Category:Bhajana-kriya - Devotional Service to God
Pages in category "Bhajana-kriya - Devotional Service to God"
The following 25 pages are in this category, out of 25 total.
- Adau sraddha tatah sadhu-sangah (CC Madhya 23.14-15). And if you associate with sadhu, then bhajana-kriya
- Adau sraddha tato sadhu-sanga tatha bhajana-kriya. Bhajana-kriya means one becomes anxious. The effect of sadhu-sanga (CC Madhya 22.83) is to become anxious how to execute this devotional service properly. That is called initiation
- Anartha-nivrttih is possible by sraddha, sadhu-sangah, bhajana-kriya, then anartha-nivrttih, then nistha, ruci, asakti, bhava. In this way, we develop our Krsna consciousness, love of Godhead
- As soon as the bhajana-kriya, immediately there is anartha-nivrttih syat. All unwanted things: no smoking, no intoxication, no illicit sex, no meat-eating, no gambling. We make this condition before making a student
- As soon as there is bhajana-kriya, or devotional service, immediately anartha-nivrtthi syat. Anartha means unwanted things, they become vanquished
- If anyone actually seriously associates with sadhu, the next stage will be bhajana-kriya
- If one is sincere, he is initiated, and this stage is called bhajana-kriya
- If one is still attached to all these habits (illicit sex, intoxication, meat-eating and gambling), he should know that he is not making progress. When one is actually advanced in bhajana-kriya, all these anarthas (unwanted things) will be finished
- If you take to bhajana-kriya, then automatically this anartha also will disappear. Anartha-nivrttih syat. That means you become purified. Tato nistha. Then you will have firm conviction. Then taste will increase. Then asakti
- If you want love of Krsna, then you have to associate with sadhu. Sadhu means krsna-bhakta. Adau sraddha tatah sadhu-sango, tato bhajana-kriya (CC Madhya 23.14-15). Association with sadhu means you'll learn, bhajana-kriya
- In the next stage, under the guidance of the spiritual master, the devotee executes regulative devotional service, and, as a result of such activities, he becomes freed from all unwanted occupations
- One should come to the temple, listen to talks about Krsna, & then, after some time, officially take initiation into the service of the Lord. That is called bhajana-kriya. At that time one has to abandon illicit sex, intoxication, meat-eating & gambling
- One who associates with pure devotees or an elevated devotional society goes to the next stage - bhajana-kriya, or acceptance of the regulative principles of worshiping the Supreme Lord
- The first step is that you must associate with devotees & then take to bhajana-kriya. Then see, examine yourself that whether you are free from all the unwanted things. If all the unwanted things are vanquished, then you'll have firm faith
- The first step is that you must associate with devotees and then take to bhajana-kriya. Then see, examine yourself that whether you are free from all the anarthas, all the unwanted things
- We accept a disciple to engage in the bhajana-kriya - first of all he must give up these anarthas. So these anarthas, one cannot giving up smoking or drinking, but actually, if he takes to devotional service, he can very easily give up
- We have made a habit of eating such things (meat). Similarly, we can give it up also. This is possible when there is right bhajana-kriya. In this way, when anartha-nivrtti is finished, perfect, then he becomes firmly stuck up in Krsna consciousness
- When one is associating nicely, then he will feel, "Why not become a disciple?" So we receive application, "Prabhupada, if you'll kindly accept me as your disciple." This is the beginning of bhajana-kriya
- Initiation
- Diksa
- Devotional Service to God
- Stages of Devotional Service to God
- Actions in Devotional Service to God - Umbrella Category
- Attributes Needed for Performing Devotional Service to God - Umbrella Category
- Bengali Terms
- Stages of Devotional Service to God - Umbrella Category
- Devotional Service to God - Umbrella Category
- Devotional Service and Krsna Consciousness - Umbrella Category
- All Categories - Vaniquotes