Category:I Am Cat - Bodily Concept of Life
Pages in category "I Am Cat - Bodily Concept of Life"
The following 14 pages are in this category, out of 14 total.
- Ahankara is there, "I am Brahman, spirit soul." But he is thinking, "I am Indian," "I am American," "I am dog," "I am cat." Vimudhatma. And this first principle of knowledge they cannot understand
- At the time being, my consciousness is not purified. It is polluted, because I am thinking "I am Hindu," another is thinking "I am Muslim," one is thinking "I am man," another is thinking "I am dog," "I am cat" - so many consciousness
- Because I am in ignorance, therefore I am thinking, "I am this body": "I am this white body," "I am this black body," "I am this American body," "I am this Indian body," "I am this cat's body" and - dog's body
- Bhakti means that we have to clear ourself from the designations. What is that designation? Everyone is thinking, "I am American," "I am Indian," "I am European," "I am Australian," "I am cat," "I am dog, "I am this," "I am that" - bodily
- I am thinking, "I am Indian," you are thinking you are German, and the dog is thinking, "I am dog," and cat is thinking, "I am cat." So this bodily consciousness, bodily concept of life, will keep us conditioned within the material nature
- I'm not this any product of this material world, but I am thinking, "I am American," "I am Indian," "I am Englishman," "I am German," "I am Chinaman," "I am Russian," or "I am cats and dogs," these so many. These are all designations
- If you feel, "I am an American," that is a kind of disease; if you feel, "I am an Indian," that is also a disease; if you feel, "I am a cat," that is a disease