Category:Cannot Go
"cannot go"
Pages in category "Cannot Go"
The following 73 pages are in this category, out of 73 total.
- A brahmacari cannot see any young woman. Even the guru's wife is young, he cannot go to the guru's wife. These are the restriction. Now where is that brahmacarya? No brahmacari. This is Kali-yuga. No tapasya
- A dog, he cannot go to a guru. That is not possible. But a human being, he must. Abhigacchet. It must. It is not optional, that "I may go, or I may not." No, you must. That is the injunction. That is the Vedic injunction. Acarya-parampara
- A prisoner cannot go out of the prison house naturally, but somehow or other he arranges to jump over the wall and goes away. Then he becomes a criminal for further imprisonment
- A soul who has surrendered to Krsna certainly cannot go to naraka, hellish existence. To say nothing of going there, even in his dreams he does not see Yamaraja or his order carriers, who are able to take one there
- According to our calculations, they (spaceships) have not gone. It is false propaganda. They cannot go
- According to Vedic calculation, this tree which is grown here, that living entity was sometimes owner or occupier of this house, and it had so much attachment that it cannot go out of this house. Therefore he has been given this body, tree
- Although there are millions and billions of planets, and although you have got machine to fly, but because we are conditioned, checked by the laws of nature or God, you cannot go
- Although you are seeing, you cannot go. You are so limited, conditioned. You see so many planets twinkling at night, but there is no possibility of going there
- Although you cannot go there, it is far, far beyond your reach, but you can understand that the sunshine is coming from the sun globe. There is no doubt about it. Similarly this vibration, this shining, is coming from Krsna, Goloka
- Although you have got airships, you cannot go, neither others. So many machines have been discovered, but they cannot go even to the moon planet, what to speak of others. Therefore it is very big for us
- Apparently, they (the gopis) left their father, husband and came to Krsna. So that is, from Vedic principle, it is wrong. One young girl cannot go to other young man, giving up the protection of father, brother, and... So they did it
- As we increase attachment for Krsna, attachment for this material world will automatically diminish. Attachment for Krsna and the material world cannot go hand in hand
- Because snakes are always envious, so they are first up to be burned into that forest fire. They cannot go very swiftly. Others, tigers and other beasts, they go away. But the snake, they crawl. They cannot get out. Mostly they burn
- Because we cannot explain something, we dismiss the whole thing. "There is void, nothing. Void." Because my mind, my intelligence, cannot go so far, we say, "Perhaps, maybe it was like this." So this is all mental speculation
- Dishonest men cannot go to back to home, back to Godhead. That is false. God is pure. One must be very, very pure. A thing which is not fire, it cannot be allowed to enter into the fire. One must become fire; then there is no trouble. Fire can enter fire
- During this period (Caturmasya) the merchants cannot do free business, dedicated souls like sannyasis cannot freely preach the doctrines of the Vedas, kings cannot go out to tour their states, and students cannot go to their schools, which are closed
- Even in this material world the so-called scientists, philosophers and mental speculators strive to merge into the spiritual sky, but they can never go there
- Even you cannot go to the moon planet, which is so nearest. But still, we are proud of our these airplanes, sputniks. We are thinking, - Now we have become God
- Faith you must have. Without faith, you cannot go a step forward, even in your ordinary life. But faith, what faith? Ah, the belief and faith should be in the authorized, authorized place. That is the process. Faith we must have
- First of all surrender yourself. You cannot go to any person for learning anything where there is no sense of surrender
- I don't speak for anyone. But these kinds of paramahamsas are there. They cannot go out of Vrndavana, they are so advanced. But in Vrndavana, if there is a beautiful woman, try to exploit her
- If one has become lover of God, naturally he will be detached to material enjoyment. Love of God and love of material world cannot go together
- In order to be elevated to the kingdom of God, they cannot go directly from the heavenly planet. They'll have to come here
- In Russia they sold land, and they advertised that, "There is Sea of Moscow. We have planted our flag on the sea" So these are propaganda. They cannot go even into the nearest planet, what to speak of the spiritual sky
- In the solar, the sun planet, you cannot go there. But Krsna can go there. That is Krsna; that is God. Because Krsna is not like us, neither His body is like us
- In this material world, in this universe, we have heard of so many planets, but it is not possible to go and see. They cannot go even in the moon planet, and still, they are very much proud of their advancement of knowledge
- Industry does not mean really economic improvement. Real economic improvement means what you produce from the land. That requires God help. Without raw materials, even your industry cannot go on
- It is believed that such inauspicious living creatures (like Dakini & Sankhini) cannot go near a nima tree. At least medically it is accepted that nima wood is extremely antiseptic, & formerly it was customary to have a nima tree in front of one’s house
- It is not that one is a debauch, at the same time a Krsna conscious. That is a contradictory. It cannot be. If he is actually Krsna conscious, he cannot be debauch. Two things cannot go parallel
- Make them surrender. That is your duty. I am talking to you, and you talk to them. That is parampara system. Alone, I cannot go everywhere. Now you learn and you speak
- Man-made satellites and mechanical space vehicles will never be able to carry human beings to the planets of outer space. Men cannot even go on their much-advertised trips to the moon
- Modern mechanical space vehicles are unsuccessful because they cannot go to the highest region of this material creation, and they certainly cannot enter the spiritual sky
- Moon planet is also one of the upper planetary system. But you cannot go by sputnik. That is not possible. It is all foolishness
- My decision is that, at any cost, Hamburg center must be maintained, and you cannot go to nightclubs
- Naturally, the prisoner cannot go out of the prison house, but if somehow or other he manages to escape, that means he becomes again a criminal. He will be arrested again, and his term of imprisonment will be increased, or he will be punished more
- No, even physical. You cannot go out without government consent. And they don't allow, especially young men. They do not allow to go out of the country
- One cannot directly perceive the kingdom of heaven, its king and other inhabitants, or how they perform their various engagements, for no one can go to the heavenly planets
- One thing, however, is that living as a householder you cannot go into the streets and hold sankirtana and sell our books as a means of maintenance
- The Brahmacarinis cannot go, of course, for begging, but if some of them agree to go out and sell our books, that will be helpful. Some source of income by honest endeavor must be there, otherwise, how a nice Brahmacarini asrama can be maintained
- The division of work must be there; otherwise the society cannot go on very nicely. If everyone is brahmana, not interested in anything material or simply . . . because it is, after all, material world
- The first-class prisoners, they are given some facilities. Just like political prisoners, they are given separate bungalow and servants, newspaper, book. But they cannot go out of the prison. That is called first class
- The hog replied: "Oh I cannot go with you. I have so many responsibilities - my children, wife and this nice hog society." Even though Brahma promised to take him back to heaven, Indra, in the form of a hog, refused. This is called forgetfulness
- The mother material nature, or Durga-devi. Durga means the superintendent of this prison house, material, Durga. Dur-ga: "You cannot go out." That is called durga. Durga means fort also. Very difficult, dur-ga, to go out
- They (modern scientists) are now silent. They cannot go there (moon planet); neither ever they went there. This is the conclusion. So that is a controversial point, controversial, but we have to see the result
- They are trying to go to the moon planet, unsuccessful. They cannot go. Therefore we are conditioned. I am conditioned to live on this planet. I cannot go to other planet without permission. It is common sense
- Third-grade devotees should know well that material attachment and seeing the Lord face to face cannot go together
- This (moon) is the nearest planet, and there are so many other planets also. So you cannot go by your whims or by your will. This is called bondage
- This is the country, Moscow. I have got practical experience in going there. And always suspicious. And the people in general, they are very unhappy, very unhappy, because they have no freedom. A young man cannot go out of the country
- This Krsna consciousness, or bhakti, devotional service, means to develop attachment for Krsna and in the same proportion develop detachment for material sense gratification. Two things cannot go on
- Those who are thinking that, "We can do something else besides Krsna," they are foolish. They are lost. Yes. But Krsna is so kind upon you that He has placed in a certain circumstances that you cannot go out. That is very good fortune
- We should know always that we are lame, pangoh. Just like a lame man cannot go very fast. But by the grace of Krsna, even a lame man can go fast - not only go fast, but cross over the mountain
- We should not be discouraged just because we cannot go to the forest and practice severe austerities
- When one is living, a big man, nobody can go before him or touch him - there are so many guards. But the same man, when he's dead, if he's lying on the floor, if somebody kicks on his face, nobody cares, finished
- When there is fog, you try so many ways; it cannot go. Then, if somehow or other sun rises, immediately clear. That is our motto in Back to Godhead: Godhead is light and nescience is darkness. Where there is Godhead, there is no jurisdiction of darkness
- When we are within this material world it is very, very difficult to get out of it. You see the sky is covering the whole material universe, and there are different layers. You cannot go even to the nearest planet. Durga, very difficult
- When you are sick you cannot go out; you have to rest and take so many medicines and formulas. But we don't want that - "Why should I be a sick person?" But you are diseased
- Why they have failed to utilize the moon planet? It is a different atmosphere. It is different atmosphere. These rascals cannot go there. It is not possible. They have simply made false propaganda
- You are conditioned soul. You cannot go. You are thinking, "I have got now, discovered this." It is not discovered. The aeroplane was long, long ago. So you cannot go. That is our conditional life
- You can go there (planetary system of demigods) if you prepare yourself to go, next life. But you cannot go by these sputniks. That is not possible
- You can see Him (God) by His work. Just like you cannot go and see the sun. But when it arises, when it diffuses, the sunshine is there, you can immediately understand that the sun is there in the sky. The sun is always there in the sky
- You cannot calculate. You cannot go to Brahma, you cannot go even to the moon planet. And what to speak of Brahmaloka is the ultimate, the remotest part of this universe. So by your direct experience, you cannot calculate
- You cannot defy authority. This is not possible. From the beginning of your life, when you were child, you asked your parents, "Mother, father, what is this?" Why? That is the beginning of life. You cannot go even a step without authority
- You cannot go to Brahma . . . you cannot go even to the moon planet, and what to speak of Brahmaloka is the ultimate, the remotest part of this universe. So by your direct experience you cannot calculate, and neither you can go
- You have to fix up your mind not only thinking of Krsna, but also working for Krsna, feeling for Krsna. That is complete meditation. That is called samadhi. Your mind cannot go out
- You have to prepare yourself to go there (moon planet). First of all you cannot go in this body because the temperature is so low, you cannot live there
- You know what is the speed of mind. You are sitting here, and within a second your mind can go some ten thousand miles away, within a second. So even with that speed and running on, koti-sata-vatsara, you cannot go to the spiritual planet
- You see so many planets twinkling at night, but there is no possibility of going there. You cannot go to the nearest planet, even the moon planet, by your mechanical arrangement
- Your next question is, should we love Krishna or love the spiritual master: You cannot go to Krishna directly, loving Him. It is common sense that if Krishna is the object of your love, His pet dog is also the object of your love