Category:Accumulating Money
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Pages in category "Accumulating Money"
The following 88 pages are in this category, out of 88 total.
- A Krsna conscious person, fully engaged in self-realization, has very little time to falsely possess any material object. For maintaining body and soul, he does not require unfair means of accumulating money. BG 1972 purports
- A mercantile man, he is doing some business and working very hard day and night to accumulate some money, similarly, a devotee of the Lord also can earn money in the same spirit, working day and night. Superficially it will appear just like this man
- A sannyasi should have an institution meant to preach Krsna consciousness; he need not accumulate money for himself
- A vaisya also earns money honestly through agriculture, cow protection and some trade. If a sudra gets money, however, he will spend it lavishly, without discrimination, or simply accumulate it for no purpose
- According to the four divisions of varna and asrama, ksatriyas and vaisyas are especially advised to perform great ceremonial sacrifices and to distribute their accumulated money very liberally
- Actually, that is the fact. We work so hard, accumulate money for showing to our relatives, to our friends: "Now, just see how I have become rich." But if they are all gone, then "Whom shall I show this kingdom?" thinking like ordinary worldly man
- All these grhasthas, you will find they are accumulating money, they are enjoying sex life, then daughter's sex life, son's sex life, grandson's sex life. They are busy
- Anyone who accumulates more money or more possessions than he needs is called a thief, and one who simply accumulates wealth without spending for sacrifice or for worship of the Personality of Godhead is a great thief
- As for the maintenance of his family, a grhastha, while earning what he requires for his living, must be very conscientious and must not undergo extraordinary endeavor simply to accumulate money and unnecessarily increase in material comforts
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu recommended that what is the actual benefit of this human form of life? To develop our dormant love for God. That is wanted, not to accumulate money. Nothing will go with us
- Convince them to...the Americans should take this KC movement, and because they are blind, we shall give them direction. So blind and lame man together will perform a great task. Blindly, simply accumulating money, but they do not know how to utilize
- Economic development. What is this nonsense? You are losing yourself. You do not know what life you are going to get next life. You don't care for this. "Never mind whatever life I get. This life I have got. Let me work hard and accumulate money"
- Especially in this age of Kali-yuga, it is said that instead of protecting the money of the citizens, the government itself will take away the money with the force of law. The learned brahmana had therefore decided that he should not accumulate any money
- Everyone has a tendency to give something in charity; Krsna says, "Give it to Me," and this means that all surplus money accummulated should be utilized in furthering the Krsna consciousness movement. BG 1972 purports
- Everyone has a tendency to give something in charity; Krsna says, "Give it to Me," and this means that all surplus money accumulated should be utilized in furthering the Krsna consciousness movement
- Everyone should use his money to spread the great transcendental movement of Krsna consciousness. If one does not spend money for this purpose but accumulates more than necessary, he will certainly become proud of the money he illegally possesses
- He (Rupa Gosvami) collected whatever money he had accumulated in Bengal and divided it among his relatives, the brahmanas and the temples
- He is public leader because he has got some money. Money is the criterion. Therefore people are accumulating money some way or other. He knows that "If I got money, then I'll have all influence over the society"
- If a person too attached to the duties of family maintenance is unable to control his senses, the core of his heart is immersed in how to accumulate money
- If he (a devotee) accumulates money without spending it for devotional service, there is every possibility of his falling down
- If one has money one should divide all that he has accumulated into five divisions - one part for religion, one part for reputation, one part for opulence, one part for sense gratification and one part to maintain the members of his family
- If one is a businessman, an industrialist, an agriculturist, etc., then one should spend his hard-earned money for the cause of the Lord. Think always that the money which is accumulated is the wealth of the Lord
- If one is struggling in this life how to accumulate money, that means rajo-guna
- If one wants to become a millionaire in the future and enjoy his riches, he has to work very hard at the present moment in order to accumulate money. This is karma-kandiya. Those who are too much attached to such a path undergo the risk anyway
- If one wishes to enjoy something in the future, he has to endure trouble in the present. If one wants to become a millionaire in the future and enjoy his riches, he has to work very hard at the present moment in order to accumulate money
- In our country also there are many Birlas and such, accumulating money, money, money. They are greedy because infected with the quality, modes of nature, ignorance and passion
- In proportion to the people's unlawful desires, their accumulated money is taken away by the agents of illusory energy in the shape of medical practitioners, lawyers, tax collectors, societies, constitutions, so-called holy men, famines and earthquakes
- In the absence of Lord Krsna, all of them, at a moment's notice, have become null and void. It is exactly like offering clarified butter on ashes, accumulating money with a magic wand or sowing seeds on barren land
- Industrialists, businessmen or karmis are called mudhas in the sastras. They work very hard, accumulate money, and are satisfied to see that this money is plundered by their sons and grandsons
- It is not possible that simply by endeavors to accumulate more money a person will be able to do so, otherwise almost everyone would be on the same level of wealth. In reality everyone is earning and acquiring according to his predestined karma
- It is said here that a dead civilization and its activities are something like clarified butter on ashes, the accumulation of money by a magic wand and the sowing of seeds in a barren land
- It is very difficult to.... Sarva-dharman - everything to give up, except Krsna. They are proud if they are little rich. And America is very proud. They are trying to accumulate money, and we are trying.... We say, "Give up this nonsense"
- Just like if you are lusty, that lust should be utilized for Krsna. I am lusty to accumulate money. Yes, you bring money, but utilize it for Krsna
- Just like in England the British empire's policy was that you bring money from outside, deposit in the government treasury and you become lord. Exploiting, they used to go to the foreign countries and somehow or other accumulate money
- Just like somebody is earning money, 10, 15, 20 dollars, and he is thinking of accumulating money, 100,000 dollars. So if somebody gives him immediately 100,000 dollars, "Take this," then 10, 15, 20, 100, 1000 dollars are all in
- Materialists are inventing so many artificial necessities, and those who have money, being allured by such artificial necessities, try to accumulate money to possess more and more. This is the idea of modern economic development
- Money is so dear that one conceives of money as being sweeter than honey. Therefore, who can give up the desire to accumulate money, especially in household life
- Money is the criterion, not family. Formerly, there was family, respectable family, aristocratic family, brahmana family, ksatriya family. All these things are gone now. If you accumulate some money some way or other, then you are respectable
- One is accumulating money to give to the children. He is anxious that "After all, they are my children. They must get at least five lakhs of rupees." This is his business. But it is not his children
- One should also not accumulate money to become puffed up in the material world. One should earn his livelihood easily and honestly, for it is better to become a coolie for an honest livelihood than to become a great man in society by hook and crook
- One who accumulates more money than is actually required, he is also criminal. And according to the law of nature, or according to the law of God, such persons are surely to be punished
- A grhastha should always remember that one who is endeavoring to accumulate more money than necessary is to be considered a thief and is punishable by the laws of nature
- Sannyasa does not mean begging from door to door to accumulate money for sense gratification. However, because in Kali-yuga people are more or less prone to sense gratification, immature sannyasa is not recommended
- Saubhari Muni, giving conclusions derived from his practical experience, instructs us that persons interested in crossing to the other side of the material ocean must give up the association of persons interested in sex life and accumulating money
- Six principles we should avoid: eat or accumulate money more than necessary, waste energy for material gain, talk unnecessarily, follow regulative principles fanatically without sense or not follow them & become greedy & associate with persona non-grata
- So these demons who are very much eager to accumulate money by black market, they are cintam aparimeyam, immeasurable anxiety. Anything you do in the material world, there will be cinta, anxiety
- So-called earners of money are those who simply know tricks by which they can take away God's money under the guise of business and industry. After accumulating this money, they enjoy seeing it plundered by their sons and grandsons
- The children that he (a man) conceives will also die. So death is sure. Still, people are madly accumulating money and working very hard all day and night, not caring for the eternal spirit. This is madness. BG 1972 purports
- The grhastha cannot accept charity. But a grhastha-brahmana, he can accept charity, but he will not, I mean to say, accumulate money by taking charity. Whatever he gets, he must spend
- The honey gathered in the comb is taken away by force. Therefore one who accumulates money should realize that he may be harassed by the government or by thieves or even killed by enemies
- The jnanis are those who, when a little elevated, think, "Why work so hard? So many things are not required. Why accumulate so much money and food and so much false prestige?" The jnani thinks in this way
- The karmis, they are working, accumulating bank balance, more, more, more, more, more, more, but forgetting the real mission of life. Therefore ass. Ass means fool
- The managers of the Krsna consciousness movement should be extremely cautious in regard to this point. Otherwise money will be the cause of lamentation, illusion, fear, anger, material attachment, material poverty, and unnecessary hard work
- The other regulated system, to become very religious man or expert money-hunter or accumulation of money, dharma, artha, and sense enjoyment - the whole world is appreciating these men, who is a religious man, who satisfies his senses
- The result of having accumulated money by so much labor is certainly not happiness, but only distress. What is the value of acquiring a comfortable position if one's mind is always disturbed
- The sannyasi's business is not to become proprietor of so many things and amass money from the innocent public. A sannyasi is proud that he is always thinking of Krsna within himself
- The sastra always says that "Don't work in such a way that you have to accept again body after death." That's, that is your business. Not that to accumulate crores and rupees and make a very good bank balance & skyscraper house & 3 or dozens of motorcars
- The second is the complaint of abusing the devotees and exploiting their service for accumulating money and for aggrandizing himself and herself both
- The welfare state imposes upon citizens scorching taxes - income, sales, land, terminal, and many other taxes. But in due course, when the taxes accumulate into a large sum of money, they are utilized for the welfare of the citizens in various ways
- There is no need to accumulate money in the bank merely to increase one's bank balance. Such a mentality is described in Bhagavad-gita (BG 16.13) as asuric, demoniac
- These cowherd boys who are playing with Krsna, they are not ordinary human beings. They are very, very advanced in spiritual assets. Just like you accumulate money. When you have got too much accumulation, ten crores of rupees, like that
- These demons who are very much eager to accumulate money by black market, they are cintam aparimeyam, immeasurable anxiety. Anything you do in the material world, there will be cinta, anxiety
- Think always that the money which is accumulated is the wealth of the Lord. Wealth is considered to be the goddess of fortune (Laksmi), and the Lord is Narayana, or the husband of Laksmi. Try to engage Laksmi in the service of Lord Narayana and be happy
- This verse is very important. As stated here (in SB 7.14.8), one who accumulates more money than needed is a thief, and by the laws of nature he will be punished
- Those who are householder, family men, they may have some deposit for emergency. Otherwise, those who are renounced order, those who are brahmacari, for them to keep money separately for his maintenance or for accumulating bank balance is not allowed
- Those who are not engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Supreme Lord wrongfully think that they are accumulating so much money day after day - BG 16.12
- To become a devotee is not to become impotent, but everything has proper use. Just like if you are lusty, that lust should be utilized for Krsna. I am lusty to accumulate money. Yes, you bring money, but utilize it for Krsna
- We can sit down here and chant Hare Krsna. We don't require that temple. But these rascals are accumulating money for wine and women. Take their money, some way or other, and builds a temple. And invite them, "Come and see." Give them prasadam
- We recommend that as soon as money accumulates in our KC movement, fifty per cent of it should be invested in printing books, and fifty per cent for expenditures, especially in establishing centers all over the world
- We work so hard, accumulate money for showing to our relatives, to our friends: "Now, just see how I have become rich"
- What are the graces of the Lord? The graces of the Lord are abhaya, free from fearfulness. In the material world, if someone accumulates a million dollars, he is always full of fear because he is always thinking, "What if the money is lost
- "What is your opinion?" Just see. What is his value? Nobody... He is public leader because he has got some money. Money is the criterion. Therefore people are accumulating money some way or other
- Whatever he has got, I take it away. Then he tries again to accumulate some money. Again I take it away. In this way, he tries; I take away. When he becomes confused and baffled, he fully surrenders unto Me - Krsna
- Whatever money a grhastha accumulates by the grace of God he should spend in five activities, worshiping Krsna, receiving Vaisnavas and saintly persons, distributing prasada, offering prasada to his forefathers, and also offering prasada to his own self
- When the taxes accumulate into a large sum of money, they are utilized for the welfare of the citizens in various ways. Nonetheless, sometimes it happens that the benefits of the taxes fall like rains on stone-hearted men in the state