The next word, nirgrantha, indicates freedom from the bondage of illusion. Nirgrantha also means "one who has no connection with scriptural injunctions." Grantha means revealed scriptures, and nir is an affix which is used to mean "no connection,""constructing," and also "prohibiting." There are many instructions for spiritual realization, and persons who have no connection with such scriptural injunctions are known as nirgrantha. There are many people who are foolish, low-born and misbehaved and who have no entrance into the revealed scriptures and injunctions, and therefore they are called nirgrantha. Because the word grantha can also mean "collected riches," the word nirgrantha also indicates a poor man, bereft of all riches, who is attempting to collect riches.
Nirgrantha means
Sri Caitanya-caritamrta
CC Madhya-lila
“The word "nirgranthāḥ" means "without ignorance" and "devoid of rules and regulations." Whichever meaning fits may be applied.
Other Books by Srila Prabhupada
Teachings of Lord Caitanya
Srimad-Bhagavatam Lectures
So here are the examples in the śāstras, that Bharata Mahārāja, elected or selected, nominated by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Ṛṣabhadeva... And He retired, avadhūta-veṣa. Avadhūta-veṣa means He is no more within the social community. Just like the word nirgranthā... Kurvanty ahaitukīṁ bhaktim ittham-bhūta-guṇo hariḥ. Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu has explained this word nirgranthā. Nirgranthā means one who has no granthi, no tight knot with this material world. And the another meaning, one who has no connection with granthā, nirgranthā. So there are two classes of men. One is foolish rascal, no education. He is called also nirgranthā, and another person who has no connection with this material world, he is also nirgranthā. So here the sign of Ṛṣabhadeva, He became just like a madman, a deaf and dumb, a rascal, a fool, a ghost. But He is not madman. He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is... Apparently it may look like that, but He is Supreme Personality of Godhead. He has no connection, either you call Him deaf and dumb, fool, rascal, whatever you call. You can call. Tṛṇād api sunīcena. He has no connection with this body. This is avadhūta-veṣa. When one, no more he has got any connection with this material body, he is avadhūta-veṣa.
Page Title: | Nirgrantha means |
Compiler: | Rishab |
Created: | 20 of Jan, 2012 |
Totals by Section: | BG=0, SB=0, CC=1, OB=1, Lec=1, Con=0, Let=0 |
No. of Quotes: | 3 |