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Pages in category "Striving"
The following 88 pages are in this category, out of 88 total.
- A man engaged in devotional service rids himself of both good and bad actions even in this life. Therefore strive for yoga, O Arjuna, which is the art of all work. BG 2.50 - 1972
- A man engaged in devotional service rids himself of both good and bad reactions even in this life. Therefore strive for yoga, which is the art of all work
- A materialistic father and mother want to engage their sons in begetting children, striving for improved economic conditions and rotting in materialistic life. They are not unhappy when their children become spoiled, useless citizens
- A person who is not disturbed by the incessant flow of desires - that enter like rivers into the ocean which is ever being filled but is always still - can alone achieve peace, and not the man who strives to satisfy such desires. BG 2.70 - 1972
- A person who is not disturbed by the incessant flow of desires - that enter like rivers into the ocean, which is ever being filled but is always still - can alone achieve peace, and not the man who strives to satisfy such desires
- All five of these philosophies (of monism) completely reject the predominance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and strive to establish their own philosophical theories
- All living beings, whether human, animal or lower than animal, should be given protection. The modern democratic system cannot be exalted in this way because the leaders elected strive only for power and have no sense of responsibility
- Any path that does not lead the soul to strive for this supreme goal - eternal transcendental bliss - is considered useless
- Artificially, we are trying to forget Krsna and live independently, but this is not possible. When we strive to live independent of Krsna, we come under the influence of the laws of material nature
- As described in Bhagavad-gita: A devotee who is not dependent on the ordinary course of activities, who is pure, expert, without cares, free from all pains, and who does not strive for some result, is very dear to Me
- As for those who are not grhasthas - the brahmacaris, vanaprasthas and sannyasis - they don't have to do anything but strive for advancement in spiritual life
- As soon as the body is finished, all name, fame and profit are finished also. It is only due to ignorance that everyone is striving after the name, fame and profit connected with the body
- Elsewhere in the gita, Sri Krsna points out to Arjuna that out of many men few strive for perfection, and out of those who strive for perfection, only a few succeed. So Arjuna is inquiring after the vast number of failures
- Even if a man has faith and strives for perfection in the yoga system, Arjuna points out that he may not attain this perfection due to - worldly-mindedness
- Even in this material world the so-called scientists, philosophers and mental speculators strive to merge into the spiritual sky, but they can never go there
- Except for an animal killer or one who is following a policy of suicide, every intelligent person must strive to understand Krsna and His activities
- For one whose mind is unbridled, self-realization is difficult work. But he whose mind is controlled and who strives by appropriate means is assured of success. That is My (Krsna) opinion
- For one whose mind is unbridled, self-realization is difficult work. But he whose mind is controlled and who strives by appropriate means is assured of success. That is My opinion
- For one whose mind is unbridled, self-realization is difficult work. But he whose mind is controlled and who strives by right means is assured of success. That is My opinion. BG 6.36 - 1972
- He (Lord Krsna) is not as easily accessible to mental speculators, to those striving for self-realization by severe austerities and penances, or to those who consider the body the same as the self - SB 10.9.21
- Here (in) again the word tattvatah, "in truth," is used. One can understand the science of Krsna in truth by becoming a devotee. He who is not a devotee, who does not strive for Krsna consciousness, cannot understand
- How can there be happiness or peace in animal society? The big leaders want to keep the citizenry as animals, and at the same time they are striving to make a United Nations. How is it possible? United Animals? Is it possible? Society for United Animals
- I am very much encouraged by your progress in Krsna consciousness. Now go on in this way always striving to please Krsna and you will feel yourself becoming happy more and more. That I want. Thank you once again
- I am very much encouraged by your progress in Krsna Consciousness. Now go on in this way always striving to please Krsna and you will fell yourself becoming more and more happy. That I want
- If even the higher planets in this universe are subject to birth and death, why do great yogis strive for elevation to them? Although they may have many mystic powers, these yogis still have the tendency to want to enjoy the facilities of material life
- If one sometimes engages in devotional service and sometimes strives for sense gratification, his service will be interrupted. A pure devotee, therefore, should have no desire other than to serve Krsna
- Impelled by false prestige and infatuated by material opulences, human society, instead of striving for Krsna consciousness, creates havoc and disrupts peaceful living. Thus men forget the real purpose of life: to attain the favor of Lord Visnu
- In any case birth means bondage, and one who is striving for KC is striving for liberation from the bondage of transmigration. What is the advantage of being born in a wealthy or aristocratic family if one does not get rid of his material miseries
- In the Caitanya-caritamrta the pure devotee is called niskama, which means he has no desire for self-interest. Perfect peace belongs to him alone, not to them who strive for personal gain. BG 1972 purports
- In the material world, everyone is striving for three things: he wants his name to be perpetuated, he wants his fame to be broadcast all over the world, and he wants some profit from his material activities
- In the present age such demoniac men (like Ravana) are striving to reach the higher planetary systems by mechanical arrangement. These are examples of bewilderment. BG 1972 purports
- Insofar as one strives to get out of bodily conceptions - not out of the body but out of bodily conceptions - one has to learn to tolerate such dualities
- Instead of striving for achievement in the 4 principles of religiosity, economic development, sense gratification and liberation, it is better if somehow or other one develops transcendental love of Godhead. That is the greatest success in life
- It is not enough to take only the first steps toward liberation. We must strive to reach the final goal within this very life-time
- It is only due to ignorance that everyone is striving after the name, fame and profit that are connected with the body
- It is understood that Laksmi is favorable because her husband Narayana is being served nicely. If Laksmi is unfavorable, then we must increase our preaching efforts, and strive for pleasing the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Krishna makes promise to one who is striving to serve Him sincerely that He will give such devotee the intelligence by which he may come to Him
- Krsna adds, "he whose mind is controlled and strives by right means is assured of success. That is My judgement." - Bg. 6.36
- Krsna indicates (in BG 6.40) that the very striving for yoga perfection is a most auspicious attempt. When one attempts something so auspicious, he is never degraded
- Liberation from Maya means engaging himself in the service of the Lord. So one should strive to become a servant of the Supreme, and in that position he is automatically liberated and free from the clutches of Maya
- Lord Krsna instructs Arjuna that one who renders loving devotional service to Him, the Supreme Lord, is the highest among all yogis, and that Arjuna should thus strive to become such a bhakti-yogi
- Many Indians strive to imitate the materialistic life of the West, but when they see Americans dancing in Krsna consciousness, then they realize that this is what is actually worthy of being followed
- Materialistic persons are engaged in striving for temporary benefits, whereas persons advanced in spiritual knowledge, such as Prahlada Maharaja, are not interested in the materialistic way of life
- Mayavadi philosophers strive to refrain from materialistic activities and merge in Brahman, and although they may actually merge in the Brahman existence, for want of activity they fall down again into materialistic activity
- Of course that is a great art and not everyone can do it, but gradually by practice of preaching in this way, striving to so much present a wonderful picture of our books to the people, gradually you will master the trick how to do it
- Of the saintly persons who are constantly engaged in striving toward salvation, one who is in Krsna consciousness is the best of all. BG 1972 purports
- One should not strive to become a mother or father if one cannot save one's dependent son from the impending danger of death
- One who has attained the perfect brahminical stage naturally becomes renounced; he does not strive for material gain because by spiritual knowledge he has come to the conclusion that in this world there is no insufficiency
- Only if leaders like Mahatma Gandhi strive to realize the Supreme Absolute Person - not a formless energy - can they truly benefit human society
- Our lives have meaning and direction only in so far as we strive to attain this transcendental knowledge of Krsna consciousness, raja-vidya, which is the king of all knowledge
- Our main business is to become Krsna conscious. That is the main business of human life. If we waste our time striving for material improvement and forget to chant Hare Krsna, that will be a great loss
- Simply because we rise early, take bath, chant sixteen rounds and strive with every activity to please Krsna - this is what impresses others
- So there must be mutual responsibility by both parties, and now that you are married couple there is no question of your separation, but you must both strive very hard to serve Krsna together in harmony
- Such an inquisitive transcendentalist, striving for yoga, stands always above the ritualistic principles of the scriptures. BG 6.44 - 1972
- That is why in our Vedic civilization to follow the principles of varnasrama-dharma is the preliminary duty of human form of life. And one who does not understand varnasrama-dharma and does not strive for it, he remains contaminated
- That the people of Orissa and Bengal eat fish in their private homes is a fact. But they do not offer anything like that to the Lord Jagannatha. The Lord is offered all nice foodstuffs as we are striving to do in our all our temples here
- That understanding which considers irreligion to be religion & religion to be irreligion, under the spell of illusion and darkness, and strives always in the wrong direction, O Partha, is in the mode of ignorance
- That understanding which considers irreligion to be religion and religion to be irreligion, under the spell of illusion and darkness, and strives always in the wrong direction, O Partha, is in the mode of ignorance
- That understanding which considers irreligion to be religion and religion to be irreligion, under the spell of illusion and darkness, and strives always in the wrong direction, O Partha, is in the mode of ignorance. BG 18.32 - 1972
- The best association is a sadhu, that is, a Krsna conscious person or one who is striving for spiritual realization
- The conditioned souls strive to become lords of the material world. Everyone is trying to lord it over the material nature by applying his highest degree of intelligence
- The entire American nation has tried to advance in material opulence without striving to produce ideal human beings. The result is that Americans are now regretting the wholesale criminality of American society
- The hog is considered to be the lowest among animals, yet he has eating facility, mating facility, sleeping facility, and facilities for defense. Even if we don't strive for these things, we will have them
- The impersonalist who feels transcendental pleasure in striving to become one with the Lord is defeated when he sees the beautiful transcendental features of the Lord
- The jivas, or living entities, are now detached from the whole due to material contact. It is therefore necessary for us to strive to attach ourselves again through the latent Krsna consciousness that is within us
- The Lord is adhisvara (the original controller) of everyone, namely the Vedantists, the great karma-kandiyas, the great religious leaders, the great performers of austerity and all who are striving for spiritual advancement
- The lower stratum of those who strive for perfection are the karmis, or fruitive workers, who look to gratify their senses. Above them are the jnanis, or seekers of knowledge
- The SG personally has nothing to do. How is this? He has not to strive for wealth, for all wealth is His; nor for knowledge, for all knowledge is His; nor for power, for all power is His; nor for beauty, fame or renunciation, for they are all His in full
- The transcendental devotees of the Lord are not only free from material envy, but are well-wishers to everyone, and they strive to establish a competitionless society with God in the center
- The United Nations has been striving for peace for so many years, but still war is going on
- The yogis strive very hard to achieve success in becoming smaller than the smallest or greater than the greatest, or in creating a planet like earth or, as scientists, by inventing so many wonderful machines
- There are many persons who are trying to attain perfection by striving for liberation from material bondage, and those who are actually liberated are called brahma-bhuta
- There are those who are striving for temporary things (asat). Matter and the body are temporary, and if one only engages himself for bodily pleasure, he is conditioned by temporary things
- They (yogis) strive very hard to achieve success in becoming smaller than the smallest or greater than the greatest, or in creating a planet like earth
- Those who are striving to acquire knowledge - after many, many births, when actually by the grace of God and by the grace of a devotee they come to knowledge, then such persons agree, - Oh, vasudevah sarvam iti: (BG 7.19) Krsna is everything
- Those who strive to emulate the mahatmas never fall prey to passivity and regression. Their eagerness and determination to serve the Lord steadily increase
- To attain true, eternal happiness, which comes only after the dissipation of material bondage, is the real benefit for the soul. Any path that does not lead the soul to strive for this supreme goal - eternal transcendental bliss - is considered useless
- We often tend to be philanthropic and altruistic, and we strive to be friends with our countrymen, with our families and with all the peoples of the world - but this is based on a wrong conception
- What is meant by "strives by right means"? One has to try to follow the four basic regulative principles as mentioned and execute his activities absorbed in Krsna consciousness
- When he (a brahmacari) is a householder, he also has to perform many sacrifices and strive for further enlightenment. BG 1972 purports
- When we come to realize that we are dependent, we will have attained knowledge. Today so many people are striving for peace in the world, but they do not know how to implement that peace formula