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God is not dead. God is coming to kick you out and kill you. God is not dead. He'll come in due course of time and kill you: Difference between revisions

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Expressions researched:
"God is coming to kick you out and kill you" |"God is not dead" |"He'll come in due course of time and kill you"

Conversations and Morning Walks

1976 Conversations and Morning Walks

They may think it, but my point is don't be misled by these rascals. (indistinct) Fix up your direction. Don't be misled by these rascals. (indistinct) What you have brought? (break) God is not dead. (indistinct) God is coming to kick you out and kill you. God is not dead. He'll come in due course of time and kill you. God is not dead; he'll be dead. That is explained in the Bhagavad-gītā. Mṛtyuḥ sarva-haraś cāham (BG 10.34). He's thinking God is dead... "Yes, yes, I'm coming. Whatever asset you've got, I'll take everything and make it killed. Then you'll understand what is God." These rascals say like that. Kṛṣṇa says, mṛtyuḥ sarva-haraś cāham, "I'll take everything. Just wait a few years more. When you'll not be able to say God is dead, you are dead." Rascals.
Morning Walk -- May 27, 1976, Honolulu:

Devotee (2): People read these philosophies and they think that they will get knowledge.

Prabhupāda: Knowledge means misguiding knowledge. That's all. That is not knowledge. That is going on. In the name of knowledge, all rascaldom is going on. That is the misfortune of the present world. In the name of knowledge, all rascal isms going. That's all. If we accept after all somebody else is the Supreme Lord, so He's the father. Why don't you accept that? What is the difficulty?

Devotee (2): The difficulty is that they feel that there's no one that we have to answer to.

Prabhupāda: Ha?

Devotee (2): They feel that there's actually no, there, there's no... First of all, there's no laws, there's no natural laws we have to follow.

Prabhupāda: Hm. Then why you are dictating laws, philosophy? That is the (indistinct) no laws. Why you are dictating your laws, that we should be communistic, this will be capitalistic, this will be socialistic? Why you are dictating? Let there be no law, as the uncivilized man does.

Hari-śauri: Well, there should be law, but that law is dictated by man.

Prabhupāda: Ha?

Hari-śauri: That law is decided by man in accordance with his...

Prabhupāda: Man will dictate law according to his own convenience. Well what about the trees? They are also living entity. You are cutting the trees and making it ugly, because they have no voice to protest. So why man should be given the chance?

Devotee (2): Most people think that if it's very confusing, and if their philosophy is very contradictory, then it's very profound. They think that if a philosophy is confusing...

Prabhupāda: Jugglery.

Devotee (2): ...or contradictory, then it is...

Prabhupāda: The word is jugglery. The word is jugglery. If you present something with jugglery of words, "Oh, it is very deep thought." (laughter)

Devotee (2): Because they could not understand it, they think that...

Prabhupāda: Nobody understands it.

Hari-śauri: Use some big words and don't make any clear points. (laughs)

Prabhupāda: (speaking something in a run-on fashion, as a made-up very long word) (everyone laughs) Put some words. (repeats it again) Is there any meaning? (everyone laughs) You have some jugglery of words. (everyone laughs) (repeats in run-on fashion again) What is the meaning of those (repeats phrase)?

Devotee (2): They will think that "Because I'm not very advanced I cannot understand their philosophy."

Prabhupāda: They may think it, but my point is don't be misled by these rascals. (indistinct) Fix up your direction. Don't be misled by these rascals. (indistinct) What you have brought? (break) God is not dead. (indistinct) God is coming to kick you out and kill you. God is not dead. He'll come in due course of time and kill you. God is not dead; he'll be dead. That is explained in the Bhagavad-gītā. Mṛtyuḥ sarva-haraś cāham (BG 10.34). He's thinking God is dead... "Yes, yes, I'm coming. Whatever asset you've got, I'll take everything and make it killed. Then you'll understand what is God." These rascals say like that. Kṛṣṇa says, mṛtyuḥ sarva-haraś cāham, "I'll take everything. Just wait a few years more. When you'll not be able to say God is dead, you are dead." Rascals.

Hari-śauri: Like Volte. He was eating his own stool and urine before he died, and he was still insisting there is no God.

Prabhupāda: So these rascals, they'll be taught a lesson at the time of death. God is not dead; you are dead. You simply wait to see how you are dead. We don't want to discuss all this nonsense philosophy, just to warn them that "You don't be misled by this rascalism." That is my point. Then who kills you? Who has killed your father? Just see. Who has killed your father and who will kill you? Just wait a few years more.

Devotee (2): They say this is accident. This is philosophy. This is...

Prabhupāda: Yes. That action was created by God. That accident was created by God.

Hari-śauri: Also, a cartoon somebody put in the paper and it shows...

Prabhupāda: They'll accept accident, but not God. Just see his intelligence. He'll accept accident, but not God.

Devotee (2): Most of the philosophers who have this atheistic philosophy, most of them are trained...

Prabhupāda: Therefore they are suffering. Why don't you see that? Some of them dying by eating their own stool?

Devotee (2): Actually, at the end of his life, he (indistinct) some disease, and he went literally crazy.

Prabhupāda: Disease already there. Old age is already there. That means God is there. They're being punished, but they are so shameless they'll not accept the truth. Same thing. The (indistinct), they're being punished every moment, every step, "No, God is not there." All right. Wait a few years more, God will show either you are dead or He's dead. (laughing)

Hari-śauri: I saw this picture once that somebody had drawn. There's a man holding a sign saying "God is dead," and there's a big hand squashing him right on the floor, it's coming from the sky, it's squashing him on the floor, and his sign up on the side saying "God is dead."

Devotee (3): They say that actually there never was any God, it's just a belief that man had.

Devotee (2): ...revolutionary questions that you're asking because they never stop to ask... They say that you cannot accept any philosophy, why are they giving their philosophy? No one every thought to ask that question.

Prabhupāda: Hm? Everyone is rascal. Therefore I say all rascals. They have no sense. If you want me to pose your philosophy, why shall I not impose my philosophy? I've got the same right. Why should I accept yours?

Devotee (2): Philosophers are saying that there's no philosophy, but they're giving their philosophy.

Prabhupāda: If there's no philosophy, why you rascal propose some philosophy? Stop talking. (everyone laughs)

Devotee (3): No philosophy.

Prabhupāda: That is better. That is better. There is no struggle. So why you trying to pose your philosophy?

Devotee (3): Philosophers think they know what is best for everyone else, but they don't even know what is best for themselves.

Prabhupāda: Yes. (break)...presented by Sanātana Gosvāmī before Caitanya Mahāprabhu.

Hari-śauri: Hm.

Prabhupāda: "Everyone says that I am very learned man, but I am so learned that I do not even know what I am. I'm so learned." (Bengali) This is admission of foolishness.