Category:Stopping Death
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Pages in category "Stopping Death"
The following 67 pages are in this category, out of 67 total.
- A Krsna conscious person does not even want to stop his cycle of birth and death. He simply prays, "I may take birth as You like, but my only prayer is that I may be engaged in Your service" - CC Antya 20.29, Siksastaka 4
- Any education which does not give enlightenment on the subject matter of how to stop death, they are all foolish talking. That's all. This is the conclusion
- Birth control, there are so many medicines. But where is the stoppage of birth? The population is increasing. Neither you can stop death, neither you can stop birth, neither you can stop old age
- By avoiding the discharge of his proper duty, he (Arjuna) would not be able to stop the death of his relatives, and he would be degraded due to his selection of the wrong path of action. BG 1972 purports
- Every conditioned soul is under the control of Yamaraja, but Hiranyakasipu said that he considered Prahlada Maharaja his deliverer, for Prahlada would stop Hiranyakasipu's repetition of birth and death
- Everyone is very much anxious to stop increase of population by so many contraceptive method. But still, birth is going on. So there is no stoppage of death
- Everyone wants to lead the medical science. It is time to give greatest relief from disease, but they cannot stop disease or death. That is the problem
- Everyone will die. So nobody can check death. However great scientist he may, he cannot stop death. By laws of nature one is becoming old. By your scientific advancement you can stop first of all
- Everyone's duty is to stop this birth and death problem by chanting Hare Krsna mantra. That is the only duty. And this should be taught from the very beginning of life
- If you are simply satisfied only by living a bigger span of life, is that very success? Just stop death. That is success. To become very strong in body, that is not success. But either you become strong and weak, you have to die
- If you discover something that will stop my death, that is meritorious. And everyone is dying, and you have discovered some machine so that you can die quickly. So what is the merit
- If you have made a horseless carriage motorcar, that is not advancement. It is advancement, but it is not the solution of the problem. The solution of problem is, human life, is to how to stop death
- If you want to stop the danger of death, then you have to understand what is that Absolute Truth. Just like I have given already the example of sunshine. If you come to the sunshine, there is no darkness
- In Bhagavad-gita it is stated that only by understanding the transcendental nature of the Lord and His activities, His appearance and disappearance, can one stop the cycle of death and go back to Him
- Is there medical science which can stop death? So that knowledge may be temporary, beneficial, but ultimately, it is not the knowledge. I am anxious for not dying. Nobody wants to die. This is my anxiety
- Nobody wants to become old, everyone wants to remain young and fresh, but old age overcomes. Similarly, disease. There are scientific advancement of knowledge, you have got very effective medicines, but there is no science to stop disease or to stop death
- Nobody wants to die, but death is there. They are trying to stop increase of population, birth but the birth is there. And the medical science is giving us good medicine but they cannot stop disease, neither death. These are the problems
- Nobody wants to die. And where is that technology, to stop death? What do you think? You are financing many technological institutions, businesses. Why don't you finance an institution which is giving instruction how to stop death
- Nobody wants to die; he wants to continue. Why he becomes old? Old means warning and, of the... Just like the, what is that, yellow street light. "Now please prepare for the red light." So this is coming... You stop this
- Now, seven hundred years before, people were dying. Death was there. So has the advancement of material science during the seven hundred years, has stopped death? No. That is not possible
- O Krsna, those who continuously hear, chant and repeat Your transcendental activities, or take pleasure in others' doing so, certainly see Your lotus feet, which alone can stop the repetition of birth and death
- One has to stop this repetition of birth and death. That is the perfection of life. That is the perfection. But they do not know how to stop this repetition, neither they do know that death can be avoided
- One who is not trying to stop death is not an intelligent human being. Because Devaki was face to face with imminent death, it was Vasudeva's duty to save her, as he was trying his best to do
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is to stop death. You will be surprised. You may not be very much pleased, but it is possible. It is possible. Because we are eternal. We living entities, soul, we are part and parcel of God, we are eternal
- Our subject matter is not material things, that somehow or other you get a car and a good apartment and a good wife, then all your problems solved. No. That is not solution of problems. The real problem is how to stop your death
- Rascal civilized man does not know what is next life, how death can be stopped. Nothing else. Big, big scholars of Bhagavad-gita, they do not understand. The so-called scholars, they do not understand. These things are there in the Bhagavad-gita
- Real problem is how to stop death, how to stop birth, how to stop old age, and how to stop disease. That is real problem. That can be done when you are liberated from this material world. This is our problem
- Real problem is how to stop the birth, death, old age and disease, and that is Vedic civilization, and that is depending on the brahminical culture
- Sir, I have got many business to perform. - "No, immediately die." Where is your science to stop it?
- So death will take away everyone. There is no doubt about it. Therefore discover something which will stop death. That is real discovery
- So many scientists, they are trying to become happy, to make people happy, but which scientist has tried to stop death, to stop old age, to stop disease? Has any scientist tried
- So our Krsna consciousness movement is to stop death, live eternally with Krsna, go back to home, back to Godhead. This is our movement. So our guru gives us this opportunity, no more death
- So-called scientists are now claiming that some time in the future we shall stop death by scientific methods, but this is simply another crazy utterance. Stopping death is not at all possible
- The death may be caused, if not cancer, simply by accident you can die. The real scientific research should be how to stop death. That is real scientific. That we are giving
- The real scientific research should be how to stop death. That is real scientific. That we are giving. To find out some medicine for some disease, that is not triumph. Real triumph is how to stop disease
- The S P of God acts through His material energy in the creation, maintenance and annihilation of this cosmic manifestation just to deliver the living entity by His compassion and stop the living entity's birth, death and duration of materialistic life
- The scientific world is working so hard, but the scientist is dying himself. He cannot stop death. He can create some atom bomb to kill, but he cannot create anything which will stop death. That is not possible
- The scientist, who puts forward the theory of stopping death by advancement of scientific knowledge, becomes himself a victim of death when he is called by Yamaraja
- The so-called scientist, when he says that, "By scientific method, we shall stop death," so there is no evidence in the history of the human society that a man has not died
- The yogic process is like that. But that is not the process of check, stopping death. You can delay death. That you can delay, so it's a hundred years, two hundred years, five hundred years, or even more than that
- There is no stoppage of death, and there is no stoppage of birth. Nor can diseases be stopped, nor can old age, despite all of the latest inventions in medicine
- They are making scientific researches to become happy, but these rascals, they do not know how to stop death. So what is the nice? But they have no brain to understand
- They are showing some mysticism. Stop death. Then I shall see your mysticism. What is this nonsense mysticism? Can you stop death? Is it possible? Then what is the meaning of this mysticism? All bogus
- They cannot stop death, neither birth, nor old age, nor disease. And during the short period of life, birth and death, they are making big, big buildings, and next time he is becoming one rat within the buildings
- This verse (SB 9.24.58) says, anugrahas tan-nivrtteh, indicating that the false life of repeated birth and death must be stopped and the conditioned soul should be educated. This is the purpose of the creation
- To stop death, to stop birth, is not possible unless one comes to Krsna consciousness. Unless one does not come to the position of loving Krsna, there's no question of freedom. That is the nature's law. We have forgotten Krsna
- We are hearing from the scriptures, from authorities, that "I have got this miserable conditional body to suffer threefolds of material miseries; still, I am not very much anxious how to stop this repetition of birth and death. I am drinking poison"
- We are so proud to think that this is advancement of knowledge, but if we can manufacture something that can stop death, we have really advanced in knowledge
- We are talking on the Srimad-Bhagavatam. The subject matter is how one shall transfer himself from this material world to the spiritual world and thereby stop birth, death, old age and disease. This is the whole subject matter
- We are under the clutches of death. "It is as sure as death." So this human life is meant for stopping this death. But if you don't see that this is the problem, that is ajnana. That is ignorance
- We can manufacture something that will accelerate death, but nothing that will stop death. Those who are intelligent, however, are not concerned with the fourfold miseries of material life, but with elevation to the spiritual planets
- We may discover many fine medicines, but it is not possible to stop the sufferings of disease or death. Actually, medicine is not the counteracting agent for either disease or death
- We may solve all these problem, the problem of material existence, birth, death, old age and disease, that cannot be stopped, either you become Brahma or something like that. That is not possible. That is possible only by Krsna consciousness
- What is your ability? Can you stop death? Then what is your ability? You have to die. So it is false ability. It is struggle only. You try to live but nature will kill you. This is your ability
- What to speak of stopping death, no one can enhance the short period of life even by a fraction of a moment. The only hope of suspending the cruel slaughtering process of Yamaraja is to call him to hear and chant the holy name of the Lord
- Where is your counteracting medicine for stopping death and disease? Disease is happening. You cannot make, manufacture any medicine that one tablet I take, I shall never be diseased or I shall never die. That is not possible
- With gun or without, gun, you will die. The fascist will die and the other party also will die. Gun or without gun, he cannot exist. But our fight is to stop death
- You are all student of the university, but there is no science how you can increase the duration of life or how you can stop death. That is not possible
- You can, I mean to say, discover many means to stop death - that is going on - but you cannot stop death. That is not possible
- You stop your death, live for millions of years and see things. So where is that power? Then what is your value? You live for fifty years, sixty years, or utmost hundred years, and you talk of millions of years
- Your choice, make your choice, which way. Again death or deathlessness. Stop death from you. This is human life. The karmis, jnanis, yogis, they're trying for death. There will be death. But for the bhaktas, devotees, there is deathlessness