Pradyumna: Translation: "Now I am attracted to those instructions imparted to me by the Personality of Godhead (Govinda) because they are impregnated with instructions for relieving the burning heart in all circumstances of time and space."
Prabhupāda: Go on reading the purport.
Pradyumna: "Herein Arjuna refers to the instruction of the Bhagavad-gītā, which was imparted to him by the Lord in the Battlefield of Kurukṣetra. The Lord left behind Him the instructions of the Bhagavad-gītā not only for the benefit of Arjuna alone, but also for all time and in all lands."
"The Bhagavad-gītā, being spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the essence of all Vedic wisdom. It is nicely presented by the Lord Himself for all who have very little time to go through the vast Vedic literatures, like the Upaniṣads, Purāṇas and Vedānta-sūtras. It is put within the study of the great historical epic Mahābhārata, which was especially prepared for the less intelligent class, namely the women, the laborers, and those who are worthless descendants of the brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas and the higher sections of the vaiśyas."
"The problem which arose in the heart of Arjuna on the Battlefield of Kurukṣetra was solved by the teachings of the Bhagavad-gītā. Again, after the departure of the Lord from the vision of earthly people, when Arjuna was face to face with being vanquished in his great acquired power and prominence, he wanted again to remember the great teachings of the Bhagavad-gītā just to teach all concerned that the Bhagavad-gītā could be consulted in all critical times, not only for solace from all kinds of mental agonies, but also for the way out of the great entanglements which may embarrass one in some critical hour."
"The merciful Lord left behind Him the great teachings of the Bhagavad-gītā so that one can take the instructions of the Lord even when He is not visible to material eyesight. Material senses cannot have any estimation of the Supreme Lord, but by His inconceivable power, the Lord can incarnate Himself to the sense perception of the conditioned souls in a suitable manner through the agency of matter, which is also another form of the Lord's manifested energy."
Prabhupāda: Just like we have no knowledge of Kṛṣṇa, conditioned soul. Therefore for our understanding, He is so merciful, He descends as arcā-mūrti. This Deity which we are worshiping, that is called arcāvatāra, incarnation of arcā. He's accepting our worship, our prayer, our everything. He has descended just suitable for our handling. That is His mercy. Therefore we should not consider that this arcā Kṛṣṇa is made of stone, as atheists will say that, "These foolish persons are worshiping. Heathens, they are worshiping." No, we are not worshiping stone. We are worshiping Kṛṣṇa. But that they do not know. Kṛṣṇa has appeared before us. Because at the present moment, we cannot see except stone and wood, therefore, suitable for our vision, He has appeared in such a way. Otherwise, how we can appreciate?