Just see. And the civilized men killing them. Killing them. And they want peace. Just see the fun. Without touching your foodstuff, the cow is eating the grass which is given by God, immense grass, and they are giving you the finest foodstuff, milk. Just after your birth you have only to drink milk, either mother's milk . . . nowadays, mothers do not supply milk. That is also to be supplied by the cow.
So from the very beginning of my life I am subsisting by the foodstuff given by mother, cow, and when I am grown up, I kill. This is my gratitude. Just see. And they are called civilized. Less than lowest animal, narādhama. They are called narādhama, lowest of the mankind. Those who are killing cows, maintaining slaughterhouse, they are lowest of the mankind. They are not human being. Less than animal. They have no gratitude.
So the idea is that there is no food problem. As the mother earth said to King Pṛthu that, "I am restricting," so the more you become sinful, the food supply will be stopped. This is the law of nature. At the end there will be no food grains, at the end of Kali-yuga. That is stated in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam.
There will be no food grain, no fruits, no milk, no sugar. You have to live on flesh and blood. At that time, being hungry, you will kill your own children and eat flesh and blood. That day is waiting. So this is the civilization. Most heinous civilization. It can only be saved by spreading this Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement. Otherwise there is no way. So sinful civilization.
Therefore our first restriction is no meat-eating. It is a most sinful act. Meat-eating or intoxication, drinking, gambling and illicit sex. These are the four pillars of sinful life. So unless you stop, you break these four pillars, how you can think of God? God is not so cheap. The rascal says: "You can do whatever you like. I give you . . . I push your eyes and you become . . . you see God. You push your nose, you see God." You see? These nonsense things are going on.
But God is not so cheap. He is cheap, very cheap. He is very kind. But we want to remain sinful. Therefore we cannot see God. Arjuna addressed Kṛṣṇa, paraṁ dhāma paraṁ brahma pavitraṁ paramaṁ bhavān (BG 10.12): "You are the most pure." So how you can approach God with sinful life? That is not possible. That is simply bogus thing, that you keep your sinful life, at the same time you want to see God, you want to talk with God. That is not possible.
So this point is that if the population of the world becomes sinful, demonic, then nature will not supply you sufficient food. She will diminish. We have got experience. In India we have seen, some years there is overproduction of mango. People . . . very cheap. Everyone can purchase. And sometimes there is no supply, some year.