these incidents if they relate to the topics of Lord Krsna
- Simply a few examples (of the opulences and energies of the Supreme) are being described to Arjuna to pacify his inquisitiveness. BG 1972 purports
- Since the Lord delivers all conditioned souls from the clutches of maya, He is known as hari-medhas. In the list of incarnations, Krsna is described as the supreme and original Personality of Godhead
- Sometimes it will come that Krsna has to come here simply to kill the demons. That is Kalki avatara. That is described by Jayadeva Gosvami. What is that? Kesava dhrta-kalki-sarira jaya jagadisa hare
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu continued, "Please do not try to cheat Me, thinking of Me as a learned sannyasi. Please satisfy My mind by just describing the truth of Radha and Krsna"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then said, "It is not possible to describe Krsna's mercy, for He has delivered you both from the well of material enjoyment"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's dancing before the Ratha-yatra car could be perceived only by pure devotees. Others could not understand. Descriptions of Lord Krsna's uncommon dancing can be found in the revealed scripture Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Sri Devaki said: My dear Lord, there are different Vedas, some of which describe You (Krsna) as unperceivable through words and the mind. Yet You are the origin of the entire cosmic manifestation - SB 10.3.24
- Srila Ramananda Raya further inquired, "How have you (Rupa Gosvami) described Vrndavana, the vibration of the transcendental flute, and the relationship between Krsna and Radhika?'
- Srila Rupa Gosvami has accordingly composed a nice verse (see Adi 5.224) that describes the beautiful boy called Govinda standing by the bank of the Yamuna with His flute to His lips in the shining moonlight
- Srila Rupa Gosvami has similarly described the transcendental nature of relishing topics which concern Krsna
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura also notes that no one can describe Krsna in fullness. Whatever descriptions we find in Srimad-Bhagavatam are partial explanations of Krsna
- Srimati Radharani once spoke a verse to Her gopi friends describing how She hankers for the transcendental scent of Krsna's body. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu recited that same verse and made its meaning clear
- Such mercy (Krsna's) is further described as cin-matram, completely spiritual. The use of the word matram indicates absolute spirituality, with no tinge of material qualities
- Sukadeva Gosvami describes every part of His (Krsna's) transcendental beauty, one after another, to teach impersonalists that the Personality of Godhead isn't imagination by the devotee for facility of worship but is the Supreme Person in fact and figure
- Sukadeva Gosvami describes Lord Krsna as devaki-janma-vada
- Sukadeva Gosvami tells Pariksit: "They (Gopis) also meditated on Krsna's blowing His flute and on all the cowherd boys' singing of the glories of the Lord." That is the description of the meditation which the gopis used to perform
- Sukadeva Gosvami, while describing how Krsna played as one of the cowherd boys, points out Krsna's identity. Who is this cowherd boy
- Suta Gosvami said: When Sukadeva Gosvami was thus requested by the King to describe the creative energy of the Personality of Godhead, he then systematically remembered the master of the senses (Sri Krsna), and to reply properly he spoke thus
- That (Krsna comes as death) is described by Krsna Himself: mrtyuh sarva-haras caham (BG 10.34). The Lord, appearing as death, takes away a hero's so-called power. Even Hiranyakasipu could not be saved when Nrsimhadeva appeared before him as death
- That chapter also describes Krsna's wandering in a garden on a spring night, and it fully describes the meaning of a verse about the scent of Krsna's body
- That greatness of Lord Krsna is being described here by Lord Caitanya to His disciple, Sanatana Gosvami. Advaya-jnana-tattva, vraje vrajendra-nandana. Advaya-jnana-tattva. Advaya-jnana-tattva means He is Absolute. He is not relative
- The abode of Lord Sri Krsna is described in the Bhagavad-gita, Fifteenth Chapter, sixth verse. BG 1972 Introduction
- The above description of Radha and Krsna from the diary of Srila Svarupa Damodara Gosvami is a condensed explanation, but one needs great spiritual insight to understand the mystery of these two personalities
- The asuras describe Krsna as an incarnation of a crow, an incarnation of a sudra (a blackish tribe) and an incarnation of a hair, not knowing that the word kesa means ka-isa and that ka means Lord Brahma and isa means Lord
- The authentic scriptures describe the transcendental activities, features, form and qualities of Krsna, and Krsna explains Himself in the Bhagavad-gita, the most authentic scripture in the world
- The Brahma-samhita (BS 5.48) says: Maha-Visnu as a plenary expansion of Krsna
- The description of Krsna's marriage with the five girls mentioned in this chapter is not sufficient. He had many other thousands of wives besides them. Krsna accepted the other thousands of wives after killing a demon named Bhaumasura
- The devotees of the Lord, while delivering speeches and describing the transcendental attributes of the Lord, do not think that they can do anything independently
- The Eighth Chapter gives the reason for describing Lord Caitanya's pastimes. It also describes the greatness of Lord Krsna's holy name
- The expansions of Krsna in various forms, as described herein, as well as His various abodes on the spiritual planets in the spiritual sky, are unlimited
- The form of Krsna is described in the authoritative Vedic literature Brahma-samhita: His abode is made of cintamani stone, and the Lord plays there as a cowherd boy and is served by many thousands of gopis
- The form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead that does not depend on other forms is called the svayam-rupa, the original form. This form is also described in Srimad-Bhagavatam: krsnas tu bhagavan svayam - 1.3.28
- The immediate answer is that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. How is that? Because He conforms in exact detail to descriptions of the Supreme Being, the Godhead
- The importance of Vedic evidence is stressed in the first part of Laghu-bhagavatamrta, and this is followed by a description of the original form of the S.P. of G as Sri Krsna and descriptions of His pastimes and expansions in svamsa and vibhinnamsa
- The instances described by Arjuna during his friendly dealings with Lord Sri Krsna are instructive for all who may be convinced by the lessons that one can achieve all favors simply by pleasing the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna
- The Krsna consciousness movement is spreading all over the world simply by describing Krsna
- The Laghu-bhagavatamrta (5.383) states: According to the intimate relationships between Sri Krsna, the primeval Lord, and His devotees, the Puranas describe Him by various names
- The last phase of the pastimes of Lord Krsna is described in Srimad-Bhagavatam as mausala-lila. This includes the mystery of Krsna's disappearance from this material world. In that pastime the Lord played the part of being killed by a hunter
- The less intelligent men, who are unaware of His (Krsna's) transcendental form, describe Him as impersonal Brahman. But Brahman is simply the rays of His transcendental body
- The literature which does not describe Krsna, that is the place for the crows. There is sex literature, they're enjoyed by the crows, and this Bhagavatam is enjoyed by the swans. That is the difference
- The Lord (Krsna) is described in the Brahma-samhita as infallible (acyuta), which means that He never forgets Himself, even though He is in material contact. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord (Krsna) is described in the Third Canto (SB 3.2.15) as follows: paravareso mahad-amsa-yukto hy ajo 'pi jato bhagavan. Although unborn, the Lord, the master of everything, appears like a born child by entering the mind of a devotee
- The Lord is described (in SB 5.14.43) as Uttamasloka. Uttama means "the best," and sloka means "reputation." Lord Krsna is full in six opulences, one of which is reputation
- The Lord is described as amrta, or deathless, because He has no material body. Under the circumstances, the Lord's dying or quitting His body is like the jugglery of a magician
- The Lord is further described as having the mark of Srivatsa, or the sitting place of the goddess of fortune, and His bodily hue is deep bluish
- The Lord sometimes becomes mad after the beauty of Radharani. Poets describe that under those circumstances, although Lord Krsna is Madana-mohana, He becomes Madana-daha, or enchanted by the beauty of Radharani
- The master of the universe is the Garbhodakasayi Visnu, who is worshiped as the Hiranyagarbha Supersoul. The Vedic hymns describe Him as having thousands of heads. Although He is within the material nature, He is not touched by it
- The Mayavadis say that Brahman has no rupa, no form, and they suggest that we imagine some form. This is not the case with Krsna. Krsna is present in His original form, and He is described in Vedic literatures. We have recounted these descriptions before
- The Nagapatnis said, "You (Krsna) are the ultimate goal of all philosophical efforts, and it is actually only You who are described by all philosophies and by different kinds of doctrines"
- The process for receiving the favor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is described here (in SB 10.12.39). Yat-pada-pankaja-palasa-vilasa-bhaktya (SB 4.22.39). Simply by thinking of Krsna, one can attain Him very easily
- The sages of Naimisaranya describe Him as apparently resembling a human being, but actually He is the supreme almighty Personality of Godhead
- The SP of Godhead, Krsna, is described in the BS (5.38): "Krsna, known as Govinda, is the supreme controller. He has an eternal, blissful, spiritual body. He is the origin of all. He has no other origin, for He is the prime cause of all causes"
- The special significance of Krsna's bearing a flute in His hands in Vrajabhumi, Vrndavana, is described as madhuri... virajate
- The story of Bhaumasura - how he kidnapped, made captive sixteen thousand princesses by collecting them from the palaces of various kings, how he was killed by Krsna, the S L of wonderful character - is all described by Sukadeva to Pariksit in SB
- The story of the cursing of Nalakuvara and Manigriva and their deliverance by Krsna, under the all-blissful desire of the great sage Narada, is here described
- The sun has the ability to shine powerfully, and the moons reflect the sunshine and therefore look brilliant. In the Caitanya-caritamrta Krsna is described to be like the sun
- The Supreme Lord Krsna is described herein (SB 1.11.4-5) as atmarama. He is self-sufficient, and there is no need for Him to seek happiness from anything beyond Himself
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is described as being without beginning. He is purusa, the Supreme Spirit
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is described in the scriptures as adhoksaja, which indicates that He is beyond the perception of all material senses. Although beyond the material senses, He is present in everyone's heart
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is thus described in Bhagavad-gita: "By Me (Krsna), in My unmanifested form, this entire universe is pervaded. All beings are in Me, but I am not in them." - BG 9.4
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna is described in the Bhagavad-gita as purusottama, or Supreme Personality. It is He only who can award liberation to the impersonalists by absorbing such aspirants in the brahmajyoti, the bodily rays of the Lord
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, is described as sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (BS 5.1), the body of eternity, transcendental bliss and full knowledge. Now in this verse He is more fully described
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, should be described as the worshipable object, and you should describe the bija-mantra for the worship of Krsna, as well as that for Rama and for other expansions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Syamasundara form is also described in the Brahma-samhita - BS 5.38
- The symptoms of the kaisora age are already described, and it is at this age that devotees generally most appreciate Krsna. Krsna with Radharani is worshiped as Kisora-kisori
- The two syllables "krs-na" are always in His mouth; or, He constantly describes Krsna with great pleasure
- The Vedanta-sutra actually describes Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Vedic hymn known as kama-gayatri describes the face of Krsna as the king of all moons. In metaphorical language, there are many different moons, but they are all one in Krsna
- The word sankhya-yogesvaraya is also significant herein (SB 4.24.42), for Krsna is described in Bhagavad-gita as Yogesvara, the master of all mystic powers. Without possessing inconceivable mystic powers, one cannot be accepted as God
- The words nrlokam ramayam asa murtya sarvanga-ramyaya (in SB 9.24.63-64) are significant. Krsna is the original form. Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is therefore described here by the word murtya. The word murti means - form
- There are descriptions of Krsna found in the Brahma-samhita and other literatures. One should fix his mind on this original form of Godhead, Krsna. He should not even divert his attention to other forms of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- There are many improper explanations of the last portion of Lord Krsna's pastimes (such as descriptions of the incarnation of Krsna's hair), but Lord Caitanya properly described these pastimes and gave them the right interpretation
- There are other descriptions of Krsna's being treated as an ordinary person (SB 10.18.24). Indeed, when He was defeated in games with His friends, the cowherd boys, Krsna would carry them - notably Sridama - on His shoulders
- There are signs of teeth coming out, and He is very mild and gentle. He is described as follows
- There is a description of Krsna's feeling for his vayasyas in Vrndavana. He once said to Balarama, "My dear brother, when My companions were being devoured by the Aghasura, hot tears poured down from My eyes
- There is a description when Krsna returned to Dvaraka after the Battle of Kuruksetra. At that time He was received by all classes of citizens at the gate of the city
- There is a story in this connection (be very much eager to see God). It is very instructive; try to hear. One professional reciter was reciting about Bhagavata, and he was describing that Krsna, being very highly decorated with all jewels
- There is no parallel to His childhood pastimes as exhibited at Vrajabhumi, which are the prototypes of His eternal affairs in the original Krsnaloka described as the cintamani-dhama in the Brahma-samhita
- There was protective tilaka on His forehead, black mascara around His eyes and silk thread around His waist. These are the descriptions of Krsna's dress at the beginning of the kaumara age
- Therefore first the word 'krsna' appears as the subject, followed by the predicate, describing Him as the original Personality of Godhead
- Therefore I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) shall first delineate the position of Radha and Krsna. From that description the glory of Lord Caitanya will be known
- These are some of the descriptions of the incarnations emanating from Krsna, and from the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is understood that innumerable incarnations are always coming out from the body of Krsna, just like waves in the ocean
- These descriptions (of Krsna in Vedic literature) are authoritative, and a Krsna conscious person takes them directly, acts on them, preaches them and practices devotional service as enjoined in the authoritative scriptures
- These talents are also acquired after austerity. It is not ordinary thing. So everything should be employed to describe Uttamasloka, Krsna
- They (Sri Nityananda, Sri Gadadhara and Sri Advaita and many devotees like Srivasa) are always engaged in chanting the name of the Lord and are always describing Lord Krsna. Therefore this is the best among all the places in the universe
- This (CC Madhya 20.307) is a description of the Rudra form, which is another expansion of Krsna
- This (svayam-rupa or original) form is also described in Srimad-Bhagavatam: krsnas tu bhagavan svayam (1.3.28). Krsna is the original form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- This (the Bhagavatam describes the symptoms and deeds of the incarnations in general and counts Sri Krsna among them) made Suta Gosvami greatly apprehensive. Therefore he distinguished each incarnation by its specific symptoms
- This all-pervasiveness of Krsna is explained in the BG, in both the Ninth and Seventh chapters. In the Ninth Chapter Krsna is described as all-pervasive in His impersonal feature; everything rests in Him, but He is not personally present everywhere
- This contradictory treatment by Krsna is just befitting His position, because in all the Vedic literature He is described as the complete independent
- This dhira-lalita trait in the personality of Krsna is described by Yajna-patni, the wife of one of the brahmanas who were performing sacrifices in Vrndavana
- This dress of Krsna is described as gorgeous. As a baby elephant is sometimes dressed in colorful clothing, so Krsna's gorgeousness was manifested by decoration with such colorful clothing on the different parts of His body
- This entire (tenth) canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam is full of activities performed in Vrndavana and Dvaraka. The first forty chapters describe Krsna's Vrndavana affairs, and the next fifty describe Krsna's activities in Dvaraka
- This external body of Krsna is described in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. There the hills and mountains are described as the bones of the Lord
- This is a description of His second desire. Now please listen as I describe the third
- This is the most important verse indicating Caitanya as Krsna. Krsna-varnam. Another meaning, Krsna-varnayati: "The incarnation of Krsna who is always describing Krsna or chanting Hare Krsna." But Tvisa akrsnam: But by complexion, akrsna, not black
- This opulence is described in the revealed scriptures as vaibhava-prakasa. When Lord Krsna married sixteen thousand wives, He expanded Himself into sixteen thousand forms, each one of them as powerful as He Himself
- This thinking energy (of Krsna) is described in Brahma-samhita, where it is said: the supreme abode, known as Goloka, is manifested like a lotus flower with hundreds of petals. Everything there is manifested by Ananta, the Balarama or Sankarsana form
- This verse (CC Madhya 19.197) quoted from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.44.51) describes what happened just after the killing of Kamsa by Krsna and Balarama
- This verse (CC Madhya 19.210), quoted from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.31.16), describes how the gopis went to the forest for Krsna’s enjoyment in the dead of night. The gopis approached Krsna to enjoy themselves with Him in the rasa dance
- This verse (CC Madhya 8.227) from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.9.21) is spoken by Srila Sukadeva Gosvami. It appears within a passage in which he glorifies mother Yasoda and other devotees of Krsna by describing how they can subjugate Him with their love
- This verse (of CC Adi-lila 6.64), quoted from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.15.17), describes how Lord Krsna and Lord Balarama were playing with the cowherd boys after killing Dhenukasura in Talavana
- Those words which do not describe the glories of the Lord, who alone can sanctify the atmosphere of the whole universe, are considered by saintly persons to be like unto a place of pilgrimage for crows
- Thus I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have briefly described Krsna's manifestation of transcendental forms. This subject matter is so large that even Lord Ananta cannot describe it fully
- To become God conscious one has to hear about the all-auspicious Lord, as He is described in literature like the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- To describe Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu or Lord Sri Krsna, one needs supernatural power, which is the grace and mercy of the Lord
- Uddhava Gita: 11 - Lord Krsna's Description of the Varnasrama System
- Unscrupulous people go at once to the Tenth Canto, especially to the five chapters which describe the Lord's rasa dance. However, this portion of Srimad-Bhagavatam is the most confidential part of that great literature
- Unscrupulous persons go immediately to the Tenth Canto and especially to the five chapters which describe the Lord's rasa dance. This portion of the Srimad-Bhagavatam is the most confidential part of this great literature
- Wanting to hear more and more from Sukadeva Gosvami, Maharaja Pariksit requested him to continue describing Krsna's childhood activities, which are especially easy to hear and which create more and more inquisitiveness
- We belong to the Caitanya Mahaprabhu's cult. He preached. His cult means, Caitanya cult means Krsna cult. Krsna-varnam, simply describing Krsna. That was His business
- We should not consider Krsna's form to be imagined by some artist. He is described in the Vedas as venum kvanantam aravinda-dalayataksam - Bs. 5.30
- What is Krsna? Krsna is life, supreme life. Krsna is not dead. We are getting Krsna's description. He is not a dead body
- Whatever a philosopher may describe is ultimately Krsna, or Lord Visnu (sarvam khalv idam brahma, param brahma param dhama pavitram paramam bhavan) - BG 10.12
- When all the gopis assembled, as described, before Krsna, He began to speak to them, welcoming them as well as discouraging them by word jugglery. Krsna is the supreme speaker; He is the speaker of the Bhagavad-gita
- When He (Krsna) reaches the age of pre-youth, kaisora, He does not grow any older. He simply remains in His kaisora age. He is therefore described in the Brahma-samhita (BS 5.38) as nava-yauvana
- When Lord Brahma described this incident to his associates on the Satyaloka planet, they all became astonished. Brahma told them that after taking away all the boys, he saw Krsna again playing with the same boys in the same fashion
- When Lord Krsna and Arjuna reached this region of the brahmajyoti, Arjuna could not tolerate the glaring effulgence, and he closed his eyes. Lord Krsna's and Arjuna's reaching the brahmajyoti region is described in the Hari-vamsa
- When one describes the positions of objects in the hands of the Visnu murti, one should begin with the lower right hand then move to the upper right hand, upper left hand and, finally, to the lower left hand. In this way, Vasudeva may be described
- When the demigods, headed by Lord Siva, were offering respectful prayers to Krsna, describing the glorious opulences of the Lord, Arjuna stood before Him with his hand on His shoulders and brushed the dust from His peacock feather
- When the gopis were describing the sweet vibration of Krsna's flute, they also remembered their pastimes with Him; thus their minds became disturbed, and they were unable to describe completely the beautiful vibrations
- Whoever hears or recites these descriptions of the expansions of Krsna's body is certainly a very fortunate man. Although this is very difficult to understand, one can nonetheless acquire some knowledge about the different features of Krsna's body