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Pages in category "Cat"
The following 105 pages are in this category, out of 105 total.
- A living entity is wandering up and down, sometimes in the higher planetary systems or lower planetary systems, sometimes rich, sometimes poor, sometimes this, sometimes cat, sometimes dog, sometimes demigod. In this way he is suffering
- A mouse was very much harassed by a cat, and therefore the mouse approached a saintly person to request to become a cat
- A sadhu is kind not only to human beings but to cats, dogs, trees, plants and insects; he will hesitate even to kill one mosquito
- After all, this class of men, they are falsely puffed up that they know something about mysticism, but actually they want to be flattered by somebody. So they are keeping some spiritual master or instructor, means to keep them as pet dog and cat
- All this (render bhakti to demigod, family, country, society, wife, cat, dog) is not really bhakti but imitation bhakti. It is actually lustful desire. If we can develop bhakti for Krsna, KC, our lives will be successful. Actually there is no alternative
- As far as the bodily necessities are concerned, the reasoning power is there even in the animal. If a cat wants to steal some milk from your kitchen, she has very nice reasoning power: she is always looking to see when the master is out and she can take
- As soon as nature calls, we die and give up our post. Then we have to take the post of a dog, a cat, a demigod, a human being or whatever
- As we are above these lower animals - aquatics, birds, bees, trees, plants, insects, cats, dogs, so many - we are nara, human being, similarly, there is another group: they are called demigods
- Bhakti is only for Bhagavan. Not that "My bhakti for this or that, for this demigod, for that demigod, for my family, for my country, for my society, for my wife, for my cat, for my dog." This is not bhakti. They are imitation only. That is lust
- Bhakti means that we have to clear ourself from the designations. What is that designation? Everyone is thinking, "I am American," "I am Indian," "I am European," "I am Australian," "I am cat," "I am dog, "I am this," "I am that" - bodily
- Bhutva bhutva praliyate (BG 8.19). You have to take birth according to your desire, either as Brahma or as ant, as a cat, as a dog, as demigod, and according to your capacity, Krsna will give you: All right
- Brahma may live millions of years, but he ultimately has to die. Whether we go to the highest planet or the lowest planet, whether we are in the body of a Brahma or a cat, we ultimately have to die
- By the influence of maya, the illusory potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the living entity thinks that he is this person, that person, American, Indian, cat, dog, tree or whatever. This is called maya
- Especially in the Western countries we see. He has no family, but he keeps one pet dog or pet cat because he wants to be attracted by somebody. This is nature
- Every living entity, by the all laws of nature, is imprisoned or allowed under certain apartment, either in the body of a tree or a human being or demigod or cat or dog. These are all ordained
- Everyone is dying, for no one can live here permanently, but one who dies after executing a life of tapasya is a brahmana, and one who dies like a cat or dog, without executing tapasya, is called a krpana
- Everyone is servant; nobody is master. So there is gradation of service. That's all. Somebody is serving as President, somebody is serving as constable, somebody is serving as dog, somebody is serving as cat
- Everyone is serving. Nobody can say that, "I am not serving." No, you cannot say. Even if you have no master, then you create one master, a dog or cat, and you serve him
- Everyone, the cats, dogs, they will also give up body. We shall also give up body. But the difference is, a devotee after giving up this body, he does not get anymore material body
- Everywhere we find this same misunderstanding. As soon as one is in the bodily conception of life, one is nothing but an animal like a cat or a dog - sa eva go-kharah - SB 10.84.13
- He (a learned person) knows that it is a dog or it is a cat on account of this body. He is neither cat, neither dog, neither I am human being. We are all spirit soul, aham brahmasmi. This is real understanding
- He selects his position as a human being, a demigod, a cat, a dog, a tree, etc. In this way the living entity selects a body out of the 8,400,000 forms and tries to satisfy himself by a variety of material enjoyment
- I am thinking, "I am Indian," you are thinking you are German, and the dog is thinking, "I am dog," and cat is thinking, "I am cat." So this bodily consciousness, bodily concept of life, will keep us conditioned within the material nature
- I spent all my energy in this piling of stone and wood in this life, and next life if I become a rat or cat in their house, then what is the profit? There is possibility, because after death you cannot say that, - I am going to be like this
- If he (the living entity) has made his consciousness like that of a cat or dog, he is sure to change to a cat's or dog's body. BG 1972 purports
- If kama-haitukam, lusty desire, is the only cause for birth, production, then why there is one production street dog, cat or pig or a worm in the stool, and why one is born as demigod, as Indra or Candra, Varuna? Why? A Brahma? Who makes this arrangement
- If one cannot find anything to serve, he goes and buys a cat or dog and serves it. Why is this? It is because service is our nature. We are simply lacking the knowledge of where to direct the service
- If one is interested to understand things which is beyond this darkness, he requires a guru. To keep guru is not a fashion, just like you keep a dog or a cat as a fashion. So things should not be done like that
- If the cat comes and immediately gots up on the throne, sit down, we don't take the cat as offender, because it is fool, animal. You see? But if you go and sit down there, then everyone will be - Oh, you are so rascal that you are going to sit down there?
- If the living entity adulterates his consciousness with the qualities of cats and dogs, in his next life he gets a cat or dog body and enjoys. BG 1972 purports
- If you haven't got anything to love, then you get a dog, cat, and you love it. The loving propensity is there. This is the psychology
- In America, the president is a big man. But now he is put into such a condition that he is full of anxiety. At any moment he may be kicked out. You cannot be happy either as President Nixon or tiger or cats and dogs or human being or Lord Brahma
- In her mouth the cat captures both her offspring and her prey, the rat. Such capturings may appear the same, but there is a vast difference between them
- In regard to the instructions of the father and mother, it may be said that every living entity, including even the insignificant cats, dogs and serpents, takes birth of a father and mother
- In the material conception of life, we find someone a demigod, someone a human being, a dog, a cat, etc. This is material vision, not actual vision. This material differentiation is due to a material conception of life. BG 1972 purports
- In this life one may have constructed a very tall skyscraper, but in the next life, because of one's mentality, one may have to accept a body like that of a cat, a dog, a tree or perhaps a demigod. Thus the body is offered by the laws of material nature
- It is not that one should accept this rascal or that rascal as Bhagavan. Nor should one render bhakti to this demigod or that demigod, to one's family, country, society, wife, cat, dog or whatever
- One loses the true benefit of human life (if one does not cultivate spiritual life but dies like the cats and dogs), which is to become Krsna conscious and solve life's problems
- Only due to ignorance does a person think, "I am a demigod," "I am a human being," "I am a dog," "I am a cat," or, when the ignorance is still further advanced - I am God
- Our outward covering is covered by these material elements, but inside, there is the spirit soul. Therefore one who is advanced, he does not see that "This is cat, this is dog, this is man, this is elephant, and this is brahmin." No. He sees the soul
- Our point is: just try to study this life, how much painful it is. This is human body, what to speak of dog's body, cat's body? You study very minutely, you'll find, from the beginning of life in the womb of my mother up to death point, simply miseries
- People with a poor fund of knowledge do not know the difference between the death of a devotee and the death of a nondevotee. In this connection, an example can be given: a cat carries its kittens in its mouth, and it also catches a rat in its mouth
- Practically every person, 99.9%, they are under the impression that "I am this body." This conception of life is animal consciousness. The dog is thinking, "I am this body." The cat is thinking, - I am this body
- Samah means equal to all living entities, to see the spirit soul. It doesn't matter whether he is man or cat or dog or tree or ant or insect or big man. They are all parts and parcel of God. They are simply dressed differently
- So far the bodily enjoyment, especially sex enjoyment, we had in dog's life, cat's life. So if by restricting this kind of sex life, if I can get back to home, back to Godhead & solve all problems of life, is it not the decision of the intelligent man?
- Some foolish person, they propagate that "Whatever deity you worship, oh, that is God." Even, they say, if you worship a cat or a dog, that is also God
- Somebody is in the cat's body. Somebody's dog's body. Somebody's in human being's body. Somebody is in demigod's body. These bodies are offered by prakrti according to price you pay. This is called karma
- Sometimes if people hear that by acting in such a way they will become a tree, a dog, a cat, an insect or even a human being, they say that they do not even care to know this
- Sometimes we are in a family of human beings, sometimes in a family of demigods, sometimes a family of cats, or sometimes a family of dogs
- Sometimes we had been a hog or a dog or something like that. Now we have come to this stage of life, this life should not be spoiled like the cats, dogs and hogs. But we should have some restraint and realize ourself
- Sometimes we understand that I am happy, I am mad, I am a woman, I am a dog, I am a cat: these are the knowers. The knower is different from the field. BG 1972 purports
- Superficially, the catching of the rat and the kitten appear to be one and the same, but actually they are not. When the cat catches the rat in its mouth it means death for the rat, whereas when the cat catches the kitten, the kitten enjoys it
- Suppose I am very comfortable at the present moment. My body may be comfortable, but there will be death, and then another birth. After giving up my present body, if I get the body of a cat or a dog, what is the meaning of my comfortable position
- That is the qualification of sadhu. Titiksava karunika. Why? Suhrdah sarva-bhutanam: "He is friend of everyone." There is no distinction that "He is American," "He is Indian," "He is Christian," "He is Hindu," "He is dog," "He is cat," "He is man" No
- The animal cannot think beyond his body. A dog is thinking, "I am this body." The cat is thinking, "I am this body." Beyond this, he has no power. He is so low-grade. Therefore, he is called animal
- The ant will not be allowed, a cat will not be allowed, an elephant will not be allowed, a man will not be allowed, a demigod will not be allowed to live forever
- The cat is person. Dog is person, and the insect is person. The trees are person. Everyone is person. And there is another person. That is God, Krsna. That one person is maintaining all these varieties of millions and trillions of persons
- The difference is like the difference between a cat’s carrying its kittens in its mouth and carrying a rat in its mouth. In the mouth of the cat, the rat feels its death, whereas the kittens in the mouth of the cat feel motherly affection
- The dog, jackal, tiger, fox, cat, rabbit, sajaru, lion, monkey, elephant, tortoise, alligator, gosapa, etc., all have five nails in their claws. They are known as panca-nakhas, or animals having five nails
- The example may be given that a cat carries a mouse in its mouth and also carries a kitten in its mouth. Both the mouse and the kitten are carried in the same mouth, but the perception of the mouse is different from that of the kitten
- The human being should exert his energy for that thing which he did not get in many, many lives. Through many, many lives the soul has been in the forms of dogs or demigods or cats or birds or insects
- The kitten feels comfort in the mouth of the mother, whereas when the rat is carried in the mouth of the cat, the rat feels the blows of death
- The living entity receives different types of bodies according to karma. One living entity may receive a cat body, another a dog body, and so forth
- The living entity thinks that he is very happy in whatever body he gets. He may get the body of a dog or the body of a cat, but he is happy in his body, and he does not want to lose it. This is called illusion
- The living entity, he is part and parcel of God, but someone has become human beings, some has become cats, someone has become tree, some as insects, some as demigods - varieties. Because they wanted to become like that, and God has given him the chance
- The material means sex desire. That's all. The woman is hunting after man, and the man is hunting after woman. Either in human society or bird society or beast society or dog society or cat society, the principle is sex
- The residents of Vaikuntha are always powerful and effulgent. Some of them have complexions like red coral cat’s eyes and lotus flowers, and each of them has earrings of costly jewels. On their heads they wear flowery crowns resembling garlands
- The whole system of human civilization is guide the people to become God conscious. This is the Vedic civilization. Not to make them dog conscious, cat conscious, animal conscious. No
- There are mothers - human being mother, cat mother, dog mother, this mother, so many mothers. Without mother there is no birth. And without father also, there is no birth. Therefore it is said that janame janame saba pita mata paya
- There are variegated manifestations of living entities, such as human beings, animals, horses, cows, dogs, cats, etc. These are situated on the lower parts of the branches (of the banyan tree). BG 1972 purports
- There is a very good example in the activities of the cat. The cat carries her kittens in her mouth, and when she kills a rat she also carries the booty in her mouth. Thus both are carried in the mouth of the cat, but they are in different conditions
- There is one example. Just like the cat - the cat carries the kitties in the mouth, and it carries a mouse also in the mouth. Apparently it is seen that a cat is carrying its kitties in the mouth means it is in pain. But it is not in pain. That is a fact
- This (getting a cat's body, dog's body, tree's body) is going on perpetually. Not perpetually - at least for many, many millions of years. But because we are fool, especially in this age of Kali, we do not understand it
- This child is now just like ordinary animal. But this body, when he will change, he will express in a different way. Similarly, if you get the cat's body, you will express in a different way. If you get a dog's body, you will express in a different way
- This is a wrong type of civilization, a civilization of ignorance. Animal civilization. Just like animals: a cat, a dog, the cow, he does not know what is the working principle in the body
- This is so hospitable that the householder, the owner of the house, not only see that his wife, children, servants are well-fed, but even the rats, cats or the insect or the lizard, or even the snake has got his food. This is the ideal of communism
- Thus they are always engaged in providing the necessities of life to their families in a limited conception of family life, just like uneducated cats and dogs. They are unable to take to spiritual knowledge; instead, they are bewildered
- To live in the skyscraper building, that facility is there even to the worms, cats, rats, everyone. Then what is the difference between these animals and me? The difference is how to become perfect
- We are not powerful enough to enchant the lower animals such as tigers, snakes, cats and dogs or entice them to dance, but by chanting the holy names of the Lord we can actually convert many people throughout the world to Krsna consciousness
- We are rendering service. Either you are rendering service in office, or to your family, or to your cat, or to your dog, or to your government, or to your society - you must be giving some service. There is no escape
- We are under the grip of material nature, and she is offering different kinds of bodies: "Now, my dear sir, you accept this body." We accept an American body, an Indian body, a Chinese body, a cat's body or a dog's body
- What will be the benefit of taking birth again in this material world, sometimes as a human being, sometimes a demigod and sometimes a cat or dog? What is the benefit of wasting time in this way
- When I give up this body, my mentality causes me to become a cat, a dog, or a mouse, what is the benefit of this comfortable position? But people do not consider this
- When one is not situated in Krsna consciousness, he does not necessarily get a human body again; he can get the body of a cat, dog, hog, demigod or one of many other forms, for there are 8,400,000 species. BG 1972 purports
- When the boy and girl are pleased in sex, they get married, and when there is deficiency in sex, they separate. That is not actual marriage, but a combination of men and women like cats and dogs
- When the mind and senses are purified one no longer considers himself a human being, a demigod, cat, dog, Hindu, Muslim and so forth
- When the mouse became a cat, he was harassed by a dog, and then when he became a dog, he was harassed by a tiger
- While the rat is being carried in the cat's mouth, his sensation is poles apart from that of the cat's offspring. For the rat the capture is a painful death strike, while for the offspring it is a pleasurable caress
- Why one is being born through the mother of a cat or through the mother of dog or a human being or a king or a demigod? Through mother you have to come out. That is called yoni
- Why there are different types of body? Why there is rich body? Why there is poor body? Why there is cat body? Why is dog body? Why there are varieties? That they cannot answer
- Why there are so many varieties of life? Cats, dogs, trees, aquatics, birds, beasts, human beings, demigods, civilized, uncivilized, so many
- Why there are varieties of life? One is tree, one is cat, one is dog, one is human being, one is blind, one is lame, one is educated, one is foolish - why? Why the difference, varieties? And that is answered in the Bhagavad-gita
- Why these different mothers (cat, dog, demigod & human being)? As he has infected the eighty-one qualities, colorful qualities of this material nature, the nature will give you a suitable body through the particular mother. So where is this science?
- Without self-realization and knowledge, conditional life continues, and one falsely claims himself a king, a servant, a cat or a dog. These are simply different transformations brought about by the supreme arrangement
- You are not a cat, you are not a dog, you are not Indian, you are not fair, you are not black. You are your soul - that is your identity! And one who does not understand this truth, that "I am pure soul," is defeated in all his activities
- You have come here because you are human being. The dog is not coming, the cat is not coming, because they are animals. So this Krsna consciousness movement is for the human being
- Your position that by forgetting God you are in this material world, changing one body to another - sometimes American body, sometimes demigod's body, sometimes celestial body, sometimes dog's body, cat's body, tiger's body. This science is unknown