Category:Thinking of Sense Gratification
Pages in category "Thinking of Sense Gratification"
The following 24 pages are in this category, out of 24 total.
- All these individuals (the atomic souls) are working in the material world for sense gratification, and under the spell of material energy they are thinking of being enjoyers. BG 1972 purports
- Although one is involved with matter as long as the material body exists, one should not think about sense gratification. BG 1972 purports
- Always spreading miseries and controlled by acts of sense gratification, he (the attached householder) acts just to counteract the reactions of all his miseries, and if he can successfully counteract such miseries, he thinks that he is happy
- For his own sense gratification, King Indra thought to defeat Maharaja Prthu in the performance of one hundred horse sacrifices. Consequently he stole the horse and hid himself amid so many irreligious personalities, taking on false guise of a sannyasi
- For human society, constantly thinking of how to earn money and apply it for sense gratification brings about the destruction of everyone's interests. When one becomes devoid of knowledge & DS, he enters into species of life like those of trees & stones
- He (a materially attached person) is generally very greedy, and he thinks that anything attained by him is permanent and never to be lost. Such a person is envious of others and prepared to do anything wrong for sense gratification. BG 1972 purports
- Hellish and demoniac persons do not actually know what is the ultimate attainment in perfection, and therefore they think that sense gratification is the highest goal of life
- If one takes up the sannyasa order of life but is not able to control the mind, he will think of objects of sense gratification - namely family, society, expensive house, etc
- In the bodily conception, when we think that sense gratification will help us, we are in illusion
- In the spiritual body, free from material contamination, one can serve Radha-Krsna and Laksmi-Narayana. When one is thus spiritually situated, he no longer thinks of his own personal sense gratification
- Material thought means these fruitive activities. "I shall work very hard, and I shall get so much wealth, and for this purpose I can go to church & temple. If God gives me millions of dollars, then I am ready to go." Real purpose is sense gratification
- Materialists always think of sense gratification, but Prahlada Maharaja prays that the Lord's mercy will change their minds and they will stop thinking of sense gratification. If they think of Krsna always, everything will be all right
- The difficulty is that people are not educated to understand this simple philosophy. They think that advancement of civilization means increasing sense gratification
- The gross materialist who is constantly after sense gratification spends all day earning his livelihood to maintain his family, and at night he wastes his energy in sex enjoyment or else goes to sleep thinking about all he has done in the daytime
- The living entity, due to illusion, thinks that he is well situated in sense gratification
- The mind of the living entity continues to exist in various gross bodies, and according to one's desires for sense gratification, the mind records different thoughts
- When the mind is allowed to think of sense gratification continuously, it becomes the cause of our material bondage
- When the mind wanders to thoughts of sense gratification, one should at once understand - This is illusion
- When we are baffled in the sense gratification, then we try to satisfy the thinking, feeling, willing of our mind. And when we fail satisfaction of the mind also, then we seek satisfaction of the soul. That is supreme
- When we forget Krsna, that is materialism. And when we constantly remember Krsna, that is spiritualism. The materialists means they are thinking of sense gratification