In this regard, Śrīla Prabodhānanda Sarasvatī writes, yat-kāruṇya-kaṭākṣa-vaibhava-vatām. If Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu simply glanced at someone for a moment, that person immediately turned into one of the most confidential devotees of the Lord. The prince came to see the Lord for the first time, but by the Lord’s mercy the boy immediately became a topmost devotee. This was not in theory but in practice. We cannot apply the nagna-mātṛkā-nyāya formula. This states that if one’s mother was naked in her childhood, she should continue to remain naked, even though she has become the mother of so many children. If a person is actually blessed by the mercy of the Lord, he can immediately become a topmost devotee of the Lord. The logic of nagna-mātṛkā states that if a person is not elevated on such and such a date, he cannot become an exalted devotee overnight, as it were. This particular instance offers evidence to contradict that theory. On the previous day, the boy was simply an ordinary prince, and the next day he was counted as one of the topmost devotees of the Lord. This was all made possible by the causeless mercy of the Lord. The Lord is omnipotent—all-powerful or almighty—and He can act as He likes.
We cannot apply the nagna-matrka-nyaya formula. This states that if one’s mother was naked in her childhood, she should continue to remain naked, even though she has become the mother of so many children
Expressions researched:
"We cannot apply the nagna-mātṛkā-nyāya formula. This states that if one’s mother was naked in her childhood, she should continue to remain naked, even though she has become the mother of so many children"
Sri Caitanya-caritamrta
CC Madhya-lila
We cannot apply the nagna-mātṛkā-nyāya formula. This states that if one’s mother was naked in her childhood, she should continue to remain naked, even though she has become the mother of so many children.
From then on, the fortunate prince was one of the most intimate devotees of the Lord.
- We Cannot (Disciples of SP)
- Apply
- Stated That
- If One
- Mother
- Naked
- Childhood
- Should
- Continue
- Remain Naked
- Even Though
- Becoming a Mother
- So Many
- Children
- Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila Chapter 12 Purports - The Cleansing of the Gundica Temple
- Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila Purports
- Sri Caitanya-caritamrta - 62 Chapters, All Purports
Page Title: | We cannot apply the nagna-matrka-nyaya formula. This states that if one’s mother was naked in her childhood, she should continue to remain naked, even though she has become the mother of so many children |
Compiler: | SharmisthaK |
Created: | 2021-04-18, 13:57:48 |
Totals by Section: | BG=0, SB=0, CC=1, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=0 |
No. of Quotes: | 1 |