Category:Vedic Life
Pages in category "Vedic Life"
The following 23 pages are in this category, out of 23 total.
- A grhastha is not meant to enjoy sex life without restriction. Indeed, the whole purpose of Vedic life is to become free from sexual indulgence
- A prostitute is called dasi, and wife is called dharma-patni. These are distinction. There are distinction of dresses also, according to Vedic way of life. The prostitute would separate the hair here, not in the middle
- According to Vedic civilization, it is imperative to give up the family at a certain stage, by force if necessary. Unfortunately, so-called followers of Vedic life do not give up their family even at the end of life, unless they are forced by death
- According to Vedic life and according to all Vedic scriptures, a man should live on fruits and vegetables, for his teeth are made in such a way that these can be very easily eaten and digested
- If one has unflinching faith in Krsna and his spiritual master, then automatically the Vedic knowledge becomes awakened. This is a fact, you can see. They never knew what is Vedic life, Vedic knowledge, but how they have become so nice, perfect devotee
- In the Bhagavad-gita you will find the word is vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyam (BG 15.15). That means to follow the Vedic way of life means to become Krsna conscious
- In the Vedic way of life the beginning of life is tapasya, brahmacari. Brahmacari. A student is sent to gurukula for practicing brahmacarya. This is tapasya, not comfortable life
- One should not waste semen on sensual pleasure, violating the principles of Vedic life. Restraint in sex is possible, however, only when the populace is trained in the above-mentioned thirty qualities; otherwise, it is not possible
- One who is attracted by that ecstatic love of the gopis does not care about popular opinion or the regulative principles of Vedic life. Rather, he completely surrenders unto Krsna and renders service unto Him
- So according to our Vedic line of thought, anyone who does not accept the Vedic way of life, he is called atheist. Therefore Buddhist, according to Vedantist, Buddhist are called atheist
- So in our this Vedic way of life, to accept guru is essential. Even big, big acarya . . . even Krsna, He accepted guru, Sandipani Muni. Lord Caitanya accepted guru, Isvara Puri
- The science of logical argument, the Vedic goals of life, and also law and order, moral codes, and the celebrated hymns bhuh, bhuvah and svah all became manifested from the mouths of Brahma, and the pranava omkara was manifested from his heart
- This is the way of Vedic life. One must stop the process of repeated birth and death and return home, back to Godhead
- When one is advanced so much so that he inquires about the spirit soul. But there is no such inquiry. Like the cats and dogs, they cannot inquire what is spirit soul. So Vedic life means to become free as much as possible from the bodily disturbances
- Willingly, we are not going to kill anybody, but unwillingly... Therefore there is panca-suna-yajna. You have to perform yajna every day to counteract the sinful reaction of your imperceptible killings of animals. That's it. This is Vedic life
- You will see there are great sages, saintly persons, who understand the meaning of Vedic literature, and they live up to the standard of Vedic life
- Yudhisthira said, "Out of Your (Krsna's) independent will only, You have descended to this earth by the use of Your own internal potency, yogamaya, and to reestablish the Vedic principles of life You have appeared just like an ordinary human being"