So in this way, money is not bad. Ev... Nothing is bad. Anything created by God, nothing is bad. But if it is employed in the service of the Lord... Otherwise, it is bad. So for a sannyāsī who has dedicated his life for the service of the Lord, he, he does not hate anything. He can... He knows the art how to employ anything in the service of the Lord. Therefore he does not hate anything. Na dveṣṭi. And na kāṅkṣati. Na kāṅkṣati means he does not desire any money for his personal account. That is the significance. If you offer to a devotee who has renounced his life for the service of the Lord millions of dollars, he can engage. He knows the art how to engage millions of dollars in the service of the Lord, but not a farthing for his own comfort, not a farthing for his own comfort. Na kāṅkṣati. Na dveṣṭi na kāṅkṣati. He does not hate money. Because he knows that money is a strength. By this strength, the service of the Lord can be advanced in so many ways. So that Rūpa Gosvāmī made two verses for our guidance. For our guidance he made two verses, very nice verses.
- anāsaktasya viṣayān
- yathārham upayuñjataḥ
- nirbandhaḥ kṛṣṇa-sambandhe
- yuktaṁ vairāgyam ucyate
He says that viṣaya... Viṣaya means enjoyable things. In the material world, what we want to enjoy, that is called viṣaya. So anāsaktasya viṣayān. So far we have got this body, we have to accept not for sense gratification, but for maintenance. So anāsaktasya, without being attached, we may accept the necessities of our bodily requirements, yathārham, as far as possible, as much as I want for maintaining the body and soul together. In this way, if we live, but everything dedicated to the Supreme Lord, that is the highest standard of renounced. And another, other side he explains that, that the things... Phalgu-vairāgyaṁ kathyate. Nirbandhaḥ. The idea is... I exactly forgot the verse, but it is stated like this, that a person who is trying to renounce this world without knowing that everything can be engaged in the service of the Lord, and he's renouncing, he is..., his renunciation is not first-grade. His renunciation is not first-grade.