Category:Vaisnava Aparadha
Vaisnava aparadha
Pages in category "Vaisnava Aparadha"
The following 32 pages are in this category, out of 32 total.
- A vaisnava-aparadha cannot be atoned for by any means other than by begging the pardon of the offended Vaisnava
- According to Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, there are two kinds of impediments to devotional service. The first is an offense at the lotus feet of a Vaisnava. This is called vaisnava-aparadha
- Advanced devotee never disobey or disrespect another devotee. Disrespect to another devotee is a great offense. Vaisnava aparadha
- Because Garuda is the carrier of Lord Visnu, he is the supreme Vaisnava. Therefore to touch his body with one’s feet or to climb the column of Garuda is certainly a vaisnava-aparadha, an offense to a Vaisnava
- Because Garuda's plans for eating were disappointed, Saubhari Muni certainly committed a great offense to a Vaisnava. Because of this vaisnava-aparadha, an offense at the lotus feet of a Vaisnava, Saubhari fell from his exalted position of mystic tapasya
- Because of this vaisnava-aparadha (when Garuda wanted to eat fish, Saubhari Muni unnecessarily gave the fish shelter under his care), an offense at the lotus feet of a Vaisnava, Saubhari Muni fell from his exalted position of mystic tapasya
- If one commits vaisnava-aparadhas, all of his progress in devotional service will be checked. Even though one is very much advanced in devotional service, if he commits offenses at the feet of a Vaisnava, his advancement is all spoiled
- If one is an offender at the lotus feet of a brahmana or Vaisnava, his offenses uproot all his auspicious activities. One should very carefully guard against committing vaisnava-aparadha, or offenses at the lotus feet of a Vaisnava
- If one thinks that the body of a pure devotee is material, he is an offender, for that is a vaisnava-aparadha. In this connection one should consult Srila Sanatana Gosvami’s Brhad-bhagavatamrta - 1.3.45 and 2.3.139
- Lord Caitanya compared offenses toward a Vaisnava to a mad elephant. As a mad elephant can do anything horrible, so when a person offends a Vaisnava he can perform any abominable action
- Lord Caitanya induced His mother (Sacidevi) to take the dust of Advaita Acarya’s lotus feet, and thus her vaisnava-aparadha was nullified
- Since Krsna consciousness is eternal, it cannot be destroyed altogether, but advancement may be checked for the time being. Thus vaisnava-aparadha is one kind of impediment to devotional service
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has described the vaisnava-aparadha, or offense to a Vaisnava, as "the mad elephant offense." One should be very careful not to offend a Vaisnava or a brahmana
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu warned His devotees not to commit vaisnava-aparadha, which He described as the mad elephant offense. When a mad elephant enters a beautiful garden, it destroys everything, leaving a barren field
- Sri Caitanya-caritamrta has described such an offense (to the lotus feet of a Vaisnava) as follows: yadi vaisnava-aparadha uthe hati mata, upade va chinde, tara sukhi’ yaya pata - CC Madhya 19.156
- The most dangerous animal is considered a mad elephant, for if a mad elephant enters into a garden, it causes tremendous damage to plants and trees. An offense to a pure devotee of the Lord is called vaisnavaparadha, the mad elephant offense
- The most grievous type of vaisnava-aparadha is called gurv-aparadha, which refers to offenses at the lotus feet of the spiritual master
- The power of vaisnava-aparadha is so great that even an advanced devotee becomes almost devoid of his spiritual assets if he commits it
- There are many kinds of offenses, but the greatest offense is to offend a devotee of the Lord
- Vaisnava aparadha is a great offense
- Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura remarks that Saubhari Muni had fallen from his austerity because of a vaisnava-aparadha
- Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura remarks that Saubhari Muni had fallen from his austerity because of a vaisnava-aparadha. The history is that when Garuda wanted to eat fish, Saubhari Muni unnecessarily gave the fish shelter under his care
- We have actually seen that a great vaisnava-aparadhi continuously suffered so much that it was difficult for him to move, and yet he did not die
- We should be very, very careful not to commit any offense at the feet of Vaisnava. Vaisnava does not take any offense. He does not care who is offender, but Krsna takes care. Krsna will never tolerate if a person is Vaisnava aparadha
- While describing the system of protection for the creeper of devotional service, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has especially stressed protection from offenses unto the lotus feet of Vaisnavas. Offenses are called vaisnava-aparadha. Aparadha means "offense."