Category:Srimad-Bhagavatam, Canto 10 Chapter 10 Purports - Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees
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- A devotee, therefore, does not eat anything that would require slaughterhouses for poor animals. Rather, devotees take prasada of Krsna (tena tyaktena bhunjithah)
- A mouse was very much harassed by a cat, and therefore the mouse approached a saintly person to request to become a cat
- A poor man receives sadhus very quickly, offers them obeisances, and tries to take advantage of their presence, whereas a rich man keeps a big greyhound dog at his door so that no one can enter his house
- A pure devotee always engages in pure service (anukulyena krsnanusilanam bhaktir uttama (CC Madhya 19.167)). Taking birth in the upper planetary system as a demigod is a chance to become a further purified devotee and go back home, back to Godhead
- A sadhu is one who is engaged in devotional service to the Lord without deviation - bhajate mam ananya-bhak
- A sadhu is suhrdah sarva-dehinam (SB 3.25.21), the friend of everyone. Why then should the rich, instead of associating with sadhus, waste their valuable time in association with other rich men who are averse to spiritual life
- A saintly person voluntarily accepts a state of poverty just to become free from material false prestige
- A similar thing (to the Again become a Mouse story) is going on all over the universe. One is going up and down, sometimes becoming a mouse, sometimes a tiger, and so on
- A tree has no consciousness: when cut, it feels no pain
- Acaryavan puruso veda (Chandogya Upanisad 6.14.2): one has full knowledge about life when one is acaryavan, controlled by the acarya
- According to the opinion of experienced medical practitioners, diabetes is a result of voracious eating, and tuberculosis is a disease of undereating. We should desire neither to be diabetic nor to be tubercular
- Although in the beginning Narada Muni appeared very angry and cursed them, at the end the two demigods Nalakuvara and Manigriva were able to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, face to face
- Although the two (yamala-arjuna) trees were so large and sturdy that even many elephants could not move them, Krsna, as a child, exhibited such extraordinary strength that they fell down with a great sound
- Among the three modes of material nature-goodness, passion and ignorance - people are certainly conducted by the lower qualities, namely passion and ignorance, and especially by passion
- An avaisnava never becomes a good man, however severely he is punished
- Animal food is never recommended for human beings; instead, a human being is recommended to take prasada, remnants of food left by Krsna. Yajna-sistasinah santo mucyante sarva-kilbisaih (BG 3.13)
- Animal killing is prohibited. Every living being, of course, has to eat something. But one should be taught what kind of food one should take
- Anyone who is not a devotee of Krsna and does not surrender to Krsna must be considered naradhama, the lowest of men, and duskrti, one who always commits sinful activities
- Arjuna trees are still found in many forests, and their skin is used by cardiologists to prepare medicine for heart trouble. This means that even though they are trees, they are disturbed when skinned for medical science
- As I am eating an animal, that animal will have the opportunity to eat me
- As stated by Caitanya Mahaprabhu (CC Madhya 22.54) - lava-matra sadhu-sange sarva-siddhi haya - If by chance one meets a sadhu, a devotee, one's life is immediately successful, and one is freed from material bondage
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.7-8): Krsna appears as an incarnation when real spiritual life declines and when rogues and thieves increase to disturb the situation of the world
- Atheists do not believe in the existence of the soul. Nonetheless, unless one is very cruel, why should one kill animals unnecessarily?
- Austerity is good for everyone because it frees one from material conditions
- Because Narada Muni desired that Nalakuvara and Manigriva see Vasudeva face to face, the Supreme Personality of Godhead wanted to fulfill the words of His very dear devotee Narada Muni
- Because Narada Muni, in his previous life, was the poverty-stricken son of a maidservant, he got the association of saintly persons and later became the exalted Narada Muni
- Because of being a pure devotee, a sadhu is always ready to deliver Krsna consciousness without discrimination. As soon as one sees a sadhu, one naturally becomes free
- Because we are covered by the material modes of nature, He (Krsna) is very difficult for us to understand unless He reveals Himself to us. Therefore it is better for us to acknowledge that He is everything and offer obeisances unto His lotus feet
- Being duskrtis, they (persons influenced by passion and ignoranxe) completely forget the existence of the supreme controller, who is sitting within the core of everyone's heart (isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese 'rjuna tisthati (BG 18.61))
- Both the poor man and the rich man can take advantage of the Krsna consciousness movement, and here (in SB 10.10.18) it is advised that everyone do so. There is no profit in avoiding the association of the members of the Krsna consciousness movement
- But when he became a tiger, he stared at the saintly person, and when the saintly person asked him, "What do you want?" the tiger said, "I want to eat you." Then the saintly person cursed him, saying, "May you again become a mouse."
- By karma-misra-bhakti one is elevated to the celestial kingdom, by jnana-misra-bhakti one is able to merge in the Brahman effulgence, and by yoga-misra-bhakti one is able to realize the omnipotency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- By the mercy of both Krsna and the spiritual master, such a person (who out of many millions gets the fortune of associating with guru by Krsna's Grace) receives the seed of the creeper of devotional service - CC Madhya 19.151
- Ceto-darpana-marjanam bhava-maha-davagni-nirvapanam (CC Antya 20.12) (Siksastaka 1). Unless the core of a materialistic person's heart is purified, he cannot get rid of the pangs of bhava-maha-davagni, the blazing fire of material existence
- Chadiya vaisnava-seva nistara payeche keba (Narottama dasa Thakura): no one is delivered from the material conception of life unless favored by a Vaisnava. Others can never understand, neither by speculation nor by any other bodily or mental gymnastics
- Conducted by the mode of passion, one becomes more and more involved in material existence
- Each day of the demigods in the upper planetary system equals six months of our measurement. Although the demigods in the upper planetary system are attached to material enjoyment, they are all devotees, and therefore they are called demigods
- Even the descriptions of Krsna in Srimad-Bhagavatam are sometimes misunderstood by less intelligent men with a poor fund of knowledge. Therefore, the best course by which to know Him is to engage oneself in pure devotional activities
- Even today, if a man who was formerly poverty-stricken gets money, he is inclined to utilize his money to perform many philanthropic activities, like opening schools for uneducated men and hospitals for the diseased
- Everything - the mind, the body and all the sense organs - should be engaged in Krsna's service. This is to be learned from expert devotees like Narada, Svayambhu and Sambhu. This is the process
- Everything is resting on Krsna, and everything is Krsna, but this is not to be realized by persons on the material platform
- Everything should be engaged in the service of the Lord. Hrsikena hrsikesa-sevanam bhaktir ucyate - CC Madhya 19.170 - Narada-pancaratra
- Everything, spiritual and material, depends on one's mental condition
- Foolish people, therefore, become devotees of demigods. This has been pointed out and criticized by Lord Krsna in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.20): kamais tais tair hrta jnanah prapadyante 'nya-devatah
- Forgetting that however one may try to maintain the body, the body is subject to birth, death, old age and disease, such foolish rascals (influenced by passion and ignorance) engage in sinful activities, one after another
- From the very beginning, by killing Putana, Sakatasura and Trnavartasura, by causing the trees to fall, and by showing the entire universe within His mouth, Krsna proved that He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- He posts a sign saying "Beware of Dog" and avoids the association of saintly persons, whereas a poor man keeps his door open for them and thus benefits by their association more than a rich man does
- Here (in SB 10.10.38) the process of understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead is given. This process is bhakti
- Human life is not meant for making the senses unnecessarily strong so that one suffers from disease and one increases in an envious, fighting spirit
- If from the material platform one could understand Krsna, then, since Krsna is everything (sarvam khalv idam brahma), one could understand Krsna by seeing anything within this material world. But that is not possible
- If one gets the advantage of association with saintly persons, by their instructions one becomes more and more purified of material desires
- If one has killed an animal, one must himself be killed by that same animal. This is called mamsa. Mam means "me," and sa means "he."
- If one practices eating prasada, even if there is some little sinful activity involved, one becomes free from the results of sinful acts
- If one receives the advantage of instructions from saintly persons and forgets the importance of material desires, one is automatically purified
- If one seeks the favor of a devotee instead of directly asking favors from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one is very easily successful
- If one takes shelter of a devotee descending from the parampara system of Narada (svayambhur naradah sambhuh (SB 6.3.20)), one can then understand who is an incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If one who cannot voluntarily accept such austerity (giving up everything and going to the forest) is put into a situation of poverty, he automatically must practice austerity
- If we give up the association of sadhus, saintly persons engaged in Krsna consciousness, and associate with persons seeking sense gratification and accumulating wealth for this purpose, our life is spoiled
- If we study the history of Krsna's life, we shall find that for most of His life He predominantly engaged in killing demons one after another
- In a similar way (the father has to pinch the child while he asleep so that he can get awake to take some medicine), Narada Muni cursed Nalakuvara and Manigriva in order to cure their disease of material blindness
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.15), the distinction between Vaisnava and avaisnava is enunciated: Anyone who is not surrendered to Krsna is a most sinful person - duskrti, a rascal - mudha, and the lowest of men - naradhama
- In every state, therefore, it is ordinarily the custom that if a person commits murder he is hanged
- In our Gaudiya Vaisnava society, following in the footsteps of Rupa Gosvami, our first business is to seek shelter of a bona fide spiritual master - adau gurv-asrayah
- In the beginning it (the body) was nothing, and in the end it will be nothing. Why then should one commit sinful activities when it is manifested? It is not possible for anyone to do this unless he is rascal number one
- In the mode of passion, when one is falsely proud of wealth, one engages his wealth only for three things, namely wine, women and gambling
- In this age of Kali, human civilization is so misled that people are unnecessarily increasing in economic development, and as a result they are opening more slaughterhouses, liquor shops and brothels. In this way, the whole civilization is being spoiled
- In this age, many pseudo incarnations are advertised simply for having exhibited some magical performances, but except for persons who are servants of Narada and other servants of Krsna, no one can understand who is God and who is not
- In this connection (a poverty-stricken person getting money and being inclined to do philanthropy) there is an instructive story called punar musiko bhava, "Again Become a Mouse."
- In this verse the three words krmi-vid-bhasma are significant. After death, the body may become krmi, which means "worms," for if the body is disposed of without cremation, it may be eaten by worms; or else it may be eaten by animals be turned into stool
- Instead of trying to understand Krsna in detail, it is better to offer our respectful obeisances unto Him, for He is the origin of everything and He is everything
- It is also said in CC Madhya 19.151 - According to their karma, all living entities are wandering throughout the entire universe. Some of them are being elevated to the upper planetary systems, and some are going down into the lower planetary systems
- It is not that because one is very rich or learned or was born in an aristocratic family one will be able to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face. This is impossible
- It is now confirmed (in SB 10.10.40) by the Supreme Personality of Godhead that the curse of a devotee is also to be regarded as mercy. As Krsna, God, is all-good, a Vaisnava is also all-good. Whatever he does is good for everyone
- It is said, mahad-vicalanam nṟnam grhinam dina-cetasam (SB 10.8.4). The only business of a saintly person or sannyasi, a person in the renounced order, is to preach Krsna consciousness
- It may be argued that whereas someone may receive a sadhu with great respect, someone else may not receive a sadhu with such respect. A sadhu, however, is always equipoised toward everyone
- Krsna is in the hand of a devotee. Adurlabham atma-bhaktau. Thus without the favor of a devotee, one cannot directly approach Krsna, what to speak of engaging in His service
- Krsna recommends that one give Him patram puspam phalam toyam - a leaf, a flower, fruit or water (BG 9.26)
- Krsna says in BG 9.26: If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I will accept it
- Krsna submits to being chastised and bound by the gopis because of pure love and affection worthy of being praised by a devotee in so many ways
- Krsna was smiling because He was thinking to Himself - I have delivered two young demigods from the bondage of standing for a long time as trees, but as for Me, I am bound by the ropes of the gopis and am subject to their chastisements
- Krsna was smiling because He was thinking to Himself - These two young demigods fell from the higher planetary system to this planet, and I have delivered them from the bondage of standing for a long time as trees
- Krsna's name, attributes and form are Absolute Truth, existing before the creation. Therefore, how can those who are created - that is, those entrapped in bodies created of material elements - understand Krsna perfectly? This is not possible
- Krsna, in His full, unlimited potency, here (in SB 10.10.34-35) shows that He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Maharaja Pariksit had inquired why Narada Muni was subject to a spirit of revenge (tamah). But this was not tamah, for Narada Muni, in full knowledge of what was for the good of the 2 brothers (Nalakuvara & Manigriva), wisely thought of how to cure them
- Manusyanam sahasresu kascid yatati siddhaye. According to this verse of Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.3), there are so many siddhas or yogis who cannot understand Krsna; instead, they misunderstand Him
- Many great kings left their princely standard of living and went to the forest to practice austerity according to Vedic culture, just to become purified
- Material life means that one forgets Krsna and that one increases in one's desires for sense gratification
- Na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum (SB 7.5.31). Such a foolish person does not know how to elevate himself in this body. Instead, he indulges in sinful activities and goes deeper and deeper into hellish life
- Nalakuvara and Manigriva actually had nothing to do with devotional service or seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face, for this is not an ordinary opportunity
- Narada appeared in the garden to give the two sons of Kuvera the seed of devotional service, even though they were intoxicated
- Narada Muni considered all this (the wanting to enjoy weath, wine and women affected by the modes of passion and ignorance) in the case of Manigriva and Nalakuvara because he found in them so much pride in the wealth of their father, Kuvera
- Narada Muni indirectly gave Manigriva and Nalakuvara the greatest opportunity by his so-called curse
- Narada Muni wanted the consciousness of Nalakuvara and Manigriva to continue, so that even after being released from the life of trees, they would not forget the circumstances under which they had been punished
- Narada Muni wanted to bring Nalakuvara and Manigriva to the platform of devotional service through poverty, and thus he cursed them. Such is the mercy of a Vaisnava
- Narottama dasa Thakura sings, chadiya vaisnava-seva nistara payeche keba: unless one becomes a servant of a pure devotee, one cannot be delivered from the material condition of life
- Now (after being delivered by Krsna) they (Nalakuvara and Manigriva) admitted - Because You (Krsna) are the Supreme Person, You can do everything
- Now (after being delivered by Krsna) they (Nalakuvara and Manigriva) admitted - That we should be delivered by the blessings of Narada Muni was all Your plan. Therefore You are the supreme mystic. Everything - past, present and future - is known to You
- One should always seek the association of Vaisnavas and not spoil one's life by mixing with avaisnavas
- One should not avoid the association of Vaisnavas, which is now available all over the world in the form of the Krsna consciousness movement
- One who is in direct touch with the Supreme Personality of Godhead in devotional service remains pure, uncontaminated by material desires (anyabhilasita-sunyam jnana-karmady-anavrtam) - Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.1.11
- Out of many millions of wandering living entities, one who is very fortunate gets an opportunity to associate with a bona fide spiritual master by the grace of Krsna - CC Madhya 19.151
- People generally go to the Ganges to be purified of the effects of sinful life, but here is an example of how foolish persons enter the Ganges to become involved in sinful life. It is not that everyone becomes purified by entering the Ganges
- Persons who are too much offensive, who commit vaisnava-aparadhas, or offenses to a sadhu, will have to take some time before being rectified. This is also indicated herein - SB 10.10.41
- Pure bhakti does not depend on karma, jnana or yoga, for it simply consists of loving affairs
- Sadhus, saintly persons, want to preach to both the poor and the rich, but the poor take more advantage of the sadhus' preaching than the rich do
- Saintly persons know how to bestow mercy upon the fallen souls
- Sevonmukhe hi jihvadau svayam eva sphuraty adah: Krsna reveals Himself to those engaged in devotional service. This is also confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.55) by the Lord Himself: bhaktya mam abhijanati
- Sinful persons automatically receive punishment in different types of bodies. The root cause of the punishment is that when one unnecessarily accumulates wealth, one becomes degraded, not knowing that his wealth will be finished with his next birth
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has recommended: vaisnava thakura tomara kukkura bhuliya janaha more, krsna se tomara krsna dite para. One should desire to become like a dog in strictly following a devotee
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura gives herein a good example. When a father finds his child deeply asleep but the child has to take some medicine to cure some disease, the father pinches the child so that the child will get up and take the medicine
- Sripada Madhvacarya has quoted from the Vamana Purana as follows: rupyatvat tu jagad rupam, visnoh saksat sukhatmakam, nitya-purnam samuddistam, svarupam paramatmanah
- Such (rascals and the lowest of) men cannot understand that the events described by Vyasadeva in the puranas and other sastras are not fictitious or imaginary, but factual
- Such a proposition - yata mata, tata patha - is foolish. Krsna says, bhaktyaham ekaya grahyah - Only by executing the activities of bhakti can one understand Me - This is called anukulyena krsnanusilanam, remaining engaged favorably in the service of God
- That supreme controller is observing every bit of one's activity, and He rewards or punishes everyone by giving one a suitable body made by material nature (bhramayan sarva-bhutani yantrarudhani mayaya - BG 18.61
- The body is a manifestation of a combination of matter. In the beginning it was nothing, but by a combination of matter it has come into existence. Then again, when the combination is dismantled, the body will no longer exist
- The distinction between a pure devotee and a karma-misra devotee is this: a pure devotee does not desire anything for material enjoyment, whereas a mixed devotee becomes a devotee to become a first-class enjoyer of this material world
- The highest perfection of life is to come to the platform of devotional service and always engage in devotional activities
- The human form of body is actually meant for jivasya tattva jijnasa, enlightenment in knowledge of spiritual values
- The Krsna consciousness movement can very easily point out such foolish persons (persons who take shelter of the demigods), for they have been indicated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.15)
- The laws of nature act accordingly
- The liberation of the bhakta, which is called not just mukti but vimukti, surpasses the five other kinds of liberation - sayujya, sarupya, salokya, sarsti and samipya
- The living entities are promoted and degraded by the laws of nature, but if one is very, very fortunate, by association with saintly persons he gets the seed of devotional service, and his life becomes successful
- The lowest of men (mudhas), because of sinful activities, cannot understand this (Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead), but devotees can accept it without a doubt. Thus the position of a devotee is different from that of a nondevotee
- The more one advances in devotional activities, the more one can understand Him (Krsna) as He is
- The real business of human life is to keep oneself fit for advancement in spiritual realization
- The sadhus, saintly persons or devotees, are always harassed by nondevotees, and Krsna appears in His incarnations to give them relief. This is His first concern
- The symptoms of a sadhu are that he is tolerant, merciful and friendly to all living entities. He has no enemies, he is peaceful, he abides by the scriptures, and all his characteristics are sublime - SB 3.25.21
- The two demigods Nalakuvara and Manigriva, because of their continuing memory, could understand the supremacy of Krsna by the grace of Narada
- The word asat (from Narottama dasa Thakura's song - sat-sanga chadi' kainu asate vilasa) refers to an avaisnava, one who is not a devotee of Krsna, and sat refers to a Vaisnava, Krsna's devotee
- The word parama-kalyana is significant because Krsna, in any of His incarnations, appears in order to protect the sadhus (paritranaya sadhunam) - BG 4.8
- Then, being mad, they (those influenced by passion and ignorance involved with wine, women & gambling) maintain big slaughterhouses or occasionally go on pleasure excursions to kill animals
- There are two kinds of persons, namely the devas and the asuras. Asuras forget their relationship with Krsna (asuram bhavam asritah), whereas the devas do not forget
- There is a saying, "The happiness of wealth is enjoyable by a person who has tasted the distress of poverty."
- There is also another common saying, vandhya ki bujhibe prasava-vedana: "A woman who has not given birth to a child cannot understand the pain of childbirth."
- There is no difficulty in finding out who is a third-class or fourth-class man, for one's position can be understood simply by this crucial test: is he or is he not a devotee of Krsna?
- Therefore human life is meant for subduing the modes of passion and ignorance and advancing in the mode of goodness
- Therefore the Isopanisad instructs, tena tyaktena bhunjithah: one should eat whatever is allotted for human beings (ISO 1)
- Therefore, if one is very much proud of his material position, putting him into poverty is the best way to rectify his foolishness
- Therefore, one must seek shelter of a bona fide spiritual master. Tasmad gurum prapadyeta: one must approach a guru
- They (Nalakuvara and Manigriva) admitted - Your (Krsns's) plan was made so nicely that although we stayed here (in Vrndavana) as twin arjuna trees, You have appeared as a small boy to deliver us. This was all Your inconceivable arrangement
- This (SB 10.10.27) is the pastime of Krsna known as damodara-lila. Therefore another of Krsna's names is Damodara. As stated in the Hari-vamsa: sa ca tenaiva namna tu, krsno vai dama-bandhanat, gosthe damodara iti, gopibhih parigiyate
- This is culture: one must subdue the modes of passion and ignorance
- This verse (SB 10.10.2-3) mentions some of the material advantages afforded to persons associated with or devoted to Lord Siva. Apart from Lord Siva, if one is a devotee of any other demigod, one receives some material advantages
- This was his (Narada) actual experience (being poverty-stricken and then becoming exalted Muni by sadhu sanga). Therefore, he is now comparing the position of a poor man with that of a rich man
- Those who are more civilized burn the dead body, and thus it becomes ashes (bhasma-samjnitam)
- Those who are not devotees of Krsna have a taste for women, wine and so forth, and therefore they have been described as hrta jnana, bereft of sense
- Thus the curse (that Narada placed on the sons of Kuvera) was ultimately auspicious and brilliant. One has to judge what kind of curse Narada placed upon them
- To bestow upon them (Nalakuvara and Manigriva) special favor, Narada Muni arranged things in such a way that after being released, they would be able to see Krsna in Vrndavana and thus revive their dormant bhakti
- Understanding this (to always engage in devotional activities is the highest perfection of life), Nalakuvara & Manigriva desired to attain that platform, and the Supreme Personality of God blessed them with the fulfillment of their transcendental desire
- Unfortunate, less intelligent persons, bereft of devotional service, cannot understand the Lord's activities, & therefore such persons describe these activities as kalpana-mythology or imagination-because they are rascals and the lowest of men - BG 7.15
- Unless delivered or blessed by a devotee, one cannot realize that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Unless one approaches a spiritual master, one remains in ignorance
- Unless one comes to the platform of actual experience, one cannot realize what is pain and what is happiness in this material world
- Unless one is brought to the Vaisnava platform, one cannot be a good man. Harav abhaktasya kuto mahad-gunah (SB 5.18.12)
- Vaisnavas are always situated on the transcendental platform, the Brahman platform. They cannot be subject to mistakes or the influence of the modes of material nature
- Vaisnavas are good physicians. They know how to protect a person from material disease. Thus they are never in tamo-guna. Sa gunan samatityaitan brahma-bhuyaya kalpate - BG 14.26
- We can actually see, especially in this age, that those who have unnecessary riches simply try to enjoy these three things (wine, women & wealth). In Western civilization, these three things are very prominent because of an unnecessary increase of wealth
- We cannot manufacture our own way of understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for it is not that everything one manufactures or concocts will lead to understanding God
- Whatever they (Vaisnavas) do, after full consideration, is meant just to lead everyone back home, back to Godhead
- When a sadhu chastises or punishes someone, he does not do so for revenge
- When one is conducted by rajo-guna and tamo-guna, one does not care about anything; instead, one acts like an ordinary foolish animal, risking his life (mrtyu-samsara-vartmani (BG 9.3)) and therefore continuing to go through suffering after suffering
- When the modes of passion and ignorance increase in human society, giving rise to unnecessary economic development, the result is that people become involved with wine, women and gambling
- When the mouse became a cat, he was harassed by a dog, and then when he became a dog, he was harassed by a tiger
- Wherever Narada Muni goes, any moment at which he appears is understood to be extremely auspicious
- Who is a guru? Sabde pare ca nisnatam (SB 11.3.21): a guru is one who has full transcendental knowledge
- Why are devotees of the demigods greater in number than the Vaisnavas? The answer is given herein (SB 10.10.2-3). Vaisnavas are not interested in such fourth-class pleasures as wine and women, nor does Krsna allow them such facilities