God has got many assistant demigods. So you are indebted. Just like you are getting the sunshine. Just like we are getting this electricity. Now, the bill will be presented. If you don't pay, then next day your electricity will be cut off. So by nature's or God's arrangement, there is sunshine. Therefore you have to perform yajña. If you don't perform yajña, then there will be no sunshine. Therefore, in the Western countries, there is very difficult to get sunshine. This is the natural sequence.
So we are indebted to the sun god. We are indebted to the Indra, who is supplying water. Just like you have got electricity department, water department, this department, so many departments, similarly, so big kingdom of God is going on. There are also different departments. But rascals, they do not know, "Why I am getting?" Just like a child does not know how this electricity is coming. He thinks it is coming automatically. Why automatically? Is it coming automatically? You have to pay for it. There is powerhouse. There is connection. So many things. But he does not know. Similarly, all the rascals, they will say, "Oh, sunshine is by nature, automatically. Moonshine, automatically. This is automatically." What do you mean by "automatically"? What thing happens automatically unless there is arrangement? And because there is so nice, good arrangement, it is to be understood there is good government. And as soon as you accept this, you must have to accept necessity of God, without which, arrangement cannot be done.
So we are debted to God. So just like, if you don't pay taxes to the government, the government does not become poor, but your supply will be stopped. You will suffer. Similarly, if you don't accept there is supreme government, the supreme governor... The governor is quite sufficient. God is completely munificent or rich. He will not suffer, but you will suffer. Therefore it is said, te sādhu kṛta-sarvārthāḥ. Just like if you remain cleansed, paying all your taxes, then you are very honest citizen. Similarly, if you become obedient to God and His government, then you are sādhu. Otherwise you are dishonest. That is explained in the Bhagavad-gītā. Sādhur eva sa mantavyaḥ (BG 9.30). Api cet su-durācāro bhajate mām ananya-bhāk. One who is very much obedient to the laws of God, he is sādhu. Not that by changing dress one become sādhu.
So te sādhu kṛta-sarvārthāḥ. They have executed all duties. Kṛta-sarvārthāḥ. Jñātvā ātyantikam ātmanaḥ. We are hankering after happiness, temporary, but we do not know what is ultimate happiness. So they knew what is the ultimate happiness. Ātyantikam. Sukham ātyantikaṁ yat tad atīndriya-grāhyam (BG 6.21). Bhagavad-gītā. Ātyantikam. The ultimate happiness is not perceived by these gross material senses. The ultimate happiness is appreciated, understood, by transcendental senses. The same senses... Means now the senses are covered by material infection. So when you purify this material infection, then your senses become pure. And in that pure senses, you can enjoy real happiness. Therefore here it is said, ātyantikam ātmanaḥ manasā dhārayām āsuḥ. So they knew what is the ātyantikaṁ dhār..., Vaikuṇṭha. Vaikuṇṭha-caraṇāmbujam. Vaikuṇṭha. Vaikuṇṭha means vigata-kuṇṭha. Kuṇṭha means anxiety. And God's another name is Vaikuṇṭha. If you take shelter of the lotus feet of God, Kṛṣṇa, then you become without anxieties. This is the only. Everyone is full of anxiety. Even a bird, even a beast, even a small ant, what to speak of our position. The material world is such, we must be full of anxieties. That is explained also. Asad-grahāt. Because we have accepted something flickering as shelter. If you accept something which is not permanent, which is tiltering... In a boat suppose which is tiltering, at any moment you will be drowned.
So you cannot be free from anxiety. But if you accept a strong, very big ship, you are assured that "I will not be drowned." Similarly, we are accepting this shelter, that shelter, that shelter, that shelter, avoiding the shelter of God. Therefore we are full of anxiety. If you want to become free from anxiety, then here is the prescription, vaikuṇṭha-caraṇāmbujam, take shelter of the lotus feet of Kṛṣṇa.