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My Guru Maharaja used to say that when we shall see that the high-court judges are devotees of Krsna, then our preaching will be somewhat forward

Expressions researched:
"my Guru Mahārāja used to say that when we shall see that the high-court judges are devotees of Kṛṣṇa, then our preaching will be somewhat forward"


Srimad-Bhagavatam Lectures

Every field, there must be mahā-bhāgavata. So my Guru Mahārāja used to say that when we shall see that the high-court judges are devotees of Kṛṣṇa, then our preaching will be somewhat forward. So that is the aim of Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement, that everyone, at least those who are ruling, those who are on the executive function, they must be all mahā-bhāgavata.

Lecture on SB 1.16.1 -- Los Angeles, December 29, 1973:

So Parīkṣit Mahārāja was not an ordinary person. He was mahā-bhāgavata. Mahīṁ mahā-bhāgavataḥ śaśāsa, ruled over, a great devotee. It does not mean a great devotee is simply engaged in chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra. No. A great devotee may be the chief of the executive function of the state. He can become. That is required. Not that only mahā-bhāgavata required in church or temples. No. Mahā-bhāgavata required also as the head of the chief executive function. That is also required. Otherwise, how people will be happy? Every field, there must be mahā-bhāgavata.

So my Guru Mahārāja used to say that when we shall see that the high-court judges are devotees of Kṛṣṇa, then our preaching will be somewhat forward. So that is the aim of Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement, that everyone, at least those who are ruling, those who are on the executive function, they must be all mahā-bhāgavata. Under them everything should be ruled. Then people will be happy. Because they will never do anything unjustly. Their only desire is, mahā-bhāgavata, is how to give relief to the suffering humanity. That is mahā-bhāgavata. So Parīkṣit Mahārāja was mahā-bhāgavata, and therefore he was entrusted to rule over, not an ordinary man.

Page Title:My Guru Maharaja used to say that when we shall see that the high-court judges are devotees of Krsna, then our preaching will be somewhat forward
Created:22 of Nov, 2010
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=1, Con=0, Let=0
No. of Quotes:1