Category:Caitanya's Decisions
Pages in category "Caitanya's Decisions"
The following 19 pages are in this category, out of 19 total.
- After accepting the sannyasa order, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu decided to go to Vrndavana and engage Himself wholly and solely in the service of Mukunda in a solitary place
- After requesting all the devotees to return home, the Lord decided to go to Jagannatha Puri. At that time Haridasa Thakura began to cry and speak some pathetic words
- After saying this, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu embraced Srila Rupa Gosvami. The Lord then decided to go to the city of Benares
- I (Caitanya) decided that Sanatana had spoken very well. I was certainly being followed by a large crowd, and when people would see so many men, they would surely rebuke Me, saying, 'Here is another imposter'
- I then began to consider that Vrndavana is a very solitary place. It is invincible and very difficult to attain. I therefore decided to go there alone or, at the utmost, with only one person
- It was My (Caitanya) decision to go to Vrndavana through Bengal in order to see My mother and the river Ganges
- Lord Caitanya considered, "without wife, there is no meaning to householder life." Thus the Lord decided to marry
- Lord Caitanya could have performed His missionary activities as a householder, but He found householder life an obstruction to His mission. Therefore He decided to accept the renounced order, sannyasa
- Lord Caitanya decided to accept sannyasa on the grounds that when He became a sannyasi everyone would show Him respect and in that way be favored
- Lord Caitanya's decision was received very happily by Advaita Acarya, mother Saci and all the devotees. Advaita Acarya celebrated every day with a great festival
- When autumn arrived, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu decided to go to Vrndavana. In a solitary place, He consulted with Ramananda Raya and Svarupa Damodara Gosvami
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu decided to accept the renounced order of life, Candrasekhara Acarya was informed of this by Sri Nityananda Prabhu, and therefore he was present when Lord Caitanya accepted sannyasa from Kesava Bharati in Katwa
- When they (Jagai and Madhai) injured Nityananda Prabhu, Lord Caitanya became angry and decided to kill them with His Sudarsana cakra, but Nityananda Prabhu saved them from the Lord's wrath and delivered them